921 resultados para Latex allergy


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Latex allergy is a serious, possibly life threatening health hazard in the perioperative environment. Policy and procedures should be developed to identify patients who may be sensitive to latex and to ensure the avoidance of latex products in their care. Healthcare workers should also take steps to avoid exposure and protect themselves from hypersensitivity reactions.


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Nos profissionais de saúde a alergia ao látex representa um importante problema de saúde ocupacional. Em contexto hospitalar, a principal fonte de exposição alergénica é a utilização de luvas látex empoadas e a inalação dos bioaerossóis que se formam pela manipulação das mesmas. Mediante consentimento informado, os participantes preencheram um inquérito de resposta fechada e realizaram os testes cutâneos (TC). Aqueles que apresentaram reacção foram encaminhados para a consulta de imunoalergologia e realizaram TC para alimentos, doseamentos séricos de imunoglobulinas (lgE total e específica). Foram incluídos no estudo 44 dos 48 participantes (a=0.1). A sensibilidade ao látex foi posta em evidência em 15 dos elementos da amostra, seis dos quais reagem ao extracto de látex utilizado nos TC. A alergia ao látex foi diagnosticada em duas pessoas. A aplicação de questionários na avaliação sensibilização ocupacional ao látex pode vir a constituir ferramenta válida de auscultação deste problema nas instituições prestadoras de cuidados de saúde. ABSTRACT: Latex allergy is a major occupational disease among health care workers. ln hospitals, the main source of allergen exposure is the powdered latex gloves latex and the inhalation of the aerosols formed by its direct manipulation. By means of informed assent, the participants filled an inquiry and carried out the SPT. Those with cutaneous reaction to the latex extract went to an immunoallergology appointment. SPT for fruit and pollen with cross reactivity to latex allergens where performed, and blood levels of total and specific lgE where determined. The study group included 44 of the 48 participants (a=0.1). Fifteen elements showed latex sensitization and six of them had cutaneous reaction to the latex extract used in the SPT. Latex allergy was found in two health care professionals. Questionnaires may provide a reliability tool to access the sensitization due to natural rubber products and the symptoms more commonly associated with it, in health care facilities.


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El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de síntomas cutáneos asociados a Dermatitis de Contacto y su relación con factores socios demográficos y ocupacionales, en el personal asistencial de un laboratorio clínico de la ciudad de Bogotá en el año 2012. Es un estudio descriptivo observacional de corte transversal (n= 100) se estimo la prevalencia de síntomas cutáneos de Dermatitis de Contacto y sus factores asociados socio demográficos y ocupacionales en el personal asistencial de un laboratorio clínico de la ciudad de Bogotá en Se usó como instrumento el cuestionario Nórdico para Enfermedades profesionales de la piel (NOQS) en su versión larga validada al español. La sensibilidad y especificidad del cuestionario aplicado en lo referente a las preguntas sobre eczema fue del 96 y 75% respectivamente. Los resultados encontrados fueron que la prevalencia de la sintomatología cutánea de Dermatitis de contacto en la población estudiada fue de 30% para manos y de 16 % para muñecas o antebrazos.


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Este artículo pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura vigente acerca del asma ocupacional secundaria a la exposición de los factores de riesgo identificados en peluquería. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed y Cochrane de artículos de revistas indexadas con las palabras claves “Asthma occupational, hairdressers, hairdresser, work related asthma”. Aplicando los criterios de selección descritos, se revisaron 26 artículos en total donde se incluían reportes de casos, estudios de prevalencia, incidencia, corte transversa y revisiones, abarcando principalmente los temas de epidemiologia, fisiopatología, diagnóstico y prevención. Se agruparon según la metodología PRISMA para su respectiva comparación. Se concluyó que a pesar de la importancia de esta patología en el sector de peluquería, existen factores asociados como la informalidad del sector, la falta de estudios de investigación originales de cohorte o el desconocimiento de un protocolo claro de diagnóstico en este tipo de trabajadores, que limitan datos concluyentes acerca de la misma. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los autores concluye la relación entre la patología y la labor de peluquería, así falte esclarecer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos relacionados con los alérgenos identificados.


