933 resultados para Italian Version


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There is a shortage of empirical applications of the capability approach that employ closed survey instruments to assess self-reported capabilities. However, for those few instruments that have been designed and administered through surveys until now, no psychometric properties (reliability, validity, and factor structure) were reported. The purpose of this study is the assessment of the psychometric properties of three new language versions (German, French, and Italian) of an established (English) set of eight self-reported capability items. The set of items is taken from a previously published British study by Anand and van Hees (J Soc Econ 35(2):268–284, 2006). Our sample consists of 17,152 young male adults aged 18–25 years from the three major language regions in Switzerland. The results indicate good reliability of the three language versions. The results from the exploratory factor analyses suggest a one-dimensional factor structure for seven domain specific items. Furthermore, the results from multiple regression analyses suggest that a global summary item on overall capabilities represents a measurement alternative to the set of seven domain specific capability items. Finally, the results confirm the applicability of the closed capability instrument in a large scale survey questionnaire and represent the first attempt to measure self-reported capabilities in Switzerland.


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BACKGROUND: Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) is a chronic childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorder with a significant impact on patients' health-related quality of life (HR-QOL). Cavanna et al. (Neurology 2008; 71: 1410-1416) developed and validated the first disease-specific HR-QOL assessment tool for adults with GTS (Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome-Quality of Life Scale, GTS-QOL). This paper presents the translation, adaptation and validation of the GTS-QOL for young Italian patients with GTS. METHODS: A three-stage process involving 75 patients with GTS recruited through three Departments of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry in Italy led to the development of a 27-item instrument (Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome-Quality of Life Scale in children and adolescents, C&A-GTS-QOL) for the assessment of HR-QOL through a clinician-rated interview for 6-12 year-olds and a self-report questionnaire for 13-18 year-olds. RESULTS: The C&A-GTS-QOL demonstrated satisfactory scaling assumptions and acceptability. Internal consistency reliability was high (Cronbach's alpha > 0.7) and validity was supported by interscale correlations (range 0.4-0.7), principal-component factor analysis and correlations with other rating scales and clinical variables. CONCLUSIONS: The present version of the C&A-GTS-QOL is the first disease-specific HR-QOL tool for Italian young patients with GTS, satisfying criteria for acceptability, reliability and validity. © 2013 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.


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Given that the ability to manage numbers is essential in a modern society, mathematics anxiety – which has been demonstrated to have unfortunate consequences in terms of mastery of math – has become a subject of increasing interest, and the need to accurately measure it has arisen. One of the widely employed scales to measure math anxiety is the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) (Hopko, Mahadevan, Bare & Hunt, 2003). The first aim of the present paper was to confirm the factor structure of the AMAS when administered to Italian high school and college students, and to test the invariance of the scale across educational levels. Additionally, we assessed the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the scale. Finally, we tested the invariance of the AMAS across genders. The overall findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the AMAS when administered to Italian students.


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La lipoatrofia facial es uno de los efectos secundarios que con más frecuencia se presenta y afecta la calidad de vida del paciente con VIH que recibe tratamiento antiretroviral. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal que involucró 126 sujetos, a quienes se aplicó una encuesta semi-estructurada para determinar cómo percibe el paciente que la lipoatrofia facial lo afecta en áreas afectiva, social, laboral y ocupacional; evaluar la percepción de la imagen corporal; caracterizar sociodemográficamente; determinar la prevalencia de lipoatrofia facial y establecer si hay diferencias de percepción de la imagen corporal según la caracterización sociodemográfica. Resultados: La Prevalencia de lipoatrofia facial fue del 57.1%. El grado de satisfacción en cuanto a apariencia física tuvo un promedio de 5.01±2.69. El 88.7% y 80.3% de los pacientes evaluados sintieron tristeza y frustración con su apariencia respectivamente. El 53.5% y el 42.9% informaron menos oportunidades laborales y educativas. La orientación sexual reportada con mayor frecuencia fue homosexualidad. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grado de satisfacción de apariencia con aspectos sociodemográficos excepto en pacientes que recibieron apoyo psicológico. Conclusión: Primer estudio en el país que evalúa el impacto de la lipoatrofia facial en pacientes con VIH y tratamiento antiretroviral. Aunque la presencia de lipoatrofia facial sobre la cotidianidad no es estadísticamente significativa, si resulta trascendental pues existen porcentajes importantes de emociones y alteraciones psicológicas que afectan directamente a estos sujetos en las áreas afectiva, social, laboral y ocupacional. Se hace necesaria la realización de más estudios que permitan obtener mayor de evidencia.


