972 resultados para MATERNAL STRESS
There is evidence that the developmental trajectory of cortisol secretion in preterm infants is altered, with elevated basal cortisol levels observed postnatally through at least 18 months corrected age (CA). This alteration is possibly due to neonatal pain-related stress. High cortisol levels might contribute to greater risk of impaired neurodevelopment. Since maternal factors are important for the regulation of infant stress responses, we investigated relationships between infant (neonatal pain-related stress, attention, cortisol) and maternal (stress, interactive behaviors) factors at age 8 months CA. We found that interactive maternal behaviors buffered the relationship between high neonatal pain-related stress exposure and poorer focused attention in mothers who self-reported low concurrent stress. Furthermore, in preterm infants exposed to high concurrent maternal stress and overwhelming interactive maternal behaviors, higher basal cortisol levels were associated with poor focused attention. Overall, these findings suggest that maternal factors can influence the cognitive resilience at 8 months of preterm infants exposed to early life stress.
The low activity variant of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) functional promoter polymorphism, MAOA-LPR, in interaction with adverse environments (G × E) is associated with child and adult antisocial behaviour disorders. MAOA is expressed during foetal development so in utero G × E may influence early neurodevelopment. We tested the hypothesis that MAOA G × E during pregnancy predicts infant negative emotionality soon after birth. In an epidemiological longitudinal study starting in pregnancy, using a two stage stratified design, we ascertained MAOA-LPR status (low vs. high activity variants) from the saliva of 209 infants (104 boys and 105 girls), and examined predictions to observed infant negative emotionality at 5 weeks post-partum from life events during pregnancy. In analyses weighted to provide estimates for the general population, and including possible confounders for life events, there was an MAOA status by life events interaction (P = 0.017). There was also an interaction between MAOA status and neighbourhood deprivation (P = 0.028). Both interactions arose from a greater effect of increasing life events on negative emotionality in the MAOA-LPR low activity, compared with MAOA-LPR high activity infants. The study provides the first evidence of moderation by MAOA-LPR of the effect of the social environment in pregnancy on negative emotionality in infancy, an early risk for the development of child and adult antisocial behaviour disorders.
OBJECTIVE: (1) To compare maternal characteristics and psychological stress profile among African-American, Caucasian and Hispanic mothers who delivered very low birthweight infants. (2) To investigate associations between psychosocial factors, frequency of milk expression, skin-to-skin holding (STS), and lactation performance, defined as maternal drive to express milk and milk volume. STUDY DESIGN: Self-reported psychological questionnaires were given every 2 weeks after delivery over 10 weeks. Milk expression frequency, STS, and socioeconomic variables were collected. RESULT: Infant birthweight, education, and milk expression frequency differed between groups. Trait anxiety, depression and parental stress in a neonatal intensive care unit (PSS:NICU) were similar. African-American and Caucasian mothers reported the lowest scores in state anxiety and social desirability, respectively. Maternal drive to express milk, measured by maintenance of milk expression, correlated negatively with parental role alteration (subset of PSS:NICU) and positively with infant birthweight and STS. Milk volume correlated negatively with depression and positively with milk expression frequency and STS. CONCLUSION: Differences between groups were observed for certain psychosocial factors. The response bias to self-reported questionnaires between groups may not provide an accurate profile of maternal psychosocial profile. With different factors correlating with maintenance of milk expression and milk volume, lactation performance can be best enhanced with a multi-faceted intervention program, incorporating parental involvement in infant care, close awareness and management of maternal mental health, and encouragement for frequent milk expression and STS.
