999 resultados para Metal halides.


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Ab initio MO calculations are performed on a series of ion-molecular and ion pair-molecular complexes of H2O + MX (MX = LiF, LiCl, NaCl, BeO and MgO) systems. BSSE-corrected stabilization energies, optimized geometrical parameters, internal force constants and harmonic vibrational frequencies have been evaluated for all the structures of interest. The trends observed in the geometrical parameters and other properties calculated for the mono-hydrated contact ion pair complexes parallel those computed for the complexes of the individual ions. The bifurcated structures are found to be saddle points with an imaginary frequency corresponding to the rocking mode of water molecules. The solvent-shared ion pair complexes have high interaction energies. Trends in the internal force constant and harmonic frequency values are discussed in terms of ion-molecular and ion-pair molecular interactions.


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Titanocene metallacyclobutanes show a wide variety of reactivites with organic and inorganic reagents. Their reactions include methylene transfer to organic carbonyls, formation of enolates, electron transfer from activated alkyl chlorides, olefin metathesis, ring opening polymerization. Recently, preparations of heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes were reported. In this thesis, mechanistic, synthetic, and structural studies of the heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes will be described. Also, the reaction of titanocene methylidene trimethylphosphine complex with alkene sulfide and styrene sulfide will be presented.

Heterobinuclear µ-methylene-µ-methyl complexes C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_2)( µ-CH_3)M(1,5-COD) have been prepared (M = Rh, Ir). X-ray crystallography showed that the methyl group of the complex was bonded to the rhodium and bridges to the titanium through an agostic bond. The ^(1)H,^(13)CNMR, IR spectra along with partial deuteration studies supported the structure in both solution and solid state. Activation of the agostic bond is demonstrated by the equilibration of the µ-CH_3 and µ-CH_2 groups. A nonlinear Arrhenius plot, an unusually large kinetic isotope effect (24(5)), and a large negative activation entropy (-64(3)eu) can be explained by the quantum-mechanical tunneling. Calculated rate constants with Bell-type barrier fitted well with the observed one. This equilibration was best explained by a 4e-4c mechanism (or σ bond metathesis) with the character of quantum-mechanical tunneling.

Heterobinuclear µ-methylene-µ-phenyl complexes were synthesized. Structural study of C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ-p-Me_(2)NC_(6)H_(4))Rh(l,5-COD) showed that the two metal atoms are bridged by the methylene carbon and the ipso carbon of the p-N,N-dimethylarninophenyl group. The analogous structure of C_(p2))Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ-o-MeOC_(6)H_(4))Rh(1,5-COD) has been verified by the differential NOE. The aromaticity of the phenyl group observed by ^(1)H NMR, was confirmed by the comparison of the C-C bond lengths in the crystallographic structure. The unusual downfield shifts of the ipso carbon in the ^(13)C NMR are assumed to be an indication of the interaction between the ipso carbon and electron-deficient titanium.

Titanium-platinum heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ -X)Pt(Me)(PM_(2)Ph) have been prepared (X= Cl, Me). Structural studies indicate the following:(1) the Ti-CH2 bond possesses residual double bond character, (2) there is a dative Pt→Ti interaction which may be regarded as a π back donation from the platinum atom to the 'Ti=CH_(2)'' group, and (3) the µ-CH_3 group is bound to the titanium atom through a three-center, two-electron agostic bond.

Titanocene (η^(2)-thioformaldehyde)•PMe_3 was prepared from C_(p2)Ti=CH_(2)•PMe_3 and sulfur-containing organic compounds (e.g. alkene sulfide, triphenylphosphine sulfide) including elemental sulfur. Mechanistic studies utilizing trans-styrene sulfide-d_1 suggested the stepwise reaction to explain equimolar mixture of trans- and cis-styrene-d_1 as by-products. The product reacted with methyl iodide to produce cationic titanocene (η_(2)-thiomethoxymethyl) complex. Complexes having less coordinating anion like BF_4 or BPh_4 could be obtained through metathesis. Together with structural analyses, the further reactivities of the complexes have been explored.

