842 resultados para Michel Foucault. Sociology. Domination. Power. Social theory. Subject


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In this master s thesis I intend to carry out an interpretation of Michel Foucault s thought that points out the relations and theoretical, conceptual and thematic consequences with sociology in his work and theoretical propositions. For my argumentation and analysis I take as a base a specific part of his thought: the problem of domination in modern societies in the genealogic texts in the decade of 1970. It s about to identify how Foucault does his analysis of the relations of domination and the use of the power with the objective to suggest and point out his contribution to sociological analysis of domination. I will discuss the foucaultian program of the study of domination from four units of analysis: person constitution, knowledge, power and truth. The structure and division of the chapters will follow the specific and detailed study of each of those units of analysis, prioritizing their theoretical sense and consequences to the sociology. Thus, in the first chapter, I will highlight a little more the relations of affinity and the convergences between Foucault and the sociology in a way to offer more elements to justify the general objectives that this work intends to achieve. In the second chapter, I will analyze the subject of domination in Foucault s thought, discussing his basic presuppositions and its intrinsic relation with the heart of the foucaultian philosophical project, the person constitution. In turn, in the third and fourth chapter, I will discuss the interdependence between knowledge and power as an essential and opaque dimension of the ways of modern domination. In the fifth chapter, I will analyze the relation between domination and the truth discourse production


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The modern subject is what we can call a self-subjecting individual. This is someone in whose inner reality has been implanted a more permanent governability, a governability that works inside the agent. Michel Foucault s genealogy of the modern subject is the history of its constitution by power practices. By a flight of imagination, suppose that this history is not an evolving social structure or cultural phenomenon, but one of those insects (moth) whose life cycle consists of three stages or moments: crawling larva, encapsulated pupa, and flying adult. Foucault s history of power-practices presents the same kind of miracle of total metamorphosis. The main forces in the general field of power can be apprehended through a generalisation of three rationalities functioning side-by-side in the plurality of different practices of power: domination, normalisation and the law. Domination is a force functioning by the rationality of reason of state: the state s essence is power, power is firm domination over people, and people are the state s resource by which the state s strength is measured. Normalisation is a force that takes hold on people from the inside of society: it imposes society s own reality its empirical verity as a norm on people through silently working jurisdictional operations that exclude pathological individuals too far from the average of the population as a whole. The law is a counterforce to both domination and normalisation. Accounting for elements of legal practice as omnihistorical is not possible without a view of the general field of power. Without this view, and only in terms of the operations and tactical manoeuvres of the practice of law, nothing of the kind can be seen: the only thing that practice manifests is constant change itself. However, the backdrop of law s tacit dimension that is, the power-relations between law, domination and normalisation allows one to see more. In the general field of power, the function of law is exactly to maintain the constant possibility of change. Whereas domination and normalisation would stabilise society, the law makes it move. The European individual has a reality as a problem. What is a problem? A problem is something that allows entry into the field of thought, said Foucault. To be a problem, it is necessary for certain number of factors to have made it uncertain, to have made it lose familiarity, or to have provoked a certain number of difficulties around it . Entering the field of thought through problematisations of the European individual human forms, power and knowledge one is able to glimpse the historical backgrounds of our present being. These were produced, and then again buried, in intersections between practices of power and games of truth. In the problem of the European individual one has suitable circumstances that bring to light forces that have passed through the individual through centuries.


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This present research aims to understand the concept of homosexuality as a social creation that comes permeated by the discourses of sexuality devices. It discusses the issue of homosexuality with a focus on works of Michel Foucault, in special The History of Sexuality, where the author emphasizes that homosexuality as a social construct that manifests itself during the nineteenth century. From the Foucauldian discourse, it is proposed to understand and analyze the creation of the concept of homosexuality, which is built around the subordination of the individual as a social agent, or the creation of homosexuality does not refer to sexual intercourse between individuals of the same sex, but a social subject and the position it takes in society. So along with the birth of the homosexual individual, there is also the construction of the individual as a social subject, as being, homosexuality and homosexual subject are products of overlapping powerculture. When addressing this theme, it breaks the hegemony that seeks to characterize naturalized of sexuality and, consequently, homosexuality, born with the original speeches on medical and psychiatric couches, in which one perceives the role of power in the discourses deploying the truths aimed at sexuality. With this, there has been an argument that seeks to refute the eugenics that includes sexuality as something natural, instituting a homosexual as a guy born hostage to a bad genetic and abnormal who should be treated for their disease, and understand this individual as a product of social discourse