The mechanisms governing fetal development follow a tightly regulated pattern of progression such that interference at any one particular stage is likely to have consequences for all other stages of development in the physiological system that has been affected thereafter. These disturbances can take the form of many different events but two of the most common and widely implicated in causing detrimental effects to the developing fetus are maternal immune activation (MIA) and maternal stress. MIA has been shown to cause an increase in circulating proinflammatory cytokines in both the maternal and fetal circulation. This increase in proinflammatory mediators in the fetus is thought to occur by fetal production rather than through exchange between the maternal-fetal interface. In the case of maternal stress it is increased levels of stress related hormones such as cortisol/corticosterone which is thought to elicit the detrimental effects on fetal development. In the case of both maternal infection and stress the timing and nature of the insult generally dictates the severity and type of effects seen in affected offspring. We investigated the effect of a proinflammatory environment on neural precursor cells of which exposure resulted in a significant decrease in the normal rate of proliferation of NPCs in culture but did not have any effect on cell survival. These effects were seen to be age dependent. Using a restraint stress model we investigated the effects of prenatal stress on the development of a number of different physiological systems in the same cohort of animals. PNS animals exhibited a number of aberrant changes in cardiovascular function with altered responses to stress and hypertension, modifications in respiratory responses to hypercapnic and hypoxic challenges and discrepancies in gastrointestinal innervation. Taken together these findings suggest that both maternal infection and maternal stress are detrimental to the normal development of the fetus.
Au cours de la grossesse et dans les premières années de vie de l’enfant, plusieurs facteurs externes, tels que le stress maternel ou le lien maternel, peuvent interférer avec son développement et avoir des conséquences à court et à long terme. Bien que le stress maternel périnatal ait souvent été étudié, plusieurs facteurs pré et postnataux potentiellement confondants (comme le stress paternel, la dépression, la prise d’antidépresseurs, etc.) n’ont pas systématiquement été pris en compte. Comparativement à l’attachement de l’enfant (à sa mère), moins de recherches se sont intéressées au lien maternel, en particulier chez des femmes ayant un diagnostic de dépression et/ou d’anxiété et exposées à des antidépresseurs. Notre thèse visait donc à étudier ces deux facteurs et leur association avec le développement du jeune enfant âgé d’un an, dans un contexte où la santé mentale maternelle (présence ou non de troubles psychologiques) et de traitements pharmacologiques associés étaient aussi considérés. Afin d’améliorer le dépistage de retards développementaux, nous avons également évalué l’administration au téléphone de deux instruments de pré-dépistage et dépistage actuellement utilisés. Notre thèse était constituée de quatre phases dont les objectifs étaient: la détermination des propriétés psychométriques de l’échelle de stress perçu de quatre items (en français et en anglais) au sein de la population de femmes enceintes (première étude); évaluer l’effet du stress maternel prénatal et parental postnatal sur le développement de l’enfant âgé d’un an (deuxième étude); estimer l’association entre le lien maternel et le développement de l’enfant âgé d’un an, en stratifiant sur la prise maternelle d’antidépresseurs (troisième étude); et évaluer l’administration au téléphone du ″Ages and Stages Questionnaire″ (ASQ, version de 12 mois) et du ″Revised Pre-screening Denver Questionnaire″(R-PDQ, version de 9-24 mois),deux questionnaires utilisés pour le pré-dépistage et le dépistage du développement infantile (quatrième étude). Ce projet faisait partie d’une plus grande étude, nommée le projet OTIS (The″Organization of Teratology Information Specialists″ Antidepressant in Pregnancy cohort study), qui visait à évaluer l’impact de l’arrêt versus la continuation de la prise d’antidépresseurs au cours de la grossesse sur les comportements maternels et sur le développement de l’enfant âgé de un à trois ans. Ainsi, entre 2006 et 2010, la cohorte prospective OTIS de femmes enceintes a été construite et suivie jusqu’à trois ans postpartum. À partir de 2008, l’évaluation du stress et du lien maternel (thématiques de ce projet de thèse) a été incorporée au projet initial. Aussi, à partir de là, toute femme nouvellement recrutée pour la cohorte OTIS