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Dopo aver introdotto lo status quaestionis sulla Didascalia apostolorum, segue la trascrizione del testo siriaco, la traduzione italiana corredata di note, una sinossi a quattro colonne (testo siriaco del manoscritto A e del manoscritto E, i frammenti latini e la loro traduzione). L'ultima parte della tesi riguarda l'analisi redazionale del testo, ovvero le fonti e le interpolazioni, a cui segue in ultimo un'ipotesi ricostruttiva.


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Questa tesi riassume il lavoro di ricerca da me effettuato per studiare i meccanismi della relazione uomo - pianta su cui si basa l’orticoltura terapeutica, le sue modalità di attuazione e le risposte dei pazienti al lavoro in giardino. La ricerca si è svolta in due diversi giardini terapeutici con pazienti adulti con varie tipologie di disabilità fisica o psichica. Partendo dalla analisi delle basi teoriche su cui si fonda l’ortoterapia, l’obiettivo era di capire come creare le condizioni migliori per ottenere i massimi benefici dall’uso dell’orticoltura e del giardinaggio per il benessere delle persone. Due elementi sono apparsi fondamentali per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi terapeutici: il primo è lo stretto legame esistente tra la forma del giardino e delle piante e la sua funzione terapeutica; il secondo sta nella necessità di creare nel paziente una connessione profonda con il giardino e il lavoro con le piante è risultato essere un fattore determinante per farlo. Utilizzando questionari e osservazioni degli utenti, sono stati raccolti ed elaborati dati relativi al benessere dei pazienti durante e dopo le attività in giardino e si è cercato di trovare un indice, individuato poi nella variazione di percezione del pollice verde, che potesse essere utilizzato per esprimere la soddisfazione del paziente. Infine si è cercato di capire come potesse variare la capacità ristorativa del giardino, in funzione della frequenza di visita e dell’attività che vi si svolgeva, attraverso la somministrazione della versione italiana della scala PRS a chi era impegnato nelle attività di orticoltura e giardinaggio, a chi passeggiava nel parco e a chi invece non lo frequentava regolarmente ma lo conosceva bene: è risultato che le tre modalità di fruizione del giardino davano ai fruitori un potenziale rigenerativo diverso e significativamente più alto per chi metteva le mani nella terra.


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In this thesis, I have chosen to translate from Italian into Arabic Canto I of the Inferno, from Dante Alighieri’s epic poem the Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) because it’s a masterpiece in both Italian and world literature. Also I have selected it for its artistic value and the universal themes that it depicts. In fact, my purpose in translating this great work into Arabic is to extol the cultural and universal aspects that can be common to human beings everywhere. My paper is written in Arabic and has six sections: A brief introduction on Dante’s life, an introduction to the Divine Comedy, a summary of Canto 1 of the Inferno and its analysis, Canto I of the Inferno in Italian, its translation into Arabic and finally a comment on the translation. The first part -a summary of Dante’s life was presented. The second part of my paper is an introduction to the Divine Comedy, the allegorical epic poem, consisting of three parts: The Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). The third part is a summary and analysis of Canto 1 of the Inferno, Dante’s most renowned verses. The analysis of Canto highlights the everlasting conflict of man– sinning and giving in to temptation but then trying to repent and search for his soul’s salvation. He reflects on sin, existence, truth, God, love and salvation in his struggle through the dark and gloomy forest which symbolizes conflict and temptations man may succumb to. The influence of Christianity and the Middle ages here shows his commitment to religion and faith. Moreover, his meeting of Virgil, who guides him to the mountain during his journey to salvation, reflects the positive impact of Virgil’s philosophy on Dante. The fourth part presents the Italian version of Canto 1 of the Inferno. The fifth section of my paper is the translation of Canto 1 of the Inferno from Italian to Arabic. Translating an excerpt of Dante’s masterpiece was not an easy task: I had to consult several critique texts besides the Italian source text with explanations, and also some English versions to overcome any translation difficulties. As a student of translation, my goal was to be faithful in relaying to the Arabic audience the authenticity of Dante’s work, his themes, passions and aesthetic style. Finally, I present a conclusion including a comment on the translation and the bibliography of the sources I have consulted.


