954 resultados para Linguística - Blogs


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Este trabalho se situa na fronteira entre as áreas de Comunicação Social e Linguística e é voltado à investigação das interações ocorridas nos espaços dedicados à publicação de comentários de leitores em quatro blogs jornalísticos institucionais: Blog do Noblat, Blog MiriamLeitão.com, Blog do Reinaldo Azevedo e Blog do Josias de Souza. Com ele, pretende-se definir como cada leitor utiliza seus comentários para se relacionar com o jornalista autor do blog (o blogueiro), com outros leitores que também publicam suas opiniões (os leitores-comentaristas) e com o tópico tratado no texto (postagem) escrito pelo blogueiro. Além disso, considerando que autores da área de Comunicação Social discutem os blogs como um dispositivo amplamente conversacional, o propósito desta pesquisa é também esclarecer, à luz dos princípios da Análise da Conversação, se efetivamente ocorre uma conversação entre os participantes no ambiente de troca de mensagens dos blogs. Para a realização do estudo, foi compilado um corpus de 400 comentários cujo conteúdo demonstra a visão crítica de leitores dos blogs acima citados acerca de um mesmo tema: o apagão ocorrido em 10 de novembro de 2009 em 18 estados brasileiros. Tais mensagens foram trabalhadas a partir de um método predominantemente qualitativo e interpretativo, sendo que uma abordagem quantitativa também foi considerada para permitir uma visão mais abrangente e comparativa dos dados. Na ausência de um referencial teórico da Linguística que abrangesse os fenômenos interacionais percebidos nos comentários dos blogs, optou-se por desenvolver uma proposta de análise de base empírica, que norteou todo o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Entre as conclusões preliminares da pesquisa, pode-se dizer que, ao mesmo tempo em que os blogs inauguraram uma nova forma de relacionamento entre o jornalista e sua audiência, há indícios de grande parte dos leitores utilizem os blogs como um espaço restrito à publicação de opiniões isoladas, em vez de enxergá-lo como um ambiente com amplas possibilidades interativas, e, consequentemente, propício à discussão


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a intervenção de elementos linguísticos no processo leitor em espanhol como língua estrangeira (E/LE) ,em ambiente virtual, de docente desse idioma. A partir desse objetivo macro, estabelecemos um recorte e nos focamos na análise de como/se elementos linguísticos mais característicos de uma linguagem coloquial podem afetar mais a leitura de um docente de E/LE que teve na sua formação e na sua atividade profissional um contato maior com a língua formal. Nesse contexto, escolhemos o blog como o suporte virtual dos textos a serem lidos pelo sujeito por apresentar uma linguagem mais coloquial. No que se refere ao aporte teórico, esta pesquisa tem com principais bases a Linguística Textual (KOCH, 2009, 2002, 2007; KOCH ; TRAVAGLIA, 1996, 2000) e a leitura sócio-interacional (KATO, 1986, 2007; KLEIMAN, 1993, 1996, 2008; NUNES, 2005; VERGNANO-JUNGER, 2009). Também utilizamos alguns elementos da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa em pontos nos quais ela dialoga com a perspectiva sócio-interacional, como, por exemplo, na noção de gênero do discurso (MAINGUENEAU, 1996, 2003; BAKTHIN, 2003). A Sociolinguística (MORENO FERNANDÉZ, 1996; ALKMIN, 2001) contribuiu para estabelecer os parâmetros da língua coloquial e formal. Quanto à leitura em ambiente virtual, seguimos Ribeiro (2005), Marcuschi (2007), Santaella (2008) e Vergnano-Junger (2009). Para a elaboração deste trabalho, utilizamos uma metodologia híbrida composta de uma parte documental e de um estudo de caso. A fase documental teve como metas classificar os blogs de docentes de E/LE e selecionar dois para a elaboração de atividades de leitura guiada. O estudo de caso realizado com um docente de E/LE, por sua vez, teve como etapas uma leitura livre, duas guiadas e uma entrevista. Objetivou observar e discutir o perfil e o processo leitor do sujeito, com foco na intervenção de elementos linguísticos. Dos resultados obtidos, podemos destacar uma proposta de classificação dos blogs de professores de E/LE. Com base no estudo de caso, duas considerações merecem destaque: (a) uma maior dificuldade de leitura do texto coloquial, ao que tudo indica, gerada pela variedade lexical e (b) uma tendência do sujeito à leitura linear em ambiente virtual, com atenção voltada, frequentemente, para os aspectos de vocabulário e como esses afetavam a compreensão, demonstrando uma tendência à leitura decodificadora


