746 resultados para Longitudinal study from kindergarten to third grade
Several researchers have shown that invented spelling activities in kindergarten foster preschool children’s early literacy skills. However, few studies have assessed its impact on learning to read and write in the first year of primary school. Our goal was to analyse the impact of an invented spelling programme with kindergarteners on their literacy skills until the end of Grade 1. A follow-up study was conducted with 45 five-year-old Portuguese children attending two classes of two schools in Lisbon. The teaching effect was controlled as children from each class were randomly assigned into two groups (experimental/control) — equivalent on letter knowledge, cognitive abilities and phonological awareness. The participants were assessed in kindergarten with a pre-test, immediate post-test and delayed post-test (spelling; reading; phonemic awareness) and at the end of Grade 1 (spelling; reading). The experimental group participated in invented spelling sessions, while control children participated in storytelling activities. Data analysis revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups. The experimental group scored higher, not only in kindergarten but also in the follow-up year for all literacy measures.
Background Women change contraception as they try to conceive, space births, and limit family size. This longitudinal analysis examines contraception changes after reproductive events such as birth, miscarriage or termination among Australian women born from 1973 to 1978 to identify potential opportunities to increase the effectiveness of contraceptive information and service provision. Methods Between 1996 and 2009, 5,631 Australian women randomly sampled from the Australian universal health insurance (Medicare) database completed five self-report postal surveys. Three longitudinal logistic regression models were used to assess the associations between reproductive events (birth only, birth and miscarriage, miscarriage only, termination only, other multiple events, and no new event) and subsequent changes in contraceptive use (start using, stop using, switch method) compared with women who continued to use the same method. Results After women experienced only a birth, or a birth and a miscarriage, they were more likely to start using contraception. Women who experienced miscarriages were more likely to stop using contraception. Women who experienced terminations were more likely to switch methods. There was a significant interaction between reproductive events and time indicating more changes in contraceptive use as women reach their mid-30s. Conclusion Contraceptive use increases after the birth of a child, but decreases after miscarriage indicating the intention for family formation and spacing between children. Switching contraceptive methods after termination suggests these pregnancies were unintended and possibly due to contraceptive failure. Women’s contact with health professionals around the time of reproductive events provides an opportunity to provide contraceptive services.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
BACKGROUND: Depressive symptoms in children are associated with social skills deficits and problems with peers. We propose a model which suggests different mechanisms for the impact of deficits in self-oriented social skills (assertiveness and social participation) and other-oriented social skills (pro-social, cooperative and non-aggressive behaviors) on children's depressive symptoms. We hypothesized that deficits in self-oriented social skills have a direct impact on children's depressive symptoms because these children have non-rewarding interactions with peers, whereas the impact of deficits in other-oriented social skills on depressive symptoms is mediated through negative reactions from peers such as peer victimization. METHOD: 378 kindergarten children (163 girls) participated at two assessments (Age at T1: M = 5.8, T2: M = 7.4). Teachers completed questionnaires on children's social skills at T1. Teacher reports on peer victimization and depressive symptoms were assessed at both assessment points. RESULTS: Our study partially confirmed the suggested conceptual model. Deficits in self-oriented social skills significantly predicted depressive symptoms, whereas deficits in other-oriented social skills were more strongly associated with peer victimization. Longitudinal associations between other-oriented social skills and depressive symptoms were mediated through peer victimization. CONCLUSION: The study emphasizes the role of deficits in self-oriented social skills and peer victimization for the development of internalizing disorders.
The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS), a ground-breaking study of Australian driver behaviour and performance, was officially launched on April 21st, 2015 at UNSW. The ANDS project will provide a realistic perspective on the causes of vehicle crashes and near miss crash events, along with the roles speeding, distraction and other factors have on such events. A total of 360 volunteer drivers across NSW and Victoria - 180 in NSW and 180 in Victoria - will be monitored by a Data Acquisition System (DAS) recording continuously for 4 months their driving behaviour using a suite of cameras and sensors. Participants’ driving behaviour (e.g. gaze), the behaviour of their vehicle (e.g. speed, lane position) and the behaviour of other road users with whom they interact in normal and safety-critical situations will be recorded. Planning of the ANDS commenced over two years ago in June 2013 when the Multi-Institutional Agreement for a grant supporting the equipment purchase and assembly phase was signed by parties involved in this large scale $4 million study (5 university accident research centres, 3 government regulators, 2 third party insurers and 2 industry partners). The program’s second development phase commenced a year later in June 2014 after a second grant was awarded. This paper presents an insider's view into that two year process leading up to the launch, and outlines issues that arose in the set-up phase of the study and how these were addressed. This information will be useful to other organisations considering setting up an NDS.
