1000 resultados para Metallic Nanowires


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By modifying the electrodeposition technique, we have stabilized the silver nanowires (AgNWs) in high-energy hexagonal closed packed (hcp)structure. The conductivity noise measurements show that the noise magnitude in hcp silver nanowires is several orders of magnitude smaller than that of face centered cubic (fcc) silver nanowires, which is obtained by standard over potential lectrodeposition (OPD)technique. The reduction of noise can be attributed to the restricted dislocation dynamics in hcp AgNWs due to the presence of less number of slip systems. Temperature dependent noise measurements show that the noise magnitude in hcp AgNWs is weakly temperature dependent while in fcc AgNWs it is strong function of temperature.


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Using molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the mechanical deformation behaviors of single-crystalline nickel nanowires are quite different from their bulk counterparts. Correlation between the obtained stress-strain curves and the visualized defect evolution during deformation processes clearly demonstrates that a sequence of complex dislocation slip events results in a state of dislocation starvation, involving the nucleation and propagation of dislocations until they finally escape from the wires, so that the wires deform elastically until new dislocations are generated. (C) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The shape of metallic constrictions of nanoscopic dimensions (necks) formed using a scanning tunneling microscope is shown to depend on the fabrication procedure. Submitting the neck to repeated plastic deformation cycles makes it possible to obtain long necks or nanowires. Point-contact spectroscopy results show that these long necks are quite crystalline, indicating that the repeated cycles of plastic deformation act as a “mechanical annealing” of the neck.


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This thesis studies the adsorption of molecules with different binding strengths onto copper nanowires with prestabilized conductance values fabricated by an electrochemical method. Since the diameters of these wires are comparable to the wavelength of conduction electrons the conductance of the nanowires is quantized, and the adsorption of even a few molecules onto atomically thin wires changes the conductance from integer values to fractional ones. These changes are proportional to the binding strength of the adsorbed molecules. The decrease in conductance is hypothesized to be caused by the scattering of the conduction electrons by the adsorbed molecules. The sensitivity of molecular adsorption-induced conductance change can be used for the development of a chemical sensor. The stabilized copper nanowires obtained in this thesis may also be used for other purposes, such as interconnecting conductors between nanodevices and digital switches in functional nanoelectronic circuitry.


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We demonstrate that commonly face-centered cubic (fcc) metallic nanowires can be stabilized in hexagonal structures even when their surface energy contribution is relatively small. With a modified electrochemical growth process, we have grown purely single-crystalline 4H silver nanowires (AgNWs) of diameters as large as 100 nm within nanoporous anodic alumina and polycarbonate templates. The growth process is not limited by the/Ag Nernst equilibrium potential, and time-resolved imaging with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates a kinematically new mechanism of nanowire growth. Most importantly, our experiments aim to separate the effects of confinement and growth conditions on the crystal structure of nanoscale systems.


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Atomistic simulation of Ag, Al, Au, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt FCC metallic nanowires show a universal FCC -> HCP phase transformation below a critical cross-sectional size, which is reported for the first time in this paper. The newly observed HCP structure is also confirmed from previous experimental results. Above the critical cross-sectional size, initial < 100 >/{100} FCC metallic nanowires are found to be metastable. External thermal heating shows the transformation of metastable < 100 >/{100} FCC nanowires into < 110 >/{111} stable configuration. Size dependent metastability/instability is also correlated with initial residual stresses of the nanowire by use of molecular static simulation using the conjugant gradient method at a temperature of 0 K. It is found that a smaller cross-sectional dimension of an initial FCC nanowire shows instability due to higher initial residual stresses, and the nanowire is transformed into the novel HCP structure. The initial residual stress shows reduction with an increase in the cross-sectional size of the nanowires. A size dependent critical temperature is also reported for metastable FCC nanowires using molecular dynamic, to capture the < 110 >/{111} to < 100 >/{100} shape memory and pseudoelasticity.


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Atomistic simulation of initial < 100 > oriented FCC Cu nanowires shows a novel coupled temperature-pressure dependent reorientation from < 100 > to < 110 > phase. A temperature-pressure-induced solid-solid < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation diagram is generated for Cu nanowire with varying cross-sectional sizes. A critical pressure is reported for Cu nanowires with varying cross-sectional sizes, above which an initial < 100 > oriented nanowire shows temperature independent reorientation into the < 110 > phase. The effect of surface stresses on the < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation is also studied. The results indicate that above a critical cross-sectional size for a given temperature-pressure, < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation is not possible. It is also reported here that for a given applied pressure, an increase in temperature is required for the < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation with increasing cross-sectional size of the nanowire. The temperature-pressure-induced solid-solid < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation diagram reported in the present paper could further be used as guidelines for controlling the reorientations/shape memory in nano-scale applications of FCC metallic nanowires.


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Metallic nanowires have many attractive properties such as ultra-high yield strength and large tensile elongation. However, recent experiments show that metallic nanowires often contain grain boundaries, which are expected to significantly affect mechanical properties. By using molecular dynamics simulations, here, we demonstrate that polycrystalline Cu nanowires exhibit tensile deformation behavior distinctly different from their single-crystal counterparts. A significantly lowered yield strength was observed as a result of dislocation emission from grain boundaries rather than from free surfaces, despite of the very high surface to volume ratio. Necking starts from the grain boundary followed by fracture, resulting in reduced tensile ductility. The high stresses found in the grain boundary region clearly play a dominant role in controlling both inelastic deformation and fracture processes in nanoscale objects. These findings have implications for designing stronger and more ductile structures and devices on nanoscale.


