998 resultados para Marketing de entretenimiento


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Desde antaño, anunciantes y marcas se han adherido a los contenidos audiovisuales, televisivos y cinematográficos, a través del patrocinio de producción, emplazamiento publicitario y bartering. Se trata de una estrategia básicamente accesible a presupuestos prominentes. Pero los cambios en la comunicación y la democratización de la creación y difusión de contenidos han abierto esta táctica al resto de anunciantes cuyas partidas publicitarias tratan de unir valores de marca y entretenimiento a través de las branded webseries. Se presenta un estudio de carácter exploratorio sobre la creación, difusión, promoción, recepción y socialización de webseries, historias de marcas basadas en la ficción y en el uso de Internet. Desde la triangulación metodológica, se aborda el estudio del caso de Risi y las tres temporadas de la webserie ¿Por qué esperar? mediante las entrevistas en profundidad con sus creadores, el análisis descriptivo de estas, así como el análisis cuantitativo de la audiencia y sus interacciones. Los resultados comparativos permiten describir el uso de la creatividad, los personajes famosos afines al público objetivo y el efecto generado por este tipo de historias generadoras de engagement.


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Los advergames son videojuegos orientados a la comunicación publicitaria. Su naturaleza de mensaje híbrido, al combinar contenido publicitario y contenido de entretenimiento, aporta interesantes posibilidades al desarrollo de comunicaciones de marketing en un entorno mediático en el que la publicidad tradicional ha ido perdiendo eficacia. El presente artículo delimita el concepto de advergame, analizando las diferentes tipologías existentes y sus efectos sobre diversos objetivos de marketing y de comunicación. Asimismo, se apuntan algunas recomendaciones a la hora de desarrollar comunicaciones de marketing mediante advergames, así como las cuestiones éticas y morales que deben considerarse


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En el siguiente documento se hace un análisis de la contienda electoral del 2010 en Colombia, haciendo un mayor énfasis en la campaña del candidato Antanas Mockus a la luz de las herramientas del marketing político moderno según Philippe Maarek.


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In competitive tourism markets the consumer-traveller is spoilt by choice of available destinations. Successfully differentiating a destination and getting noticed at decision time is arguably the focus of activities by destination marketing organisations (DMOs). In pursuit of differentiation, three emergent themes in the marketing literature during the past decade have been branding, integrated marketing communications (IMC), and customer relationship management (CRM) a fundamental goal of each being stimulating customer loyalty. However there has been little attention given to destination loyalty in the tourism literature. The purpose of this paper is to report an exploratory investigation of visitor relationship management (VRM) by DMOs. Based on interviews with the management of 11 regional tourism organisations (RTO) in Queensland, Australia, the opportunities for, and immediate challenges of, VRM are discussed. While each RTO recognised the potential for VRM, none had yet been able to develop a formal approach to engage in meaningful dialogue with previous visitors from their largest market.


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This paper reports on a study that investigates the emotions elicited from appraising SMS-based mobile marketing (m-marketing) communications under three marketing conditions: product consistency, incentives and permission giving. Results from the experimental design show that appraising m-marketing communications elicits both single emotions and mixed emotions; that is, a mixture of positive and negative emotions in the same response. Additionally, the results show that the influence of specific marketing conditions may increase or reduce the intensity of the emotions elicited. This study contributes to marketing practice by examining consumer appraisals of m-marketing communications under different combinations of marketing conditions. The results provide insights into which emotions are likely to be elicited as a result, and how a specific marketing condition might influence their levels of intensity. The study contributes to marketing theory also through combining appraisal theory with Richins (1997) consumption emotion set.


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This paper reports on a Q-methodology study on the consumption of mobile phones and opinions on SMS-marketing, extracted from interpretive interviews and focus groups. The Metaphors Q-sort, developed within a framework of Holt's (1995) four metaphors of consumption, identifies three experiential value clusters in the consumption of mobile phones: the Mobile Pragmatists, the Mobile Connectors and the Mobile Revelers. The SMS-marketing Q-sort identifies two key clusters of subjective opinions on various aspects of SMS-based mobile-marketing. By integrating the findings from these two Q-sorts, we demonstrate that while all three value clusters express positive opinions towards ‘location specific’ and ‘customer initiated contact’ SMS-marketing, there are noticeable differences in how marketers should develop their strategies to maximize the consumers’ perceived experiential value derived from the consumption of their mobile phones. Keywords: mobile phones; experiential consumption: SMS-marketing; Q-methodology