1000 resultados para Linear colliders


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The physics potential of e(+) e(-) linear colliders is summarized in this report. These machines are planned to operate in the first phase at a center-of-mass energy of 500 GeV, before being scaled up to about 1 TeV. In the second phase of the operation, a final energy of about 2 TeV is expected. The machines will allow us to perform precision tests of the heavy particles in the Standard Model, the top quark and the electroweak bosons. They are ideal facilities for exploring the properties of Higgs particles, in particular in the intermediate mass range. New vector bosons and novel matter particles in extended gauge theories can be searched for and studied thoroughly. The machines provide unique opportunities for the discovery of particles in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, the spectrum of Higgs particles, the supersymmetric partners of the electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons, and of the matter particles. High precision analyses of their properties and interactions will allow for extrapolations to energy scales close to the Planck scale where gravity becomes significant. In alternative scenarios, i.e. compositeness models, novel matter particles and interactions can be discovered and investigated in the energy range above the existing colliders lip to the TeV scale. Whatever scenario is realized in Nature, the discovery potential of e(+) e(-) linear colliders and the high precision with which the properties of particles and their interactions can be analyzed, define an exciting physics program complementary to hadron machines. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the associated production of Z and standard model Higgs bosons in high energy gamma gamma collisions with the photons originating from Compton laser backscattering. According to our results, within the framework of the standard model, this process will give rise only to very few events for a yearly integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1), even at very high energies.


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We analyze the potential of the next generation of e+e- linear colliders to search for large extra dimensions via the production of fermion pairs in association with Kaluza-Klein gravitons (G), i.e., e+e- →ff̃G. This process leads to a final state exhibiting a significant amount of missing energy in addition to acoplanar lepton or jet pairs. We study in detail this reaction using the full tree level contributions due to the graviton emission and the standard model backgrounds. After choosing the cuts to enhance the signal, we show that a linear collider with a center-of-mass energy of 500 GeV will be able to probe quantum gravity scales from 0.96 (0.86) up to 4.1 (3.3) TeV at a 2 (5)σ level, depending on the number of extra dimensions. ©2001 The American Physical Society.


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A complete analysis of the sensitivity to new Hbb̄ couplings from the process e+e- → bb̄vv̄ at the next generation of linear colliders was performed. These new couplings were predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model. The results are comparable to the study performed previously where a global fit analysis for L=500 fb-1 and √s=500 GeV resulted in a relative accuracy of 2.2% in the gHbb Yukawa coupling.


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In supersymmetric theories with R-parity violation, squarks and sleptons can mediate Standard Model fermion–fermion scattering processes. These scalar exchanges in e+e− initiated reactions can give new signals at future linear colliders. We explore use of transverse beam polarization in the study of these signals in the process View the MathML source. We highlight certain asymmetries, which can be constructed due to the existence of the transverse beam polarization, which offer discrimination from the Standard Model (SM) background and provide increased sensitivity to the R-parity violating couplings.


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A better understanding of vacuum arcs is desirable in many of today's 'big science' projects including linear colliders, fusion devices, and satellite systems. For the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) design, radio-frequency (RF) breakdowns occurring in accelerating cavities influence efficiency optimisation and cost reduction issues. Studying vacuum arcs both theoretically as well as experimentally under well-defined and reproducible direct-current (DC) conditions is the first step towards exploring RF breakdowns. In this thesis, we have studied Cu DC vacuum arcs with a combination of experiments, a particle-in-cell (PIC) model of the arc plasma, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the subsequent surface damaging mechanism. We have also developed the 2D Arc-PIC code and the physics model incorporated in it, especially for the purpose of modelling the plasma initiation in vacuum arcs. Assuming the presence of a field emitter at the cathode initially, we have identified the conditions for plasma formation and have studied the transitions from field emission stage to a fully developed arc. The 'footing' of the plasma is the cathode spot that supplies the arc continuously with particles; the high-density core of the plasma is located above this cathode spot. Our results have shown that once an arc plasma is initiated, and as long as energy is available, the arc is self-maintaining due to the plasma sheath that ensures enhanced field emission and sputtering. The plasma model can already give an estimate on how the time-to-breakdown changes with the neutral evaporation rate, which is yet to be determined by atomistic simulations. Due to the non-linearity of the problem, we have also performed a code-to-code comparison. The reproducibility of plasma behaviour and time-to-breakdown with independent codes increased confidence in the results presented here. Our MD simulations identified high-flux, high-energy ion bombardment as a possible mechanism forming the early-stage surface damage in vacuum arcs. In this mechanism, sputtering occurs mostly in clusters, as a consequence of overlapping heat spikes. Different-sized experimental and simulated craters were found to be self-similar with a crater depth-to-width ratio of about 0.23 (sim) - 0.26 (exp). Experiments, which we carried out to investigate the energy dependence of DC breakdown properties, point at an intrinsic connection between DC and RF scaling laws and suggest the possibility of accumulative effects influencing the field enhancement factor.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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We evaluate the potential for searching for isosinglet neutral heavy leptons (N), such as right-handed neutrinos, in the next generation of e+e- linear colliders, paying special attention to contributions from the reaction γe→WN initiated by photons from beamstrahlung and laser back-scattering. We find that these mechanisms are both competitive and complementary to the standard e+e-→vN annihilation process for producing neutral heavy leptons in these machines and greatly extends the search range over HERA and LEP200.


