335 resultados para Joko Olinpikoak


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Azterlan honek kirol arrakasta handiena duten nazio adierazgarrienek, dominei dagokionez, emankortasun handiena duten kiroletan erabili ohi dituzten talentuen identifikazio programen errebisioa du helburu. Lortutako datuetatik aurrera, Atenas (2004), Pekin (2008) eta Londres (2012ko) Joko Olinpikoetako dominen zerrenda eta kirol diziplinen kuantifikazioa kontutan izan dira diziplina eta nazio arrakastatsuenak identifikatzeko. Jarraian, errebisio sistematiko tipiko baten pausoak jarritu dira: 1) Helburuen azalpena; 2) bilaketa bibliografikoa; 3) irakurketa kritikoa; 4) datun antolaketa; 5) idazlanare erredakzioa. Ondoren, errebisioan zehar atera ditugun ondorioak, aipatzen dira garrantzitsuenak hauek izanik: 1) emankortasun handiena duten kiroletan dominak eskuratzea oso garrantzitsua da dominen zerrendarako; 2) ez dago arrakasta ziurtatzen duen talentuen identifikazio sistemarik; 3) Sistema tradizionalek gaitasun motorren abilezia bakarrik kontutan hartzen zuten; 4) Gaur egun “botton – up” ideia indartzen ari da; 5) entrenamenduen espezifikotasunarekin hasteko ez dago adin zehatzik; 6)transferentziari esker talentuak birziklatzeko aukera dago.


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Lan hau Jarduera Fisiko eta Kirol jokoetan oinarritutako udaleku baten egitasmoa da. Kirol jokoek duten hezigarritasuna kontutan izanik proiektua deskribatu eta aztertzen da jardueren izaeraren ikuspuntutik. Lanak izaera profesionalizantea du eta lan jardunera bideratua dago.


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Lan hau, oinbularrarekin egindako fútbol jaurtiketaren analisi zinematikoaren ingurukoa da. Ikerketan jaurtiketa mota bi ezberdintzen dira geldikako jaurtiketa eta baloia gidatu osteko jaurtiketa eta horien konparaketa egin da joko lerro ezberdineko jokalarien artean, orokorrean jaurtiketak antzera egiten dituztela ondorioztatuz.


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Burutu dudan GRAL lan hau hezkuntza arloan kokatzen da eta lan honetan unibertsitatean irakatsi dizkiguten ezagupenak aplikatu nahi izan ditut. Gaiaren inguruko azterketa sakona egin ondoren, lana Getxoko Aixerrota instituturako proiektu baten proposamena da. Proiektu honen bidez bilatzen dena hain zuzen Aixerrotara ailegatuko diren aurre-nerabeak ikastetxera heldu aurretik elkar ezagutzea eta bide batez haien ahalmen pertzeptibo-motorea garatzea da. Egitasmoaren oinarrian joko-jolasak daude eta haien bidez ume taldeen elkareen arteko ezagutza eta inklusioa sustatuko dira garapen pertzeptibo motorearekin batera. Umeak Lehen Hezkuntzako eskolatik Bigarren Hezkuntzako ikastetxera igarotzean ume sentitzetik nagusi sentitzera pasatzen dira. Aldaketa handiak ematen dira umeen bizitzetan, hala nola: ikastetxe berria, lagun berriak, beste sexuarekiko interesak…Aldaketa hau gogogorra izaten da askotan, ume batzuk berehala ohitzen dira, baina beste batzuk zailtasunak dituzte egoera berrira moldatzeko. Nire proiektuaren bidez nagusiki bi helburu zabal landu nahi ditut: Batetik Aixerrota ikastetxera joango diren umeen sozializazioa eta inklusioa ahalbidetu nahi dut joko jolasen bidez. Bestetik oraindik osatu gabe dagoen gaitasun pertzeptibo motorearen garapena sustatu nahi dut joko jolasetan oinarrituta. Ideia honekin Aixerrotara joango diren ikasleen eskoletan, (Andra Mari, Berangoko eskola, Geroa, Zabala) 6. mailako ikasleak harremanetan jarriko ditugu, hau da joko jolasetan oinarritutako programa bat jarraituko da, lau eskoletako 6. mailako ikasleak harremanetan jarriaz. Garrantzitsua iruditzen zait Aixerrota bezalako ikastetxe handi batean honelako proiektu bat aurrera eramatea. Nahiz eta zaila eta nekeza izan eskolak harremanetan jartzea, guztiz beharrezkoa da nire ikuspuntutik proiektu hau edo antzekoren bat gauzatzea, umeengan barneratzen diren balio eta gaitasunengatik.


