852 resultados para Lipoproteins - reference interval
The lipid profile is a group of lab tests that include triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). However, serum non-HDL-C, Apo A-I and Apo B levels, as well as the lipids ratios (TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C and Apo B/Apo A-I), have been described as better predictors of cardiovascular diseases. Reference intervals are tools often used to help the evaluation of the people s health state. These days, Brazilian studies still use the reference intervals of lipids and lipoproteins from other countries, ignoring differences between the populations. Therefore, this study aimed to establish reference intervals for lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in adults of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. Healthy individuals (96 men and 283 women) between 18 and 59years old formed the reference sample group. The samples were collected after fasting 12 to 14 hours. Information on lifestyle and dietary habits of the participants were obtained through questionnaire. The serum glucose level and renal and liver activity were evaluated by laboratory testing. The results of lipid profile were analyzed according to sex, age and mesoregion of Rio Grande do Norte, with significance level of 5% (p < 0,05). The lower and upper reference limits were identified by the 2.5 percentile and 97.5 percentile, respectively, and assurance intervals of 90% was calculated for each of these limits. Among the determinants of lipid profile analyzed, only a few significant differences were observed according to sex, but in terms of age, the groups of smaller and older ages were most likely different. When evaluated by region, the means of West region shown the most significant variations. Not many studies were useful to compare the reference intervals determined in this study. Thus, it becomes necessary to carry out similar studies in other regions of Brazil and of the world given the clinical importance of reference intervals
BACKGROUND: Normal pregnancy depends on pronounced adaptations in steroid hormone concentrations. Although in recent years, the understanding of these hormones in pregnancy has improved, the interpretation is hampered by insufficient reference values. Our aim was to establish gestation-specific reference intervals for spot urinary steroid hormone levels in normal singleton pregnancies and 6 weeks postpartum. METHODS: Cross-sectional multicentre observational study. Women recruited between 2008 and 2013 at 3 University Hospitals in Switzerland (Bern), Scotland (Glasgow) and Austria (Graz). Spot urine was collected from healthy women undergoing a normal pregnancy (age, 16-45 years; mean, 31 years) attending routine antenatal clinics at gestation weeks 11, 20, and 28 and approximately 6 weeks postpartum. Urine steroid hormone levels were analysed using gas-chromatography mass spectrometry. Creatinine was also measured by routine analysis and used for normalisation. RESULTS: From the results, a reference interval was calculated for each hormone metabolite at each trimester and 6 weeks postpartum. Changes in these concentrations between trimesters and postpartum were also observed for several steroid hormones and followed changes proposed for index steroid hormones. CONCLUSIONS: Normal gestation-specific reference values for spot urinary steroid hormones throughout pregnancy and early postpartum are now available to facilitate clinical management and research approaches to steroid hormone metabolism in pregnancy and the early postpartum period.
Introduction: Quantitative computed tomography (qCT)-based assessment of total lung weight (M(lung)) has the potential to differentiate atelectasis from consolidation and could thus provide valuable information for managing trauma patients fulfilling commonly used criteria for acute lung injury (ALI). We hypothesized that qCT would identify atelectasis as a frequent mimic of early posttraumatic ALI. Methods: In this prospective observational study, M(lung) was calculated by qCT in 78 mechanically ventilated trauma patients fulfilling the ALI criteria at admission. A reference interval for M(lung) was derived from 74 trauma patients with morphologically and functionally normal lungs (reference). Results are given as medians with interquartile ranges. Results: The ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen was 560 (506 to 616) mmHg in reference patients and 169 (95 to 240) mmHg in ALI patients. The median reference M(lung) value was 885 (771 to 973) g, and the reference interval for M(lung) was 584 to 1164 g, which matched that of previous reports. Despite the significantly greater median M(lung) value (1088 (862 to 1,342) g) in the ALI group, 46 (59%) ALI patients had M(lung) values within the reference interval and thus most likely had atelectasis. In only 17 patients (22%), Mlung was increased to the range previously reported for ALI patients and compatible with lung consolidation. Statistically significant differences between atelectasis and consolidation patients were found for age, Lung Injury Score, Glasgow Coma Scale score, total lung volume, mass of the nonaerated lung compartment, ventilator-free days and intensive care unit-free days. Conclusions: Atelectasis is a frequent cause of early posttraumatic lung dysfunction. Differentiation between atelectasis and consolidation from other causes of lung damage by using qCT may help to identify patients who could benefit from management strategies such as damage control surgery and lung-protective mechanical ventilation that focus on the prevention of pulmonary complications.