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Dans cet article, j´étudie la notion courante de liberté d´expression, fréquemment associée aux pratiques de l´écriture sur internet, par exemple, celle des blogues. Du point de vue de l´Analyse du Discours, je m´occupe des questions de l´ordre linguistique et discursive qui peuvent favoriser l´émergence de certains énoncés dans le réseau à cause de la multiplicité des relations qui permettent que le(s) dire(s) apparaisse(nt) dans la société contemporaine. En particulier, je cherche à caractériser les conditions de production du language en réseau pour constituer l´espace, compris selon une problématique sociale (SANTOS, 1996, 2008), par sa relation avec l´histoire, comprise en discontinuité (FOUCAULT, 1997).


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El proyecto Lengua y Prensa está ligado al Grupo de investigación hum-881 del paidi. Se inicia en 2008 y se propone crear una Hemeroteca Lingüística Virtual de acceso universal. Se trata de proporcionar una base de datos de noticias relacionadas con la lingüística, las lenguas de España y sus variedades. En la actualidad se ha convertido en el principal recurso de búsqueda de noticias sobre nuestras lenguas, pues aloja alrededor de 13 000 noticias y dispone de cerca de 15 000 etiquetas, entre las cuales se encuentran los temas más diversos. Las categorías son, por orden alfabético: blogs, canales, documentos, páginas web, plataformas virtuales, podcasts, prensa escrita, radio, revistas, televisión y vídeos. Las noticias de prensa escrita superan las 11 000. Cada noticia aparece etiquetada con el año de publicación, su autor (bien una persona física, bien una agencia) y el medio en el que aparece. El resto de etiquetas atañen al contenido, sobre todo aquel relacionado con los asuntos lingüísticos. A día de hoy la hemeroteca acumula material suficiente para elaborar trabajos de investigación o de divulgación sobre noticias lingüísticas publicadas en los principales periódicos españoles de los últimos siete años; sobre lenguas oficiales de nuestro país: catalán, gallego, euskera, español o castellano (y de esta última, además, no solo en territorio español) e incluso extranjeras, como el inglés; sobre temas como política lingüística, relaciones entre lengua y cultura, opiniones vertidas en los medios sobre asuntos lingüísticos, etc. Fruto de este proyecto son las tesis doctorales que se están llevando a cabo en la Universidad de Málaga, la cuales están basando su corpus en esta herramienta. Asimismo, contamos con graduados en Filología Hispánica por la UMA que han realizado su trabajos de fin de grado y sus trabajos de fin de máster con ayuda de la Hemeroteca (documentos que pueden descargarse en la página web). Además, producto de este proyecto ya han visto la luz tres publicaciones relevantes: La lengua en el candelero. Repercusión mediática de asuntos lingüísticos (2014) y Asedios políticos a las lenguas desde los medios (2015); y El español como noticia y el español de los medios (2016)


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Curriculum initiatives in Australia emphasise the use of technologies and new media in classrooms. Some English teachers might fear this deployment of technologies because we are not all ‘digital natives’ like our students. If we embrace new media forms such as podcasts, blogs, vodcasts, and digital stories, a whole new world of possibilities open up for literary response and recreative texts, with new audiences and publication spaces. This article encourages English teachers to embrace these new digital forms and how shows we can go about it.


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The last three decades have seen consumers’ environmental consciousness grow as the environment has moved to a mainstream issue. Results from our study of green marketing blog site comments in the first half of 2009 finds thirteen prominent concepts: carbon, consumers, global and energy were the largest themes, while crisis, power, people, water, fuel, product, work, time, water, organic, content and interest were the others. However sub issues were also identified, as the driving factor of this information is coming from consumer led social networks. While marketers hold some power, consumers are the real key factor to possess influence for change. They want to drive change and importantly, they have the power. Power to the people.


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Design and Technology has become an important part of the school curriculum. In Queensland, Australia, Technology (which encompasses Design) is one of the Key Learning Areas (KLAs) for students in the first ten years of schooling. This KLA adopts a student-centred, hands-on constructivist approach to teaching and learning. The ability to conceptualise and implement appropriate learning experiences, however, has been a challenge for some early career teachers. This paper describes how Design and Technology is being taught to pre-service primary teachers at an Australian University through their involvement in a range of authentic problem-solving activities supported by social learning tools such as wikis and blogs. An interview with a sample from this group (N=5) provides an insight into how these social software tools enhanced their knowledge and learning. This paper will describe how these social learning tools impact on the agency of learning.


