994 resultados para Lead-free Solder
The reliability of Pb-free solder joints is controlled by their microstructural constituents. Therefore, knowledge of the solder microconstituents’ mechanical properties as a function of temperature is required. Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder alloy contains three phases: a Sn-rich phase, and the intermetallic compounds (IMCs) Cu6Sn5 and Ag3Sn. Typically, the Sn-rich phase is surrounded by a eutectic mixture of β-Sn, Cu6Sn5, and Ag3Sn. In this paper, we report on the Young’s modulus and hardness of the Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn IMCs, the β-Sn phase, and the eutectic compound, as measured by nanoindentation at elevated temperatures. For both the β-Sn phase and the eutectic compound, the hardness and Young’s modulus exhibited strong temperature dependence. In the case of the intermetallics, this temperature dependence is observed for Cu6Sn5, but the mechanical properties of Cu3Sn are more stable up to 200°C.
The impending introduction of lead-free solder in the manufacture of electrical and electronic products has presented the electronics industry with many challenges. European manufacturers must transfer from a tin-lead process to a lead-free process by July 2006 as a result of the publication of two directives from the European Parliament. Tin-lead solders have been used for mechanical and electrical connections on printed circuit boards for over fifty years and considerable process knowledge has been accumulated. Extensive literature reviews were conducted on the topic and as a result it was found there are many implications to be considered with the introduction of lead-free solder. One particular question that requires answering is; can lead-free solder be used in existing manufacturing processes? The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative study of a tin-lead solder and a lead-free solder in two key surface mount technology (SMT) processes. The two SMT processes in question were the stencil printing process and the reflow soldering process. Unreplicated fractional factorial experimental designs were used to carry out the studies. The quality of paste deposition in terms of height and volume were the characteristics of interest in the stencil printing process. The quality of solder joints produced in the reflow soldering experiment was assessed using x-ray and cross sectional analysis. This provided qualitative data that was then uniquely scored and weighted using a method developed during the research. Nested experimental design techniques were then used to analyse the resulting quantitative data. Predictive models were developed that allowed for the optimisation of both processes. Results from both experiments show that solder joints of comparable quality to those produced using tin-lead solder can be produced using lead-free solder in current SMT processes.
Lead free magneto electrics with a strong sub resonant (broad frequency range) magneto electric coupling coefficient (MECC) is the goal of the day which can revolutionise the microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) industry. We report giant resonant MECC in lead free nanograined Barium Titanate–CoFe (Alloy)-Barium Titanate [BTO-CoFe-BTO] sandwiched thin films. The resonant MECC values obtained here are the highest values recorded in thin films/ multilayers. Sub-resonant MECC values are quite comparable to the highest MECC reported in 2-2 layered structures. MECC got enhanced by two orders at a low frequency resonance. The results show the potential of these thin films for transducer, magnetic field assisted energy harvesters, switching devices, and storage applications. Some possible device integration techniques are also discussed
More than 30 epiphytic lichens, collected in Agadir (Morroco) and along a 150-km transect from the Atlantic Ocean eastward, were analyzed for their metal content and lead isotopic composition. This dataset was used to evaluate atmospheric metal contamination and the impact of the city on the surrounding area. The concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn (average ± 1 SD) were 20.9 ± 15.2 μg g−1, 13.8 ± 9.0 μg g−1, and 56.6 ± 26.6 μg g−1, respectively, with the highest values observed in lichens collected within the urban area. The 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb ratios in the lichens varied from 1.146 to 1.186 and from 2.423 to 2.460, respectively. Alkyllead-gasoline sold in Morocco by the major petrol companies gave isotopic ratios of 206Pb/207Pb = 1.076–1.081 and 208Pb/207Pb = 2.348–2.360. These new, homogeneous values for gasoline-derived lead improve and update the scarce isotopic database of potential lead sources in Morocco, and may be of great value to future environmental surveys on the presence of lead in natural reservoirs, where it persists over time (e.g., soils and sediments). The interest of normalizing metal concentrations in lichens to concentrations of a lithogenic element is demonstrated by the consistency of the results thus obtained with lead isotopic ratios. Leaded gasoline contributed less than 50% of the total amount of lead accumulated in lichens, even in areas subject to high vehicular traffic. This strongly suggests that the recent banishment of leaded gasoline in Morocco will not trigger a drastic improvement in air quality, at least in Agadir.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
CaBi4Ti4O15 (CBTi144) thin films were evaluated for use as lead-free thin-film piezoelectrics in microelectromechanical systems. The films were grown by the polymeric precursor method on (100)Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The a/b-axis orientation of the ferroelectric film is considered to be associated with the preferred orientation of the Pt bottom electrode. The P-r and E-c were 14 mu C/cm(2) and 64 kV/cm, respectively, for a maximum applied field of 400 kV/cm. The domain structure was investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy. The film has a piezoelectric coefficient, d(33), equal to 60 pm/V and a current density of 0.7 mA/cm(2).
