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Uniform lanthanide orthophosphate LnPO(4) (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) nanoparticles have been systematically synthesized via a facile, fast, efficient ultrasonic irradiation of inorganic salt aqueous solution under ambient conditions without any surfactant or template. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), photoluminescence (PL) spectra as well as kinetic decays were employed to characterize the samples. The SEM and the TEM images show that the hexagonal structured lanthanide orthophosphate LnPO(4) (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd. Sm, Eu, Gd) products have nanorod bundles morphology, while the tetragonal LnPO(4) (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho) samples prepared under the same experimental conditions are composed of nanoparticles. HRTEM micrographs and SAED results prove that these nanostructures are polycrystalline in nature.


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The hexagonal and monoclinic LaPO4:Eu3+ nanorods can be selectively synthesized through a simple hydrothermal method by only adjusting the reaction temperature. Hexagonal and monoclinic LaPO4:Eu3+ nanorods can be prepared at 120 and 180 degrees C, respectively. The phase conversion of LaPO4:Eu3+ under different temperatures is investigated in detail. Moreover, the influence of the temperature on the intensity and the shift of the peaks of the excitation and emission spectra is discussed, and the decay lifetime of the Eu3+ ions of the sample obtained at different temperature also have been investigated in this paper.


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YPO4 nano/microcrystals with multiform crystal phases and morphologies, such as hexagonal nano/submicroprisms, spherical-like nanoparticles, and nanorods with different length/diameter ratios as well as tetragonal nanospindles, have been synthesized via a facile hydrothermal route. A series of controlled experiments indicate that the pH values in the initial solution, phosphorus sources, and the organic additive trisodium citrate (Cit(3-)) are responsible for crystal phase and shape determination of final products. It is found that Cit(3-) as a ligand and shape modifier has the dynamic effect by adjusting the growth rate of different facets under different experimental conditions, resulting in the formation of various geometries of the final products. The possible formation mechanisms for products with diverse architectures have been presented.


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Monodisperse rare-earth ion (Eu3+, Ce3+, Tb3+) doped LaPO4 particles with oval morphology were successfully prepared through a facile solvothermal process without further hear treatment. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), photoluminescence (PL) spectra and the kinetic decays were performed to characterize these samples. The XRD results reveal that all the doped samples are well crystalline at 180 degrees C and assigned to the monoclinic monazite-type structure of the LaPO4 phase. It has been shown that all the as-synthesized samples show perfectly oval morphology with narrow size distribution. The possible growth mechanism of the LapO(4):Ln has been investigated as well.


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Using low-temperature hydrothermal methods, nanoscale lanthanide phenylphosphonates species with different morphologies, namely, nanoparticles and nanorods, have been systematically synthesized. The possible growth mechanism of these nanorods was discussed. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and photoluminescence spectra were used to characterize these materials. The photoluminescent properties of EU(O3PC6H5)(HO3PC6H5) and La0.91EU0.09(O3PC6H5)(HO3PC6H5) nanorods were discussed.


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A variety of uniform lanthanide orthoborates LnBO(3) (Ln = Gd, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, and Dy) microplates have been successfully prepared by a general and facile conversion method. One-dimensional (ID) lanthanide hydroxides were first prepared through a simple hydrothermal process. Subsequently, uniform LnBO(3) microplates were synthesized at the expense of the ID precursors during a hydrothermal conversion process. The whole process in this method was carried out in aqueous condition without the use of any organic solvents, surfactant, or catalyst. The as-obtained rare earth ions doped GdBO3 and TbBO3 microplates show strong light emissions with different colors coming from different activator ions under ultraviolet excitation or low-voltage electron beam excitation, which might find potential applications in fields such as light phosphor powders and advanced flat panel display devices.