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The aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate how theory and practice are linked in translation. The translation of the essay Light Years Ahead helped me to understand this connection and to develop the two main thesis included in this work, that is the possibility the translator has to choose among all the different theories, without giving one or another the absolute supremacy, and the diversity of the non-fiction genre. Therefore, the first chapter focuses on the different theories of translation, presented in a way which suggests that one might be the completion and the development of another. The second chapter deals with the peculiar issues of non-fiction translation, with particular attention to the way in which this genre gathers different elements of other text types. Despite this variety, it is also claimed that the function at the higher level of an essay is always the informative one. This concept led me to simplify and make more intelligible the Italian version of the text I translated (Light Years Ahead). In the third chapter, this last point is discussed, as well as my considerations about the function, the dominant aspect and the cultural analysis of the text, with particular regard to how the quality of the English translation affected my choices. In the fourth chapter I included some examples of translation, which best demonstrate the distinctive variety of styles of non-fiction texts and the possibility for the translator to choose each time which theory suits them best. Finally, I also included three examples which represent a sort of defeat for me, that is to say three points where the ambiguity of the text obliged me to remove that information for the sake of the dominant informative function.


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Approaching the world of the fairy tale as an adult, one soon realizes that things are not what they once seemed during story time in bed. Something that once appeared so innocent and simple can become rather complex when digging into its origin. A kiss, for example, can mean something else entirely. I can clearly remember my sister, who is ten years older than I am, telling me that the fairy tales I was told had a mysterious hidden meaning I could not understand. I was probably 9 or 10 when she told me that the story of Sleeping Beauty, which I used to love so much in Disney’s rendering, was nothing more than the story of an adolescent girl, with all the necessary steps needed to become a woman, the bleeding of menstruation and the sexual awakening - even though she did not really put it in these terms. This shocking news troubled me for a while, so much so that I haven’t watched that movie since. But in reality it was not fear that my sister had implanted in me: it was curiosity, the feeling that I was missing something terribly important behind the words and images. But it was not until last year during my semester abroad in Germany, where I had the chance to take a very interesting English literature seminar, that I fully understood what I had been looking for all these years. Thanks to what I learned from the work of Bruno Bettelheim, Jack Zipes, Vladimir Propp, and many other authors that wrote extensively about the subject, I feel I finally have the right tools to really get to know this fairy tale. But what I also know now is that the message behind fairy tales is not to be searched for behind only one version: on the contrary, since they come from oral traditions and their form was slowly shaped by centuries of recountals and retellings, the more one digs, the more complete the understanding of the tale will be. I will therefore look for Sleeping Beauty’s hidden meaning by looking for the reason why it did stick so consistently throughout time. To achieve this goal, I have organized my analysis in three chapters: in the first chapter, I will analyze the first known literary version of the tale, the French Perceforest, and then compare it with the following Italian version, Basile’s Sun, Moon, and Talia; in the second chapter, I will focus on the most famous and by now classical literary versions of Sleeping Beauty, La Belle Au Bois Dormant, written by the Frenchman, Perrault, and the German Dornröschen, recorded by the Brothers Grimm’s; finally, in the last chapter, I will analyze Almodovar’s film Talk to Her as a modern rewriting of this tale, which after a closer look, appears closely related to the earliest version of the story, Perceforest.


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The present research study focuses on intercultural communication and how its dynamics are portrayed in the Italian version of the movie L’appartamento spagnolo (original title: L’auberge espagnol) by Cédric Klapisch. The first chapter introduces the movie in all its main features, such as plot, setting, characters, languages, main themes, and sequels. The second chapter focuses on the dynamics of intercultural communication through the analysis of the most representative scenes of the movie. It is worth noting that the notion of intercultural communication comprises a lot of different kinds of communication, meaning not only communication among people coming from different countries and speaking a different language, but also among different generations, people with different social backgrounds, with a different social status, etc. However, language is indeed crucial to mutual understanding and it plays a fundamental role in communication. For this reason, the third chapter focuses on the multilingual dimension of the movie, since the issue of intercultural communication is also conveyed through a variety of languages. The aim is to analyze the different strategies used in the Italian dubbed version in order to manage the presence of different languages and to examine how such strategies affect the overall consistency of the dialogues and the effect achieved on the audience.


