871 resultados para Legal defense
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os institutos da decisão monocrática e do agravo interno, sob o prisma de metodologia empírica que busca priorizar a realidade pragmática da aplicação do artigo 557 do Código de Processo Civil. Enfocou-se o instituto da decisão monocrática no contexto das minirreformas processuais brasileiras, que tiveram como alicerce o princípio da efetividade processual. Esse princípio pressupõe a duração razoável do processo, garantida na Constituição Federal Brasileira. A partir da constitucionalidade desse princípio, defendeu-se a constitucionalidade do artigo 557 do Código de Processo Civil, que não pode ser considerado abstratamente inconstitucional. Demonstrou-se que a aplicabilidade do artigo 557 pode ser inconstitucional se não atender à técnica da ponderação de valores, que garante a interpretação conforme a Constituição. Analisou-se o agravo interno, sob a premissa do valor da celeridade em cotejo com o devido processo legal, que permeou a subsequente análise do procedimento desta espécie de agravo. Após uma reflexão sobre os institutos da decisão monocrática e do agravo interno, aliada ao exame dos princípios do devido processo legal, ampla defesa, contraditório e motivação das decisões judiciais, passou-se ao exame empírico desses institutos jurídicos. Nessa análise, foram coletados e examinados dados estatísticos, que confirmaram – e, assim, possibilitaram a conclusão da dissertação – a constitucionalidade do artigo 557 e a importância de sua interpretação conforme os referidos princípios constitucionais.
One thing is (a) to develop a system that handles some task to one's satisfaction, and also has a universally recognized myrthful side to its output. Another thing is (b) to provide an analysis of why you are getting such a byproduct. Yet another thing is (c) to develop a model that incorporates reflection about some phenomenon in humor for its own sake. This paper selects for discussion especially Alibi, going on to describe the preliminaries of Columbus. The former, which fits in (a), is a planner with an explanatory capability. It invents pretexts. It's no legal defense, but it is relevant to evidential thinking in AI & Law. Some of the output pretext are myrthful. Not in the sense they are silly: they are not. A key factor seems to be the very alacrity at explaining out detail after detail of globally damning evidence. I attempt a reanalysis of Alibi in respect of (b). As to Columbus, it fits instead in (c). We introduce here the basics of this (unimplemented) model, developed to account for a sample text in parody.
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem o objetivo de estudar o efeito suspensivo do recurso de apelação e seus reflexos no sistema jurídico brasileiro. Com efeito, busca-se analisar as possíveis consequências da supressão do próprio efeito suspensivo sobre o tempo de duração dos processos e quanto a possível insegurança jurídica causada pela ausência da suspensão dos julgados de primeira instância. Sustenta-se neste trabalho que a supressão do efeito suspensivo pode ser uma proposta para aumentar a celeridade na tramitação dos processos no Brasil, sem causar problemas de segurança jurídica. Em primeiro lugar, descreve-se o problema de investigação e suas proposições. O primeiro capítulo apresenta a judicialização das relações sociais e, por conseguinte, a multiplicação do número de ações distribuídas e a crescente exigência pela efetividade da prestação jurisdicional. Neste mesmo capítulo o trabalho se ocupa em apreciar dos dados obtidos junto ao Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro e com a análise qualitativa de casos típicos que demonstram o uso do efeito suspensivo tão somente para procrastinar o tempo de duração do processo bem como para barganhar um possível acordo vantajoso para o devedor. Em seguida, apreciamos os Princípios constitucionais da Segurança Jurídica e da Efetividade e Celeridade da Prestação Jurisdicional indicando o marco teórico de cada princípio. O segundo capítulo descreve conceito de sentença e seus efeitos, levando-se em consideração as últimas reformas processuais. Após, estuda-se a suposta estabilidade do sistema jurídico com a aplicação do efeito suspensivo, abordando o duplo grau de jurisdição como garantia constitucional. Posteriormente, indicamos a utilização estratégica do efeito suspensivo pelos atores (réus) do processo. O terceiro capítulo destina-se a apontar a legislação estrangeira e seus respectivos fundamentos jurídicos que influenciaram o nosso ordenamento jurídico, bem como a colaboração do autor em sugerir uma nova proposta de lei. Aproveitamos a oportunidade para trazer á baila as possíveis alterações oriundas do projeto do novo Código de Processo Civil e suas aspirações para dirimir os obstáculos que causam o longo tempo de duração dos processos. Por fim, apresentamos as considerações finais sobre a hipótese de supressão do efeito suspensivo como meio de alcançar a redução do tempo de duração do processo mantendo-se as garantias constitucionais da ampla defesa e do devido processo legal. Com efeito, demonstra-se que não há qualquer violação ao Princípio da Segurança Jurídica.
