395 resultados para L8


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Wood, Ian; Hieber, M., (2007) 'The Dirichlet problem in convex bounded domains for operators with L8-coefficients', Differential and Integral Equations 20 pp.721-734 RAE2008


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species. They are used to measure the impact of biomass removal by fisheries and to evaluate the models skills, while the use of standard dataset facilitates models inter-comparison. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. In total, thirteen fisheries were defined for the period 1956-2010, with fishing gears longline, troll, mid-water trawl and bait fishing. However, the spatialized catch effort data available in ICCAT database represent a fraction of the entire total catch. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries above for the period 1956-2010 with a quarterly temporal resolution and spatial resolutions varying from 1°x 1° to 10°x 20°. The resolution used to measure the fish also varies with size-bins of 1, 2 or 5 cm (Fork Length). The screening of data allowed detecting inconsistencies with a relatively large number of samples larger than 150 cm while all studies on the growth of albacore suggest that fish rarely grow up over 130 cm. Therefore, a threshold value of 130 cm has been arbitrarily fixed and all length frequency data above this value removed from the original data set.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), a dreaded pathogen, has a unique cell envelope composed of high fatty acid content that plays a crucial role in its pathogenesis. Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase (ACC), an important enzyme that catalyzes the first reaction of fatty acid biosynthesis, is biotinylated by biotin acetyl-CoA carboxylase ligase (BirA). The ligand-binding loops in all known apo BirAs to date are disordered and attain an ordered structure only after undergoing a conformational change upon ligand-binding. Here, we report that dehydration of Mtb-BirA crystals traps both the apo and active conformations in its asymmetric unit, and for the first time provides structural evidence of such transformation. Recombinant Mtb-BirA was crystallized at room temperature, and diffraction data was collected at 295 K as well as at 120 K. Transfer of crystals to paraffin and paratone-N oil (cryoprotectants) prior to flash-freezing induced lattice shrinkage and enhancement in the resolution of the X-ray diffraction data. Intriguingly, the crystal lattice rearrangement due to shrinkage in the dehydrated Mtb-BirA crystals ensued structural order of otherwise flexible ligand-binding loops L4 and L8 in apo BirA. In addition, crystal dehydration resulted in a shift of similar to 3.5 angstrom in the flexible loop L6, a proline-rich loop unique to Mtb complex as well as around the L11 region. The shift in loop L11 in the C-terminal domain on dehydration emulates the action responsible for the complex formation with its protein ligand biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) domain of ACCA3. This is contrary to the involvement of loop L14 observed in Pyrococcus horikoshii BirA-BCCP complex. Another interesting feature that emerges from this dehydrated structure is that the two subunits A and B, though related by a noncrystallographic twofold symmetry, assemble into an asymmetric dimer representing the ligand-bound and ligand-free states of the protein, respectively. In-depth analyses of the sequence and the structure also provide answers to the reported lower affinities of Mtb-BirA toward ATP and biotin substrates. This dehydrated crystal structure not only provides key leads to the understanding of the structure/function relationships in the protein in the absence of any ligand-bound structure, but also demonstrates the merit of dehydration of crystals as an inimitable technique to have a glance at proteins in action.


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The interaction of five crown ethers, 15-crown-5, 18-crown-6, benzo-15-crown-5, dibenzo-l8-crown-6, and dibenzo-24-crown-8 with 2, 3, 5, 6 - tetracyano pyrazine has been studied by spectroscopic methods. The association constants and thermodynamic parameters of the 1:1 complexes formed by donor ethers with the acceptor have been evaluated. There is an indication that oxygens of the ethers and aryl part of the ether act cooperatively in binding of the acceptor.


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The problem of circular arc cracks in a homogeneous medium is revisited. An unusual but simple method to calculate the energy change due to arc crack propagation along a circle is illustrated based on the earlier work of Sih and Liebowitz (1968). The limiting case of crack of angle 27pi is shown to correspond with the problem of a circular hole in a large plate under remote loading.


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A galactic disk in a spiral galaxy is generally believed to be embedded in an extended dark matter halo, which dominates its dynamics in the outer parts. However, the shape of the halo is not clearly understood. Here we show that the dark matter halo in the Milky Way is prolate in shape. Further, it is increasingly more prolate at larger radii, with the vertical-to-planar axis ratio monotonically increasing to 2.0 at 24 kpc. This is obtained by modeling the observed steeply flaring atomic hydrogen gas layer in the outer Galactic disk, where the gas is supported by pressure against the net gravitational field of the disk and the halo. The resulting prolate-shaped halo can explain several long-standing puzzles in galactic dynamics, for example, it permits long-lived warps thus explaining their ubiquitous nature.


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The river perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) is most active in the daytime hours, and displays seasonal changes of diel rhythm with a break of the rhythm in spring and autumn. In the present work data were obtained on the motor activity of 3 perch measuring l8-20 cm, caught by net in the littoral of a reservoir and spawned under laboratory conditions. The degree of intensity of movement of perch was judged by special experiments. The results are summarised in this short paper.


