1000 resultados para Jamaica História
Escritores/as ps-coloniais tm se engajado em denunciar o doloroso legado da escravido e do colonialismo, atravs da recuperao de histórias previamente apropriadas e distorcidas por narrativas mestras. A investigao e a narrativizao do passado esquecido de ex-colnias tm sido uma estratgia empregada no sentido de se reconstruir identidades que foram fragmentadas devido s mltiplas opresses sofridas ou testemunhadas por autores. Michelle Cliff uma romancista, poeta, e ensasta diasprica, nascida na Jamaica e que vive nos Estados Unidos. Ela uma das muitas vozes ps-coloniais comprometidas com uma literatura de resistncia que luta pela descolonizao cultural e encoraja o sentimento de pertencimento. O objetivo dessa dissertao analisar os romances de cunho autobiogrfico de Cliff, Abeng (1984) e No Telephone to Heaven (1987), que lidam com questes relacionadas s prticas coloniais e ps-coloniais. Os dois romances retratam a saga da protagonista Clare Savage, atravs da qual Cliff revela o impacto da colonizao no Caribe, denuncia as configuraes de poder geradas a partir dos imbricamentos entre raa, gnero e classe, e critica a maneira deturpada como a história da Jamaica transmitida e disseminada atravs da educao colonial qual os Jamaicanos so submetidos. A autora tambm explora os efeitos que as disporas exercem no processo de construo identitria e o movimento de resgate e recriao de uma história prpria por parte dos sujeitos diaspricos
In this article, Brian Hudson relates how he came to write the paper published in the journal Antipode, for which he gained recognition as a radical geographer in the late 1970's. It is a tale of a journey in which the loves of his life, geography, history, travel and his wife of over 40 years, came together through living in a number of different places: the United Kingdom, Ghana, Hong Kong, and Jamaica. After leaving UWI, Brian and his family settled in Brisbane, Australia where he taught at Queensland University of Technology until his retirement.
In this paper I describe and analyse the socio-educational significance of a theatre arts approach to learning for young adults in Jamaica, implemented by the Area Youth Foundation (AYF). Briefly outlining the genesis and development of the AYF, I provide snapshots of the experiences and destinations of some of its young participants. The paper discusses AYF workshops to show how the pedagogy was shaped by the expressive arts and based on the critical praxis approach systematized by Paulo Freire in adult education and Augusto Boal in theatre. Based on interviews with AYFs leader and some of the learners, I discuss how the foundations motto, Youth Empowerment Through the Arts, is played out in workshops and creative productions that are simultaneously learner-driven and teacher-guided, with the powerful impact of inspiring politically thoughtful creativity and skills in youths from less-privileged communities.
The author of this paper considers the influence of Paulo Freires pedagogical philosophy on educational practice in three different geographical/political settings. She begins with reflections on her experience as a facilitator at Freires seminar, held in Grenada in 1980 for teachers and community educators, on the integration of work and study. This case demonstrates how Freires method of dialogic education achieved outcomes for the group of thoughtful collaboration leading to conscientisation in terms of deep reflection on their lives as teachers in Grenada and strategies for decolonising education and society. The second case under consideration is the arts-based pedagogy shaping the work of the Area Youth Foundation (AYF) in Kingston, Jamaica. Young participants, many of them from tough socio-economic backgrounds, are empowered by learning how to articulate their own experiences and relate these to social change. They express this conscientisation by creating stage performances, murals, photo-novella booklets and other artistic products. The third case study describes and evaluates the Honey Ant Reader project in Alice Springs, Australia. Aboriginal children, as well as the adults in their community, learn to read in their local language as well as Australian Standard English, using booklets created from indigenous stories told by community Elders, featuring local customs and traditions. The author analyses how the Freirean pedagogy in all three cases exemplifies the process of encouraging the creation of knowledge for progressive social change, rather than teaching preconceived knowledge. This supports her discussion of the extent to which this is authentic to the spirit of the scholar/teacher Paulo Freire, who maintained that in our search for a better society, the world has to be made and remade. Her second, related aim is to raise questions about how education aligned with Freirean pedagogy can contribute to moving social change from the culture circle to the public sphere.
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The objective of this study was to compare the life-cycle environmental impacts of changed production structures for two consumer goods (high-density polyethylene (HDPE) shopping bags and beds) in Jamaica. A scenario technique was used to construct three alternative production structures for each product; each scenario reflecting an increase in local production in Jamaica which depended on an increased supply of input materials which may be sourced: (1) externally from overseas suppliers, (2) from post-consumer recycling, and (3) locally on the island of Jamaica. These three constructed scenarios were then compared to the existing supply chain or reference scenarios of the products. The results showed that for both case products the recycling scenario was most preferable for localising production, resulting in the lowest environmental impact. This was because the production of raw materials accounted for the largest effect on total environmental impact. As such, the most immediate environmental improvements were realised by lowering the production of virgin materials. 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Apresenta depoimentos de servidores que ajudaram a implantar a gesto ambiental da Cmara dos Deputados.
Apresenta, com detalhes, aspectos histricos do constitucionalismo contemporneo brasileiro. Partindo do perodo ps-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanas constitucionais, apresentado um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurdicos utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia poltica e jurdica. A anlise passa pelo processo constituinte de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigncia da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.
Esboa estratgias didticas para a elaborao de planos de ensino e intervenes pedaggicas na rea de Cincia Poltica. Nosso objetivo especfico ser o de fornecer instrumentos que auxiliem no planejamento de aulas de história poltica brasileira para cursos de formao poltica.
Consultoria de Oramento e Fiscalizao Financeira, Ncleo de Sade.
Consultoria Legislativa - rea XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organizao Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - rea XIX - Cincia Poltica, Sociologia Poltica História, Relaes Internacionais.