The realization of human rights is a prerequisite to the development of peoples, this requires legal mechanisms and techniques to its consistent and effective promotion, protection and fulfillment. So, agree that there is an institution or public agency created for the purpose of protecting those who suffer most in the face of human rights violations: the needy. In Brazil, among other institutions and public agencies, the responsibility of the Public Defender to promote the protection of human rights. The constitutional system recognizes the institution in its essence the role of the state court, whose duty is to provide guidance and legal defense of the needy. The legal system as a whole sufraga the relevance of the Ombudsman as a mainspring of human rights. In the prison system, with the ultimate regulatory changes, such as Law 12.313 of 2010 which introduced changes to the Law 7.210 of 1984, the institution must ensure the correct and humane enforcement of sentences and the security measures pertaining to the needy. With the Complementary Law 132 of 2009, to systematize other duties of the Public Defender, highlighting their contribution to the movement of access to justice. Within the OAS, to adopt Resolution 2656, 2011, characterizing, with ruler and compass, the relevance of the Ombudsman access to justice and protection of human rights. In this step, the present study concerns the role of Defender in the legal protection of human rights, through monographic and deductive methods, as there remains a technical and theoretical connection between these two points themed legal phenomenon, since the rights humans, especially after the second half of the twentieth century, form the basis of the legal system of the major Western nations in the world. This led, therefore, the emergence of technical and legal institutions aimed at realizing human rights. This applies to the Defender. Access to justice and public service provision of legal assistance are human rights, therefore, essential to humans and necessary for social inclusion. Countries such as Brazil, marked by social inequality, depend on the structuring of institutions like the Defender, designed to promote citizenship to the Brazilian people
The conceptions of the judicial function, the process and the factors of legitimacy of the norm of decision are changed according to the model of State (liberal, social democratic and constitutional). The right of access to justice, likewise, follows the ideals present in constitutional movements experienced in different historical moments. The deficit of legitimacy of the judiciary is recurring subject of study in the doctrine, especially in the face of democratic standards that permeate the current paradigm of state. Under the process law, the essential element for the distinction of the states based on the rule of law (formal and material) and the democratic constitutional state lies in the democratic guarantee of participation to the litigants in the process of elaborating the norm of decision. The concern about the participatory democracy and the concretion of fundamental rights has as presupposition the conception of popular sovereignty. Keeping this effort in mind, the civil procedure cannot be oblivious to such considerations, especially when it justifies its constitutional conformation from the institutionalization of discourse within the procedural field (democratic principle) and of the democratization of access to justice, leading to the necessary contestation of the theory of instrumentality of the process. The democratic prospects of civil procedure and the concern about the legitimacy of the rule of decision cannot be moved away from the analysis of the judicial function and the elements that influence the legal suit s progress. The computerization of the judicial process entails extensive modification in the way the judicial function is developed, in view of automation of activities held, of the eliminating of bureaucratic tasks, manual and repetitive, and of streamlining the procedure. The objective of this study is to analyze the dogmatic changes and resulting practices from the implementation of the Judicial Electronic Process (JEP), prepared by the National Council of Justice, under the parameters of procedural discourse and democratic access to justice. Two hypotheses are raised, which, based on a bibliographic-documentary, applied and exploratory research, are contested dialectically. The expansion of publicity of procedural acts and the facilitating of communication and practice of such acts are elements that contribute to the effective participation of the recipients of the norm of decision in its making process and, therefore, the democratic principle in the procedural field. Ensuring access (to the parts) to the case files and reasonable duration of the process along with the preservation of its founding principles (contradictory, legal defense and isonomy) are essential to ensure democratic access to justice within the virtual system