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Non-polar (1 (1) over bar 00)m-plane ZnO thin film has been prepared on gamma-LiAlO2 (100)substrate via the low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition. Obvious intensity variation of the E-2 mode in the polarized Raman spectra and the absorption edge shift in the polarized optical transmission spectra indicate that the m-plane film exhibits optical anisotropy, which have applications in certain optical devices, such as the UV modulator and polarization-dependent beam switch. From the atomic force microscopy images, highly-oriented uniform-sized grains of rectangular shape were observed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple approach is introduced to estimate the natural mortality rate (M) of fish stocks. The approach is based on the age at maximum cohort biomass, or critical length (L*) concept. The ratio of the critical length to the asymptotic length ( = L*/L8) is relatively constant in 141 fish stocks at 0.62 (CV = 21.4 per cent) and the relationship M = 3K(1- )/ is derived and could be used to estimate M, where K is the growth coefficient of the von Bertalanffy growth function. Average values of are given for the various Families of fish in order to estimate M based on closely related species.


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Based upon a global comparison of over 400 fisheries, the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) methodology was used to identify factors affecting the choice of growth estimation methods. Of the six factors examined, the growth rate (K) and asymptotic length (L8) explained most of the variations. Financial resources, i.e., Gross National Product (GNP), and latitude were also important factors.


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A reassessment of the estimates of growth, mortality and recruitment patterns of Nile Perch, Lates niloticus was made based on data from commercial landings collected during the Catch Assessment Survey Programme. Two sets of length frequency data, one each from beach seining and hook and line fisheries, were analyzed. Values of L8 = 169 and 230 (cm TL) and K= 0.18 yr-1 and 0.195 yr-1 were obtained. The total mortality estimates from the catch curve analysis were Z = 0.72 yr-1 and 0.94 yr-1, respectively, with a natural mortality M of about 0.35 for a mean environmental temperature of 27oC. The highest peak for recruitment was in November, December and January with a minor one in June, indicating recruitment of two cohorts per year. These results are discussed and compared to previously available information on L. niloticus in Lake Victoria.


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甘薯[Ipomoea batatm L.]胚性愈伤组织的诱导、生长及分化,受遗传背景、外植体来源、激素配比等多种因素的影响。以徐薯l8叶片为外植体,在Ms附加2mg/l2.4-D的培养基上,诱导、筛选出三种类型的愈伤组织(I型、Ⅱ型、IV型),虽然其来源和培养条件相同,但在外部形态、内部结构、分化途径、分化能力、同工酶酶谱、可溶性蛋白质组成以及DNA分子结构方面,都有显著差异。I型愈伤组织在Ms无激素培养基上分化出体细胞胚,其过氧化物酶及脂酶同工酶与Ⅱ型愈伤组织和lV型愈伤组织相比,酶带的数目、深浅不同,而与胚状体相类似,可以作为不回类型愈伤组织及其分化途径的生理指标。SDS-PAGE电泳分析表明:三种愈伤组织的总蛋白组成也有显著差异。I型愈伤组织与Ⅱ型愈伤组织相比,无论是酶带的数目,还是酶带的扫描高度,都占绝对优势,表明其具有相对较高的蛋白质合成代谢水平。RAPD分析表明,三种类型愈伤组织的遗传基础具有一定差异。在所用的10个随机引物中,引物G3(GAGCCCTCCA)扩增出了显著的多态性,在I型愈伤组织与胚状体中发现两个特异片段,有可能与体细胞胚胎发生过程特异相关。 以I型愈伤组织进行悬浮培养,建立了具有再生能力的胚性悬浮细胞系,并对其鲜重、干重、PCV体积、PH值等生长特性进行了测定,研究了在悬浮培养条件下,2.4-D浓度对体细胞胚胎发生的影响。在MS附加Img/12.4-D的培养基中,细胞呈园球型,细胞质浓厚,细胞核显著,分裂旺盛,转入不含2.4-D的分化培养基中,即可得到大量的游离胚状体:浓度过高(4-8mg/l)或过低(0.5mg/l),都不利于细胞的生长和分化。胞外同工酶研究发现:胞外过氧化物酶水平,随着2.4-D浓度升高、培养时间的延长、细胞生长速度的减缓而降低,随着体胚分化的开始而升高。这种变化趋势表明:2.4-D浓度、过氧化物酶及细胞的生长、分化之间,存在密切联系。蛋白质分析发现,2.4-D的浓度与细胞内可溶性蛋白质组成及含量也密切相关:在无激素培养基中的培养物,其蛋白质电泳图谱与在含有不同浓度2.4-D的培养基中的培养物相比,无论是谱带的数目还是谱带的峰值,都有深刻差异,表明在体胚分化和发育过程中,细胞内进行着旺盛的蛋白质合成代谢。 以胚性悬浮细胞为材料,进行原生质体培养。通过对游离条件的比较研究,发现采用PH值为6.0的E3酶液酶解2小时,可以得到大量具有旺盛活力的原生质体。采用液体浅层一固体平板双层培养方式进行培养,原生质体分裂旺盛,20天后形成肉眼可见的微型愈伤组织,在附加0.5mg/1 2.4-D的继代培养基中,出现根的分化,转入附加0.5mg/12.4-D和Img/16-BA的分化培养基中,有少量不定芽发生,并形成小苗,但无胚状体产生。 以来源于胚性悬浮细胞的原生质体为受体,通过与农杆菌共培养,将苏云金杆菌毒蛋白(Bt)基因导入甘薯细胞,经卡那霉素筛选,得到抗性愈伤组织,并有根的分化。经过PCR检测,证明了Bt基因在甘薯细胞染色体组中的整合。