pouvait faire partie des études de cette thèse. Notre population source était composée des femmes enceintes ayant eu recours à un service nord-américain d’information sur les tératogènes ou ayant été suivies à la clinique d'obstétrique et de gynécologie du CHU Ste Justine. Pour être admissibles, les femmes devaient 1) être âgées d’au moins 18 ans, 2) être enceinte d’au maximum 14 semaines (le début de la grossesse étant défini comme étant le premier jour des dernières règles); 3) être exposées à un antidépresseur depuis au moins le premier jour de grossesse (pour le groupe exposé à un antidépresseur), 4) savoir lire et comprendre l’anglais ou le français. Pour les études deux, trois et quatre, les femmes devaient habiter dans un rayon de 250 km autour de Montréal pour recevoir notre visite à domicile, nécessaire à l’évaluation psychométrique du développement infantile. Les pères des enfants ont été recrutés à deux mois postpartum pour évaluer leur stress. Les données ont été collectées par entrevue téléphonique, auto-administration de questionnaires, et évaluation psychométrique du développement infantile. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, les femmes étaient suivies depuis le premier trimestre de grossesse jusqu’à un an postpartum. Les résultats de nos travaux démontrent que le recours à l’échelle de stress perçu de quatre items est une mesure fiable et valide pour mesurer le stress au cours de la grossesse (en recherche ou en clinique). Ensuite, le stress postnatal maternel et paternel serait défavorable au développement moteur et socio-émotionnel de l’enfant d’un an, respectivement. Par contre le stress maternel prénatal favoriserait le développement moteur. Un lien maternel optimal est associé à un meilleur développement socio-émotionnel à un an chez l’enfant, en particulier pour les femmes exposées à des antidépresseurs. Enfin, l’administration au téléphone de l’ASQ et des sous-échelles de langage, de motricité fine et motricité globale du R-PDQ serait une alternative possible au mode auto-administré pour dépister et pré-dépister les retards de développement chez les enfants.
O objetivo deste estudo foi a valiar o nível de stress de mães acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas para realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos, relacionando-o com variáveis demográficas da criança e experiência prévia no contexto. Participaram 54 mães acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas para realização de cirurgia eletiva. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp e, para levantamento das variáveis da criança, um questionário elaborado para o estudo. Os resultados apontaram que 82% da amostra apresentavam stress, prevalencendo a fase de resistência e sintomas psicológicos. Observou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre a presença de stress materno e o fato de o filho não ter experiência anterior com cirurgia (p=0,052). Por outro lado, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a presença de stress materno e a idade e gênero da criança. Conclui-se que o impacto dos procedimentos cirúrgicos acomete a criança e a família, o que deve ser levado em consideração a fim de que sejam propostas intervenções para a preparação pré-operatória.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Early embryonic exposure to maternal glucocorticoids can broadly impact physiology and behaviour across phylogenetically diverse taxa. The transfer of maternal glucocorticoids to offspring may be an inevitable cost associated with poor environmental conditions, or serve as a maternal effect that alters offspring phenotype in preparation for a stressful environment. Regardless, maternal glucocorticoids are likely to have both costs and benefits that are paid and collected over different developmental time periods. We manipulated yolk corticosterone (cort) in domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus) to examine the potential impacts of embryonic exposure to maternal stress on the juvenile stress response and cellular ageing. Here, we report that juveniles exposed to experimentally increased cort in ovo had a protracted decline in cort during the recovery phase of the stress response. All birds, regardless of treatment group, shifted to oxidative stress during an acute stress response. In addition, embryonic exposure to cort resulted in higher levels of reactive oxygen metabolites and an over-representation of short telomeres compared with the control birds. In many species, individuals with higher levels of oxidative stress and shorter telomeres have the poorest survival prospects. Given this, long-term costs of glucocorticoid-induced phenotypes may include accelerated ageing and increased mortality.