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O látex está sendo considerado o alergênico do ano 2000, tendo em vista que inúmeros indivíduos, principalmente profissionais da área de saúde e pacientes submetidos a várias intervenções diagnósticas e terapêuticas, estão freqüentemente expostos aos alérgenos do látex, presentes em produtos de borracha natural. As manifestações clínicas conseqüentes às reações alérgicas de hipersensibilidade imediata vão desde rinite, urticária, conjuntivite, angioedema, asma, até anafilaxia. Estudos recentes estão demonstrando que pacientes alérgicos ao látex desenvolvem concomitantemente sensibilização a certos alimentos de origem vegetal, especialmente frutas como papaia, figo, banana, abacate, kiwi, pêssego, abacaxi, melão e castanha, acreditando-se numa provável ocorrência de reações cruzadas entre os alérgenos do látex e destas frutas. Faz-se, então, uma revisão sobre a alergia ao látex, em particular sobre os grupos de risco, incluindo a presença de reatividade cruzada entre o látex e as frutas.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A alergia ao látex tornou-se um risco crescente aos indivíduos expostos, como os profissionais da área da saúde, tendo como agravo a associação com hipersensibilidade a vários alimentos, especialmente frutas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência de sensibilização ao látex e a frutas em profissionais da área da saúde. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 53 profissionais da saúde, 81,9% do sexo feminino, aplicando-se questionário alergológico e testes cutâneos por puntura para alérgenos inaláveis, do látex e de frutas (mamão papaia, kiwi, abacate, banana, figo, tomate, noz). RESULTADOS: Dos 53 indivíduos estudados, 15 (28,5%) eram alérgicos ao látex. A sensibilidade a frutas foi diagnosticada em 14 (26,4%), dos quais 10 (18,8%) apresentavam teste por puntura positivo para o látex; as frutas alergênicas mais freqüentes foram papaia (80,0%), kiwi (60,0%) e abacate (50,0%). CONCLUSÃO: Estes achados demonstram a existência da alergia látex-fruta, como descrito na literatura, sendo de suma importância uma avaliação in vivo em profissionais da área de saúde, caracterizados como potencial grupo de risco.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A alergia ao látex é um importante problema de saúde pública, especialmente em grupos de risco que têm contato frequente com este potente alérgeno. Este estudo estimou a prevalência e os fatores de risco para sensibilização ao látex em pacientes com mielomeningocele (MMC) submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos urológicos no HC-FMUSP. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados pacientes com MMC submetidos a pelo menos uma cirurgia urológica, entre 2009 e 2014.Todos foram entrevistados e seus prontuários revisados. Uma amostra de sangue permitiu que a IgE específica ao látex, a K82, e seus recombinantes fossem investigados pelo método lmmunoCAP100 (kUa/L -1). A associação entre a exposição e o desfecho foi avaliada por meio de regressão logística de Poisson, Quiquadrado ou o teste exato de Fischer, para variáveis categóricas. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para comparar variáveis contínuas (nível de significância de 5%). Foram calculados a razão de prevalência (RP) e o intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados Duzentos e doze pacientes (51% do sexo masculino, 20,4 ± 6,4 anos de idade), 68 foram submetidos a pelo menos um procedimento urológico e 51 aceitaram participar (87,9%). Vinte e nove pacientes foram considerados não-sensibilizados (IgE específica para o látex :: a 0,7 kUa/L) e 22 sensibilizados ao látex com IgE > 0,7 kUa/L. Quando comparados os dois grupos, o sensibilizado apresentou um número de procedimentos cirúrgicos maior (11,6 ± 5,9 vs 7,2 ± 5,6) e dentre eles 48,3% apresentaram alguma alergia anterior contra 27,6% no grupo não sensibilizado. A sensibilização ao látex foi independentemente associada com alergia a produtos de látex (p = 0,014) e com o número de cirurgias anteriores (p = 0,032). A alergia ao látex tinha uma razão de prevalência de 2,87 (95% Cl: 1,24 a 6,65) ajustado para o número de cirurgias. Para cada procedimento cirúrgico, ajustado à alergia a produtos que contém látex, aumentou o risco para sensibilização em 4% (PR = 1,04; 95% CI: 1,00-1,09). CONCLUSÕES: A história de alergia ao látex e o número de cirurgias foram fatores de risco independentes para sensibilização ao látex