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[eus] Lan honen ikerkuntza gaia sormena da. Ibilbide honetan, sormena ardatz eta oinarri hartuz, DBH-ko Marrazketa Teknikoko ikasleek Haur Hezkuntzako umeentzat bideratutako Formak jokoa asmatu dute. Bi erronka nagusi izan ditu lan honek: alde batetik, DBH-ko ikasleekin batera, aholkulari lanak eginez, jokoa eraikitzeko prozesu sortzaile bat aurrera eramatea. Bestetik, HH-ko umeentzat joko sortzaile bat formulatzea. Joko honen helburu nagusiena pertsona guztiengan existitzen den sormen gaitasuna bultzatzea, sustatzea eta garatzea izan delarik. Bidean azaldu diren erronkei aurre egin eta konponbidea topatzerako orduan, egilearen Haur zein Bigarren hezkuntzako hezitzaile perfil bikoitza ezinbesteko tresna izan da. Ikuspuntu bikoitz honek, sormenaren txertatzea hezkuntzako fase bakoitzari egokitzea ahalbidetu du, hezkuntza prozesu globala dela argi izanik.


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[eus] Lan hau 3 urteko umeen gelan egindako ikerketa bat da, bertan, jolas tradizionalak praktikan jarriko dira eta hauek umeen emozioetan duten eragina aztertuko da. Horretarako ikerketa hau 3 fase desberdinetan planteatu dugu: lehenengo pausua, jolas tradizionalak irudien bidez zer diren azaltzea izan da; ondoren, kontinente desberdinetako jolas tradizional batzuk burutu egin ditugu; eta, jarraian, umeak sentitu dutena marrazki batean adierazi dute. Praktikatutako jardueren barne logika aztertu dugu, espazio, denbora, harremanak eta objektuak eta umeek marraztutako marrazkiekin erlazionatu ditugu.


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Effective processing of powdered particles can facilitate powder handling and result in better drug product performance, which is of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry where the majority of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are delivered as solid dosage forms. The purpose of this work was to develop a new ultrasound-assisted method for particle surface modification and thin-coating of pharmaceutical powders. The ultrasound was used to produce an aqueous mist with or without a coating agent. By using the proposed technique, it was possible to decrease the interparticular interactions and improve rheological properties of poorly-flowing water-soluble powders by aqueous smoothing of the rough surfaces of irregular particles. In turn, hydrophilic polymer thin-coating of a hydrophobic substance diminished the triboelectrostatic charge transfer and improved the flowability of highly cohesive powder. To determine the coating efficiency of the technique, the bioactive molecule β-galactosidase was layered onto the surface of powdered lactose particles. Enzyme-treated materials were analysed by assaying the quantity of the reaction product generated during enzymatic cleavage of the milk sugar. A near-linear increase in the thickness of the drug layer was obtained during progressive treatment. Using the enzyme coating procedure, it was confirmed that the ultrasound-assisted technique is suitable for processing labile protein materials. In addition, this pre-treatment of milk sugar could be used to improve utilization of lactose-containing formulations for populations suffering from severe lactose intolerance. Furthermore, the applicability of the thin-coating technique for improving homogeneity of low-dose solid dosage forms was shown. The carrier particles coated with API gave rise to uniform distribution of the drug within the powder. The mixture remained homogeneous during further tabletting, whereas the reference physical powder mixture was subject to segregation. In conclusion, ultrasound-assisted surface engineering of pharmaceutical powders can be effective technology for improving formulation and performance of solid dosage forms such as dry powder inhalers (DPI) and direct compression products.