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the means and the reference intervals of the quantitative morphometric parameters of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in normal hips with high-resolution computed tomography (CT). METHODS: We prospectively included 94 adult individuals who underwent CT for thoracic, abdominal or urologic pathologies. Patients with a clinical history of hip pathology and/or with osteoarthritis on CT were excluded. We calculated means and 95 % reference intervals for imaging signs of cam-type (alpha angle at 90° and 45° and femoral head-neck offset) and pincer-type impingement (acetabular version angle, lateral centre-edge angle and acetabular index). RESULTS: The 95 % reference interval limits were all far beyond the abnormal thresholds found in the literature for cam-type and to a lesser extent for pincer-type FAI. The upper limits of the reference intervals for the alpha angles (at 90°/45°) were 68°/83° (men) and 69°/84° (women), compared to thresholds from the literature (50°, 55° or 60°). Reference intervals were similar between genders for cam-type parameters, and slightly differed for pincer-type. CONCLUSION: The 95 % reference intervals of morphometric measurements of FAI in asymptomatic hips were beyond the abnormal thresholds, which was especially true for cam-type FAI. Our results suggest the need for redefining the current morphometric parameters used in the diagnosis of FAI. KEY POINTS: ? 95 % reference intervals limits of FAI morphotype were beyond currently defined thresholds. ? Reference intervals of pincer-type morphotype measurements were close to current definitions. ? Reference intervals of cam-type morphotype measurements were far beyond the current definitions. ? Current morphometric definitions of cam-type morphotype should be used with care.
B12-vitamiinin puute iäkkäillä: laboratoriodiagnostiikka, yleisyys ja yhteys sairastavuuteen Tausta: B12-vitamiinin puute on yleistä iäkkäillä ja se tulisi todeta riittävän varhaisessa vaiheessa palautumattomien vaurioiden estämiseksi. On epäselvää pitäisikö diagnostiikka kohdistaa tiettyihin riskiryhmiin vai mahdollisesti seuloa valikoimatonta vanhusväestöä. Myöskään yksimielisyyttä laboratoriotutkimusten valinnasta ei ole. Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli evaluoida uutta HoloTC RIA menetelmää ja tuottaa viitearvot sille, selvittää B12-vitamiinin puutteen yleisyys, yhteys sairastavuuteen ja mahdolliset riskitekijät suomalaisessa vanhusväestössä, arvioida munuaisfunktion vaikusta B12-vitamiinin puutteen laboratoriotutkimuksiin ja näiden perusteella ehdottaa suomalaiseen terveydenhuoltoon sopivaa laboratoriotutkimusstrategiaa. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Liedon iäkkäät -tutkimuksen vanhusaineisto on edustava otos yhden kunnan yli 65-vuotiaasta väestöstä, yhteensä 1260 henkilöä. Tutkittavat kävivät lääkärintarkastuksessa, ja heistä on käytettävissä runsaasti laboratoriotutkimuksia sekä tiedot sairauksista, ruokavaliosta, lääkkeiden ja vitamiinivalmisteiden käytöstä, dementiaseula ja depressiokysely. Viitearvoaineistoa varten kerättiin näytteet 84 vapaaehtoisesta terveestä aikuisesta ja menetelmäevaluaatiota varten 107 sairaalapotilaasta. Tulokset: HoloTC RIA menetelmän toistettavuus oli hyvä manuaalimenetelmäksi. 95%:n viiteväli holotranskobalamiinille oli 37-171 pmol/l. Kaikilla tutkittavilla, joilla oli muilla laboratoriotutkimuksilla osoitettu todennäköinen B12-vitamiinin puute, myös holotranskobalamiini oli viitealueen alarajaa pienempi. Suurentuneella kystatiini C-pitoisuudella osoitettu munuaisten vajaatoiminta korreloi voimakkaasti homokysteiinin (rs=0.53, p<0.001) ja metyylimalonihapon (rs=0.27, p<0.001) pitoisuuksiin, mutta ei kokonais-B12-vitamiinin (rs=- 0.04, p=0.227) tai holotranskobamiinin (rs=-0.01, p=0.817) pitoisuuksiin. Suomalaisessa vanhusväestössä B12-vitamiinin puutteen prevalenssi oli 12%. Kokonais- B12-vitamiinin pitoisuus oli matala (<150 pmol/l) 6%:lla. Miessukupuoli (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.2-2.9), ikä ≥75 (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.4-3.4) ja maitotuotteiden välttäminen (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.2-4.4) lisäsivät B12-vitamiinin puutteen riskiä, mutta anemia (OR 1.3, 95% CI 0.7-2.3) tai makrosytoosi (OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.6-2.7) eivät. Päätelmät: Diagnosoimaton B12-vitamiinin puute on yleistä iäkkäillä, mutta kliinisesti merkityksellistä spesifistä riskiryhmää ei löydy. Koska anemian ja makrosytoosin puuttuminen ei poissulje B12-vitamiinin puutetta ja munuaisten vajaatoiminta heikentää metabolisten merkkiaineiden käyttökelpoisuutta, kokonais-B12-vitamiinia suositellaan ensisijaiseksi laboratoriotutkimukseksi epäiltäessä B12-vitamiinin puutetta ja tarvittaessa varmentavina tutkimuksina käytetään homokysteiiniä ja holotranskobalamiinia.