A compreensão do fenômeno jurídico como sistema de inclusão é fundamental para a compreensão dos aparatos normativos que regulam a tutela dos interesses metaindividuais. Mais apropriada aos desafios do século XXI, as normas principais deste sistema processual no Brasil, estão expressas na Lei 7.347/85 c/c a Lei 8078/90 e necessária interação com as normas da Constituição Federal que rege a matéria, onde o modelo de Legitimidade ad cansam, deferida e entes sociais públicos e particulares reflete a sua natureza de instrumento de pacificação de conflito social. O fenômeno da pluralidade de partes no processo de tutela coletiva, o destaque à noção processual de terceiro é um pressuposto essencial para a compreensão deste fenômeno em sede de tutela coletiva, cujo litisconsórcio é a expressão maior do fenômeno processual, desprendendo-se a sua construção das relações do direito material que podem originar-se em suas diversas modalidades. O respeito à garantia processual do contraditório e da ampla defesa, como direito e garantia fundamental, importante e necessária ao tecido social, que pode e deve ser exercido sob parâmetros sociais mais elásticos fim onde se inserem as especiais regras do processo de tutela coletiva, criando o legislador pátrio curvaturas de respeito ao seu prisma individual, mas destacando a sua função social, expressas nos parágrafos 1º, 2º e 3º do artigo 103 da Lei 8.078/90. A eficácia da sentença em sede de tutela coletiva, pela sua natureza sempre terá repercussões sobre os interesses de terceiros, aliás destinam-se mesmo à tutela de tais sujeitos, dai se dizer que possuem eficácia ultra partes ou erga omnes, mas distinguem-se dos efeitos erga omnes e ultra partes da coisa julgada, previsto no Capítulo IV do Título III da Lei 8.078/90, que somente excluem-se na forma das curvaturas previstas pelo legislador. Nenhum empecilho haveria da extensão coletiva pro et contra, dos efeitos erga omnes ou ultra partes na coisa julgada na tutela de qualquer dos interesses metaindividuais, sem exceção, porque em nada limitariam a tutela dos interesses individuais dos membros destas coletividades, comunidades ou conjuntos de vítimas pois este não foi o objeto do processo coletivo, mas a cautela exigiu as diversas curvaturas, para deixar a salvo estes interesses individuais no caso de improcedência da ação coletiva, uma vez que no caso de procedência, fixada a responsabilidade global do réu, estando este interesse individual no seu raio de ação, falta-lhe interesse de agir a pretender a tutela particular, basta ser liquidada dentro do processo de execução coletiva.
Throughout the development and maturation of the American democratic experience, religiously inspired conduct has contributed significantly to democratically progressive political concerns such as the abolition of slavery and campaigns for civil rights, but also the encouragement and perpetuation pf anti-democratic practices such as the institution of slavery and policies of racial segregation. It may be rarely admitted, but there is no essential conceptual affinity between conduct proper to democratic political association. It may, therefore, be useful in our own political circumstances to try to determine boundaries for conduct that expresses and satisfies compatibly both religious and democratic commitments. Perhaps most Americans do recognize – if not in their own cases, at least in reference to the beliefs and actions of others – that religiously inspired conduct is neither thereby justified morally or legally nor absolved from further critical appraisal. Certainly, the history of American legal practice shows that religious belief or inspiration does not serve as acceptable legal defense for conduct charged as criminal infraction. The U.S. Constitution contains only two references to religion: the non-establishment clause prohibits governmental institutionalization of religious beliefs or liberty rights – is limited in scope and application both by other constitutional rights of individuals and by constitutionally authorized powers of government. As the U.S.S.C. has repeatedly held, individual constitutional features must be understood in a manner that harmonizes all stated and implied constitutional features, not by unbridled abstractions of selected phrases. Under the American legal system, there is no absolute or unlimited right to free exercise of religion: not everything done publicly under religious inspiration is legally permissible; what is otherwise illegal conduct is not legalized by religious inspiration. In important respects, general features of the legal boundaries concerning religiously inspired conduct in public life are reasonably clear; nevertheless, broader issues concerning further moral or ethical constraints upon religiously inspired conduct remain unresolved and rarely addressed explicitly.