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Even for a casual observer of the journalistic industry it is becoming difficult to escape the conclusion that journalism is entering a time of crisis. At the same time that revenues and readerships for traditional publications from newspapers to broadcast news are declining, journalistic content is being overtaken by a flotilla of alternative options ranging from the news satire of The Daily Show in the United States to the citizen journalism of South Korea’s OhmyNews and a myriad of other news blogs and citizen journalism Websites. Worse still, such new competitors with the products of the journalism industry frequently take professional journalists themselves to task where their standards have appeared to have slipped, and are beginning to match the news industry’s incumbents in terms of insight and informational value: recent studies have shown, for example, that avid Daily Show viewers are as if not better informed about the U.S. political process as those who continue to follow mainstream print or television news (see e.g. Fox et al., 2007). The show’s host Jon Stewart – who has consistently maintained his self-description as a comedian, not a journalist – even took the fight directly to the mainstream with his appearance on CNN’s belligerent talk show Crossfire, repeatedly making the point that the show’s polarised and polarising ‘left vs. right’ format was “hurting” politics in America (the show disappeared from CNN’s line-up a few months after Stewart’s appearance; Stewart, 2004). Similarly, news bloggers and citizen journalists have shown persistence and determination both in uncovering political and other scandals, and in highlighting the shortcomings of professional journalism as it investigates and reports on such scandals.


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Reflective practice is widely considered across discussions around educational psychology, professional identity, employability of graduates, and generic or graduate capabilities. Critical reflection is essential for providing a bridge between the university and the workplace, and for ultimately preparing work ready graduates (Patrick et al, 2008). Work integrated learning, particularly through internships and work placements for students, is viewed as a valuable approach for students developing skills in reflective practice. Reflective journals are one of the tools often used to encourage and develop student reflection. Shifting the reflective journal to an online interface as a reflective blog presents opportunities for more meaningful, frequent and richer interaction between the key players in a work integrated learning experience. This paper examines the adoption, implementation and refinement of the use of reflective blogs in a work integrated learning unit for business students majoring in advertising, marketing and public relations disciplines. The reflective blog is discussed as a learning and assessment tool, including the approaches taken to integrate and scaffold the blog as part of the work integrated learning experience. Graduate capabilities were used as cornerstones for students to frame students’ thinking, experiences and reflection. These capabilities emphasise the value of coherent theoretical and practical knowledge, coupled with critical, creative and analytical thinking, problem solving skills, self reliance and resilience. Underlying these graduate capabilities is a focus on assessment for learning matched with assessment of learning. Using specific triggers and prompts as part of the reflective process, and incorporating ongoing feedback from academic supervisors, students moved from descriptive levels of reflection, to more meaningful and critical reflection. Students’ blogs are analysed to identify key themes, challenges and achievements in the work integrated learning experience. Suggestions for further development and improvement, together with a model of best practice, are proposed.


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This article examines the social networking phenomenon that has been so readily embraced by school-age adolescents, in the context of its potential to contribute further to the mechanisms for and incidence of cyberbullying amongst school students. Cyberbullying in these online for a, as a misuse of technology to harass, intimidate, tease, threaten, abuse or otherwise terrorise peers, teachers and/or the school in general, is discussed from both the psychological perspective and in terms of its legal ramifications (both criminal and civil) in Australia. Some recommendations for proactive and preventative measures, education and policy adoptions are provided, together with general advice to parents, schools and adolescents on awareness of the risks involved and how young people might better protect themselves in light of that knowledge.


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Despite the continued popularity of travel blogs and virtual travel communities, there is currently a lack of contemporary criticism surrounding the coded structures and connotations of online travel writings, especially those arising out of the Australian context. While there have been few significant studies of Australian women’s travel to date, there have been even less about female wandering. Reimagining the archetype of Penelope, this paper considers liminal accounts of wandering in contemporary travel blogs of Australian women abroad. When women travel as wanderers, they undermine normative accounts of travel and trace out alternative movements fused with gendered meaning.


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In both Australia and Norway and through a number of Technology projects conducted since 2007, the authors – together and with other collaborators - have attempted to create positive learning environments supported by Web 2.0 communication tools. Through protected public sites and the oz-Teachernet [http://www.otn.edu.au], we have consistently chosen to use blogs to support the social construction of knowledge, that is, to allow students the opportunity to discuss, share and collaborate on their classroom activities and engagement with Technology artefacts and processes. Through comparisons with findings from a small-scale project in Norway and a large-scale project in Australia, this paper will argue for the potential of discussion through blogs but recommend that the purposeful use of scientific language in student communication will not occur without teacher intervention and scaffolding.