190 resultados para K3


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Two new alkali metal borophosphates, K-3[BP(3)o(9)(OH)(3)] and Rb-3[B2P3O11(OH)(2)], were synthesized by applying solvothermal techniques using ethanol as solvent. The crystal structures were solved by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction (K-3[BP3O9(OH)(3)], monoclinic, C2/c (No. 15), a = 2454.6(8) pm, b = 736.3(2) pm, c = 1406.2(4) pm, beta = 118.35(2)degrees, Z = 8; Rb-3[B2P3O11(OH)(2)], monoclinic, P2(1)/c (No. 14), a = 781.6(2) pm, b:= 667.3(2) pm, c = 2424.8(5) pm, beta = 92.88(1)degrees, Z = 4). Both crystal structures comprise borophosphate chain anions. While for the rubidium compound a loop-branched chain motif is found as common for most of the chain anions in alkali metal borophosphates, the crystal structure of the potassium phase comprises the first open-branched chain with the highest phosphate content found so far in this group of compounds. Both chain anions are Closely related to known anhydrous or hydrated phases, and the structural relations are discussed in terms of how the presence of OH groups and hydrogen bonds as well as number, charge, and size of charge balancing cations influence the 3D structural arrangement. The anionic entities are classified in terms of general principles of structural systematics for borophosphates.


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We study N = 2 compactifications of heterotic string theory on the CHL orbifold (K3 x T-2)/Z(N) with N = 2, 3, 5, 7. Z(N) acts as an automorphism on K3 together with a shift of 1/N along one of the circles of T-2. These compactifications generalize the example of the heterotic string on K3 x T-2 studied in the context of dualities in string theories. We evaluate the new supersymmetric index for these theories and show that their expansion can be written in terms of the McKay-Thompson series associated with the Z(N) automorphism embedded in the Mathieu group M-24. We then evaluate the difference in one-loop threshold corrections to the non-Abelian gauge couplings with Wilson lines and show that their moduli dependence is captured by Siegel modular forms related to dyon partition functions of N = 4 string theories.


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We study N = 2 compactifications of heterotic string theory on the CHL orbifold (K3 x T-2)/Z(N) with N = 2, 3, 5, 7. Z(N) acts as an automorphism on K3 together with a shift of 1/N along one of the circles of T-2. These compactifications generalize the example of the heterotic string on K3 x T-2 studied in the context of dualities in string theories. We evaluate the new supersymmetric index for these theories and show that their expansion can be written in terms of the McKay-Thompson series associated with the Z(N) automorphism embedded in the Mathieu group M-24. We then evaluate the difference in one-loop threshold corrections to the non-Abelian gauge couplings with Wilson lines and show that their moduli dependence is captured by Siegel modular forms related to dyon partition functions of N = 4 string theories.


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目的:研究槐花提取化合物K3的体外抗HIV-1活性,并对其抗HIV-1机制进行初步探讨.方法:采用MTT比色法检测化合物对各种细胞的毒性.用合胞体形成计数法,p24抗原捕获ELISA法及RT-PCR等多种方法研究化合物体外抗HIV-1活性.结论:槐花提取化合物K3体外有较好的抗HIV-1活性,能够抑制病毒实验株(HIV-1ⅢB,耐药株(HIV-1 74v)和临床分离株(HIV-1KM018)等多种病毒株的复制,且其作用机制是多靶点的,不仅可以抑制病毒的进入,还可以抑制HIV-1逆转录酶活性.


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由于目前抗HIV 药物价格昂贵且有较强的毒副作用,传统药物将成为未来 HIV 治疗的主流药物。许多植物来源的天然化合物体外具有较好的抗HIV 活性, 有些化合物甚至可以作用在病毒复制周期的不同阶段。HIV 侵入抑制剂目前成 为抗HIV 药物研发的热点。HIV 侵入抑制剂靶定在病毒复制周期的结合或融合 位点,对临床中已产生耐药性突变的病毒株也有较好的抑制作用。该类抑制剂 的出现将为HARRT 疗法提供更多新的药物组合。开发新一代的HIV-1 侵入抑制 剂,与逆转录酶或蛋白酶抑制剂联合使用将增加治疗的有效性并减少毒副作用 的产生。 灯盏花乙素(Scutellarin)与槐花化合物K3 均从天然植物资源中提取,且 前者在我国临床上一直有着广泛应用。我们对这两种化合物的抗HIV-1 活性进 行了研究,检测了其对实验室适应病毒株(HIV-1ⅢB)、耐药株(HIV-174V)和临 床分离病毒株(HIV-1KM018)的抑制活性。灯盏花乙素是从植物滇黄芩中分离出 来的具有多种生物活性的黄酮类化合物,该化合物抑制HIV-1ⅢB 诱导C8166 细 胞合胞体形成的EC50 为26μM,选择指数为36。灯盏花乙素对耐药病毒株和临 床分离株也表现出良好的抑制作用。从槐花中提取的硫酸酯类化合物K3 体外研 究证实也有很好的抗HIV-1 活性,它不仅可以抑制HIV-1 致细胞病变效应,也 可以抑制感染细胞中的HIV-1 特异性抗原表达,该化合物的半数有效抑制浓度 EC50 为5~54μM。 灯盏花乙素与槐花化合物K3 的抗HIV-1 机制研究结果表明:两种化合物均 能有效抑制病毒进入细胞。灯盏花乙素在54μM 时抑制45%的病毒粒子进入细 胞,槐花化合物K3 在40μM 时能够有效抑制56%的HIV-1 进入细胞;灯盏花乙 素与槐花化合物K3 也可以抑制C8166 细胞与慢性感染的H9/HIV-1ⅢB 细胞间的融合,灯盏花乙素的EC50 为15μM,而槐花化合物K3 的EC50 为5μM;两种化 合物对体外重组的HIV-1 逆转录酶有微弱的抑制作用,在433μM 时,灯盏花乙 素可以抑制48%的逆转录酶活性,槐花化合物K3 在300μM 时能够抑制80%的 HIV-1 逆转录酶活性;这两种化合物体外对HIV-1 均无直接杀伤作用,也不能抑 制慢性感染细胞中的病毒复制和HIV-1 蛋白酶活性。因此,灯盏花乙素与槐花 化合物K3 的体外抗HIV-1 作用机制主要源于其能够抑制HIV-1 RT 活性和阻止 HIV-1 进入细胞。 灯盏花乙素和槐花化合物K3的有效抗病毒活性和多种作用途径使其成为具 有发展潜力的抗病毒先导化合物。