The complex C_(p2)TiOCH_(2)CH(Ph)CH_2 was prepared from the compound C_(p2)Ti=CH_(2)-PMe_3 and styrene oxide. The product was characterized with ^(1)H-^(1)H correlated 2-dimensional NMR, selective decoupling of ^(1)H NMR, and differential NOE. Stereospecificity of deuterium in the product was lost when trans-styrene oxide-d_1 was allowed to react. Relative rates of the reaction were measured with varying substituents on the phenyl ring. Better linearity (r = -0.98, p^(+) = -0.79) was observed with σ_(p)^(+)than σ(r = -0.87, p = -1.26). The small magnitude of p^+ value and stereospecificity loss during the formation of product were best explained by the generation of biradicals, but partial generation of charge cannot be excluded. Carbonylation of the product followed by exposure to iodine yields the corresponding β-phenyl γ-lactone.


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The reactions of the low-temperature polymorph of copper(I) cyanide (LT-CuCN) with concentrated aqueous alkali-metal halide solutions have been investigated. At room temperature, KX (X = Br and I) and CsX (X = Cl, Br, and I) produce the addition products K[Cu-2(CN)(2)Br](H2O)-H-. (I), K-3[Cu-6(CN)(6)I-3](.)2H(2)O (II), Cs[Cu-3(CN)(3)Cl] (III), Cs[Cu-3(CN)(3)Br] (IV), and Cs-2[Cu-4(CN)(4)I-2](H2O)-H-. (V), with 3-D frameworks in which the -(CuCN)- chains present in CuCN persist. No reaction occurs, however, with NaX (X = Cl, Br, I) or KCl. The addition compounds, I-V, reconvert to CuCN when washed. Both low- and high-temperature polymorphs of CuCN (LT- and HT-CuCN) are produced, except in the case of Cs[Cu-3(CN)(3)Cl] (III), which converts only to LT-CuCN. Heating similar AX-CuCN reaction mixtures under hydrothermal conditions at 453 K for 1 day produces single crystals of I-V suitable for structure determination. Under these more forcing conditions, reactions also occur with NaX (X = Cl, Br, I) and KCl. NaBr and KCl cause some conversion of LT-CuCN into HT-CuCN, while NaCl and NaI, respectively, react to form the mixed-valence Cu(I)/Cu(II) compounds [Cu-II(OH2)(4)][Cu-4(I)(CN)(6)], a known phase, and [Cu-II(OH2)(4)][Cu-4(I)(CN)(4)I-2] (VI), a 3-D framework, which contains infinite -(CuCN)- chains. After 3 days of heating under hydrothermal conditions, the reaction between KI and CuCN produces [Cu-II(OH2)(4)][Cu-2(I)(CN)I-2](2) (VII), in which the CuCN chains are broken into single Cu-CN-Cu units, which in turn are linked into chains via iodine atoms and then into layers via long Cu-C and Cu-Cu interactions.


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"Contract AT-30-1-Gen-366."


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Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry experiments showed that liquid Group 1 metal salts of the bistriflamide anion undergoing reduced-pressure distillation exhibit a remarkable behavior that is in transition between that of the vapor-liquid equilibrium characteristics of aprotic ionic liquids and that of the Group 1 metal halides: the unperturbed vapors resemble those of aprotic ionic liquids, in the sense that they are essentially composed of discrete ion pairs. However, the formation of large aggregates through a succession of ion-molecule reactions is closer to what might be expected for Group I metal halides. Similar experiments were also carried out with bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amine to investigate the effect of H+, which despite being the smallest Group 1 cation, is generally regarded as a nonmetal species. In this case, instead of the complex ion-molecule reaction pattern found for the vapors of Group I metal salts, an equilibrium similar to those observed for aprotic ionic liquids was observed.