Background: Detection of systemic inflammation, which is important for proper diagnosis and prompt treatment, can be challenging.Hypothesis: Measurement of plasma iron concentration is a sensitive method for detecting systemic inflammation in horses compared with measurements of plasma Fibrinogen concentration, a traditional marker for inflammation in the horse.Animals: Ninety-seven horses hospitalized with diseases causing systemic inflammation, 22 horses with localized inflammation, and 12 clinically normal horses were included in this study.Methods: A retrospective study was made on hospitalized horses that had both plasma iron and fibrinogen concentrations measured on hospital admission.Results: Plasma iron concentration was lower in horses with systemic inflammation (64 +/- 45 mu g/dL) than the reference interval minimum (105 mu g/dL) and were significantly lower (P = .001) than the value in a group of horses with local inflammation (123 +/- 45 mu g/dL) and in healthy transported horses (143 +/- 29 mu g/dL). Low plasma iron and high fibrinogen concentrations were both sensitive indicators of systemic inflammation in horses with sensitivity of 90 and 82%, respectively. There was a similar correlation between either continued decreases in iron concentration (R-sp of 0.239) or increases in fibrinogen concentration (R-sp of 0.280) during hospitalization and a worse prognosis.Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Measurement of plasma iron concentration better reflected acute inflammation than did fibrinogen concentration.
La proteinuria è un marker di danno renale nel cane. L’obiettivo dello studio è di valutare la capacità del dipstick urinario e dell’UPC di diagnosticare precocemente l’albuminuria nel cane. Sono stati raccolti 868 campioni di urina, con sedimento spento e assenza di ematuria, nell’Ospedale Didattico Veterinario della Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria di Bologna. Per 550 campioni è stata effettuata l’analisi delle urine, la misurazione dell’UPC e dell’UAC, mentre UPC e UAC sono stati misurati in tutti gli 868 campioni. I campioni di urina sono stati analizzati con il metodo dipstick mediante lettura automatizzata. Utilizzando come valore di riferimento l’UAC è stata valutata l’accuratezza diagnostica del dipstick urinario e dell’UPC. L’intervallo di riferimento dell’UAC (0-0,024) è stato determinato utilizzando 60 cani sani. I dati raccolti sono stati classificati utilizzando differenti cut-off per il peso specifico urinario (1012 o 1030), per la proteinuria al dipstick (30 o 100 mg/dl), per l’UPC (0,2) e per l’UAC (0,024). Sono stati valutati l’agreement diagnostico e la correlazione di Spearman tra dipstick, UPC e UAC. E’ stata stimata l’accuratezza diagnostica misurando l’area al di sotto della curva di ROC nell’analisi dell’UAC. Il livello di significatività è stato definito per p < 0,05. Indipendentemente dal peso specifico urinario, l’agreement diagnostico tra dipstick, UPC e UAC è risultato forte (k=0,62 e k=0,61, rispettivamente; p<0,001) con valori di dipstick ≥30 mg/dl, debole (k=0,27 e k=0,26, rispettivamente; p<0,001) con valori di dipstick ≥100 mg/dl. L’accuratezza diagnostica del dipstick messa a confronto con UPC e con UAC è molto buona (AUC 0,84 e 0,84, rispettivamente; p<0,001) e i risultati negativi al dipstick presentano il 100% di sensitività. UPC e UAC sono fortemente correlate (r=0,90; p<0,001). Mettendo a confronto UPC e UAC, l’accuratezza diagnostica è risultata eccellente (AUC 0,94; p<0,001), con massima sensitività e specificità per UPC≥0.3.
