999 resultados para Little oak casks


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cachaca was aged for 6 months in small casks of oak and eight different Brazilian woods (amarelo, amendoim, balsamo, jatoba, louro, pau d'arco, pau d'oleo, and pereiro) in order to determine total phenols, UV-visible spectra differences, and sensorial acceptance. Also used were 200-l casks of oak and pereiro for aging cachaca for 4 years to characterize sensorial descriptors and acceptance. The results suggest that amendoim and pereiro followed by jatobaa are good candidates to replace oak in the construction of cachaca aging casks. It was also observed that when using oak casks as a standard the major changes in the sensory properties occurred in the first 21 months of aging. The principal components analysis of UV-visible absorption spectra of the same beverage stored in casks made of different woods allowed identification of the wood in which the beverage had been aged.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A aceitação de 11 amostras de aguardentes de cana envelhecidas e não envelhecidas foi avaliada por testes sensoriais afetivos e análises estatísticas uni e multivariada. As aguardentes estudadas compreenderam seis amostras comerciais de diferentes marcas, (sendo três não envelhecidas e três envelhecidas) e ainda outras cinco amostras correspondentes a zero, 12, 24, 36 e 48 meses de envelhecimento em um tonel de carvalho de 200L. As amostras foram avaliadas por 100 provadores consumidores do produto, recrutados por questionário de avaliação quanto à afetividade. Para os testes afetivos foi utilizada escala hedônica não estruturada de 9cm, sendo os dados obtidos avaliados por dois métodos estatísticos distintos: o Mapa de Preferência Interno (MDPREF) e a análise de variância univariada (ANOVA) com comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey e análise de correlação. As amostras de aguardente envelhecidas por 12, 36 e 48 meses obtiveram maior aceitação, com médias ao redor de 7,0 na escala hedônica. A amostra com menor aceitação foi a correspondente ao tempo zero de envelhecimento (controle). As demais amostras obtiveram aceitação intermediária. A análise por MDPREF gerou em espaço multidimensional (onde as variações com relação aos dados de preferência foram extraídas em eixos ortogonais e para cada dimensão de preferência), coordenadas relativas aos produtos, que foram geradas em função da resposta dos consumidores. Os dados de aceitação de cada provador foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento de vetores individuais de preferência, resultando na construção de um mapa mutidimensional das amostras, em função dos dados de aceitação. No presente estudo o MDPREF foi gerado pelas primeira e segunda dimensões de preferência, as quais explicaram em conjunto 89,83% das variações observadas entre as amostras com relação à aceitação. O MDPREF confirmou os resultados da ANOVA, indicando uma maior preferência dos provadores pelas amostras de aguardentes envelhecidas. Os resultados sugerem também que aguardentes envelhecidas por mais de 24 meses em tonel de carvalho de 200L são preferidas pelos consumidores, em detrimento das comerciais não envelhecidas e mesmo das comerciais envelhecidas, que podem ser adicionadas de aguardente não envelhecida (processo denominado corte) e também ter correção da cor, conforme permite a Legislação Brasileira. O conteúdo de polifenóis totais e a intensidade de cor também foram determinados, e ambos apresentaram correlação linear positiva significativa (p<=0,05) com o aumento do tempo de envelhecimento das amostras.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Herbivorous insects, their host plants and natural enemies form the largest and most species-rich communities on earth. But what forces structure such communities? Do they represent random collections of species, or are they assembled by given rules? To address these questions, food webs offer excellent tools. As a result of their versatile information content, such webs have become the focus of intensive research over the last few decades. In this thesis, I study herbivore-parasitoid food webs from a new perspective: I construct multiple, quantitative food webs in a spatially explicit setting, at two different scales. Focusing on food webs consisting of specialist herbivores and their natural enemies on the pedunculate oak, Quercus robur, I examine consistency in food web structure across space and time, and how landscape context affects this structure. As an important methodological development, I use DNA barcoding to resolve potential cryptic species in the food webs, and to examine their effect on food web structure. I find that DNA barcoding changes our perception of species identity for as many as a third of the individuals, by reducing misidentifications and by resolving several cryptic species. In terms of the variation detected in food web structure, I find surprising consistency in both space and time. From a spatial perspective, landscape context leaves no detectable imprint on food web structure, while species richness declines significantly with decreasing connectivity. From a temporal perspective, food web structure remains predictable from year to year, despite considerable species turnover in local communities. The rate of such turnover varies between guilds and species within guilds. The factors best explaining these observations are abundant and common species, which have a quantitatively dominant imprint on overall structure, and suffer the lowest turnover. By contrast, rare species with little impact on food web structure exhibit the highest turnover rates. These patterns reveal important limitations of modern metrics of quantitative food web structure. While they accurately describe the overall topology of the web and its most significant interactions, they are disproportionately affected by species with given traits, and insensitive to the specific identity of species. As rare species have been shown to be important for food web stability, metrics depicting quantitative food web structure should then not be used as the sole descriptors of communities in a changing world. To detect and resolve the versatile imprint of global environmental change, one should rather use these metrics as one tool among several.


