7 resultados para Methodics


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A 181 m deep ice core drilled in 1994/95 on the south dome of Berkner Island, Antarctica, was analyzed for stable isotopes, major ions and microparticle concentrations. Samples for ion chromatography were prepared by using a novel technique of filling decontaminated sample from a device for continuous ice-core melting directly into the sample vials. The core was dated through identification of volcanic horizons and interpolative layer counting. The core, together with a similar core from the north dome, reveals a 1000 year history of relatively stable climate. Temporal variations in the two cores deviate from each other owing to changing patterns of regional-scale circulation; the best correspondence between them is found for MSA-. delta18O, accumulation rate and a sea-salt proxy show only negligible correlation, which suggests a complex meteorological setting. Increasing annual accumulation is observed for the last 100 years. A period of increased sea-salt concentrations started around AD 1405, as has also been observed in other cores. Microparticle concentrations are on average 1220 particles (>=1.0 ?m diameter)/mL; they are enhanced from AD 1200 to 1350, possibly because of a higher atmospheric mineral dust load or because local volcanic activity was stronger than previously thought. Microparticles and NH4+show marked but multiple and very irregular sub-annual peaks; long-term stacking of 1 year data intervals yields seasonal maxima in austral spring or mid-summer, respectively. Post-depositional redistribution was observed for MSA, NO3- and F- at volcanic horizons.


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The results from the international surveys PISA 2011 and PIRLS 2011 shows that Swedish students have been deteriorating in reading comprehension. The main purpose of this literature study was to do a research review over different methods that intend to increase students’ reading comprehension by including students’ background knowledge. The method that is applied is a systematic literature study. The result of the study shows two bigger specializations of teaching methodics within reading comprehension, strategy oriented, and contextual teaching methods. The difference between these methods is hardly worth mentioning, but the contextual method is proven to be more efficient. Despite this the strategy oriented teaching method is to a great extent more researched. The result also shows that a new orientation within the research of reading comprehension is growing, where the focus is on the teachers’ knowledge and competence, instead of on teaching methods. A conclusion of the study is that all teaching methods that have been presented in the study develop the students’ reading comprehension in an effective way. It is also shown that the teacher has a big responsibility for the development within students’ reading comprehension.


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In dem Aufsatz werden ausgewählte Ergebnisse aus einem Projekt der qualitativ-empirischen Unterrichtsforschung berichtet, in dem Unterricht zu Themen des Lernbereichs Globale Entwicklung untersucht wurde. Der Fokus des Beitrags liegt auf der Frage, wie Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Handlungsaufforderungen umgehen, die in Lehr-Lernarrangements des Globalen Lernens kommuniziert werden. Beispielhaft werden die Interpretationen von Sequenzen aus dem Unterricht vorgestellt, in denen unterschiedliche Formen des Umgangs mit Handlungsaufforderungen rekonstruiert wurden: die Reflexion über das Nicht-Handeln und die Reflexion über Handlungsaufforderungen als politisches Thema. Dabei kann gezeigt werden, wie Wissen und Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern in didaktisch unterschiedlich strukturierten Lehr-Lernarrangements angeeignet werden. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Der folgende Beitrag beschreibt am Beispiel einer akademischen Begegnung mit Israelis und Palästinensern Dialogarbeit zur Überwindung von Vorurteilen und Feindbildern. Durch solche Begegnungen können monolithische Schwarz-Weiß-Denkstrukturen überwunden werden. Das Zuhören beim Erzählen persönlicher Lebensgeschichten kann Empathie auslösen und eigene monolithische "Narrative" in Frage stellen. Beim didaktischen Konzept solcher Dialogprozesse ist auf den Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit besonderer Wert zu legen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Integracja metod tradycyjnych z podejściem innowacyjnym w edukacji wywołuje zjawisko synergii, zwiększające efektywność. Obok asymilacji i akomodacji wiedzy niezbędne są procesy konstruowania i waloryzacji. W formowaniu kompetencji programistycznych szczególną rolę odgrywa podejście responsywne (tj. interakcja uwrażliwiona na potrzeby uczącego się), a w fazie realizacyjnej - immersja (tj. całkowite zanurzenie się ucznia w czynnościach koncepcyjnych i twórczych).


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Storytelling as a teaching method in the music classroom can no longer be found in repertoires of music teaching methods, even though stories are still being told in music lessons nowadays and storytelling has a long teaching tradition. Numerous sources of the late 18th century and beyond account for different kinds of storytelling in the German music classroom. They have systematically been analysed with regard to certain aspects and teaching patterns. In this way the present study takes account of a decades- old demand within the discipline of historical music pedagogical research, which has postulated a structural historiography. Starting with a reflection of the historiographical research method the author finally illustrates the benefits of combining historical classroom research and the research of current teaching practices. (DIPF/Orig.)