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The aim of this article is to provide an exploration how the work of two theorists with notably different stances could be used effectively to enhance critical research methods in relation to the history of child welfare social work. The design and implementation of child welfare policies, practices and discourses could considerably benefit from a more historically well grounded scholarship that enables actors to connect their present concerns with the broader historical dynamics of social regulation. The article reports on how the work of Michel Foucault and Dorothy E. Smith might be considered in parallel as two different perspectives to the same scene in time and place. The differences and similarities in their approaches are explored with an emphasis on concepts most relevant to researching child welfare archives including discourse, text, the subject and power-knowledge. The article concludes with a commentary on further development to take forward this methodological analysis.


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Neo-liberalism has become one of the boom concepts of our time. From its original reference point as a descriptor of the economics of the “Chicago School” such as Milton Friedman, or authors such as Friedrich von Hayek, neo-liberalism has become an all-purpose descriptor and explanatory device for phenomena as diverse as Bollywood weddings, standardized testing in schools, violence in Australian cinema, and the digitization of content in public libraries. Moreover, it has become an entirely pejorative term: no-one refers to their own views as “neo-liberal”, but it rather refers to the erroneous views held by others, whether they acknowledge this or not. Neo-liberalism as it has come to be used, then, bears many of the hallmarks of a dominant ideology theory in the classical Marxist sense, even if it is often not explored in these terms. This presentation will take the opportunity provided by the English language publication of Michel Foucaults 1978-79 lectures, under the title of The Birth of Biopolitics, to consider how he used the term neo-liberalism, and how this equates with its current uses in critical social and cultural theory. It will be argued that Foucault did not understand neo-liberalism as a dominant ideology in these lectures, but rather as marking a point of inflection in the historical evolution of liberal political philosophies of government. It will also be argued that his interpretation of neo-liberalism was more nuanced and more comparative than the more recent uses of Foucault in the literature on neo-liberalism. It will also look at how Foucault develops comparative historical models of liberal capitalism in The Birth of Biopolitics, arguing that this dimension of his work has been lost in more recent interpretations, which tend to retro-fit Foucault to contemporary critiques of either U.S. neo-conservatism or the “Third Way” of Tony Blair’s New Labour in the UK.


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Neo-liberalism has become one of the boom concepts of our time. From its original reference point as a descriptor of the economics of the ‘Chicago School’ or authors such as Friedrich von Hayek, neo-liberalism has become an all-purpose concept, explanatory device and basis for social critique. This presentation evaluates Michel Foucaults 1978–79 lectures, published as The Birth of Biopolitics, to consider how he used the term neo-liberalism, and how this equates with its current uses in critical social and cultural theory. It will be argued that Foucault did not understand neo-liberalism as a dominant ideology in these lectures, but rather as marking a point of inflection in the historical evolution of liberal political philosophies of government. It will also be argued that his interpretation of neo-liberalism was more nuanced and more comparative than more recent contributions. The article points towards an attempt to theorize comparative historical models of liberal capitalism.


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Como compreender a constituição do sujeito em uma obra que tantas vezes modificou seu trajeto, abordou campos problemáticos bastante diversos, utilizou metodologias tão distintas? Onde reside o ponto de inflexão que cria o sujeito em toda experiência? Estaria ele na linguagem, nos saberes e suas práticas discursivas? Ou seria melhor buscarmos o sujeito nas relações de poder que o constituem? Haveria espaço para práticas de liberdade em um exercício ativo de subjetivação? Partindo dessas questões buscamos apresentar a obra de Foucault como um corpo coerente, apesar de suas diferentes modificações de percurso. Ao buscarmos o sujeito em sua filosofia, o que obtemos é um projeto filosófico baseado nas noções de experiência e de prática, no qual o mundo é pensado como produção, e onde qualquer sujeito e objeto não passam de modulações: figuras gêmeas que nascem como imagens efêmeras em um caleidoscópio. A filosofia de Foucault, portanto, é uma filosofia notadamente empirista, que busca o sujeito em um campo de imanência, em um jogo de relações que o constituirão como correlato subjetivo da experiência. Esta busca empirista é o que se sobressai em sua obra, seja em suas análises sobre os discursos e saberes, sobre a produção artística em geral e literária em especial, sobre as relações de poder, ou sobre a dimensão ética que aponta o exato lugar onde o sujeito é convocado, pelas formas históricas da moral, a tomar parte na própria produção de si.