Irreversible, nonenzymatic glycation of the haemoglobin A beta chain leads to the formation of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a stable minor haemoglobin component with enhanced electrophoretic mobility. The rate of formation of HbA1c is directly proportional to the ambient glucose concentration. HbA1c is commonly used to assess long-term blood glucose control in patients with diabetes mellitus, because the HbA1c value has been shown to predict the risk for the development of many of the chronic complications in diabetes. There are currently four principal glycohaemoglobin assay techniques (ion-exchange chromatography, electrophoresis, affinity chromatography and immunoassays) and over 20 methods that measure different glycated products. The ranges indicating good and poor glycaemic control can vary markedly between different assays. At the moment values differ between methodologies and even between different laboratories using the same methodology. Optimal use of HbA1c testing requires standardisation. There is progress towards international standardisation and improved precision of HbA1c which will lead to all assays reporting results in a standardised way. Clinicians ordering HbA1c testing for their patients should be aware of the type of assay method used, the reference interval, potential assay interferences (e.g. haemoglobinopathies, chronic alcohol ingestion, carbamylation products in uraemia) and assay performance. And they should know that a variety of factors have been shown to directly influence HbA1c values, e.g. iron deficiency anaemia, chronic renal failure and shortened red blood cell life span.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain precise information on the optimal time window for surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Although perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis is a well-established strategy for reducing the risk of surgical site infections (SSI), the optimal timing for this procedure has yet to be precisely determined. Under today's recommendations, antibiotics may be administered within the final 2 hours before skin incision, ideally as close to incision time as possible. METHODS: In this prospective observational cohort study at Basel University Hospital we analyzed the incidence of SSI by the timing of antimicrobial prophylaxis in a consecutive series of 3836 surgical procedures. Surgical wounds and resulting infections were assessed to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards. Antimicrobial prophylaxis consisted in single-shot administration of 1.5 g of cefuroxime (plus 500 mg of metronidazole in colorectal surgery). RESULTS: The overall SSI rate was 4.7% (180 of 3836). In 49% of all procedures antimicrobial prophylaxis was administered within the final half hour. Multivariable logistic regression analyses showed a significant increase in the odds of SSI when antimicrobial prophylaxis was administered less than 30 minutes (crude odds ratio = 2.01; adjusted odds ratio = 1.95; 95% confidence interval, 1.4-2.8; P < 0.001) and 120 to 60 minutes (crude odds ratio = 1.75; adjusted odds ratio = 1.74; 95% confidence interval, 1.0-2.9; P = 0.035) as compared with the reference interval of 59 to 30 minutes before incision. CONCLUSIONS: When cefuroxime is used as a prophylactic antibiotic, administration 59 to 30 minutes before incision is more effective than administration during the last half hour.