Explanations of the marked individual differences in elementary school mathematical achievement and mathematical learning disability (MLD or dyscalculia) have involved domain-general factors (working memory, reasoning, processing speed and oral language) and numerical factors that include single-digit processing efficiency and multi-digit skills such as number system knowledge and estimation. This study of third graders (N = 258) finds both domain-general and numerical factors contribute independently to explaining variation in three significant arithmetic skills: basic calculation fluency, written multi-digit computation, and arithmetic word problems. Estimation accuracy and number system knowledge show the strongest associations with every skill and their contributions are both independent of each other and other factors. Different domain-general factors independently account for variation in each skill. Numeral comparison, a single digit processing skill, uniquely accounts for variation in basic calculation. Subsamples of children with MLD (at or below 10th percentile, n = 29) are compared with low achievement (LA, 11th to 25th percentiles, n = 42) and typical achievement (above 25th percentile, n = 187). Examination of these and subsets with persistent difficulties supports a multiple deficits view of number difficulties: most children with number difficulties exhibit deficits in both domain-general and numerical factors. The only factor deficit common to all persistent MLD children is in multi-digit skills. These findings indicate that many factors matter but multi-digit skills matter most in third grade mathematical achievement.
OBJECTIVES To longitudinally map the onset and identify risk factors for skin sclerosis and digital ulcers (DUs) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) from an early time point after the onset of Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) in the European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) cohort. METHODS 695 patients with SSc with a baseline visit within 1 year after RP onset were followed in the prospective multinational EUSTAR database. During the 10-year observation period, cumulative probabilities of cutaneous lesions were assessed with the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used to evaluate risk factors. RESULTS The median modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) peaked 1 year after RP onset, and was 15 points. The 1-year probability to develop an mRSS ≥2 in at least one area of the arms and legs was 69% and 25%, respectively. Twenty-five per cent of patients developed diffuse cutaneous involvement in the first year after RP onset. This probability increased to 36% during the subsequent 2 years. Only 6% of patients developed diffuse cutaneous SSc thereafter. The probability to develop DUs increased to a maximum of 70% at the end of the 10-year observation. The main factors associated with diffuse cutaneous SSc were the presence of anti-RNA polymerase III autoantibodies, followed by antitopoisomerase autoantibodies and male sex. The main factor associated with incident DUs was the presence of antitopoisomerase autoantibodies. CONCLUSION Early after RP onset, cutaneous manifestations exhibit rapid kinetics in SSc. This should be accounted for in clinical trials aiming to prevent skin worsening.
Alkali Activated Fuel Ash and Slag Mixes:Optimization Study from Mortars to Concrete Building Blocks
Alkali activated binders, based on ash and slag, also known as geopolymers, can play a key role in reducing the carbon footprint of the construction sector by replacing ordinary Portland cement in some concretes. Since 1970s, research effort has been ongoing in many research institutions. In this study, pulverized fuel ash (PFA) from a UK power plant, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and combinations of the two have been investigated as geopolymer binders for concrete applications. Activators used were sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solutions. Mortars with sand/binder ratio of 2.75 with several PFA and GGBS combinations have been mixed and tested. The optimization of alkali dosage (defined as the Na2O/binder mass ratio) and modulus (defined as the Na2O/SiO2 mass ratio) resulted in strengths in excess of 70 MPa for tested mortars. Setting time and workability have been considered for the identification of the best combination of PFA/GGBS and alkali activator dosage for different precast concrete products. Geopolymer concrete building blocks have been replicated in laboratory and a real scale factory trial has been successfully carried out. Ongoing microstructural characterization is aiming to identify reaction products arising from PFA/GGBS combinations.
