43 resultados para LinkedIn


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Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender o papel e o significado da rede social Linkedin na contratação de recém-formados em Engenharia, analisando como recrutadores utilizam essa rede social para encontrar esse tipo de profissional. Observou-se que o perfil que o usuário constrói no Linkedin pode ajudá-lo a ser convocado para um processo seletivo, contudo, não constitui fator determinante para a contratação. Percebe-se que a forma como os recrutadores buscam candidatos sofre influência do Linkedin, mas a forma de decidir finalmente pelo candidato, não. Entretanto, a qualidade das conexões virtuais que o usuário possui em sua rede é um fator de peso nas oportunidades para participar de uma seleção, visto a chance de se sobressair sobre outros perfis. Este trabalho visa estudar o papel que a rede social Linkedin possui na forma como os profissionais atualmente são contatados e posteriormente recrutados.


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La tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di recommender system che hanno lo scopo di supportare chi è alla ricerca di un lavoro e le aziende che devono selezionare la giusta figura. A partire da un insieme di skill il sistema suggerisce alla persona la posizione lavorativa più affine al suo profilo, oppure a partire da una specifica posizione lavorativa suggerisce all'azienda la persona che più si avvicina alle sue esigenze.


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Manual básico sobre la red profesional LinkedIn, donde se analiza la red y se explica a fondo cómo crear un perfil y gestionarlo. Incluye información sobre las diferentes secciones características de la red LinkedIn y ofrece consejos para la correcta gestión de un perfil, buscando su mejor rendimiento.


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This study aims to provide independent and in-depth insights into how IT professionals move from one region to another within Europe and beyond. This study was carried out by Mikkel Barslund, Research Fellow, and Matthias Busse, Researcher in the Economic Policy research unit at CEPS. The work was commissioned by the business networking website LinkedIn, whose data analysts kindly provided the data used in this study, aggregated by region and in relative and anonymised terms. The authors are solely responsible for the findings and opinions expressed in this study. CEPS is an independent policy research institute in Brussels, whose mission is to produce sound policy research leading to constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe today. The views expressed in this study are solely those of the authors and should not be attributed to CEPS or to any other institution with which they are associated or to the business networking website LinkedIn.


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A intenção de rotatividade refere-se à probabilidade de os indivíduos deixarem o seu trabalho atual. Este tema se tornou relevante para as organizações por ser um potencial problema que pode afetar a competitividade das organizações, entre outros motivos. Acredita-se que alguns dos indivíduos com intenção de rotatividade possivelmente buscam meios de comunicação, novas tecnologias, como a rede social profissional LinkedIn objetivando disseminar suas informações profissionais, localizar oportunidades profissionais, obter mais contatos e informações sobre o mercado de trabalho, entre outras possibilidades. Desse modo, a intenção de rotatividade pode ser avaliada como um fator antecedente à adoção individual da rede social profissional LinkedIn. Este estudo analisou os fatores antecedentes que podem influenciar a intenção de uso e o comportamento de uso da rede social profissional LinkedIn, apoiando-se na perspectiva teórica da Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso da Tecnologia (UTAUT), de Venkatesh et al (2003), e na escala de intenção de rotatividade, de Siqueira et al (2014) e Van Dam (2008). A pesquisa fundamenta-se em uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa na qual os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento de pesquisa com a obtenção de 292 questionários respondidos, o que possibilitou a validação dos relacionamentos entre os construtos componentes do modelo de pesquisa desenvolvido para o estudo da adoção individual da rede social profissional LinkedIn. Para realizar o teste das hipóteses do estudo, procedeu-se a análise de equações estruturais, com base no PLS-PM (Partial Least Squares Path Modeling) a partir do qual foram apresentadas medidas satisfatórias para os construtos investigados e o modelo proposto, sendo significativas todas as relações entre os construtos. Os resultados obtidos por esta pesquisa confirmam a influência dos fatores antecedentes Expectativa de Desempenho, Expectativa de Esforço, Influência Social e Intenção de Rotatividade na intenção de uso da rede social profissional LinkedIn. O estudo concluiu que Expectativa de Desempenho revelou-se o fator que mais influencia na intenção de uso do LinkedIn, pois há a percepção de que ao utilizar o LinkedIn pode-se obter benefícios profissionais, entre outros aspectos. O segundo fator que apresentou maior influência na intenção de uso do LinkedIn foi a intenção de rotatividade, uma vez que alguns dos indivíduos, ao adotarem o LinkedIn, provavelmente tendem a mostrar para as outras pessoas/organizações interessadas quais são os seus talentos, suas experiências, competências, além de obter mais contatos, entre outros motivos. Já a Expectativa de Esforço demonstrou que alguns indivíduos percebem que é fácil a interação desta tecnologia. A Influência Social constatou que existe a percepção dos indivíduos quanto à influência da sua rede de contatos na intenção de uso do LinkedIn.