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This thesis discusses the use of sub- and supercritical fluids as the medium in extraction and chromatography. Super- and subcritical extraction was used to separate essential oils from herbal plant Angelica archangelica. The effect of extraction parameters was studied and sensory analyses of the extracts were done by an expert panel. The results of the sensory analyses were compared to the analytically determined contents of the extracts. Sub- and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) was used to separate and purify high-value pharmaceuticals. Chiral SFC was used to separate the enantiomers of racemic mixtures of pharmaceutical compounds. Very low (cryogenic) temperatures were applied to substantially enhance the separation efficiency of chiral SFC. The thermodynamic aspects affecting the resolving ability of chiral stationary phases are briefly reviewed. The process production rate which is a key factor in industrial chromatography was optimized by empirical multivariate methods. General linear model was used to optimize the separation of omega-3 fatty acid ethyl esters from esterized fish oil by using reversed-phase SFC. Chiral separation of racemic mixtures of guaifenesin and ferulic acid dimer ethyl ester was optimized by using response surface method with three variables per time. It was found that by optimizing four variables (temperature, load, flowate and modifier content) the production rate of the chiral resolution of racemic guaifenesin by cryogenic SFC could be increased severalfold compared to published results of similar application. A novel pressure-compensated design of industrial high pressure chromatographic column was introduced, using the technology developed in building the deep-sea submersibles (Mir 1 and 2). A demonstration SFC plant was built and the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine A was purified to meet the requirements of US Pharmacopoeia. A smaller semi-pilot size column with similar design was used for cryogenic chiral separation of aromatase inhibitor Finrozole for use in its development phase 2.


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Cigarette smoking is, in developed countries, the leading cause of premature death. In tobacco smoke, the main addictive compound is nicotine, which in the brain binds to neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (neuronal nAChRs). These have been implicated in addiction, but also in several neurological disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Tourette's syndrome, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, pain, depression, and autosomal-dominant noctural frontal lobe epilepsy; all of which makes nAChRs an intriguing target of study. Chronic treatment with nicotine leads to an increase in the number of nAChRs (upregulation) in the brain and changes their functionality. Changes in the properties of nAChRs are likely to occur in smokers as well, since they are exposed to nicotine for long periods of time. Several nAChR subtypes likely play a role in the formation of nicotine addiction by participating in the release of dopamine in the striatum. The aim of this study was to clarify at cellular level the changes in nAChR characteristics resulting from chronic nicotine treatment. SH-SY5Y cells, endogenously several nAChR-expressing, and SH-EP1-h-alfa7 cells, transfected with the alfa 7 nAChR subunit gene were treated chronically with nicotine. The localisation of alfa 7 and beta2 subunits was studied with confocal and electron microscopy. Functionality of nAChRs was studied with calcium fluorometry. Effects of long-term treatment with opioid compounds on nAChRs were studied by means of ligand binding. Confocal microscopy showed that in SH-SY5Y cells, alfa7 and beta2 subunits formed clusters, unlike the case in SH-EP1-h alfa7 cells, where alfa7 nAChRs were distributed more diffusely. The majority of nAChR subunits localised on endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The isomers of methadone acted as agonists at alfa7 nAChRs. Acute morphine challenge also stimulated nAChRs. Chronic treatment with methadone or morphine led to an increased number of nAChRs. In animal studies, mice received nicotine for 7 weeks. Electron microscopical analysis of the localisation of nAChRs showed in the striatum that alfa7 and beta2 nAChR subunits localised synaptically, extrasynaptically, and intracellularly, with the majority localising extrasynaptically. Chronic nicotine treatment caused an increase in the number of nAChR subunits at all studied locations. These results suggest that the alfa7 nAChR and beta2 subunit-containing nAChRs respond to chronic nicotine treatment differently. This may indicate that the functional balance of various nAChR subtypes in control of the release of dopamine is altered as a result of chronic nicotine treatment. Compounds binding both to opioid and nACh receptors may be of clinical importance.


