995 resultados para Jujube fruit


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The fruit maturation stage is considered the optimal phenological stage for implementing water deficitin jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.), since a low, moderate or severe water deficit at this time has no effect onyield, fruit volume or eating quality. However, no information exists at fruit water relations level on themechanisms developed by Z. jujuba to confront drought. The purpose of the present study was to increaseour understanding of the relationship between leaf and fruit water relations of jujube plants under dif-ferent irrigation conditions during fruit maturation, paying special attention to analysing whether fruitsize depends on fruit turgor. For this, adult jujube trees (cv. Grande de Albatera) were subjected to fiveirrigation treatments. Control plants (T0) were irrigated daily above their crop water requirements inorder to attain non-limiting soil water conditions in 2012 and 2013. T1 plants were subjected to deficitirrigation throughout the 2012 season, according to the criteria frequently used by the growers in thearea. T2 (2012), T3 and T4 (2013) were irrigated as T0 except during fruit maturation, in which irrigationwas withheld for 32, 17 and 24 days, respectively. The results indicated that the jujube fruit maturationperiod was clearly sensitive to water deficit. During most of this stage water could enter the fruits viathe phloem rather than via the xylem. From the beginning of water withholding to when maximumwater stress levels were achieved, fruit and leaf turgor were maintained in plants under water deficit.However, a direct relation between turgor and fruit size was not found in jujube fruits, which could bedue to an enhancement of a cell elasticity mechanism (elastic adjustment) which maintains fruit turgorby reducing fruit cells size or to the fact that jujube fruit growth depends on the fruit growth-effectiveturgor rather than just turgor pressure.


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本文以我国特有的冬枣果实为试材,系统地研究了冬枣果实在室温、低温和不同O2和CO2浓度气调贮藏条件下的生理特性、风味品质和贮藏性,提出了适合于冬枣果实生理特性的气调指标和贮藏时间;分析了冬枣在不同贮藏条件下果实硬度、颜色、叶绿素和花青素、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、Vc、乙醇和乙酸乙酯等物质成分的含量变化及与果实风味品质的关系;同时也分析了多酚氧化酶(PPO)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和脂氧合酶(LOX)的活性变化情况以及丙二醛(MDA)含量和膜透性的变化情况,揭示了它们与冬枣果实转红、酒化、褐变、软化、衰老、及耐贮性的关系。对冬枣果实在气调贮藏中的生理反应和品质变化的研究,为形成冬枣果实采后商业化贮藏的系列配套技术提供了理论依据。试验结果表明: 1、冬枣果实在不同贮藏环境下品质的变化:随着贮藏时间的延长,冬枣果实Vc含量呈明显下降的趋势,CA处理能有效地抑制果实Vc含量的下降;不同贮藏条件对冬枣果实SSC影响不大;冬枣果实花青素的含量随贮藏时间逐渐下降,高O2浓度(70%)动态气调与其它处理相比,能更有效保持冬枣果实果皮的颜色及花青素和叶绿素的含量,以及果实的亮度、颜色饱和度和色度;同时,还能降低贮藏前期冬枣果实乙醇释放量。 2、冬枣果实在不同贮藏环境下生理的变化:(1) PG 酶是影响冬枣果实软化的主要因素,冬枣果实中存在内切和外切两种PG 酶,在冬枣果实的成熟过程中,Exo-PG和Endo-PG迅速积累,并呈现较高的活性,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性与冬枣果实的软化密切相关。CA贮藏与普通冷藏相比,可有效地抑制冬枣果实多聚半乳糖醛酸酶的活性和延缓果实软化,其中以5% O2的CA贮藏的效果最好。(2)膜质过氧化是造成冬枣果实褐变的主要因素,在室温下冬枣果实细胞膜透性随贮藏时间逐渐上升,CA贮藏在贮藏前中期可有效控制MDA含量的上升和果实褐变的发生,有利于降低膜脂过氧化程度,保护细胞膜结构并延缓果实衰老。冬枣果实褐变与PPO活性关系不大,但与膜透性及膜质过氧化作用的产物—丙二醛(MAD)含量变化显著相关。(3)冬枣果实采收时的SOD活性很低,在25 C下,果实SOD活性急剧上升,低温贮藏条件下,果实SOD活性出现两次高峰,第一次高峰为果实后熟的标志,第二次高峰标志着果实的衰老。(4)在不同贮藏条件下,冬枣果实PAL活性均随贮藏期的延长而呈现下降趋势。 3、影响冬枣果实贮藏性的生理因素:冬枣果实的衰老与活性氧代谢失调和防御体系活力下降有关,随着果实衰老的出现,果实的POD、CAT等保护酶活性均呈现明显下降的趋势。气调贮藏在前期能显著提高冬枣果实POD的活性,而在后期又显著抑制了POD活性的上升,说明POD在果实贮藏初期表现为保护效应,而在后期则表现为伤害效应。 4、冬枣果实适宜的贮藏条件:与普通冷藏相比,气调贮藏(CA)能明显地延缓果实衰老,减少腐烂和褐变,保持风味品质和延长贮藏时间。其中以较高O2浓度的(10% O2 + 0% CO2)气调贮藏效果最好。气调贮藏与杀菌剂配合有利于延长冬枣的贮藏期,0.1%的施保克和0.1%戴挫霉处理能有效控制冬枣果实贮藏期间的腐烂,延长贮藏时间,施保克的防腐效果好于戴挫霉。 5、拮抗菌和病原菌处理对冬枣果实抗性相关酶的诱导:接种拮抗菌+病原菌或只接种病原菌能诱导冬枣果实蛋白含量的显著升高,说明拮抗菌和病原菌处理诱导了果实病原相关蛋白的积累。在常温条件下,拮抗菌和病原菌处理抑制了冬枣果实的CAT酶活性,诱导了SOD和POD活性的上升。同时果实的蛋白含量也显著升高。在低温条件下,CAT和SOD活性受抑制,POD、PPO和 PAL活性被诱导并显著高于正常果实。这说明拮抗菌处理的冬枣果实可能通过加强氧化酶活性的方式来达到抗病的效果。拮抗菌和病原菌处理后,该部分组织的氧化酶活性加强,它们可以分解毒素,促进伤口愈合,抑制病原菌水解酶活性,从而抵抗病害的扩展。PAL是催化莽草酸途径的关键酶,可合成酚、植保素和木质素,而这些物质均与植物抗性有关。