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Este estudo transversal está focado na propriedade de luminescência persistente do aluminato de estrôncio co-dopado com cério (III), disprósio (III) e európio (II), SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+, em sistemas de sinalização de áreas de risco e emergências para pessoas com deficiências. Na área da ciência e engenharia dos materiais, foram desenvolvidos novos materiais com características nanométricas, nanotubos, nanoarames e nanobastões luminescentes de SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+ para aplicações na área da reabilitação e acessibilidade de pessoas com deficiências. Os nanotubos foram obtidos a partir de micro- e nano-partículas precursoras sintetizadas por reacção do estado-sólido e tratamento térmico de recozedura (1273-1473 K). Os nanoarames e nanobastões foram preparados por moagem, sonificação e recozedura (373 K). Novas nanocápsulas de aluminatos luminescentes dopados com cério (III) e encapsulados com TiO2 foram criadas de modo a obter-se materiais multifuncionais, designadamente com acção fotocatalítica antimicrobiana, antibacteriana e resistência à água. Tais aluminatos podem ser amplamente aplicados como superfícies higiénicas, auto-limpantes, em biomateriais, no domínio de medicamentos antibióticos, na formulação de vacinas, e com ênfase à aplicação em cerâmicas fotoluminescentes. As metodologias de obtenção de tais nanoestruturas de aluminato de estrôncio dopado com cério (III) e do seu encapsulamento, desenvolvidas no âmbito desta tese, são aplicáveis a diversos aluminatos dopados com outros iões lantanídeos (Ln consiste em La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Tm ou Lu) com a fórmula M(1-x-y)N2O4:Cex, Lny, onde M é Be, Mg, Ca, Sr ou Ba. Na área da oftalmologia, foi desenvolvido um equipamento médico para o diagnóstico de biofuncionalidade das células retinais fotoreceptoras, e como suporte à telemedicina oftalmológica. Este equipamento foi utilizado para realizar testes de visão cromática FM100HUE em fundo branco/preto para a personalização de materiais luminescentes. Os resultados demonstraram uma biofuncionalidade celular à visibilidade fotópica das cores em fundo preto superior no grupo de tratamento, composto por pessoas com retinopatia diabética (n=38), em comparação ao grupo de referência (n=38). Estes resultados sugerem a recomendação de materiais com fotoluminescência persistente (λem=485-555 nm), incluindo SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+, para o referido grupo de tratamento, em sinalização de emergência e em ambientes de baixa iluminação. Na área da arquitectura, foi proposta uma nova aplicação dos referidos nanomateriais luminescentes à base de SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+ em cerâmica de revestimento, tendo em vista a sua boa visibilidade e uso por pessoas com deficiências. Novos pavimentos, cerâmicos, fotoluminescentes, foram desenhados com propriedades multisensoriais (contraste táctil, sonoro e visual) e antimicrobianas, para pessoas portadoras de deficiências utilizarem, no escuro, com a prioridade de salvar vidas em emergências. Tais pisos, com relevos, podem ser combinados de modo a compor um sistema exclusivo de sinalização fotoluminescente multisensorial que possibilita a rápida evacuação mediante o uso de auxílios de mobilidade (e.g. bengala, cadeira de rodas, andadores, muletas). A solução integrada de tais inovações que potencializa a propriedade de luminescência persistente de SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+ de modo acessível para as pessoas com deficiências, pode contribuir para salvar vidas, no escuro, em emergências.


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Based on the embedded atom method (EAM) and molecular dynamics (MD) method, the deformation properties of Cu nanowires with different single defects under dynamic compression have been studied. The mechanical behaviours of the perfect nanowire are first studied, and the critical stress decreases with the increase of the nanowire’s length, which is well agreed with the modified Euler theory. We then consider the effects to the buckling phenomenon resulted from different defects. It is found that obvious decrease of the critical stress is resulted from different defects, and the largest decrease is found in nanowire with the surface vertical defect. Surface defects are found exerting larger influence than internal defects. The buckling duration is found shortened due to different defects except the nanowire with surface horizon defect, which is also found possessing the largest deflection. Different deflections are also observed for different defected nanowires. It is find that due to surface defects, only deflection in one direction is happened, but for internal defects, more complex deflection circumstances are observed.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out to investigate the defect’s effect on the mechanical properties of copper nanowire with different crystallographic orientations, under tensile deformation. Three different crystallographic orientations have been considered. The deformation mechanism has been carefully discussed. It is found that the Young’s modulus is insensitive to the defect, even when the nanowire’s crystallographic orientation is different. However, due to the defect’s effect, the yield strength and yield strain appear a large decrease. The defects have played a role of dislocation sources, the slips or stacking faults are first generated around the locations of the defects. The necking locations have also been affected by different defects. Due to the surface defect, the plastic deformation has received a large influence for the <001>/{110} and <110> orientated nanowires, and a relative small influence is seen for the <111> nanowire.