High Curie point CaBi2Nb2O9 thin films: A potential candidate for lead-free thin-film piezoelectrics
CaBi2Nb2O9 (CBNO) thin films deposited on platinum coated silicon substrates by the polymeric precursor method exhibited good structural, dielectric, and piezoelectric characteristics. Capacitance-voltage measurements indicated good ferroelectric polarization switching characteristics. Remanent polarization and drive voltage values were 4.2 mu C/cm(2) and 1.7 V for a maximum applied voltage of 10 V. The film has a piezoelectric coefficient d(33) equal to 60 pm/V, current density of 0.7 mu A/cm(2), and Curie temperature of 940 degrees C. The polar-axis-oriented CBNO is a promising candidate for use in lead-free high Curie point in ferroelectric and piezoelectric devices. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lead-free solid solutions (1-x)Bi0.5Na0.5TiO 3 (BNT)-xBaZr0.25Ti0.75O3 (BZT) (x=0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07) were prepared by the solid state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld refinement analyses of 1-x(BNT)-x(BZT) solid solution ceramic were employed to study the structure of these systems. A morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between rhombohedral and cubic structures occured at the composition x=0.05. Raman spectroscopy exhibited a splitting of the (TO3) mode at x=0.05 and confirmed the presence of MPB region. Scanning electron microcopy (SEM) images showed a change in the grain shape with the increase of BZT into the BNT matrix lattice. The temperature dependent dielectric study showed a gradual increase in dielectric constant up to x=0.05 and then decrease with further increase in BZT content. Maximum coercive field, remanent polarization and high piezoelectric constant were observed at x=0.05. Both the structural and electrical properties show that the solid solution has an MPB around x=0.05. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.
The processing of ferroelectric BaBi4Ti4O15 (BBT) ceramics from powders prepared by conventional solid state reaction (SSR) and mechanochemical activation (MA) has been investigated. It was shown that MA synthesis reduces the synthesis temperature of BBT powders, leading to smaller particles with reduced anisotropy and consequently to smaller grain size of ceramics. Dielectric properties were investigated in a wide range of temperatures (20-800 degrees C) and frequencies (1.21 kHz to 1 MHz). The relative dielectric permittivity at Curie temperature was higher for solid state obtained ceramics than for the mechanically treated ones. The conductivity of sintered samples was studied, suggesting decreasing of conductivity of BBT-MA in comparison with BBT-SS ceramics. The influence of the grain and the grain boundaries contribution to the dielectric behavior in both ceramics was analyzed through impedance spectroscopy. A well-defined ferroelectric hysteresis loop was obtained for both samples. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Lead in petrol has been identified as a health hazard and attempts are being made to create a lead-free atmosphere. Through an intensive study a review is made of the various options available to the automobile and petroleum industry. The economic and atmospheric penalties coupled with automobile fuel consumption trends are calculated and presented in both graphical and tabulated form. Experimental measurements of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions are also presented for certain selected fuels. Reduction in CO and HC's with the employment of a three-way catalyst is also discussed. All tests were carried out on a Fiat 127A engine at wide open throttle and standard timing setting. A Froude dynamometer was used to vary engine speed. With the introduction of lead-free petrol, interest in combustion chamber deposits in spark ignition engines has ben renewed. These deposits cause octane requirement increase or rise in engine knock and decreased volumetric efficiency. The detrimental effect of the deposits has been attributed to the physical volume of the deposit and to changes in heat transfer. This study attempts to assess why leaded deposits, though often greater in mass and volume, yield relatively lower ORI when compared to lead-free deposits under identical operating conditions. This has been carried out by identifying the differences in the physical nature of the deposit and then through measurement of the thermal conductivity and permeability of the deposits. The measured thermal conductivity