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The specific mechanisms by which selective pressures affect individuals are often difficult to resolve. In tephritid fruit flies, males respond strongly and positively to certain plant derived chemicals. Sexual selection by female choice has been hypothesized as the mechanism driving this behaviour in certain species, as females preferentially mate with males that have fed on these chemicals. This hypothesis is, to date, based on studies of only very few species and its generality is largely untested. We tested the hypothesis on different spatial scales (small cage and seminatural field-cage) using the monophagous fruit fly, Bactrocera cacuminata. This species is known to respond to methyl eugenol (ME), a chemical found in many plant species and one upon which previous studies have focused. Contrary to expectation, no obvious female choice was apparent in selecting ME-fed males over unfed males as measured by the number of matings achieved over time, copulation duration, or time of copulation initiation. However, the number of matings achieved by ME-fed males was significantly greater than unfed males 16 and 32 days after exposure to ME in small cages (but not in a field-cage). This delayed advantage suggests that ME may not influence the pheromone system of B. cacuminata but may have other consequences, acting on some other fitness consequence (e.g., enhancement of physiology or survival) of male exposure to these chemicals. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary implications of our findings to explore alternate hypotheses to explain the patterns of response of dacine fruit flies to specific plant-derived chemicals.


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Counselling children often requires the use of supplementary strategies in order to interest and engage the child in the therapeutic process. One such strategy is the Metaphorical Fruit Tree (MFT); an art metaphor suited to exploring and developing self-concept. Quantitative and qualitative data was used to explore the relationships between children’s ability to use metaphor, age, gender, and level of emotional competence (N = 58). Quantitative and qualitative analyses revealed a significant negative relationship between self-reported emotional competence and ability to use the MFT. It is proposed that children rely on different processes to understand self and as children’s ability to cognitively report on their emotional capabilities via the Emotional Competence Questionnaire (ECQ) increases, their ability to report creatively on those capabilities via the MFT is undermined. It is suggested that the MFT may be used, via creative processes and as an alternative to cognitive processes, to increase understanding and awareness of intrapersonal and interpersonal concepts of self in the child during counselling.


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In Australia, the Queensland fruit fly (B. tryoni), is the most destructive insect pest of horticulture, attacking nearly all fruit and vegetable crops. This project has researched and prototyped a system for monitoring fruit flies so that authorities can be alerted when a fly enters a crop in a more efficient manner than is currently used. This paper presents the idea of our sensor platform design as well as the fruit fly detection and recognition algorithm by using machine vision techniques. Our experiments showed that the designed trap and sensor platform is capable to capture quality fly images, the invasive flies can be successfully detected and the average precision of the Queensland fruit fly recognition is 80% from our experiment.


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Once, we thought that comparing advertising and public relations was a bit like comparing apples and oranges. But with integration the new flavour, many academics are trying to cut and combine and create a fruit salad that will entice their customers and satisfy their stakeholders. While this has produced some culinary triumphs, it has also produced heartburn in equal quantity. This paper seeks the perfect recipe for integrated marketing communication (IMC) education by asking a Delphi panel of IMC champions questions relating to the place of IMC in the university setting; the teaching, research and curriculum development issues and the future for IMC education. The panel draws a chaotic picture of IMC education and identifies some important obstacles to curriculum development. It also predicts a number of key challenges for the future, including turf wars; the lack of faculty experience and enthusiasm to embrace IMC and the desperate need to grow the IMC brand. But perhaps the greatest challenge is how to create a generalist education in a culture of pecialisation that exists both in the university and in the workplace.