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Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen avulla tutkittiin, miten B2B-asiakassuhde rakennetaan, ylläpidetään ja johdetaan sekä mahdollisesti päätetään sosiaalisessa mediassa ja erityisesti LinkedInissä. Tutkimuksen tarkoitusta ja sen kahta osaongelmaa: 1) Mitä asiakassuhdejohtaminen on sosiaalisessa mediassa sekä 2) Millaisia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia sosiaalinen media tarjoaa asiakassuhdejohtamiselle, lähestyttiin yrityksen näkökulmasta. Aisaparina asiakassuhdejohtaminen ja sosiaalinen media ovat mielenkiintoinen ja hyvin ajankohtainen aihe. Siitä huolimatta aiemmissa tutkimuksissa näytti olevan tutkimuksen mentävä aukko siitä, miten sosiaalisen asiakassuhdejohtamisen teknologian myötä uudet toimintatavat toteutuvat yrityksen asiakassuhdejohtamisessa. Teoriassa esitettyjen aikaisempien havaintojen valossa tarkasteltiin ensin asiakassuhdetta ja sen johtamista ilmiönä. Uudessa kontekstissa ilmiö tunnistetaan sosiaalisena asiakassuhdejohtamisena. Tarkemmassa tarkastelussa oli LinkedIn, jota oli tutkittu vähän tieteellisesti ja jonka käyttö B2B-yrityksissä tuntui olevan vielä orastavana asiakassuhdejohtamisen näkökulmasta. Puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla tehdyt havainnot kertoivat kuitenkin LinkedInin ainutlaatuisuudesta. Sen yli 200 miljoonan globaalijäsenistö koostuu pääasiallisesti johto- ja asiantuntijatehtävissä olevista ammattilaisista ja päättäjistä. Henkilökontaktit ja niistä muodostuvat verkostot muodostavat relevantin kontaktipinnan B2B-yritykselle. LinkedInin verkostojen avulla yritys voi hankkia uusia asiakkaita ja ylläpitää vuorovaikutusta nykyisten kanssa. Lisäksi analyysin perusteella kokeneemmat LinkedIn-käyttäjät osaavat myös lukea ja hyödyntää muita laajemmin yhteisöpalvelussa näkyviä asiakkaiden käyttäytymis- ja niin sanottua hiljaista tietoa, jota muuten olisi vaikea saada selville. Havaintojen perusteella LinkedInin koettiin tehostavan yrityksen asiakassuhdejohtamista ja tarjoavan enemmän uusia mahdollisuuksia kuin haasteita. Haasteena nähtiin lähinnä viestinnän hallitsemattomuus, joka voi ilmetä epäluotettavina yhteydenottoina tai ei-toivottuina julkaisuina LinkedInissä, olivatpa ne sitten kielteisiä tai myönteisiä, sillä ne voivat vaikuttaa yrityksen asemaan asiakassuhteissa ja kilpailutilanteessa. Aika ja ”yhden yhteisöpalvelun” -taktiikka korostuvat tutkimustuloksissa. Verkostoitumalla ja omalla aktiivisuudella vain tässä yhdessä yhteisöpalvelussa yritys voi saavuttaa hyötyjä, joita voi olla muuten vaikeaa tai lähes mahdotonta saada. Verkostot tarjoavat ajantasaista ja laadukkaita kohderyhmiä varsinkin asiakassuhdejohtamisen alussa yrityksen etsiessä potentiaalisia liidejä. Yhteydenotto on helpompaa, kun verkostossa on yhteinen tuttu. Reaaliaikainen asiakastieto säästää yrityksen aikaa ja lisää asiakastietämystä, jolloin yritys voi keskittyä asiakastiedon keräämisen sijaan suhteiden rakentamiseen, ylläpitoon ja vuorovaikutukseen. Asiakassuhdetta ei kuitenkaan päätetä LinkedInissä, vaan se pyritään tarvittaessa elvyttämään uudelleen, sillä vanhoista suhteista versoaa todennäköisimmin yrityksen seuraava toimeksianto. Suhteet, verkostot ja vuorovaikutus ovat menestyksen takana myös LinkedInissä.