Alkali activated binders, based on ash and slag, also known as geopolymers, can play a key role in reducing the carbon footprint of the construction sector by replacing ordinary Portland cement in some concretes. Since 1970s, research effort has been ongoing in many research institutions. In this study, pulverized fuel ash (pfa) from a UK power plant, ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs) and combinations of the two have been investigated as geopolymer binders for concrete applications. Activators used were sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solutions. Mortars with sand/binder ratio of 2.75 with several pfa and ggbs combinations have been mixed and tested. The optimization of alkali dosage (defined as the Na2O/binder mass ratio) and modulus (defined as the Na2O/SiO2 mass ratio) resulted in strengths in excess of 70 MPa for tested mortars. Setting time and workability have been considered for the identification of the best combination of pfa/ggbs and alkali activator dosage for different precast concrete products. Geopolymer concrete building blocks have been replicated in laboratory and a real scale factory trial has been successfully carried out. Ongoing microstructural characterization is aiming to identify reaction products arising from pfa/ggbs combinations.
The formation of OH radicals from Criegee intermediates: a LIF-FAGE study from laboratory to ambient
Das Hydroxyl Radikal ist, auf globalem Maßstab, das bedeutendste Oxidant in der Atmosphäre. Es initiiert den Abbauprozess vieler, teilweise schädlicher, Spurengase und insbesondere den von flüchtigen Kohlenwasserstoffen (VOC). Die OH Konzentration ist somit ein gutes Maß für die augenblickliche Selbstreinigungskapazität der Atmosphäre. Messungen zu nächtlicher Zeit mit LIF-FAGE-Instrumenten (engl.: laser-induced fluorescence - fluorescence assay by gas expansion) haben Konzentrationen des Hydroxylradikals (OH) ergeben, die signifikant höher waren, als sich mit der bekannten Chemie erklären ließ. Um herauszufinden, ob ein solches Signal wirklich atmosphärisches OH ist oder von einer störenden Spezies stammt, die im Messinstrument OH produziert, wurde das LIF-FAGE-Instrument des Max-Planck-Instituts für Chemie (MPIC) im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit modifiziert und getestet. Dazu wurde ein so genannter Inlet Pre-Injector (IPI) entwickelt, mit dem in regelmäßigen Abständen ein OH-Fänger in die Umgebungsluft abgegeben werden kann, bevor das OH vom Instrument erfasst wird. Mit dieser Technik ist es möglich, ein Hintergrund-OH (OHbg), d. h. ein im Instrument erzeugtes OH-Signal, vom gemessenen OH-Gesamtsignal (OHtot) zu trennen. Die Differenz zwischen OHtot und OHbg ist die atmosphärische OH-Konzentration (OHatm). Vergleichsmessungen mit der hier entwickelten Technik, dem IPI, in zwei verschiedenen Umgebungen mit Instrumenten basierend auf Massenspektrometrie mit chemischer Ionisation (CIMS, engl.: chemical ionization mass spectrometry) als alternativer Methode des OH-Nachweises, zeigten eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung. Eine umfassende Beschreibung des Systems zur Ermittlung der Ursache des OHbg hat ergeben, dass es weder von einem Artefakt des Instruments noch von hinlänglich bekannten und beschriebenen LIF-FAGE-Interferenzen stammt. Zur Bestimmung der Spezies, die das OHbg-Signal verursacht, wurden verschiedene Laborstudien durchgeführt. Die Arbeit im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit hat ergeben, dass das LIF-FAGE-Instrument leicht auf OH reagiert, das beim monomolekularen Zerfall stabilisierter Criegee-Intermediate (SCI) im Niederdruckbereich des Instruments gebildet wird. Criegee-Intermediate oder Carbonyloxide entstehen bei der Ozonolyse ungesättigter flüchtiger Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (VOC, engl.: volatile organic compounds) und können daher in der Umgebungsluft vorkommen. Anhand von Tests mit verschiedenen Verweilzeiten der SCI im Niederdruckbereich des Instruments in Verbindung mit einem detaillierten Modell mit der neuesten SCI-Chemie wurde die monomolekulare Zerfallsgeschwindigkeit von 20 10 s-1 für den syn-Acetaldehyd-Oxykonformer bestimmt. Der in Feldkampagnen gemessene OHbg-Wert wurde dahingehend untersucht, ob SCI die Quelle des beobachteten Hintergrund-OH im Feld sein könnten. Das Budget für die SCI-Konzentration, das für die Kampagnen HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 und HOPE 2012 berechnet wurde, ergab eine SCI-Konzentration zwischen ca. 103 und 106 Molekülen pro cm3. In der Kampagne HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 ergab die Schwefelsäurekonzentration, dass die OH-Oxidation von SO2 allein die gemessene H2SO4-Konzentration nicht erklären konnte. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Hintergrund-OH mit dieser ungeklärten Produktionsrate von H2SO4 korreliert und somit die Oxidation von SO2 durch SCI als mögliche Erklärung in Frage kommt. Ferner korreliert das Hintergrund-OH in der Kampagne HOPE 2012 mit dem Produkt aus Ozon und VOC und konnte mit SO2 als SCI Fänger entfernt werden. Qualitativ zeigen wir somit, dass das in der Umgebungsluft gemessene Hintergrund-OH wahrscheinlich durch den monomolekularen Zerfall von SCI verursacht wird, doch sind weitere Studien notwendig, um die quantitativen Beziehung für diese Spezies und dem Hintergrund-OH in unserem Instrument zu bestimmen.