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The objective of this thesis was to demonstrate the potential of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS) as a probe of condensed phase systems and its possible uses for the study of hydrogen bonding. FABMS was used to study three different systems. The first study was aimed at investigating the selectivity of the ligand tris(3,6-dioxaheptyl) amine (tdoha) for the alkali metal cations. FABMS results correlated well with infrared and nmr data. Systems where a crown ether competed with tdoha for a given alkali metal cation were also investigated by fast atom bombardment. The results were found to correlate with the cation affinity of tdoha and the ability of the crown ether to bind the cation. In the second and third studies, H-bonded systems were investigated. The imidazole-electron donor complexes were investigated and FABMS results showed the expected H-bond strength of the respective complexes. The effects of concentration, liquid matrix, water content, deuterium exchange, and pre-ionization of the complex were also investigated. In the third system investigated, the abundance of the diphenyl sulfone-ammonium salt complexes (presumably H-bonded) in the FABMS spectrum were found to correlate with qualitative considerations such as steric hindrance and strength of ion pairs.


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The fragmentation behavior of aryltin compounds [(p-ThAnis)nSnPh4.n (n=l-4); (p-ThAnis)3SnX (X=C1, Br, I); (o-CH30C6H4)3SnCl; Ph3Sn(o-pyr)] have been studied comparatively under EI and FAB ionization modes. Alkali halides were run under FAB mode. For the aryltin compounds, the effect of ligand type on the spectra have been explored in both EI and FAB modes. The fragmentation mechanisms have been examined with linked scans, such as fragment ion scans (B/E) and parent ion scans (B^/E). Ab Initio molecular orbital calculations were used to determine the structures of the fragments by comparing their relative stabilities. In the EI MS studies, negative ion EI mode has also been used for some of the aryltin compounds, to examine the possible ion molecule reactions under low pressures at 70eV. In the positive ion FAB MS studies, matrix optimization experiments have been carried out. Negative ion FAB experiments of all the compounds have been done in two different ways. Finally, the comparison of the two methods, EI MS and FAB MS, have been made.For alkali halides, the studies focused on the FAB MS behavior under different conditions. The intensities of cluster ions were reported, and the anomalies in the intensity distribution was also discussed.


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The thesis deals with our studies on the synthesis and elucidation of structure of some metal complexes of dithio ligands, such as the dithiocarbamates, xanthates and 2-aminocyclopent-1-ene-1-dithiocarboxylate and its N-alkyl derivatives.2-Aminocyclopent-1-ene-1-dithiocarboxylate (ACDA) is an interesting ligand, because of its potential dual capability of bonding between the metal and the ligand. Since the earlier reports on the complexes of ACDA contain contradictory ideas on the nature of its bonding, it was thought worthwhile to undertake a detailed and systematic study of these type of complexes. As the ACDA complexes have very low solubilities in solvents like chloroform, we have used the isopropyl derivative of ACDA as the ligand. The increased solubility of these complexes have made it possible to investigate their NMR and solution electronic spectra.The complexes of this ligand have not yet been reported in the literature.We have synthesised some new mixed ligand complexes of dithiocarbamates by reacting bis(dithiocarbamato)-µ-dichloro dicopper complexes (obtained by the reaction of mixed benzoic dithiocarbamic anhydride and copper(II) chloride) with ACDA or its N-alkyl derivatives.Interactions of metal halides with the mixed anhydrides formed from benzoylchloride and xanthates have also been investigated. Novel complexes of the type, [Cu2(RXant)CI] (R=i-Bu, i-Pr, n-Bu or n-Pr)) have been isolated from the reaction of copper(II) chloride and the mixed anhydride, and these reactions appear to be like the clock reactions reported in the literature.It also deal with the characterisation of the complexes of the type [Hg(R2d t c )X] (X=Cl, Br or 1),[Cu3(R2dtc)6][Cu2Br6] and [Cu(R2dtc)Cl2](R2=Me2,Et2,Pip,Morph or Pyrr)respectively, synthesised by simple and novel routes, different from those reported earlier.


