164 resultados para KSS "KOR"


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Bogusław Śliwa was born in Lvov on 6 October 1944. He graduated in law studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 1969. Following the completion of his prosecutor’s apprenticeship he worked, among others, in Wolsztyn, Świebodzin and – from 1975 – in Kalisz. On 22 August 1978 Śliwa was fired from the public prosecutor’s office because he had attempted to detect a person who murdered during the robbery committed by a Civic Militia officer. That time he established and maintained close contacts with activists of the Workers’ Defence Committee (KOR), among others: Jacek Kuroń, Mirosław Chojecki, Adam Michnik, Bronisław Geremek, Jan Lityński, Zofia Romaszewska and Zbigniew Romaszewski. In 1978 he began to cooperate with the Kalisz group of the Movement for the Defence of Human and Civil Rights (ROPCiO). In the early 1979 this group started to publish “Wolne Słowo” in which Śliwa was a co-editor. On 28 June 1979 in Poznań he was involved in founding the Social Self-Defence Club of the Wielkopolska and Kujawy Region. In September 1980, during strikes at the FWR “Runotex” and KZKS “Winiary” in Kalisz Śliwa was an expert representing the workers. On 29 September of that year, he arranged in Kalisz a meeting of representatives and delegates of enterprises in Kalisz aimed at appointing the Board of the Inter-Enterprise Founding Committee of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union. He became the secretary. Bogusław Śliwa also engaged in setting up and developing an information team. He was informally responsible for developing an information and printing base. Bogusław Śliwa set up “NSZZ Solidarność” magazine where he published his own articles. He also founded the “Solidarność” Workers’ Community Centre in Kalisz. it is noteworthy that it was the only community centre in Poland established by „Solidarność”. In December the Nationwide Liaison Commission of „Solidarność” appointed him to the Committee for the Defence of Prisoners of Conscience established on 10 December of that year. He participated in the information meeting of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union of Independent Farmers “Solidarność Wiejska” held in Staw, in Szczytniki commune. During that meeting “Solidarność Wiejska” led by Mieczysław Walczykiewicz requested the authorities to liquidate the “Świt” Agricultural Production Cooperative in Cieszyków, in Szczytniki commune. Bogusław Śliwa was involved in this successful event. It was the first liquidation of cooperative in Poland. On 11 January 1981 Śliwa co-organized the 1st Regional Convention of „Solidarność” Wiejska in Kalisz. Following the so-called Bydgoszcz events of 19 March 1981 he advocated the general strike. Due to his attitude, Śliwa was listed as one of 146 „Solidarność” activists executed by the 3rd “A” Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the authorities those activists presented radical views. On 30 June 1981 at the 1st General Delegates Convention of the Kaliskie province, Śliwa, as a delegate of the Kaliskie province, was appointed to the Regional Board of „Solidarność” – Southern Wielkopolska. In July Śliwa set up in Kalisz the underground branch of the Polish Democratic Party. In 1981 Śliwa was a delegate to the 1st National Delegates Convention of „Solidarność” and co-edited with Jan Lityński the document entitled: “Message to the Working People of Eastern Europe” originated by Henryk Siciński and adopted by the 1st National Delegates Convention. On 22 November he participated in the Warsaw-held meeting founding the Self-Governing Republic Clubs “Liberty – Equality– Independence” and signed the founding declaration. On 28 of that month he co-organized with Antoni Pietkiewicz a founding meeting of the Club in Kalisz. When martial law was declared he began to hide in Kalisz. Śliwa was arrested on 25 February 1982 and interned in Ostrów Wielkopolski and then in Gębarzew and Kwidzyn. After being released on 25 November 1982, he was immediately involved in the activity of the underground movement of „Solidarność”. He edited the first two issues of “Nasza Solidarność” magazine published in Kalisz. Śliwa co-invented and co-organized the 1st May march that was independent from the authorities’ one held in Kalisz in 1983. Consequently, he was temporarily arrested and detained in Ostrów Wielkopolski. On 7 June 1983 he was released from custody. The amnesty declared on 21 July 1983 caused that the investigation against him was discontinued. In July of the same year he co-founded the Inter-Regional Coordination Commission of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union “Solidarność” Kalisz-Konin-Sieradz. As he could not find any work and he and his family were exposed to psychological harassment, he emigrated to Sweden on 30 December 1983. He worked, among other positions, as bookbinder. He was the board secretary of the Congress of Poles in Sweden. In 1984 he commented the death of priest Jerzy Popiełuszko in “Dagens Nyheter” daily. He was also interviewed by Radio Liberty. Śliwa commenced cooperating with representatives of the „Solidarność” Coordination Office in Paris, Brussels and Stockholm. On 18 April 1985 the Military Garrison Prosecutor’s Office in Wrocław initiated investigations against Śliwa, charging him with activities detrimental to political interests of the People’s Republic of Poland. Subsequently, on 10 July 1985 this public prosecutor’s office decided to issue an arrest warrant for him. On the same day the public prosecutor suspended criminal proceedings against him. In December 1985, after the courageous escape of two brothers, Adam and Krzysztof Zieliński, from Poland to Sweden, he helped them prevent their deportation and stay in their new homeland. He expressed his opinion on this issue on Swedish television and in “ Dagens Nyheter” daily. His intervention helped them legally stay in Sweden. In 1989 he arrived in Poland. During this short visit he met and talked with his colleagues from the so-called first „Solidarność”. Bogusław Śliwa died in Stockholm on 23 November 1989. He was buried there on 7 December 1989. On 18 October 2006 he was posthumously honoured by Lech Kaczynski, President of Poland, with the Order of Polonis Restitution. On 15 June 2007 Bogusław Śliwa was posthumously granted the title of an Honorary Citizen of Kalisz by the Town Council of Kalisz.