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At St Helens College LinkedIn accounts are enabling foundation degree students to showcase their achievements and form relationships with potential employers to boost their employability.


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The travel and hospitality industry is one which relies especially crucially on word of mouth, both at the level of overall destinations (Australia, Queensland, Brisbane) and at the level of travellers’ individual choices of hotels, restaurants, sights during their trips. The provision of such word-of-mouth information has been revolutionised over the past decade by the rise of community-based Websites which allow their users to share information about their past and future trips and advise one another on what to do or what to avoid during their travels. Indeed, the impact of such user-generated reviews, ratings, and recommendations sites has been such that established commercial travel advisory publishers such as Lonely Planet have experienced a pronounced downturn in sales ¬– unless they have managed to develop their own ways of incorporating user feedback and contributions into their publications. This report examines the overall significance of ratings and recommendation sites to the travel industry, and explores the community, structural, and business models of a selection of relevant ratings and recommendations sites. We identify a range of approaches which are appropriate to the respective target markets and business aims of these organisations, and conclude that there remain significant opportunities for further operators especially if they aim to cater for communities which are not yet appropriately served by specific existing sites. Additionally, we also point to the increasing importance of connecting stand-alone ratings and recommendations sites with general social media spaces like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and of providing mobile interfaces which enable users to provide updates and ratings directly from the locations they happen to be visiting. In this report, we profile the following sites: * TripAdvisor, the international market leader for travel ratings and recommendations sites, with a membership of some 11 million users; * IgoUgo, the other leading site in this field, which aims to distinguish itself from the market leader by emphasising the quality of its content; * Zagat, a long-established publisher of restaurant guides which has translated its crowdsourcing model from the offline to the online world; * Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree site, which attempts to respond to the rise of these travel communities by similarly harnessing user-generated content; * Stayz, which attempts to enhance its accommodation search and booking services by incorporating ratings and reviews functionality; and * BigVillage, an Australian-based site attempting to cater for a particularly discerning niche of travellers; * Dopplr, which connects travel and social networking in a bid to pursue the lucrative market of frequent and business travellers; * Foursquare, which builds on its mobile application to generate a steady stream of ‘check-ins’ and recommendations for hospitality and other services around the world; * Suite 101, which uses a revenue-sharing model to encourage freelance writers to contribute travel writing (amongst other genres of writing); * Yelp, the global leader in general user-generated product review and recommendation services. In combination, these profiles provide an overview of current developments in the travel ratings and recommendations space (and beyond), and offer an outlook for further possibilities. While no doubt affected by the global financial downturn and the reduction in travel that it has caused, travel ratings and recommendations remain important – perhaps even more so if a reduction in disposable income has resulted in consumers becoming more critical and discerning. The aggregated word of mouth from many tens of thousands of travellers which these sites provide certainly has a substantial influence on their users. Using these sites to research travel options has now become an activity which has spread well beyond the digirati. The same is true also for many other consumer industries, especially where there is a significant variety of different products available – and so, this report may also be read as a case study whose findings are able to be translated, mutatis mutandis, to purchasing decisions from household goods through consumer electronics to automobiles.