Trata-se de um estudo sistêmico e metódico dos institutos da ampla defesa e do contraditório aplicados no bojo de um inquérito policial à luz dos demais princípios constitucionais fundamentais. Far-se-á um olhar comparativo entre as normas e demais fatores jurídicos, políticos, econômicos e sociais do Brasil e de Portugal, bem como referências subsidiárias de outros países da Europa e do mundo. O tema gira em torno do sistema processual penal brasileiro no que tange às investigações preliminares da polícia judiciária. Estabelece como ponto de partida a efetivação do Estado Democrático de Direito no processo de construção de uma sociedade comprometida no senso de igualdade e justiça. Para tanto, avaliaremos a conveniência de se instituir aqueles princípios no texto constitucional e respectivas leis como forma de dar concretude à formação da culpa do acusado ainda na fase policial; ou, pelo menos, para promover uma investigação criminal livres de quaisquer vícios. Também será necessário refletir sobre a evolução da persecução penal no mundo e no Brasil para que possamos, a partir de uma análise comparativa, avaliar os aspectos positivos e negativos que devem ser repetidos ou rechaçados. Proporemos uma mudança de paradigma de investigação criminal, elegendo o órgão ministerial como condutor das investigações, em contraponto ao atual modelo brasileiro que deposita essa prerrogativa exclusivamente nas mãos da polícia judiciária, para então concluirmos se vale a pena uma alteração normativa lastreada na otimização dos resultados no combate à criminalidade tendo o inquérito policial como instrumento de controle. Nesta esteira, feito o breve estudo da evolução histórica dos institutos, passaremos por uma reflexão mais moderna do Estado Garantidor pautado no senso democrático atual, para, então, esmiuçar a merecida atenção dos princípios fundamentais constitucionais e finalmente mergulhar nos principais aspectos do inquérito policial, sempre propondo a eventual aplicabilidade da ampla defesa e do contraditório como forma de compatibilizar de vez com a noção de democracia plena dos institutos penais. Em seguida, iremos colacionar os resultados da pesquisa empírica feita por meio de entrevistas com profissionais de alta envergadura jurídica, os quais apresentarão suas perspectivas quanto ao tema e terão suas manifestações analisadas de forma qualiquantitativa. Concluiremos o trabalho com as reflexões finais.