results are later used in a mathematical model to determine heat transfer rates and temperature variation across the engine wall and deposit. For the model, the walls of the combustion cylinder and top are assumed to be free of engine deposit, the major deposit being on the piston head. Seven different heat transfer equations are formulated describing heat flow at each part of the four stroke cycle, and the variation of cylinder wall area exposed to gas mixture is accounted for. The heat transfer equations are solved using numerical methods and temperature variations across the wall identified. Though the calculations have been carried out for one particular moment in the cycle, similar calculations are possible for every degree of the crank angle, and thus further information regarding location of maximum temperatures at every degree of the crank angle may also be determined. In conclusion, thermal conductivity values of leaded and lead-free deposits have been found. The fundamental concepts of a mathematical model with great potential have been formulated and it is hoped that with future work it may be used in a simulation for different engine construction materials and motor fuels, leading to better design of future prototype engines.
In this doctoral thesis, methods to estimate the expected power cycling life of power semiconductor modules based on chip temperature modeling are developed. Frequency converters operate under dynamic loads in most electric drives. The varying loads cause thermal expansion and contraction, which stresses the internal boundaries between the material layers in the power module. Eventually, the stress wears out the semiconductor modules. The wear-out cannot be detected by traditional temperature or current measurements inside the frequency converter. Therefore, it is important to develop a method to predict the end of the converter lifetime. The thesis concentrates on power-cycling-related failures of insulated gate bipolar transistors. Two types of power modules are discussed: a direct bonded copper (DBC) sandwich structure with and without a baseplate. Most common failure mechanisms are reviewed, and methods to improve the power cycling lifetime of the power modules are presented. Power cycling curves are determined for a module with a lead-free solder by accelerated power cycling tests. A lifetime model is selected and the parameters are updated based on the power cycling test results. According to the measurements, the factor of improvement in the power cycling lifetime of modern IGBT power modules is greater than 10 during the last decade. Also, it is noticed that a 10 C increase in the chip temperature cycle amplitude decreases the lifetime by 40%. A thermal model for the chip temperature estimation is developed. The model is based on power loss estimation of the chip from the output current of the frequency converter. The model is verified with a purpose-built test equipment, which allows simultaneous measurement and simulation of the chip temperature with an arbitrary load waveform. The measurement system is shown to be convenient for studying the thermal behavior of the chip. It is found that the thermal model has a 5 C accuracy in the temperature estimation. The temperature cycles that the power semiconductor chip has experienced are counted by the rainflow algorithm. The counted cycles are compared with the experimentally verified power cycling curves to estimate the life consumption based on the mission profile of the drive. The methods are validated by the lifetime estimation of a power module in a direct-driven wind turbine. The estimated lifetime of the IGBT power module in a direct-driven wind turbine is 15 000 years, if the turbine is located in south-eastern Finland.
A rheological assessment of the effect of trace level Ni additions on the solidification of Sn-0.7Cu
The influence of trace level Ni additions on the eutectic solidification mode of Sn-0.7Cu has been studied using continuous torque experiments during solidification. The solid fraction at which resistance to paddle rotation at the thermal centre of the sample occurs is related to the spatial distribution of solid during solidification. The results indicate that a transition in solidification mode occurs in the range 0-300 ppm Ni. Growth occurs antiparallel to heat flow from near the mould walls in the Ni-free alloy, while equiaxed growth from distributed centres dominates in alloys containing at least 300 ppm Ni. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.