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A proposta deste trabalho consiste, primeiramente, em apresentar o pensamento de Michel Foucault quanto à instauração e existência da sociedade disciplinar. Apresenta ainda, inspirado na visão foucaultiana, uma análise do funcionamento de duas escolas públicas do 1o grau, a partir de alguns documentos. Tal análise pretende tornar explícitos os mecanismos e instrumentos da disciplina nas relações entre os elementos da escola, enfocando especialmente o papel do professor. Procuramos descrever a visão foucaultiana sobre a sociedade disciplinar, tomando seus estudos sobre as formas anteriores à disciplina, para melhor compreendêla. Tais objetivos foram determinados, portanto, pela necessidade de verificar a viabilidade de uma análise da complexa rede de produção de relações de poder na escola. Foi possível verificar a existência de um comprometimento dos atores da escola, na produção dos conhecimentos e das verdades que se fazem necessários à manutenção da ordem instaurada. Comprometimento este que se percebe na prática escolar, pelo uso de procedimentos que visam o alcance e continuidade dos efeitos de poder que essas relações trazem. O atendimento a mecanismos de controle que asseguram a função normalizadora da disciplina escolar, pode ser verificado na atribuição de papéis funcionais a cada profissional e, dentre estes, o professor. Ressalta-se, no entanto, os estreitos limites do campo de análise aqui utilizado, o que deixa antever as vantagens de utilização deste estudo a um universo de pesquisa mais abrangente, a fim de verificar o grau de generalidade das afirmações aqui contidas, a partir deste estudo particular.


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A proposta deste trabalho consiste, primeiramente, em apresentar o pensamento de Michel Foucault quanto à instauração e existência da sociedade disciplinar. Apresenta ainda, inspirado na visão foucaultiana, uma análise do funcionamento de duas escolas públicas do lo grau, a partir de alguns documentos. Tal análise pretende tornar explícitos os mecanismos e instrumentos da disciplina nas relações entre os elementos da escola, enfocando especialmente o papel do professor. Procuramos descrever a visão foucaultiana sobre a sociedade disciplinar, tomando seus estudos sobre as formas anteriores à disciplina, para melhor compreendê-la. Tais objetivos foram determinados, portanto, pela necessidade de verificar a viabilidade de uma análise da complexa rede de produção de relações de poder na escola. Foi possível verificar a existência de um comprometimento dos atores da escola, na produção dos co nhecimentos e das verdades que se fazem necessários à manutenção da ordem instaurada. Comprometimento este que se percebe na prática escolar, pelo uso de procedimentos que visam o alcance e continuidade dos efeitos de poder que essas relações trazem. O atendimento a mecanismos de controle que asseguram a função normalizadora da disciplina escolar, pode ser verificado na atribuição de papéis funcionais a cada profissional e, dentre estes, o professor. Ressalta-se, no entanto, os estreitos limites do campo de análise aqui utilizado, o que deixa antever as vantagens de utilização deste estudo a um universo de pesquisa mais abrangente, a fim de verificar o grau de generalidade das afirmações aqui contidas, a partir deste estudo particular.


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The leitmotif of this dissertation research is on the relationship between two fields of questioning in the Foucauldian works that may be considered, at a first glance, irreconcilable: the understanding of subject as the result of determinations, on the one hand, and its ethical stance of seeking the creation of liberty, on the other. Since, despite this apparent inconsistency, both ideas are present with much emphasis on the work of the French thinker, to understand the way Foucault articulated these two ideas was necessary to elucidate and interrelate the way in which he thought about the concepts of subject, power and liberty. Traveling with the author his intellectual itinerary, it was revealed that his conception of subject and liberty can be reconciled (although maintaining its problematic nature) and, also, both are inextricably linked each one as a result of the other. Tracing, with the author, his intellectual itinerary, it was also possible to identify and describe the fruitful conceptual tools for thinking about our own determinations and about the possibilities we have of creating new subjectivities and liberating experiences


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)