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Many active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) have both anhydrate and hydrate forms. Due to the different physicochemical properties of solid forms, the changes in solid-state may result in therapeutic, pharmaceutical, legal and commercial problems. In order to obtain good solid dosage form quality and performance, there is a constant need to understand and control these phase transitions during manufacturing and storage. Thus it is important to detect and also quantify the possible transitions between the different forms. In recent years, vibrational spectroscopy has become an increasingly popular tool to characterise the solid-state forms and their phase transitions. It offers several advantages over other characterisation techniques including an ability to obtain molecular level information, minimal sample preparation, and the possibility of monitoring changes non-destructively in-line. Dehydration is the phase transition of hydrates which is frequently encountered during the dosage form production and storage. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the dehydration behaviour of diverse pharmaceutical hydrates by near infrared (NIR), Raman and terahertz pulsed spectroscopic (TPS) monitoring together with multivariate data analysis. The goal was to reveal new perspectives for investigation of the dehydration at the molecular level. Solid-state transformations were monitored during dehydration of diverse hydrates on hot-stage. The results obtained from qualitative experiments were used to develop a method and perform the quantification of the solid-state forms during process induced dehydration in a fluidised bed dryer. Both in situ and in-line process monitoring and quantification was performed. This thesis demonstrated the utility of vibrational spectroscopy techniques and multivariate modelling to monitor and investigate dehydration behaviour in situ and during fluidised bed drying. All three spectroscopic methods proved complementary in the study of dehydration. NIR spectroscopy models could quantify the solid-state forms in the binary system, but were unable to quantify all the forms in the quaternary system. Raman spectroscopy models on the other hand could quantify all four solid-state forms that appeared upon isothermal dehydration. The speed of spectroscopic methods makes them applicable for monitoring dehydration and the quantification of multiple forms was performed during phase transition. Thus the solid-state structure information at the molecular level was directly obtained. TPS detected the intermolecular phonon modes and Raman spectroscopy detected mostly the changes in intramolecular vibrations. Both techniques revealed information about the crystal structure changes. NIR spectroscopy, on the other hand was more sensitive to water content and hydrogen bonding environment of water molecules. This study provides a basis for real time process monitoring using vibrational spectroscopy during pharmaceutical manufacturing.


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This dissertation studies the language of Latin letters that were written in Egypt and Vindolanda (in northern Britain) during the period 1st century BC 3rd century AD on papyri, ostraca, and wooden tablets. The majority of the texts is, in one way or another, connected with the Roman army. The focus of the study is on syntax and pragmatics. Besides traditional philological methods, modern syntactic theory is used as well, especially in the pragmatic analysis. The study begins with a critical survey of certain concepts that are current in the research on the Latin language, most importantly the concept of vulgar Latin , which, it is argued, seems to be used as an abstract noun for variation and change in Latin . Further, it is necessary to treat even the non-literary material primarily as written texts and not as straightforward reflections of spoken language. An examination of letter phraseology shows that there is considerable variation between the two major geographical areas of provenance. Latin letter writing in Egypt was influenced by Greek. The study highlights the importance of seeing the letters as a text type, with recurring phraseological elements appearing in the body text as well. It is argued that recognising these elements is essential for the correct analysis of the syntax. Three areas of syntax are discussed in detail: sentence connection (mainly parataxis), syntactically incoherent structures and word order (the order of the object and the verb). For certain types of sentence connection we may plausibly posit an origin in spoken Latin, but for many other linguistic phenomena attested in this material the issue of spoken Latin is anything but simple. Concerning the study of historical syntax, the letters offer information about the changing status of the accusative case. Incoherent structures may reflect contaminations in spoken language but usually the reason for them is the inability of the writer to put his thoughts into writing, especially when there is something more complicated to be expressed. Many incoherent expressions reflect the need to start the predication with a thematic constituent. Latin word order is seen as resulting from an interaction of syntactic and pragmatic factors. The preference for an order where the topic is placed sentence-initially can be seen in word order more generally as well. Furthermore, there appears a difference between Egypt and Vindolanda. The letters from Vindolanda show the order O(bject) V(erb) clearly more often than the letters from Egypt. Interestingly, this difference correlates with another, namely the use of the anaphoric pronoun is. This is an interesting observation in view of the fact that both of these are traditional Latin features, as opposed to those that foreshadow the Romance development (VO order and use of the anaphoric ille). However, it is difficult to say whether this is an indication of social or regional variation.


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This study reports a diachronic corpus investigation of common-number pronouns used to convey unknown or otherwise unspecified reference. The study charts agreement patterns in these pronouns in various diachronic and synchronic corpora. The objective is to provide base-line data on variant frequencies and distributions in the history of English, as there are no previous systematic corpus-based observations on this topic. This study seeks to answer the questions of how pronoun use is linked with the overall typological development in English and how their diachronic evolution is embedded in the linguistic and social structures in which they are used. The theoretical framework draws on corpus linguistics and historical sociolinguistics, grammaticalisation, diachronic typology, and multivariate analysis of modelling sociolinguistic variation. The method employs quantitative corpus analyses from two main electronic corpora, one from Modern English and the other from Present-day English. The Modern English material is the Corpus of Early English Correspondence, and the time frame covered is 1500-1800. The written component of the British National Corpus is used in the Present-day English investigations. In addition, the study draws supplementary data from other electronic corpora. The material is used to compare the frequencies and distributions of common-number pronouns between these two time periods. The study limits the common-number uses to two subsystems, one anaphoric to grammatically singular antecedents and one cataphoric, in which the pronoun is followed by a relative clause. Various statistical tools are used to process the data, ranging from cross-tabulations to multivariate VARBRUL analyses in which the effects of sociolinguistic and systemic parameters are assessed to model their impact on the dependent variable. This study shows how one pronoun type has extended its uses in both subsystems, an increase linked with grammaticalisation and the changes in other pronouns in English through the centuries. The variationist sociolinguistic analysis charts how grammaticalisation in the subsystems is embedded in the linguistic and social structures in which the pronouns are used. The study suggests a scale of two statistical generalisations of various sociolinguistic factors which contribute to grammaticalisation and its embedding at various stages of the process.