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Self- and cross-velocity correlation functions and related transport coefficients of molten salts are studied by molecular-dynamics simulation. Six representative systems are considered, i.e., NaCl and KCl alkali halides, CuCl and CuBr noble-metal halides, and SrCl2 and ZnCl2 divalent metal-ion halides. Computer simulation results are compared with experimental self-diffusion coefficients and electrical conductivities. Special attention is paid to dynamic cross correlations and their dependence on the Coulomb interactions as well as on the size and mass differences between anions and cations.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein prochirales, aus natürlichen Resourcen gewonnenes Azulen, das Guajazulen genutzt, um neuartige chirale Cyclopentadienyl-Systeme aufzubauen. Mit Alkalimetallhypersilaniden als starke und sperrige Nukleophile gelingt es hypersilylsubstituierte Gujazulenide zu synthetisieren. Diese wurden mittels Elementaranalyse, NMR-Spektroskopie und Röntgendiffraktometrie charakterisiert. Durch nachfolgende Metathesen mit Übergangsmetallhalogeniden konnten in vielen Fällen die entsprechenden Metallocene erhalten werden. Die Experimente enthüllen eine ausgeprägte Regioselektivität der Addition des sperrigen Hypersilyanions an das Guajazulen, die durch das eingesetzte Lösungsmittel graduell verändert werden kann. In nicht-koordinierenden Lösungsmitteln findet man ausschließlich eine Addition an der 6-Position, die 6-Hypersilyl-2,6-dihydroguajazulenide (6-Hyp-Hgual) (M=Li 1, K 2, Cs 4) in ausgezeichneten Ausbeuten liefert. In polaren Solventien erhält man hingegen Mischungen der 6- und 8-Regioisomeren: 2 bzw. (8-Hyp-Hgual) (3). 2 bleibt aber hierbei das Hauptprodukt. Röntgenbeugungsexperimente zeigen, dass 1 im Kristall als dimerer Sandwich-Komplex, meso-[Li2(6-Hyp-Hgual)2], und die THF-Solvate (thf)4K(6-Hyp-Hgual) (2a) sowie (thf)4K(8-Hyp-Hgual) (3a) jeweils als Halb-Sandwich-Komplexe in einer racemischen Mischung vorliegen. Die Verbindungen 1, 2, 3 and 4 eignen sich sehr gut dazu, in Metathesereaktionen als Precursor für neuartige chirale Metallozen-Komplexe eingesetzt zu werden. Insbesondere das Kaliumderivat 2 besticht durch die einfache und relativ preiswerte Synthese, die erzielten hohen Ausbeuten (>80%) und seine leichte Handhabbarkeit. In THF als Solvent wurden die Metallocene 5:5-M’(6-Hyp-Hgual)2 (M’ = Mn 5, Fe 6, Ni 8) und 5:5-Fe(8-Hyp-Hgual)2 (7) erhalten. Bei Verwendung einiger redox-aktiver Metallhalogenide beobachtet man jedoch die Zersetzung der Metallocene unter Bildung des oxidativen Kopplungsproduktes (3-Hyp-6-Hgual)2 (9) sowie der Ausscheidung von Metall. Die Umsetzung von Halogeniden der Gruppe 4 (TiCl3 and M’’Cl4 (M’’ = Ti, Zr, Hf)) mit 2 liefert in THF ausschließlich die Metallozendichloride M’’(6-Hyp-Hgual)2Cl2 (M’’ = Ti (10), Zr (11), Hf (12)). Die erhaltenen Metallozenderivate fallen als Diastereomeren-Gemische an, die sich durch fraktionierende Kristallisation teilweise oder vollständig in ihre Bestandteile, das jeweilige R,R-Racemat und das R,S-meso-Diastereomer auftrennen lassen. Die Strukturen der rac-Diastereomere konnten durch Beugungsexperimente aufgeklärt werden. Durch eine Metathese von 2 mit Hyp-Cl kann eine zweite Hypersilylgruppe in die 2-Position des Guajazulen-Gerüstes eingeführt werden. Das entstehende 2,6-bis(Hyp)-H2gua (14) kann anschließend mit nBuLi in das extrem luft- und feuchtigkeitsempfindliche Li[2,6-bis(Hyp)-Hgual] (15) überführt werden, dass wie 1 eine dimere Sandwich-Struktur aufweist. Durch Einführung des zweiten Hypersilylrestes werden die chemischen Eigenschaften des Azulenids dramatisch verändert. Während Verbindung 1 sich als guter Precursor für Metallocene erwies, gelang es uns bislang nicht, entsprechende Derivate der Verbindung 15 zu isolieren.