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The fact that the resistance of propagating electrons in solids depends on their spin orientation has led to a new field called spintronics. With the parallel advances in nanoscience, it is now possible to talk about nanospintronics. Many works have focused on the study of charge transport along nanosystems, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbons, or metallic nanowires, and spin dependent transport properties at this scale may lead to new behaviors due to the manipulation of a small number of spins. Metal nanowires have been studied as electric contacts where atomic and molecular insertions can be constructed. Here we describe what might be considered the ultimate spin device, namely, a Au thin nanowire with one Co atom bridging its two sides. We show that this system has strong spin dependent transport properties and that its local symmetry can dramatically change them, leading to a significant spin polarized conductance.


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We describe a simple and efficient strategy to fabricate enzymatic devices based on the deposition of glucose oxidase on aligned and highly oriented CoNiMo metallic nanowires. CoNiMo nanowires with an average diameter of 200 nm and length of 50 mu m were electrodeposited on Au-covered alumina substrates via electrodeposition, using alumina membranes as templates. Enzyme-modified electrodes were fabricated via enzyme immobilization using a cross-linker. To minimize nonspecific reactions in the presence of interfering agents, a permselective membrane composed of poly(vinylsulfonic acid) and polyamidoamine dendrimer was deposited via electrostatic interaction. The formation of hydrogen peroxide as a product of the enzymatic reaction was monitored at low overpotential, 0.0 V (vs Ag/AgCl). The detection limit was estimated at 22 mu M under an applied potential of 0.0 V. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant determined from the Lineweaver-Burke plot was 2 mM.


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We present and discuss an algorithm to identify and characterize the long icosahedral structures (staggered pentagonal nanowires with 1-5-1-5 atomic structure) that appear in Molecular Dynamics simulations of metallic nanowires of different species subjected to stretching. The use of this algorithm allows the identification of pentagonal rings forming the icosahedral structure as well as the determination of its number np , and the maximum length of the pentagonal nanowire Lpm. The algorithm is tested with some ideal structures to show its ability to discriminate between pentagonal rings and other ring structures. We applied the algorithm to Ni nanowires with temperatures ranging between 4K and 865K, stretched along the [111], [100] and [110] directions. We studied statistically the formation of pentagonal nanowires obtaining the distributions of length Lpm and number of rings np as function of the temperature. The Lpm distribution presents a peaked shape, with peaks located at fixed distances whose separation corresponds to the distance between two consecutive pentagonal rings.


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We present the analysis of uniaxial deformation of nickel nanowires using molecular dynamics simulations, and address the strain rate effects on mechanical responses and deformation behavior. The applied strain rate is ranging from 1 x 10(8) s(-1) to 1.4 x 10(11) s(-1). The results show that two critical strain rates, i.e., 5 x 10(9) s(-1) and 8 x 10(10) s(-1), are observed to play a pivotal role in switching between plastic deformation modes. At strain rate below 5 x 10(9) s(-1), Ni nanowire maintains its crystalline structure with neck occurring at the end of loading, and the plastic deformation is characterized by {111} slippages associated with Shockley partial dislocations and rearrangements of atoms close to necking region. At strain rate above 8x10(10) s(-1), Ni nanowire transforms from a fcc crystal into a completely amorphous state once beyond the yield point, and hereafter it deforms uniformly without obvious necking until the end of simulation. For strain rate between 5 x 10(9) s(-1) and 8 x 10(10) s(-1), only part of the nanowire exhibits amorphous state after yielding while the other part remains crystalline state. Both the {111} slippages in ordered region and homogenous deformation in amorphous region contribute to the plastic deformation. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The fabrication of high current density nanofilament cathodes for microwave amplifiers was discussed. Metallic nanowires grown on silicon wafers and carbon nanotubes/nanofibers grown by catalytic plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) were the two types of nanofilament arrays analyzed as cathodes materials. It was observed that the arrays of 5.8 μm height and 50 nm diameter carbon nanotubes exhibited geometrical enhancement factor of 240+-7.5%. The results show that carbon nanotubes/nanofibers arrays are best suited for nanofilament cathodes.


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We revisit the problem of forces on atoms under current in nanoscale conductors. We derive and discuss the five principal kinds of force under steady-state conditions from a simple standpoint that—with the help of background literature—should be accessible to physics undergraduates. The discussion aims at combining methodology with an emphasis on the underlying physics through examples. We discuss and compare two forces present only under current—the non-conservative electron wind force and a Lorentz-like velocity-dependent force. It is shown that in metallic nanowires both display significant features at the wire surface, making it a candidate for the nucleation of current-driven structural transformations and failure. Finally we discuss the problem of force noise and the limitations of Ehrenfest dynamics


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Long metallic nanowires combine crucial factors for nonconservative current-driven atomic motion. These systems have degenerate vibrational frequencies, clustered about a Kohn anomaly in the dispersion relation, that can couple under current to form nonequilibrium modes of motion growing exponentially in time. Such motion is made possible by nonconservative current-induced forces on atoms, and we refer to it generically as the waterwheel effect. Here the connection between the waterwheel effect and the stimulated directional emission of phonons propagating along the electron flow is discussed in an intuitive manner. Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics show that waterwheel modes self-regulate by reducing the current and by populating modes in nearby frequency, leading to a dynamical steady state in which nonconservative forces are counter-balanced by the electronic friction. The waterwheel effect can be described by an appropriate effective nonequilibrium dynamical response matrix. We show that the current-induced parts of this matrix in metallic systems are long-ranged, especially at low bias. This nonlocality is essential for the characterisation of nonconservative atomic dynamics under current beyond the nanoscale.