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Diachasmimorpha kraussii (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Opiinae) is a koinobiont larval parasitoid of dacine fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) in its native range (Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands). The wasp is a potentially important control agent for pest fruit flies, having been considered for both classical and inundative biological control releases. I investigated the host searching, selection and utilisation mechanisms of the wasp against native host flies within its native range (Australia). Such studies are rare in opiine research where the majority of studies, because of the applied nature of the research, have been carried out using host flies and environments which are novel to the wasps. Diachasmimorpha kraussii oviposited equally into maggots of four fruit fly species, all of which coexist with the wasp in its native range (Australia), when tested in a choice trial using a uniform artificial diet media. While eggs laid into Bactrocera tryoni and B. jarvisi developed successfully through to adult wasps, eggs laid into B. cucumis and B. cacuminata were encapsulated. These results suggest that direct larval cues are not an important element in host selection by D. kraussii. Further exploring how D. kraussii locates suitable host larvae, I investigated the role of plant cues in host searching and selection. This was examined in a laboratory choice trial using uninfested fruit or fruit infested with either B. tryoni or B. jarvisi maggots. The results showed a consistent preference ranking among infested fruits by the wasp, with guava and peach most preferred, but with no response to uninfested fruits. Thus, it appears the wasp uses chemical cues emitted in response to fruit fly larval infestation for host location, but does not use cues from uninfested fruits. To further tease apart the role of (i) suitable and non-suitable maggots, (ii) infested and uninfested fruits of different plant species, and (iii) adult flies, in wasp host location and selection, I carried out a series of behavioural tests where I manipulated these attributes in a field cage. These trials confirmed that D. kraussii did not respond to cues in uninfested fruits, that there were consistent preferences by the wasps for different maggot infested fruits, that fruit preference did not vary depending on whether the maggots were physiologically suitable or not suitable for wasp offspring development, and finally, that adult flies appear to play a secondary role as indicators of larval infestation. To investigate wasp behaviour in an unrestrained environment, I concurrently observed diurnal foraging behaviours of both the wasp and one of its host fly in a small nectarine orchard. Wasp behaviour, both spatially and temporally, was not correlated with adult fruit fly behaviour or abundance. This study reinforced the point that infested fruit seems to be the primary cue used by foraging wasps. Wasp and fly feeding and mating was not observed in the orchard, implying these activities are occurring elsewhere. It is highly unlikely that these behaviours were happening within the orchard during the night as both insects are diurnal. As the final component of investigating host location, I carried out a habitat preference study for the wasp at the landscape scale. Using infested sentinel fruits, I tested the parasitism rate of B. tryoni in eucalyptus sclerophyll forest, rainforest and suburbia in South East Queensland. Although, rainforest is the likely endemic habitat of both B. tryoni and D. kraussii, B. tryoni abundance is significantly greater in suburban environments followed by eucalyptus sclerophyll forest. Parasitism rate was found to be higher in suburbia than in the eucalyptus sclerophyll forest, while no parasitism was recorded in the rainforest. This result suggests that wasps orient within the landscape towards areas of high host density and are not restricted by habitat types. Results from the different experiments suggest that host searching, selection and utilisation behaviour of D. kraussii are strongly influenced by cues associated with fruit fly larval feeding. Cues from uninfested fruits, the host larvae themselves, and the adult host flies play minimal roles. The discussion focuses on the fit of D. kraussii to Vinson’s classical parasitoid host location model and the implications of results for biological control, including recommendations for host and plant preference screening protocols and release regimes.