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The potassium salt of 3-methoxy and 3,5-dimethoxy benzoic acids undergoes deprotonation at the position para to the carboxylate group selectively when treated with LIC-KOR in THF at -78 degrees C and it has been extended to the synthesis of 3,5-dimethoxy-4-methyl benzoic acid. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To translate, culturally adapt and validate the "Knee Society Score"(KSS) for the Portuguese language and determine its measurement properties, reproducibility and validity. Method: We analyzed 70 patients of both sexes, aged between 55 and 85 years, in a cross-sectional clinical trial, with diagnosis of primary osteoarthritis,undergoing total knee arthroplasty surgery. We assessed the patients with the English version of the KSS questionnaire and after 30 minutes with the Portuguese version of the KSS questionnaire, done by a different evaluator. All the patients were assessed preoperatively, and again at three, and six months postoperatively. Results: There was no statistical difference, using Cronbach's alpha index and the Bland-Altman graphical analysis, for the knees core during the preoperative period (p=1), and at three months (p=0.991) and six months postoperatively (p=0.985). There was no statistical difference for knee function score for all three periods (p=1.0). Conclusion: The Brazilian version of the Knee Society Score is easy to apply, as well providing as a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the knee score and function of Brazilian patients undergoing TKA. Level of Evidence: Level I - Diagnostic Studies Investigating a Diagnostic Test- Testing of previously developed diagnostic criteria on consecutive patients (with universally applied 'gold' reference standard).


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OBJETIVO: Traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar o "Knee Society Score" (KSS) para a língua portuguesa e verificar suas propriedades de medida, reprodutibilidade e validade. MÉTODO: Avaliados 70 pacientes de ambos os sexos, em estudo clínico transversal, idade entre 55 e 85 anos, osteoartrose primária submetidos a artroplastia total de joelho, com o questionário KSS pelo avaliador 1 (inglês) e após 30 minutos pelo avaliador 2 (português) no pré- operatório e após três e seis meses de pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: O índice alfa de Cronbach e a diagramação de Bland-Altman não detectaram diferença entre as médias das duas avaliações no pré-operatório (p=1,000), com três meses (p=0,991) e seis meses de pós-operatório (p=0,985) na pontuação do joelho e na nota da função do joelho, p=1,000 nos três períodos. CONCLUSÃO: A versão brasileira do Knee Society Score, o Escore da Sociedade do Joelho, mostrou ser um instrumento de fácil compreensão e aplicação; válido e confiável para medir a pontuação e função do joelho de pacientes brasileiros submetidos a ATJ. Nível de Evidências: Estudos diagnósticos - Nivel de Evidência I, Teste de critérios diagnósticos desenvolvidos anteriormente em pacientes consecutivos (com padrão de referência "ouro" aplicado).


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Reprint of the ed. published in London, 1873.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten neljännen, kuudennen ja kahdeksannen luokan oppilaat viihtyvät yleisesti koulussa, eri oppitunneilla ja erityisesti käsityön oppiaineessa. Tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää käsityön oppitunnilla viihtymisen yhteyttä yleiseen kouluviihtyvyyteen. Vertailimme eri luokka-asteen eroja sekä eroa tyttöjen ja poikien välillä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin yhdestä satakuntalaisesta yhtenäiskoulusta syyslukukaudella 2015. Tutkimukseen osallistui 110 oppilasta, 53 poikaa ja 57 tyttöä. Tutkimustulosten analysoinnissa käytettiin tilastollisia ja laadullisia menetelmiä. Tilastolliseen analyysiin käytettiin SPSS- ja Professional statistics -tilasto-ohjelmia. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin oppilaskyselyä, joka toteutettiin verkkoympäristössä tehtävällä Webropol-lomakkeella. Oppilaskysely toteutettiin oppilaiden koulupäivän aikana heidän käytössään olevilla tablettitietokoneilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan alakoululaiset viihtyivät koulussa paremmin kuin yläkoululaiset. Aiemmista tutkimuksista poiketen yläkoulun tytöt viihtyivät koulussa poikia huonommin. Alakoulussa erot tyttöjen ja poikien välillä olivat pienemmät. Tulosten mukaan tutkitut oppilaat viihtyivät valtakunnallisesti ja maakunnallisesti keskivertoa paremmin koulussa. Käsityön oppiaineessa viihtymisen kokeminen ei ollut tulosten mukaan suoraan yhteydessä oppilaiden kokemaan yleiseen kouluviihtyvyyteen. Huolimatta oppilaan yleisen kouluviihtyvyyden alhaisuudesta, saattoi käsityön oppiaineen tuoma mielekkyys olla korkea. Taito- ja taideaineissa koettu mielekkyys oli korkeampaa verrattuna reaaliaineisiin sekä käsityön oppiaineeseen. Oppilaiden erot kouluviihtyvyydessä selittyvät luokka-asteen muuttuessa korkeammaksi. Haasteena opettajille ja opetussuunnitelman laatijoille on kehittää opetusta siten, että oppilaiden kokema kouluviihtyvyys saataisiin pidettyä korkealla tasolla läpi koko peruskoulun. Kouluviihtyvyys on tärkeä tekijä oppilaiden kouluvalintojen, tulevan koulutuspolkujen ja ammattiuran kannalta.