28 resultados para Magnetoresistència


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Un dels reptes tecnològics més importants del segle XXI és el desenvolupament i organització de materials funcionals a escala nanomètrica ja que permet modificar-ne les propietats fonamentals i generar-ne de noves. En el cas dels òxids complexos aquesta tecnologia ha generat grans perspectives en diferents àrees d’estudi perquè presenten propietats molt interessants com la magnetoresistència colossal, superconductivitat o multiferroicitat. En particular, en l’òxid complex superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) s’ha demostrat que la formació de capes superconductores sobre plantilles nanoestructurades o bé la formació de nanocompostos en una matriu superconductora permet millorar de manera espectacular les seves propietats (corrent crític). Aquests resultats introduiran canvis paradigmàtics en la tecnologia de l’energia elèctrica (cables, motors, generadors) i en totes aquelles aplicacions que requereixin camps magnètics intensos. Ara bé, cal aconseguir-ho mitjançant tècniques de baix cost i que permetin un fàcil escalat. Durant els 4 mesos que s’ha disfrutat de l’ajut BP s’han preparat amb èxit noves capes primes superconductores nanoestructurades mitjançant la introducció d’una fase secundària nanomètrica complexa, Ba2YTaO6 (BYTO), dins la matriu d’YBCO pel mètode de baix cost de deposició de solucions químiques. Aquesta nova composició ha donat lloc a un augment significatiu de les propietats superconductores comparat amb la fase tradicional d’YBCO i per tant tenen gran potencial per fabricar futures cintes superconductores.


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We report here on the preparation of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 magnetoresistive thick films on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates by using the screen printing technique. It is shown that films can be obtained using high temperature sintering. While there is a reacted layer, this improves adhesion and is not too troublesome if the films are made thick enough. It is shown that PbO-B2O3-SiO2 glass additives allow sintering at lower temperatures and can be used to improve the mechanical stress of the films. However, it is found that glass concentrations large enough to significantly improve the film adherence result in a weak low field magnetoresistance probably because grains are coated with high resistivity material. Strategies to overcome these difficulties are discussed.


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We study the effect of a magnetic field on the martensitic transition of a Cu-Al-Mn shape-memory alloy. The martensitic transition has been studied through resistance measurements under applied magnetic fields ranging from 0 to 50 kOe. Negative magnetoresistance showing an almost linear dependence with the square of the magnetization has been observed. This magnetoresistive effect is associated with the existence of small ferromagnetic Mn-clusters. Its strength and thermal dependence is different in both phases. The martensitic transition temperature is slightly increased and its spread in temperature significantly reduced upon increasing the field. These results show the existence of magnetoelastic coupling, which favors the nucleation of those martensitic variants with the easy magnetization axis aligned with the field.


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We study the effect of a magnetic field on the martensitic transition of a Cu-Al-Mn shape-memory alloy. The martensitic transition has been studied through resistance measurements under applied magnetic fields ranging from 0 to 50 kOe. Negative magnetoresistance showing an almost linear dependence with the square of the magnetization has been observed. This magnetoresistive effect is associated with the existence of small ferromagnetic Mn-clusters. Its strength and thermal dependence is different in both phases. The martensitic transition temperature is slightly increased and its spread in temperature significantly reduced upon increasing the field. These results show the existence of magnetoelastic coupling, which favors the nucleation of those martensitic variants with the easy magnetization axis aligned with the field.


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Magnetic, structural, and transport properties of as quenched and annealed Co10Cu90 samples have been investigated using x¿ray diffraction and a SQUID magnetometer. The largest value of MR change was observed for the as¿quenched sample annealed at 450°C for 30 min. The magnetic and transport properties closely correlate with the microstructure, mainly with Co magnetic particle size and its distribution. For thermal annealing the as quenched samples below 600°C, the Co particle diameters increase from 4.0 to 6.0 nm with a magnetoresistance (MR) drop from 33.0% to 5.0% at 10 K. Comparison with the theory indicates that the interfacial electron spin¿dependent scattering mechanism correlates with GMR for Co particle diameters up to about 6.0 nm.


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Se han optimizado las condiciones para la deslitiación de compuestos de fórmula general La2/3-xLi3xTiO3 así como las de la posterior termólisis de compuestos de fórmula general La2/3-xTiO3-3x(OH)3x. En ambos procesos se mantiene la estructura perovskita cúbica Pm3m. Estudios preliminares de conductividad eléctrica indican que los compuestos La2/3-xTiO3-3x/2 obtenidos mediante química suave a partir de la perovskita de lantano y litio se comportan como semiconductores.


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We present tunneling experiments on Fe~001!/MgO~20 Å!/FeCo~001! single-crystal epitaxial junctions of high quality grown by sputtering and laser ablation. Tunnel magnetoresistance measurements give 60% at 30 K, to be compared with 13% obtained recently on ~001!-oriented Fe/amorphous-Al2O3 /FeCo tunnel junctions. This difference demonstrates that the spin polarization of tunneling electrons is not directly related to the density of states of the free metal surface Fe~001! in this case but depends on the actual electronic structure of the entire electrode/barrier system.


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The saturation properties of neutron-rich matter are investigated in a relativistic mean-field formalism using two accurately calibrated models: NL3 and FSUGold. The saturation properties density, binding energy per nucleon, and incompressibility coefficient are calculated as a function of the neutron-proton asymmetry α≡(N-Z)/A to all orders in α. Good agreement (at the 10% level or better) is found between these numerical calculations and analytic expansions that are given in terms of a handful of bulk parameters determined at saturation density. Using insights developed from the analytic approach and a general expression for the incompressibility coefficient of infinite neutron-rich matter, i.e., K0(α)=K0+Kτα2+ , we construct a hybrid model with values for K0 and Kτ as suggested by recent experimental findings. Whereas the hybrid model provides a better description of the measured distribution of isoscalar monopole strength in the Sn isotopes relative to both NL3 and FSUGold, it significantly underestimates the distribution of strength in 208Pb. Thus, we conclude that the incompressibility coefficient of neutron-rich matter remains an important open problem.


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A Cu/Fe granular film, formed from a multilayer film and composed of particles of Fe imbedded in Cu, has had several of its important properties investigated. Measurements include ferromagentic resonance, magnetoresistance, Mössbauer effect, magnetic viscosity, and magnetization. The two‐phase behavior of these immiscible alloy systems, and the effect of multilayering on the shape of the magnetic precipitates, can explain some of these properties. An explanation of the ferromagnetic resonance line shape is proffered. An extraordinary macroscopic quantum tunneling effect is found to govern the magnetic relaxation at the lowest temperatures.