BACKGROUND Transmitted HIV-1 drug-resistance mutations(TDR) are transmitted from treatment-failing or treatment-naïve patients. Although prevalence of drug-resistance in treatment-failing patients has declined in developed countries, TDR prevalence has not. Mechanisms causing this paradox are poorly explored. METHODS We included recently-infected, treatment-naïve patients with genotypic-resistance-tests performed ≤1year post-infection and <2013. Potential risk factors for TDR were analyzed using logistic regression. Association of TDR prevalences with population viral load(PVL) from treatment-patients during 1997-2011 was estimated with Poisson regression for all TDR and individually for most frequent resistance-mutations against each drug class(M184V/L90M/K103N). RESULTS We included 2421 recently-infected, treatment-naïve patients and 5399 treatment-failing patients. TDR prevalence fluctuated considerably over time. Two opposing developments could explain these fluctuations: generally continuous increases in TDR(Odds Ratio[OR]=1.13,p=0.010), punctuated by sharp decreases when new drug-classes were introduced. Overall, TDR prevalence increased with decreasing PVL(Rate Ratio[RR]=0.91/1000Log10-PVL,p=0.033). Additionally, we observed that the transmitted high-fitness-cost mutation M184V was positively associated with PVL of treatment-failing patients carrying M184V(RR=1.50/100Log10-PVL,p<0.001). Such association was absent and negative for K103N(RR-K103N=1.00/100Log10-PVL,p=0.99) and L90M(RR-L90M=0.75/100Log10-PVL,p=0.022), respectively. CONCLUSIONS Transmission of antiretroviral drug-resistance is temporarily reduced by the introduction of new drug classes and driven by treatment-failing and treatment-naïve patients. These findings suggest a continuous need for new drugs, early detection/treatment of HIV-1-infection.
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Sampling the total air concentration of particulate matter (PM) only provides a basic estimate of exposure that normally not allows correlating with the observed health effects. Therefore is of great importance to recognize the particles size distribution and, particularly, the exposure to fine particles (≤ 2.5 μm). This particles dimension corresponds to the respirable fraction, the one that can implicate local and systemic effects due to particle deposition and clearance from the lungs and transport within the organism. This study intended to describe occupational exposure to PM2.5 in three units related with swine production and consumption, namely: feed production, swine production and swine slaughterhouse. A size-selective particle measuring in five to six workplaces of each unit was performed. Measurements of PM were done using a portable direct-reading hand-held equipment (Lighthouse, model 3016 IAQ). Data showed slaughterhouse unit with higher values, with values ranging from 0.030 to 0.142 mg/m3 (0.073 + 0.043), being the cutting room the workplace with higher values. In feed production unit, values were between 0.026 and 0.033 mg/m3 (0.028 + 0.003) with the warehouse of pharmacy products as the workplace with higher values. Finally, in swine unit values ranged from 0.006 to 0.048 mg/m3 (0.023 + 0.017) with the batteries area presenting the higher values. PM can be rich in fungi and bacteria and their metabolites, such as endotoxins and mycotoxins. Previous publications already showed high contamination in these occupational settings and particles can have an important role in exposure since can easily act as carrier of these agents. Data acquired allow not only a better prediction of particle penetration into respiratory regions of the respiratory tract, but also a better estimation of PM health effects. Moreover, data permit to identify the workplaces where investment should be made to prevent and reduce exposure.