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Nanowires of different metal oxides (SnO2, ZnO) have been grown by evaporation-condensation process. Their chemical composition has been investigated by using XPS. The standard XPS quantification through main photoelectron peaks, modified Auger parameter and valence band spectra were examined for the accurate determination of oxidation state of metals in the nanowires. Morphological investigation has been conducted by acquiring and analyzing the SEM images. For the simulation of working conditions of sensor, the samples were annealed in ultra high vacuum (UHV) up to 500°C and XPS analysis repeated after this treatment. Finally, the nanowires of SnO 2 have were used to produce a novel gas sensor based on Pt/oxide/SiC structure and operating as Schottky diode. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Based on the molecular dynamics simulation, plastic deformation mechanisms associated with the zigzag stress curves in perfect and surface defected copper nanowires under uniaxial tension are studied. In our previous study, it has found that the surface defect exerts larger influence than the centro-plane defect, and the 45o surface defect appears as the most influential surface defect. Hence, in this paper, the nanowire with a 45o surface defect is chosen to investigate the defect’s effect to the plastic deformation mechanism of nanowires. We find that during the plastic deformation of both perfect and defected nanowires, decrease regions of the stress curve are accompanied with stacking faults generation and migration activities, but during stress increase, the structure of the nanowire appears almost unchanged. We also observe that surface defects have obvious influence on the nanowire’s plastic deformation mechanisms. In particular, only two sets of slip planes are found to be active and twins are also observed in the defected nanowire.


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We report the production of free-standing thin sheets made up of mass-produced ZnO nanowires and the application of these nanowire sheets for the fabrication of ZnO/organic hybrid light-emitting diodes in the manner of assembly. Different p-type organic semiconductors are used to form heterojunctions with the ZnO nanowire film. Electroluminescence measurements of the devices show UV and visible emissions. Identical strong red emission is observed independent of the organic semiconductor materials used in this work. The visible emissions corresponding to the electron transition between defect levels within the energy bandgap of ZnO are discussed.


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We have grown defect-rich ZnO nanowires on a large scale by the vapour phase reaction method without using any metal catalyst and vacuum system. The defects, including zinc vacancies, oxygen interstitials and oxygen antisites, are related to the excess of oxygen in ZnO nanowires and are controllable. The nanowires having high excess of oxygen exhibit a brown-colour photoluminescence, due to the dominant emission band composed by violet, blue and green emissions. Those having more balanced Zn and O show a dominant green emission, giving rise to a green colour under UV light illumination. By O2-annealing treatment the violet luminescence after the band-edge emission UV peak can be enhanced for as-grown nanowires. However, the green emission shows different changing trends under O2-annealing treatment, associated with the excess of oxygen in the nanowires.


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Bending and bundling was observed from vertically aligned arrays of ZnO nanowires with flat (0001) top surfaces, which were synthesized using a vapor-phase method without metal catalysts. Sufficient evidence was found to exclude electron-beam bombardment during scanning electron microscopy as a cause for bending and bundling. We attribute the bending and bundling to electrostatic interactions due to charged (0001) polar surfaces, and also discussed the threshold surface charge densities for the bending and bundling based on a simple cantilever-bending model. Some growth features were indicative of the operation of electrostatic interactions during the growth.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out to investigate the defect’s effect on the mechanical properties of single-crystal copper nanowire with different surface defects, under torsion deformation. The torsional rigidity is found insensitive to the surface defects and the critical angle appears an obvious decrease due to the surface defects, the largest decrease is found for the nanowire with surface horizon defect. The deformation mechanism appears different degrees of influence due to surface defects. The surface defects play a role of dislocation sources. Comparing with single intrinsic stacking faults formation for the perfect nanowire, much affluent deformation processes have been activated because of surface defects, for instance, we find the twins formation for the nanowire with a surface 45o defect.