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Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are some of the prominent large-scale digital service providers that are having tremendous impact on societies, corporations and individuals. However, despite the rapid uptake and their obvious influence on the behavior of individuals and the business models and networks of organizations, we still lack a deeper, theory-guided understanding of the related phenomenon. We use Teece’s notion of complementary assets and extend it towards ‘digital complementary assets’ (DCA) in an attempt to provide such a theory-guided understanding of these digital services. Building on Teece’s theory, we make three contributions. First, we offer a new conceptualization of digital complementary assets in the form of digital public goods and digital public assets. Second, we differentiate three models for how organizations can engage with such digital complementary assets. Third, user-base is found to be a critical factor when considering appropriability.


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Most social network users hold more than one social network account and utilize them in different ways depending on the digital context. For example, friendly chat on Facebook, professional discussion on LinkedIn, and health information exchange on PatientsLikeMe. Thus many web users need to manage many disparate profiles across many distributed online sources. Maintaining these profiles is cumbersome, time consuming, inefficient, and leads to lost opportunity. In this paper we propose a framework for multiple profile management of online social networks and showcase a demonstrator utilising an open source platform. The result of the research enables a user to create and manage an integrated profile and share/synchronise their profiles with their social networks. A number of use cases were created to capture the functional requirements and describe the interactions between users and the online services. An innovative application of this project is in public health informatics. We utilize the prototype to examine how the framework can benefit patients and physicians. The framework can greatly enhance health information management for patients and more importantly offer a more comprehensive personal health overview of patients to physicians.


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The question concerning what makes for good BPM is often raised. A recent call from Paul Harmon on the BPTrends Discussion LinkedIN Group for key issues in BPM received 189 answers within two months, with additional answers still appearing. I have teamed up with a number of BPM researchers and practitioners to bring together our joint experience in a BPM workshop at the University in Liechtenstein in 2013, where we developed ten principles of good BPM, later published in Business Process Management Journal (vom Brocke et al., 2014). The paper, which has received considerable attention in academia, was ranked the journal’s most downloaded paper the month it was published. Slides on Slideshare that provide a brief summary of the paper have been accessed more than 3,000 times since they were first put online in March 2014. Given the importance of the topic–what makes for good BPM–and the positive response to the ten principles, I wrote this note with the co-authors of the original BPMJ paper to outline the ten principles and illustrate how to use them in practice. We invite all readers to engage in this discussion via any channel they find appropriate.


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It is widely known that entrepreneurship plays a crucial role within the economy. As the African economy needs rapid development and growth, this paper investigates the present attitude of African youth towards new business creation and entrepreneurship. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used, and 204 people participated in the study. The participants were accessed via social media such as Facebook (pages and groups), LinkedIn (groups), Twitter, and WhatsApp. The results reveal that African youth have positive attitudes and that they are entrepreneurially active and ready to take risks, provided that they can be self-dependent. Similarly, the results show that entrepreneurship education is much needed to improve innovative start-ups in Africa.


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El trabajo se centra primero, en el estudio de los aspectos teóricos más relevantes y específicos de las estrategias y acciones del marketing en el sector de las ONGs para el desarrollo, basándose a tal fin en el estudio y análisis de la bibliografía referenciada. En segundo lugar y como principal aportación del mismo, se realiza un trabajo empírico cualitativo consistente en el estudio de dos casos, el de Médicos Sin Fronteras y el de Anesvad. Para ambos se ha realizado una observación y análisis en profundidad de sus acciones de comunicación online que se ha completado con entrevistas en profundidad a responsables de marketing. Por último, se han evaluado los resultados obtenidos y se han realizado algunas propuestas para mejorar la comunicación online de las organizaciones.