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Feleucins-BV1 and -BV2 are recently-described prototypes of a novel antimicrobial nonapeptide (AMP) family identified in the skin secretion of the bombinid toad, Bombina variegata. They are encoded on different precursors that also encode a novel bombinin. Here we describe the identification of feleucin-BO1 (FLGLLGSLLamide) which is co-encoded with a different novel bombinin, named feleucin precursor-associated bombinin (FPA-bombinin-BO), from the skin secretion of Bombina orientalis. Synthetic feleucin-BO1 displayed activity against a reference Gram-positive bacterium. Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 34 μM) but was inactive (> 250 μM) against the Gram-negative bacterium, Escherichia coli, and the yeast, Candida albicans. This pattern of activity was similar to that of the prototypes. Design and synthesis of a cationicity-enhanced analogue, feleucin-K3 (F-K3), in which the amino acid residues at positions 3 (G), 6 (G) and 7 (S) of feleucin-BO1 were substituted with Lys (K) residues, resulted in a peptide with significantly-enhanced potency and spectrum of activity. The MICs of F-K3 against the reference microorganisms were 7 μM (S. aureus), 14 μM (E. coli) and 7 μM (C. albicans). These data indicate that the skin secretions of amphibians can continue to provide novel peptide templates for the rational design of analogues with possible therapeutic utility.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Nickel-titanium rotatory systems should remove dentin during the root canal preparation to promote the enlargement and tapered shape with continuously narrowing towards the apex. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the cutting ability of three NiTi rotatory systems (n = 12): ProTaper (group 1), Mtwo (group 2), and K3 (group 3). Material and methods: Thirty six maxillary molar teeth were weighted on an analytical balance before and after the rotatory preparation of the mesio-buccal root canal. Data was statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey s test with a significance level of 5%. Results: The results revealed the following mass differences (g) before and after the root canal preparation: ProTaper (group 1 – 0.0159 ± 0.004), Mtwo (group 2 – 0.0125 ± 0.002), and K3 (group 3 – 0.007 ± 0.003). Conclusion: ProTaper showed the highest cutting ability among the three tested nickel-titanium rotatory systems followed by Mtwo and K3.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar duas sequências diferentes na rapidez e segurança no preparo de canais curvos simulados. Foram empregados 30 blocos de acrílico com canais simulados que foram divididos em Grupo 1 – La Axxess 20 e 35/.06 25/.06, 20/.06, 25/.04 e 20/.04 e Grupo 2 – K3 Universal (VTVT) – 25/.10, 25/.08, 35/.06, 30/.04, 25/.06 e 20/.04. No preparo de todos os blocos empregou-se a velocidade de 250 rpm e torque de 1.4N/cm. Foram confeccionados dois pontos externos de amálgama para mensuração do desvio e adotou-se 17 mm como comprimento de trabalho. No Grupo 1, dilatou-se até o instrumento 25/.04, enquanto que no Grupo 2 até o 25/.06, e cronometrou-se o tempo de preparo de cada bloco. Na análise do desvio, radiografias com lima k 15 (antes) e K 25 (depois) foram realizadas e digitalizadas, medindo-se o ângulo antes e depois no programa Digora for Windows 1.51. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste T-Student e Mann-Whitney. Os resultados mostraram que em ambas as técnicas não ocorreram diferenças significantes entre o ângulo antes e depois e que não ocorreu diferença significante entre os desvios médios do Grupo 1 (0,130) e do Grupo 2 (1,330). No tempo de preparo, o Grupo 1 foi significantemente mais rápido que o Grupo 2. No Grupo 1, ocorreu a fratura de 1 instrumento, enquanto que no Grupo 2 ocorrerem duas fraturas. Concluiu-se que ambas as técnicas são seguras para o preparo de canais simulados curvos, sendo que no Grupo 1 o tempo de preparo é menor.


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Ich untersuche die nicht bereits durch die Arbeit "Singular symplectic moduli spaces" von Kaledin, Lehn und Sorger (Invent. Math. 164 (2006), no. 3) abgedeckten Fälle von Modulräumen halbstabiler Garben auf projektiven K3-Flächen - die Fälle mit Mukai-Vektor (0,c,0) sowie die Modulräume zu nichtgenerischen amplen Divisoren - hinsichtlich der möglichen Konstruktion neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten. Ich stelle einen Zusammenhang zu den bereits untersuchten Modulräumen und Verallgemeinerungen derselben her und erweitere bekannte Ergebnisse auf alle offenen Fälle von Garben vom Rang 0 und viele Fälle von Garben von positivem Rang. Insbesondere kann in diesen Fällen die Existenz neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten, die birational über Komponenten des Modulraums liegen, ausgeschlossen werden.


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