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Five coordination compounds Zn(mbmpbi)(2)Cl-2 (1), Zn(mbmpbi)(2)Br-2 (2), Cd(mbmpbi)(2)Cl-2 (3), Hg(mbmpbi)(2)Cl-2 (4) and Hg(mbmpbi)(2)Br-2 (5) were synthesized by the reaction of 1-(p-methoxybenzyl)-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)benzimidazole (mbmpbi) with the corresponding metal halides. The complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, conductance measurements, FT-IR, H-1 NMR and photoluminescence spectral studies. The ligand mbmpbi exhibits the N-benzimidazole coordination. The structures of 3-5 have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. These three complexes are isostructural, crystallizing in the monoclinic system. P2/n space group with a distorted tetrahedral geometry around the metal ion. Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes show strong blue emission in solid state at room temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Past workers in this group as well as in others have made considerable progress in the understanding and development of the ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) technique. Through these efforts, ROMP chemistry has become something of an organometallic success story. Extensive work was devoted to trying to identify the catalytically active species in classical reaction mixtures of early metal halides and alkyl aluminum compounds. Through this work, a mechanism involving the interconversion of metal carbenes and metallacyclobutanes was proposed. This preliminary work finally led to the isolation and characterization of stable metal carbene and metallacyclobutane complexes. As anticipated, these well-characterized complexes were shown to be active catalysts. In a select number of cases, these catalysts have been shown to catalyze the living polymerization of strained rings such as norbornene. The synthetic control offered by these living systems places them in a unique category of metal catalyzed reactions. To take full advantage of these new catalysts, two approaches should be explored. The first takes advantage of the unusual fact that all of the unsaturation present in the monomer is conserved in the polymer product. This makes ROMP techniques ideal for the synthesis of highly unsaturated, and fully conjugated polymers, which find uses in a variety of applications. This area is currently under intense investigation. The second aspect, which should lend itself to fruitful investigations, is expanding the utility of these catalysts through the living polymerization of monomers containing interesting functional groups. Polymer properties can be dramatically altered by the incorporation of functional groups. It is this latter aspect which will be addressed in this work.

After a general introduction to both the ring-opening metathesis reaction (Chapter 1) and the polymerization of fuctionalized monomers by transition metal catalysts (Chapter 2), the limits of the existing living ROMP catalysts with functionalized monomers are examined in Chapter 3. Because of the stringent limitations of these early metal catalysts, efforts were focused on catalysts based on ruthenium complexes. Although not living, and displaying unusually long induction periods, these catalysts show high promise for future investigations directed at the development of catalysts for the living polymerization of functionalized monomers. In an attempt to develop useful catalysts based on these ruthenium complexes, efforts to increase their initiation rates are presented in Chapter 4. This work eventually led to the discovery that these catalysts are highly active in aqueous solution, providing the opportunity to develop aqueous emulsion ROMP systems. Recycling the aqueous catalysts led to the discovery that the ruthenium complexes become more activated with use. Investigations of these recycled solutions uncovered new ruthenium-olefin complexes, which are implicated in the activation process. Although our original goal of developing living ROMP catalysts for the polymerization of fuctionalized monomers is yet to be realized, it is hoped that this work provides a foundation from which future investigations can be launched.

In the last chapter, the ionophoric properties of the poly(7-oxanobornene) materials is briefly discussed. Their limited use as acyclic host polymers led to investigations into the fabrication of ion-permeable membranes fashioned from these materials.