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Sugarcane spirit extracts of six different Brazilian woods for potential use in manufacturing aging casks were compared with similar extracts of five oak samples from different geographic origin and heat treatment regarding: (1) content of phenolics and copper; (2) radical reducing capacity and reactivity toward 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH center dot); and (3) effect on the rate of oxygen depletion rate in a peroxidating lipid model system. Total phenolic contents of the Brazilian wood extracts ranged from 0.65 (canela-sassafras) to 6.4 (jatoba) mmol(GAE) L(-1) and from 1.39 to 2.87 mmol(GAE) L(-1) for oak extracts. Flavonoids ranged from 1.54 x 10(-4) (ipe) to 6.5 x 10(-2) (oak) mmol(rutin) L(-1), and tannins from below the detection limit to 0.22 (jatoba) mmol(tannic acid) L(-1). Correlation was observed for the antioxidant capacity versus phenolics/flavonoids/tannins content, where oak extracts exhibit the highest radical scavenging capacity compared to Brazilian woods. Rate constant for radical scavenging by the extracts ranged from 4.9 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)(canela-sassafras) to 9.7 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) (oak). The oxygen consumption index showed the Brazilian woods amendoim and jatoba to be more efficient inhibitors than the oak extracts for lipid autoxidation initiated by metmyoglobin, despite that the oak extracts seem to be more efficient to scavenge DPPH center dot. No simple correlation with phenolics or copper content could be established, and a prooxidative tendency was observed for the extracts of canela-sassafras, castanheira, and louro-canela.


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The first Christmas tree.--The symbol and the saint.--The coming of the prince.--The mouse and the moonbeam.--The divell's Chrystmass.--The mountain and the sea.--The robin and the violet.--The oak-tree and the ivy.--Margaret; a pearl.--The springtime.--Rodolph and his king.--The Hampshire hills.--Ezra's Thanksgivin' out West.--Ludwig and Eloise.--Fido's little friend.--The old man.--Bill, the lokil editor.--The little yaller baby.--The cyclopeedy.--Dock Stebbins.--The fairies of Pesth.


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The discourse surrounding recent Aboriginal social policy regularly refers to pragmatism and partnership. In a simpler world, we might call this ‘getting things done with Aboriginal people.’ To that extent, the discourse draws on an indisputable common sense, and it is not surprising that a variety of political agendas can be packaged within such language. While many things need to be done, the quantity and particularly the quality of social networks required to take effective policy into effective practice is something we ought to consider more carefully. This is where the concept of social capital could be useful, since it focuses attention on the social resources required to construct social policy, as well as the social resources that could be produced by effective social policy. Partnerships and pragmatism are therefore related at a most fundamental level in terms of social policy. We question whether this important conceptual bedrock has been fully explored. Hence we review here some recent ‘big plans’ for Aboriginal Australia, and ask whether the size of the theory matches the size of the plans.


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The arrival of substantial cohorts of English language learners from Africa with little, no or severely interrupted schooling is requiring new pedagogic responses from teachers in Australia and other Western countries of refugee re-settlement. If the students are to have optimal educational and life chances, it is crucial for them to acquire resources for conceptually deep and critical literacy tasks while still learning basic reading and writing skills. This requires teachers to extend their pedagogic repertoires: subject area teachers must teach language and literacy alongside content; high school teachers must teach what has been thought of as primary school curriculum. The aim of this article is to describe some teacher responses to these challenges. Data are drawn from a study involving an intensive language school and three high schools, and also from the author’s experience as a homework tutor for refugees. Stand-alone basic skills programs are described, as are modifications of long-established ESL programs. It is also argued that teachers need to find ways of linking with the conceptual knowledge of students who arrive with content area backgrounds different from others in their class. Everyday life experiences prior to, and after re-settlement in the West, are rich with potential in this regard.