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Latex protein allergy is a serious problem faced by users of natural rubber latex products. This is severe in health care workers, who are constantly using latex products like examination gloves, surgical gloves etc. Out of the total proteins only a small fraction is extractable and only these proteins cause allergic reactions in sensitized people. Enzymic deproteinisation of latex and leaching and chlorination of latex products are the common methods used to reduce the severity of the problem.Enzyme deproteinisation is a cubersome process involving high cost and process loss.Physical properties of such films are poor. Leaching is a lengthy process and in leached latex products presence of extractable proteins is observed on further storing. Chlorination causes yellowing of latex products and reduction in tensile properties.In this context a more simple process of removal of extractable proteins from latex itself was investigated. This thesis reports the application of poly propylene glycol (PPG) to displace extractable proteins from natural latex. PPG is added to 60 % centrifuged natural latex to the extent of 0.2 % m/rn, subssequently diluted to 30 % dry rubber content and again concentrated to obtain a low protein latex.Dilution of concentrated latex and subsequent concentration lead to a total reduction in non - rubber solids in the concentrate, especially proteins and reduction in the ionic concentration in the aqueous phase of the latex. It has been reported that proteins in natural rubber / latex affect its behaviour in the vulcanisation process. Ionic concentration in the aqueous phase of latex influence the stability, viscosity and flow behaviour of natural latex. Hence, a detailed technological evaluation was carried out on this low protein latex. In this study, low protein latex was compared with single centrifuged latex ( the raw material to almost every latex product), double centrifuged latex ( because dilution and second concentration of latex is accompanied by protein removal to some extent and reduction in the ionic concentration of the aqueous phase of latex.). Studies were conducted on Sulphur cure in conventional and EV systems under conditions of post ~ cure and prevulcanisation of latex. Studies were conducted on radiation cure in latex stage. Extractable protein content in vulcanised low protein latex films are observed to be very low. lt is observed that this low protein latex is some what slower curing than single centrifuged latex, but faster than double centrifuged latex. Modulus of low protein latex films were slightly low. In general physical properties of vulcanised low protein latex films are only siightly lower than single centrifuged latex. Ageing properties of the low protein latex films were satisfactory. Viscosity and flow behaviour of low protein latex is much better than double centrifuged latex and almost comparable to single centrifuged latex. On observing that the physical properties and flow behaviour of low protein latex was satisfactory, it was used for the preparation of examination gloves and the gloves were evaluated. It is observed that the properties are conforming to the Indian Standard Specifications. It is thus observed that PPG treatment of natural latex is a simple process of preparing low protein latex. Extractable protein content in these films are very low.The physical properties of the films are comparable to ordinary centrifuged latex and better than conventionally deprotenized latex films. This latex can be used for the production of examination gloves.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Natural rubber latex, an aqueous colloidal dispersion of polyisoprene is widely used in production of gloves, catherers, rubber bands etc. The natural rubber latex content present in products such as gloves causes allergic problems. Of the different types of allergies reported, latex is known to produce Type I and Type IV allergies. Type I is called immediate hypersensitivity and type IV is called delayed hypersensitivity. It has been reported that some of the proteins present in the latex are mainly responsible for the allergic reactions type I. Significant reduction in the allergic response (type I) of natural rubber latex can be achieved by the reduction in its protein content, however out of the total proteins present in the latex or latex film only a fraction is extractable. The major techniques employed to reduce protein content of latex include leaching, autoclaving, chlorination, use of proteolytic enzymes and use of non ionic surfactants. Sulphur vulcanization of dipped products is responsible for Type IV allergy. N-nitrosamine, a carcinogenic substance is produced as a result of sulphur vulcanization. Radiation vulcanization can be used as an alternative for sulphur vulcanization. The current research deals with techniques to reduce the allergy associated with latex products. To reduce the type I allergy, low protein latex is developed using polyethylene glycol, a non- ionic surfactant. The present study employs radiation vulcanization to eliminate type IV allergy. The effect of different cure systems and fillers on the properties of low protein latex is also investigated as a part of the study.


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AIM To assess the effects of eye rubbing on corneal thickness (CT) and intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements obtained 0-30min after habitual eye rubbing in symptomatic patients. METHODS Measurements of IOP and CT were obtained at five locations (central, temporal, superior, nasal and inferior) before, and every 5min for 30min interval after 30s of eye rubbing, for 25 randomly selected eyes of 14 subjects with ocular allergy and 11 age-matched normals. Differences in measurements were calculated in each group [Baseline measurements minus measurements recorded at each time interval after eye rubbing (for IOP), and for each corneal location (for CT)] and comparison were then made between groups (allergic versus control) for differences in any observed effects. RESULTS Within groups, baseline mean IOPs in the allergic patient-group (14.2±3.0 mm Hg) and in the control group (13.1±1.9 mm Hg) were similar at all times, after eye rubbing (P >0.05, for all). The maximum reduction in IOP was 0.8 mm Hg in the control subjects and the maximum increase was also 0.8 mm Hg in the allergic subjects. Between groups (allergic versus control), the changes in IOP remained under 1 mm Hg at all times (P=0.2) after 30min of eye rubbing. Between 0 and 30min of CT measurements after eye rubbing, the mean central CT (CCT), inferior CT (ICT), superior CT (SCT), temporal CT (TCT) and nasal CT (NCT) did not vary significantly from baseline values in the control and allergic-subject groups (P>0.05, for both). Between both groups, changes in CT were similar at all locations (P>0.05) except for the TC which was minimally thinner by about 4.4 µm (P=0.001) in the allergic subjects than in the control subjects, 30min following 30s of eye rubbing. CONCLUSION IOP measured in allergic subjects after 30s of habitual eye rubbing was comparable with that obtained in normal subjects at all times between 0 and 30min. Although, CT in the allergic subjects were similar to those of the control subjects at all times, it varied between +10 and -7.5 µm following eye rubbing, with the temporal cornea showing consistent reductions in thickness in the subjects with allergy. However, this reduction was minimal and was considered to not be clinically relevant.