Dans certains milieux syndicaux québécois, des initiatives porteuses destinées à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale au travail ont vu le jour. Des représentants syndicaux pionniers ont mis en place des structures d’entraide opérantes, obtenu des jurisprudences importantes et développé des approches innovantes pour corriger ou bonifier l’organisation du travail, et ce depuis plus de trois décennies. Alors que la montée de l’idéologie néolibérale et les principes d’organisation du travail qu’elle sous-tend engendrent une intensification du travail qui fragilise la psyché des travailleurs et que le rapport de force des syndicats s’effrite, il apparaît porteur d’interroger l’expérience de ces représentants syndicaux pour mieux comprendre comment se structure l’action syndicale en santé mentale au travail. Cette thèse fait l’étude de réalisations syndicales québécoises en matière de santé mentale au travail visant à prévenir et à corriger les problèmes de détresse psychologique, d’épuisement professionnel, de harcèlement, de dépression, de violence, de suicides reliés au travail, etc. Pour ce faire, un cadre théorique mixte a été utilisé. D’une part, une perspective large a été adoptée pour comprendre les enjeux entourant les rapports humains au travail et l’action. Pour ce faire, quatre auteurs influents de la philosophie des Lumières et de la philosophie contemporaine ont été sélectionnés, soit Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, Karl Marx et Hannah Arendt. Dégager ces différentes perspectives du monde, de l’action et du lien social avait pour objectif de mettre en place une grille d’analyse susceptible de relier l’expérience de représentants syndicaux à ces visions du monde. Il est apparu essentiel de mieux saisir les bases idéologiques sur lesquelles ces derniers ont construit leur action pour comprendre comment elles ont influencé leur démarche singulière et collective. D’autre part, la théorie de l’expérience sociale a été retenue (Dubet, 2009; 1994) pour analyser plus finement le travail des représentant syndicaux. Celle-ci distingue trois logiques d’action complémentaires et en tension avec lesquelles doivent composer les acteurs sociaux : une logique d’intégration, une logique stratégique et logique appuyée sur la subjectivation. La coexistence de ces trois logiques signifie que l’expérience que les individus font du monde n’est pas une simple reproduction de déterminismes qui les précèdent. Les acteurs sont aussi sujets de leur expérience et capables de prendre une distance du social pour comprendre les significations de leur agir; ils s’inscrivent dans le monde dans une dialectique critique. Cette théorie apporte un éclairage permettant de dégager à la fois ce qui freine et ce qui facilite l’action individuelle et collective en matière de santé mentale au travail et de décrire comment des représentants syndicaux se mobilisent pour répondre aux nombreuses attentes des membres. Cette recherche qualitative s’est appuyée sur une méthodologie de récit de vie (Rhéaume 2008; Bertaux 2006). Vingt représentants syndicaux ont témoigné de la souffrance au travail (Dejours, 2008) vécue par leurs membres et ont présenté des actions déployées pour leur venir en aide. Les réalités décrites par les participants montrent comment certains éléments de l’organisation du travail sont associés à des expériences de domination (Martuccelli, 2004): les méfaits du productivisme et de l’hyperflexibilité, les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles et les situations d’horreur au travail, les rapports sociaux au travail devenus délétères et les utilisations abusives de l’appareil judiciaire. L’étude démontre aussi à quel point des initiatives portées par des représentants syndicaux contribuent à une résolution de problèmes dans une perspective d’interdépendance, de développement du pouvoir d’agir, de justice sociale et de lutte pour la dignité. Quatre catégories d’initiatives ont été retenues : l’entretien du lien social dans l’entraide au quotidien, la défense juridique et légale des membres, les clauses de convention collective et les actions sur l’organisation du travail. Enfin, la recherche dégage trois profils de représentants syndicaux : la militance qui tente de former un nous, la professionnalisation qui tente de faire reconnaitre son utilité et sa compétence, et l’entraide qui cherche à développer une action engageant le Je. Leur rencontre laisse entrevoir le développement d’une praxis syndicale qui vise à promouvoir et protéger la dignité du travail et des travailleurs.
Item 851-J-3
This article examines one legal criterion for the exercise of the right of self-defense that has been significantly overlooked by commentators: the so-called “reporting requirement.” Article 51 of the United Nations (UN) Charter provides, inter alia, that “[m]easures taken by members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council.” Although the requirement to report all self-defense actions to the Council is clearly set out in Article 51, the Charter offers no further guidance with regard to this obligation. Reference to the practice of states since the UN’s inception in 1945 is therefore essential to understanding the scope and nature of the reporting requirement. As such, this article is underpinned by an extensive original dataset of reporting practice covering the period from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2013. We know from Article 51 that states “shall” report, but do they, and—if so—in what manner? What are the various implications of reporting, of failing to report, and of the way in which states report? How are reports used, and by whom? Most importantly, this article questions the ultimate value of states reporting their self-defense actions to the Security Council in modern interstate relations.