Chinese Shar-Pei dogs have a high prevalence of hypocobalaminemia and are commonly presented with clinical signs suggestive of severe and long-standing gastrointestinal disease such as diarrhea, vomiting, and/or weight loss. The aim of the current study was to evaluate serum concentrations of inflammatory markers, markers for intestinal disease, and immunological markers in Shar-Peis with hypocobalaminemia or normocobalaminemia (serum cobalamin concentrations within the reference interval). Serum samples from Shar-Peis were collected from various parts of the United States. Serum concentrations of inflammatory markers (i.e., C-reactive protein [CRP], calprotectin [CP], and S100A12), hyaluronic acid (HA, a marker for cutaneous mucinosis), and analytes commonly altered in chronic intestinal diseases (i.e., albumin, zinc, alpha1-proteinease inhibitor [α1PI], immunoglobulin [Ig]A, and IgM) were compared between Shar-Peis with hypocobalaminemia and Shar-Peis with normocobalaminemia. Serum concentrations of CRP, CP, S100A12, HA, zinc, and cα1-PI concentrations did not differ between hypocobalaminemic and normocobalaminemic Shar-Peis (P > 0.05). Serum concentrations of albumin were significantly lower in hypocobalaminemic Shar-Peis (median: 2.5 g/dl) than in normocobalaminemic Shar-Peis (median: 2.9 g/dl; P < 0.0001). Higher serum IgA concentrations and lower serum IgM concentrations were observed in hypocobalaminemic Shar-Peis (median: 1.7 g/l and 0.8 g/l, respectively) than in normocobalaminemic Shar-Peis (median: 0.7 g/l and 1.9 g/l, respectively; both P < 0.0001). In conclusion, no difference was found in serum concentrations of CRP, CP, S100A12, and HA between hypocobalaminemic and normocobalaminemic Shar-Peis whereas some differences were observed in analytes (e.g., albumin, IgA, and IgM) that may be altered in patients with chronic enteropathies.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate serum concentrations of biochemical markers and survival time in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy (PLE). DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 29 dogs with PLE and 18 dogs with food-responsive diarrhea (FRD). PROCEDURES: Data regarding serum concentrations of various biochemical markers at the initial evaluation were available for 18 of the 29 dogs with PLE and compared with findings for dogs with FRD. Correlations between biochemical marker concentrations and survival time (interval between time of initial evaluation and death or euthanasia) for dogs with PLE were evaluated. RESULTS: Serum C-reactive protein concentration was high in 13 of 18 dogs with PLE and in 2 of 18 dogs with FRD. Serum concentration of canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity was high in 3 dogs with PLE but within the reference interval in all dogs with FRD. Serum α1-proteinase inhibitor concentration was less than the lower reference limit in 9 dogs with PLE and 1 dog with FRD. Compared with findings in dogs with FRD, values of those 3 variables in dogs with PLE were significantly different. Serum calprotectin (measured by radioimmunoassay and ELISA) and S100A12 concentrations were high but did not differ significantly between groups. Seventeen of the 29 dogs with PLE were euthanized owing to this disease; median survival time was 67 days (range, 2 to 2,551 days). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Serum C-reactive protein, canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity, and α1-proteinase inhibitor concentrations differed significantly between dogs with PLE and FRD. Most initial biomarker concentrations were not predictive of survival time in dogs with PLE.
Background: A new immunoassay for free light chain measurements has been reported to be useful for the diagnosis and monitoring of monoclonal light chain diseases and nonsecretory myeloma. We describe experience with and some potential pitfalls of the assay. Methods: The assay was assessed for precision, sample type and stability, recovery, and harmonization of results between two analyzers on which the reagents are used. Free-light-chain concentrations were measured in healthy individuals (to determine biological variation), patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, myeloma patients after autologous stem cell transplants, and patients with renal disease. Results: Analytical imprecision (CV) was 6-11% for kappa and A free-light-chain measurement and 16% for the calculated kappa/lambda ratio. Biological variation was generally insignificant compared with analytical variation. Despite the same reagent source, values were not completely harmonized between assay systems and may produce discordant free-light-chain ratios. In some patients with clinically stable myeloma, or post transplantation, or with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, free-light-chain concentration and ratio were within the population reference interval despite the presence of monoclonal intact immunoglobulin in serum. In other patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, values were abnormal although there was no clinical evidence of progression to multiple myeloma. Conclusions: The use of free-light-chain measurements alone cannot differentiate some groups of patients with monoclonal gammopathy from healthy individuals. As with the introduction of any new test, it is essential that more scientific data about use of this assay in different subject groups are available so that results can be interpreted with clinical certainty. (C) 2003 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
Current data indicate that the size of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) may be considered an important marker for cardiovascular disease risk. We established reference values of mean HDL size and volume in an asymptomatic representative Brazilian population sample (n=590) and their associations with metabolic parameters by gender. Size and volume were determined in HDL isolated from plasma by polyethyleneglycol precipitation of apoB-containing lipoproteins and measured using the dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique. Although the gender and age distributions agreed with other studies, the mean HDL size reference value was slightly lower than in some other populations. Both HDL size and volume were influenced by gender and varied according to age. HDL size was associated with age and HDL-C (total population); non- white ethnicity and CETP inversely (females); HDL-C and PLTP mass (males). On the other hand, HDL volume was determined only by HDL-C (total population and in both genders) and by PLTP mass (males). The reference values for mean HDL size and volume using the DLS technique were established in an asymptomatic and representative Brazilian population sample, as well as their related metabolic factors. HDL-C was a major determinant of HDL size and volume, which were differently modulated in females and in males.