The United States has over 4 million births annually. Currently healthy women with non-complicated deliveries receive little to no routine postpartum support when discharged from the hospital. This is especially problematic if mothers are first time mothers, poor, have language barriers and little to no social support after giving birth. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to compare maternal and infant health outcomes, and health care charges between 2 groups of mothers and newborns. A control ( n = 69) group received routine posthospital discharge care. An intervention group (n = 70) received routine posthospital discharge care plus follow up telephone calls by advanced practice nurses (APNs) on days 3,7,14,21,28 and week 8. Both groups were followed for the first 8 weeks posthospital discharge following delivery to examine maternal health outcomes (perceived maternal stress, social support and perceived maternal physical health), infant health outcomes (routine medical follow up visits immunizations, weight gain), morbidity (urgent care visits, emergency room visits, rehospitalizations), health care charges (urgent care visits, emergency room visits, rehospitalizations) in both groups and charges for APN follow up in the intervention group only. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-sample t-tests. Study findings indicated that intervention group had significantly lower perceived maternal stress, significantly higher rating of perceived maternal health and higher levels of social support and by the end of the 2nd month posthospital discharge compared to control group mothers. Infants in the intervention group had: increased number of immunizations; fewer emergency room visits; and 1 infant rehospitalization compared to 3 infant rehospitalizations in the control group. The intervention groups' health care charges were significantly lower compared to the control group $14,333/$497 vs. $70,834/$1,068. These study results indicate that an intervention of APN follow up telephone calls in this sample of first time low-income culturally diverse mothers was an effective, safe, low cost, easy to apply intervention which improved mothers' and infants' health outcomes and reduced healthcare charges.
Studying the continuity and underlying mechanisms of temperament change from early childhood through adulthood is clinically and theoretically relevant. Knowledge of the continuity and change of temperament from infancy onwards, especially as perceived by both parents is, however, still scanty. Only in recent years have researchers become aware that personality, long considered as stable in adulthood, may also change. Further, studies that focus on the transactional change of child temperament and parental personality also seem to be lacking, as are studies focusing on transactions between child temperament and more transient parental characteristics, like parental stress. Therefore, this longitudinal study examined the degree of continuity of temperament over five years from the infant s age of six months to the child s age of five and a half years, as perceived by both biological parents, and also investigated the bidirectional effects between child temperament and parents personality traits and overall stress experienced during that time. First, moderate to high levels of continuity of temperament from infancy to middle childhood were shown, depicting the developmental links between affectively positive and well-adjusted temperament characteristics, and between characteristics of early and later negative affectivity. The continuity of temperament was quantitatively and qualitatively similar in both parents ratings. The findings also demonstrate that infant and childhood temperament characteristics cluster to form stable temperament types that resemble personality types shown in child and adult personality studies. Second, the parental personality traits of extraversion and neuroticism were shown to be highly stable over five years, but evidence of change in relation to parents views of their child s temperament was also shown: an infant s higher positive affectivity predicted an increase in parental extraversion, while the infant s higher activity level predicted a decrease in parental neuroticism over five years. Furthermore, initially higher parental extraversion predicted higher ratings of the child s effortful control, while initially higher parental neuroticism predicted the child s higher negative affectivity. In terms of changes in parental stress, the infant s higher activity level predicted a decrease in maternal overall stress, while initially higher maternal stress predicted a higher level of child negative affectivity in middle childhood. Together, the results demonstrate that the mother- and father-rated temperament of the child shows continuity during the early years of life, but also support the view that the development of these characteristics is sensitive to important contextual factors such as parental personality and overall stress. While parental personality and experienced stress were shown to have an effect on the child s developing temperament, the reverse was also true: the parents own personality traits and perceived stress seemed to be highly stable, but also susceptible to their experiences of their child s temperament.