The objective of this work is the study of the existing correlations between the strategical use of the information and the joint and implementation of defense politics and national security in the Legal Amazonian. For in such a way, the proposal was developed from the analysis of the systems of protection and monitoring of the Amazonian (SIPAM/SIVAM), where we search to inquire as these systems have contributed for the definition and implantation of these politics. For the Amazonian, with its natural wealth, threats and vulnerabilities, the perspectives of integration, security and national defense and of sustainable development constitute great challenges to be faced, where the efficient use of the technology is a basic reference that must be incorporated in the strategies and public politics in these areas. One is about a strategical project, conceived with vision of future, protection and development of the . The objective SIPAM/SIVAM the defense and the guarantee of the Brazilian sovereignty in the Legal Amazonian, beyond the systematization and accomplishment of the governmental actions in the region, by means of the intensive use of technological apparatus. In turn, they reflect the priority that the Amazon region has in terms of defense and security for the Country, and symbolize the strategy of the State to protect it. The SIPAM/SIVAM if finds in a boarding line in which the guarantee of the national sovereignty also involves the care with the development of the local population, inside of a proposal educative and integrator. Like conclusion we affirm that of the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new paradigm for the public administration, where the organizations work with a shared set of information, beyond starting to act of integrated form. Thus, when searching permanently the rationalization of efforts and resources, trying an unknown form of institution relationship where infrastructure and products are shared, the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new premise for the Brazilian public administration and contributes to give a new direction to the development of the Amazonian.
This paper discusses the growing attention that, over the last decades, has been given to the administrative procedure in Administrative Law, as it also highlights the procedures which are in tune with the new trappings of this legal field. It focuses on the sanctioning competence of regulatory agencies, notably what concerns the procedural guide that conditions its exercise. It aims at gathering varied elements, many times dispersed over the legal system, so it is possible to list, with a satisfactory degree of detail, the procedural constitutional guidelines which are indispensable to the sanctioning of private entities through punitive action by regulatory agencies. It highlights the due legal process clause, for the abundance of the protective set there is around it, as a guiding constitutional principle for the application of sanctions by regulatory agencies. It examines the repercussion of the constitutional principle of the due legal process on Administrative Law, focusing on the most relevant principles on which the first unfolds itself. It analyzes, in light of the due legal process principle, the sanctioning administrative procedure developed in regulatory agencies. In conclusion, it is asserted that there is no room, in the Brazilian legal system as a whole, for sanctions to be applied summarily; that there reigns, in our system, an absolute presumption, dictated by the Constitution, that only through regular procedures can the best and fairest decision, concerning cases in which the rights of private parties could be affected, be taken by the public administration; that, respecting the principle of the right to a fair hearing, it is indispensable that there be motivation of a decision that imposes a sanction; that there should be, in homage to the principle of full defense and for the need to preserve the autonomy of the regulatory party, an appeal court in every agency; that the principles listed in the federal law No. 9.784/1999 should be mandatorily monitored by the agencies, for this is the only alternative consistent with the Constitution
Over sixty years ago, British high court judge Patrick Devlin and legal philosopher H.L.A. Hart fought out a famous debate over the legal enforcement of morality, which was generated by the question whether homosexuality should be legalized or not. Jurists agree that this debate was won by Hart, also evidenced in the fact that the state has since been retreating from its previous role of moral watchdog. I argue in this paper that the two most conflicted and essentially unresolved issues in the integration of Islam, the regulation of the female body and of free speech, have reopened this debate anew, pushing the liberal state toward the legal regulation of morality, thus potentially putting at risk its liberalness. I use the Hart-Devlin debate as a template for comparing and contrasting the Muslim quest for restricting free speech with the host-society quest for restricting the Islamic veil. Accordingly, there is a double threat to liberalism, which this paper brings into view in tandem, one originating from Islam and another from a hypertrophied defense of liberalism.