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The use of forms of address in French films and their Finnish translations The use of forms of address constitutes an integral part of speakers’ communicative competence. In fact, they are not only used to assign to whom the speech is addressed, but also to construct the relationship between speakers. However, the choice of a suitable form is not necessarily evident in modern, pluralistic society. By the notion form of address, I refer to pronouns of address (tu vs. vous) and different nouns of address like names, titles (Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle), kinship terms, occupational terms, terms of endearment and insults. The purpose of the present thesis is, first, to study the semantic and pragmatic values of forms of address in dialogues of modern French films, and, second, their translation in Finnish subtitles. It is evident that film language is not spontaneous, but only a representation of authentic speech, and that subtitles are a written version of the original spoken language. Consequently, this thesis studies spoken fictive dialogues and their written translations. The methods applied in the study are the Interactional and Pragmatic Approach as well as Translatology. The role of forms of address in an interpersonal relationship is studied with dimensions of distance and power (Brown and Gilman 1960, Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1992), whereas the pragmatic dimension permits studying in particular the use of forms of address in speech acts (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 2001). The translation strategies are studied with the help of Venuti’s (1995) notions of foreignizing and domesticating strategies. The results of the thesis suggest that the pronoun use in the studied films is usually reciprocal. However, the relations of power have not disappeared, but are expressed in a more discrete manner with nouns of address (for instance vous + Docteur vs. vous + Anita). The use of the pronoun of address vous seems still to be common, but increased intimacy is expressed by accompanying familiar nouns of address like first names. The nominal forms of address accompany different speech acts, but not in a systematic manner. In a dialogue they appear usually in the first speech act, and more rarely in the response, but not in both. In addition, they have an important role in the mechanics of conversation. The translators here face multiple demands, and their translations seem mostly to be a compromise between foreignizing and domesticating strategies.


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This dissertation discusses the relation between lexis, grammar and textual organisation. The major premise adopted here is that grammatical structures are motivated both by semantic potential of words and by text-pragmatic demands. In other words, it is argued that grammatical structures form the interface between lexis and textual organisation, and that linguistic analysis should not concentrate on analysing grammatical structures in isolation, independent of context. From this point of view, grammatical structures are said to be 'well-formed' only in relation to the context they occur in. This study is based on a corpus of three million words of recent Finnish fiction from which all the occurrences of the coordinated verb pairs ([V ja V] -pairs]) containing one of the intransitive motion verbs 'lähteä' (to go), 'mennä' (to go), 'päästä' (to get into), 'nousta' (to get up), and 'laskea' (to go down), were extracted. This set of verbs was established using methods described in earlier work by Lagus & Airola (2001, and 2005). The quantitative analysis of the [V ja V] -pairs was used to carry out a qualitative analysis of individual texts. In analysing the texts, an analogy was made between musical and textual structure. The results show among others that individual verbs specialise in different functions when occurring in coordinated verb pairs. One aspect was that those verb pairs including the verb 'nousta' tend to function as markers of textual boundaries and thus reflect the organisation of narrative substance. The verb 'mennä' has weakened literal meanings, but strengthened modal meanings when occurring in [V ja V] -pairs, and, in many cases, the verb 'lähteä' in [V ja V] -pairs function as an aspectual marker rather than a pure verb of motion. That there is a gradient from the concrete sense of motion into more differentiated senses of a verb in [V ja V] -pairs alongside the structure-creating potential of the [V ja V] -pairs themselves suggest an ongoing grammaticalisation process of the patterns discussed.