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Opiine wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Opiinae) are parasitoids of dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae), the primary horticultural pests of Australia and the South Pacific. Effective use of opiines for biological control of fruit flies is limited by poor taxonomy and identification difficulties. To overcome these problems, this thesis had two aims: (i) to carry out traditional taxonomic research on the fruit fly infesting opine braconids of Australia and the South Pacific; and (ii) to transfer the results of the taxonomic research into user friendly diagnostic tools. Curated wasp material was borrowed from all major Australian museum collections holding specimens. This was supplemented by a large body of material gathered as part of a major fruit fly project in Papua New Guinea: nearly 4000 specimens were examined and identified. Each wasp species was illustrated using traditional scientific drawings, full colour photomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. An electronic identification key was developed using Lucid software and diagnostic images were loaded on the web-based Pest and Diseases Image Library (PaDIL). A taxonomic synopsis and distribution and host records for each of the 15 species of dacine-parasitising opiine braconids found in the South Pacific is presented. Biosteres illusorius Fischer (1971) was formally transferred to the genus Fopius and a new species, Fopius ferrari Carmichael and Wharton (2005), was described. Other species dealt with were Diachasmimorpha hageni (Fullaway, 1952), D. kraussii (Fullaway, 1951), D. longicaudata (Ashmead, 1905), D. tryoni (Cameron, 1911), Fopius arisanus (Sonan, 1932), F. deeralensis (Fullaway, 1950), F. schlingeri Wharton (1999), Opius froggatti Fullaway (195), Psyttalia fijiensis (Fullaway, 1936), P. muesebecki (Fischer, 1963), P. novaguineensis (Szépliget, 1900i) and Utetes perkinsi (Fullaway, 1950). This taxonomic component of the thesis has been formally published in the scientific literature. An interactive diagnostics package (“OpiineID”) was developed, the centre of which is a Lucid based multi-access key. Because the diagnostics package is computer based, without the space limitations of the journal publication, there is no pictorial limit in OpiineID and so it is comprehensively illustrated with SEM photographs, full colour photographs, line drawings and fully rendered illustrations. The identification key is only one small component of OpiineID and the key is supported by fact sheets with morphological descriptions, host associations, geographical information and images. Each species contained within the OpiineID package has also been uploaded onto the PaDIL website (www.padil.gov.au). Because the identification of fruit fly parasitoids is largely of concern to fruit fly workers, rather than braconid specialists, this thesis deals directly with an area of growing importance to many areas of pure and applied biology; the nexus between taxonomy and diagnostics. The Discussion chapter focuses on this area, particularly the opportunities offered by new communication and information tools as new ways delivering the outputs of taxonomic science.


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Objective: To evaluate the fruit and vegetable intakes of Australian adults aged 19-64 years. Methods: Intake data were collected as part of the National Nutrition Survey 1995 representing all Australian States and Territories, including city, metropolitan, rural and remote areas. Dietary intake of 8,891 19-to-64 year-olds was assessed using a structured 24-hour recall. Intake frequency was assessed as the proportion of participants consuming fruit and vegetables on the day prior to interview and variety was assessed as the number of subgroups of fruit and vegetables consumed. Intake levels were compared with the recommendations of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE). Results: Sixty-two per cent of participants consumed some fruit and 89% consumed some vegetables on the day surveyed. Males were less likely to consume fruit and younger adults less likely to consume fruit and vegetables compared with females and older adults respectively. Variety was primarily low (1 subcategory) for fruit and medium (3-4 subcategories) for vegetables. Thirty-two per cent of adults consumed the minimum two serves of fruit and 30% consumed the minimum five serves of vegetables as recommended by the AGHE. Eleven per cent of adults met the minimum recommendations for both fruit and vegetables. Conclusion: A large proportion of adults have fruit and vegetable intakes below the AGHE minimum recommendations. Implications: A nationally integrated, longterm campaign to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, supported by policy changes to address structural barriers to consumption, is vital to improve fruit and vegetable consumption among adults


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For fruit flies, fully ripe fruit is preferred for adult oviposition and is superior for offspring performance over unripe or ripening fruit. Because not all parts of a single fruit ripen simultaneously, the opportunity exists for adult fruit flies to selectively choose riper parts of a fruit for oviposition and such selection, if it occurs, could positively influence offspring performance. Such fine scale host variation is rarely considered in fruit fly ecology, however, especially for polyphagous species which are, by definition, considered to be generalist host users. Here we study the adult oviposition preference/larval performance relationship of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a highly polyphagous pest species, at the “within-fruit” level to see if such a host use pattern occurs. We recorded the number of oviposition attempts that female flies made into three fruit portions (top, middle and bottom), and larval behavior and development within different fruit portions for ripening (color change) and fully-ripe mango, Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae). Results indicate that female B. dorsalis do not oviposit uniformly across a mango fruit, but lay most often in the top (i.e., stalk end) of fruit and least in the bottom portion, regardless of ripening stage. There was no evidence of larval feeding site preference or performance (development time, pupal weight, percent pupation) being influenced by fruit portion, within or across the fruit ripening stages. There was, however, a very significant effect on adult emergence rate from pupae, with adult emergence rate from pupae from the bottom of ripening mango being approximately only 50% of the adult emergence rate from the top of ripening fruit, or from both the top and bottom of fully-ripe fruit. Differences in mechanical (firmness) and chemical (total soluble solids, titratable acidity, total non-structural carbohydrates) traits between different fruit portions were correlated with adult fruit utilisation. Our results support a positive adult preference/offspring performance relationship at within-fruit level for B. dorsalis. The fine level of host discrimination exhibited by B. dorsalis is at odds with the general perception that, as a polyphagous herbivore, the fly should show very little discrimination in its host use behavior.