A Hipóxia-Isquêmica (HI) pré-natal é caracterizada por uma redução no aporte de oxigênio e nutrientes para o feto durante o período gestacional, que pode acarretar, a longo prazo, em dificuldade de concentração e aprendizagem, hiperatividade e déficit de memória. Esses prejuízos podem persistir ou se agravar até a idade adulta, levando ainda ao aparecimento de doenças como epilepsia e paralisia cerebral (PC). A privação de oxigênio e nutrientes, assim como o estresse materno, anemia, eclâmpsia e uso de drogas durante a gestação, podem causar estresse oxidativo durante os períodos críticos do desenvolvimento, e pode ser a principal razão para as mudanças que levam a programação fetal. O objetivo deste estudo foi relacionar a geração de espécies reativas e a consequente formação de estresse oxidativo nos animais adultos, com as alterações da biodisponibilidade do óxido nítrico de forma sistêmica, além de mudanças nos comportamentos motor e de ansiedade, manutenção da memória e aprendizado. Para a hipóxia, foi utilizado o modelo de clampeamento das artérias uterinas das ratas no 18 dia gestacional por 45 min, analisando os filhotes após 90 dias de nascidos. Foram utilizados os testes Open Field e labirinto em cruz elevada para a análise comportamental, e análises das enzimas glutationa peroxidase (GPx), superóxido desmutase (SOD) e catalase, além de quantificação de nitritos, TBARs e carbonilação de proteínas para avaliação de mecanismos oxidantes e antioxidantes. Os resultados demonstraram que o insulto durante a gestação pode acarretar em redução na formação da enzima GPx, além de maior concentração de nitritos analisados nos soros dos animais hipoxiados quando comparados aos controles, contribuindo para o dano oxidativo. Também foi observada redução na memória de habituação e comportamento motor, além de elevado comportamento ansioso em animais hipoxiados, diferentemente de controles. Concluímos assim que a hipóxia isquêmica pré-natal pode alterar permanentemente o estado oxidativo dos animais, além de atuar na formação do comportamento motor, memória de habituação e ansiedade. As descobertas aqui apresentadas contribuem para ampliar o entendimento acerca do evento de hipóxia isquêmica pré-natal, além de prover ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de mecanismos protetores e preventivos aos possíveis danos por ela causados.
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de trastornos hipertensivos y estrés laboral en las gestantes trabajadoras atendidas en la Clínica Cafam en el mes de noviembre de 2012, y estimar la posible asociación entre estas dos variables. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal. Se incluyeron todas las pacientes gestantes trabajadoras entre 18 y 39 años, con gestación mayor de 20 semanas y feto vivo, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que ingresaron al servicio de hospitalización general y la unidad de cuidado intermedio obstétrico del 1 al 30 de noviembre de 2012 (total de 252). Para medir el nivel de estrés laboral se aplicó una encuesta validada por el Ministerio de Protección social, previo consentimiento informado y se realizó revisión de las historias clínicas para identificar las pacientes con trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo. Resultados: Se incluyeron pacientes de 18 a 39 años encontrando una media de 26.9 años con una desviación estándar de 5,08. 208 pacientes (82.5%) tenían entre 36 y 40 semanas de gestación, 123 maternas cursaban su primera gestación (48.8%) y, la mayoría tienen una relación estable. Respecto al nivel educativo la formación técnica y el bachillerato fueron los más encontrados (38.49% y 35.32% respectivamente). 102 gestantes (40.48%) desempeñan cargos de auxiliar o asistente seguidos de los trabajos operativos en un 30.56% (77 personas). De las 252 pacientes del estudio, 22 maternas tenían hipertensión gestacional, 28 preeclampsia y 1 síndrome HELLP para un total de 20.24% de gestantes con patología. Hay un alto porcentaje de estrés laboral en la población estudiada (40.08%). Al realizar el análisis de los datos se encontró que la probabilidad que tienen las pacientes con algún trastorno hipertensivo de tener estrés laboral es mayor que la de las pacientes que no presentan patología (OR 1.43 con IC 95% de 0.8 a 2.55). Conclusiones. El estrés laboral tiene una alta prevalencia en la población gestante trabajadora y los resultados sugieren que puede ser uno de los factores contribuyentes en la aparición de trastornos hipertensivos en el embarazo.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
The aim of this study was to evaluate maternal stress and anxiety and the quality of interaction of 10 mothers and their 0-3-month-old babies with Pierre Robin Sequence hospitalized in a university hospital. We used the Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults to evaluate stress and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory to assess anxiety of the mothers, and a protocol to assess the recording of the mother-infant interaction. The results showed high levels of maternal stress and anxiety. A statistically significant inverse relationship was found: the higher the maternal anxiety and stress, the lower was the mother-infant interaction. The results indicate that work needs to be done to minimize the anxiety and stress of mothers with inpatient babies in order to encourage interaction.