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Das Thema der Dissertation ist die analytische Berechnung von QCD-Strahlungskorrekturen erster Ordnung zurPolarisation schwerer und leichter Quarks in der $e^+ e^-$-Vernichtung,und der Polarisation von Gluonen, die bei der Produktion von leichten oderschweren Quarkpaaren in der $e^+ e^-$-Vernichtung abgestrahlt werden. Der erste Teil der Arbeit (Kapitel 1 und 2) befaßt sich mitder vollständigen Analyse der Gluonpolarisation für den Prozeß $e^+ e^- to q bar q G$ und $ Q bar Q G$. Es werdenBerechnungen derQCD-Bremsstrahlungskorrekturen zur ersten Ordnung in$alpha_s$ zur Gluonpolarisation im Prozeß $e^+ e^- to q bar q G$ und$ Q bar Q G$ durchgeführt. Ferner werden die lineare und die zirkulareGluonpolarisation in der Hadronebene und Leptonebene untersucht. Anschließend werden die Polarwinkelabhängigkeit und dieStrahlpolarisationsabhängigkeit der Gluonpolarisation analysiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit (Kapitel 3 und 4) finden sich die Berechnungen der QCD-Strahlungskorrekturen erster Ordnungfür massive Quarkszur Longitudinal-Longitudinal Spin-Korrelation für dieProzeße $e^+ e^- to q bar q$ und $Q bar Q$. In Kapitel 3 wirdeine Mittelung überdie Polarwinkel durchgeführt, während in Kapitel 4 die Polarwinkel-Abhängigkeit explizit untersucht wird. ImKapitel 3 und 4 wird der Effekt der $O(alpha_s)$-Korrektur zur spin-flip-Konfiguration der verschiedenen Komponenten derHadrontensoren diskutiert. Der vorgelegten Arbeit kommt im Rahmen der für die Zukunftgeplanten Hochpräzisionsexperimente eine besondere Bedeutung zu, dasie Vorhersagen für Spinobservablen liefert, die in Experimentenan den geplanten $e^+ e^-$-Linearbeschleunigern gemessen werden können.


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AEC Contract AT(04-3)-400.


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Modern elementary particle physics is based on quantum field theories. Currently, our understanding is that, on the one hand, the smallest structures of matter and, on the other hand, the composition of the universe are based on quantum field theories which present the observable phenomena by describing particles as vibrations of the fields. The Standard Model of particle physics is a quantum field theory describing the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions in terms of a gauge field theory. However, it is believed that the Standard Model describes physics properly only up to a certain energy scale. This scale cannot be much larger than the so-called electroweak scale, i.e., the masses of the gauge fields W^+- and Z^0. Beyond this scale, the Standard Model has to be modified. In this dissertation, supersymmetric theories are used to tackle the problems of the Standard Model. For example, the quadratic divergences, which plague the Higgs boson mass in the Standard model, cancel in supersymmetric theories. Experimental facts concerning the neutrino sector indicate that the lepton number is violated in Nature. On the other hand, the lepton number violating Majorana neutrino masses can induce sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations in any supersymmetric model. In this dissertation, I present some viable signals for detecting the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation at colliders. At the e-gamma collider (at the International Linear Collider), the numbers of the electron-sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation signal events are quite high, and the backgrounds are quite small. A similar study for the LHC shows that, even though there are several backrounds, the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations can be detected. A useful asymmetry observable is introduced and studied. Usually, the oscillation probability formula where the sneutrinos are produced at rest is used. However, here, we study a general oscillation probability. The Lorentz factor and the distance at which the measurement is made inside the detector can have effects, especially when the sneutrino decay width is very small. These effects are demonstrated for a certain scenario at the LHC.


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The SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(N) electroweak model predicts new Higgs bosons beyond the one of the standard model. In this work we investigate the signature and production of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the e(+)e(-) International Linear Collider and in the CERN Linear Collider. We compute the branching ratios for the doubly charged gauge bosons of the model.


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We perform an update of our previous analysis of the constraints on possible deviations of Hb (b) over bar coupling parametrized as (m(b)/v)(a+igamma(5)b), arising from a scalar-pseudoscalar mixing, where the process e(+)e(-)-->b (b) over bar nu(ν) over bar was used. In this paper we include a complete simulation of the process e(+)e(-)-->b (b) over bare(+)e(-) and combine these results to obtain tighter bounds on the deviations of the parameters a and b from their standard model values that could be measured at the Next Linear Collider.