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Preface to v.1 in German; to v.2 in Russian. Most of the original texts of v.1 are accompanied by a German or Italian version; those of


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To obtain a better understanding of the associations among Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), adult attachment patterns, impulsivity, and aggressiveness, we tested four competing models of these relationships: a) BPD is associated with the personality traits of impulsivity and aggressiveness, but adult attachment patterns predict neither BPD nor impulsive/aggressive features; b) adult attachment patterns are significant predictors of BPD but not of impulsive/aggressive traits, although these traits correlate with BPD; c) adult attachment patterns are significant predictors of impulsive and aggressive traits, which in turn predict BPD; and d) adult attachment patterns significantly predict both BPD and impulsive/aggressive traits. We assessed 466 consecutively admitted outpatients using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (V. 2.0), the Attachment Style Questionnaire, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11, and the Aggression Questionnaire. Maximum likelihood structural equation modeling of the covariance matrix showed that model (c) was the best fitting model (chi(2) (21) = 31.67, p >.05, RMSEA = .023, test of close fit p >.85). This result indicates that adult attachment patterns act indirectly as risk factors for BPD because of their relationships with aggressive/impulsive personality traits.


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En 1526, Hassan El Wazzan / Jean-Léon l’Africain, achève à Rome la rédaction en italien du manuscrit du Libro della Cosmographia Dell’Africa, œuvre majeure considérée à la Renaissance comme l’une des principales sources de connaissance du continent africain en Europe. En 1550, un savant vénitien du nom de Jean-Baptiste Ramusio publie le texte italien de Jean-Léon dans un recueil de récits de voyages. L’édition, intitulée Descrizione dell’Africa (Description de l’Afrique), diffère significativement du manuscrit original. Elle subit maintes modifications par Ramusio dont l’objectif est de livrer un ouvrage qui répond aux attentes des Européens et qui correspond à l’image que l’Occident chrétien se faisait du monde musulman. Cette version a servi de texte de départ aux nombreuses traductions qui ont suivi. La première traduction française, datant de 1556, est réalisée par Jean Temporal, éditeur et imprimeur lyonnais. La deuxième, parue en 1956 et rééditée en 1980, est l’œuvre d’Alexis Épaulard; elle s’appuie partiellement sur le manuscrit original, mais aussi sur la version imprimée de Ramusio. Notre travail consiste à confronter les deux traductions françaises à l’édition de Ramusio. Nous tenterons de démontrer que les deux traducteurs français sont lourdement intervenus dans le texte traduit, et ce afin de servir des desseins expansionnistes et colonialistes. Notre recherche met en évidence la prise de position des traducteurs et les idéologies qui affectent l’appréciation du livre. Pour ce faire, nous procédons à l’analyse des traductions au niveau textuel et au niveau paratextuel tout en mettant en évidence le contexte historique et politico-idéologique entourant la parution de ces deux traductions françaises. Nous consacrons une attention toute particulière au choix des mots, aux allusions et aux stratégies utilisées par les traducteurs et les éditeurs. Les travaux de Maria Tymoczko sur la traduction et l’engagement politique fournissent le cadre de référence théorique de cette recherche, tout autant que les textes d’Edward Said sur l’orientalisme et le postcolonialisme. Il ressort de cette recherche que ces traductions françaises sont empreintes d’une idéologie eurocentrée visant à conforter les ambitions hégémoniques en terre africaine.


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En 1526, Hassan El Wazzan / Jean-Léon l’Africain, achève à Rome la rédaction en italien du manuscrit du Libro della Cosmographia Dell’Africa, œuvre majeure considérée à la Renaissance comme l’une des principales sources de connaissance du continent africain en Europe. En 1550, un savant vénitien du nom de Jean-Baptiste Ramusio publie le texte italien de Jean-Léon dans un recueil de récits de voyages. L’édition, intitulée Descrizione dell’Africa (Description de l’Afrique), diffère significativement du manuscrit original. Elle subit maintes modifications par Ramusio dont l’objectif est de livrer un ouvrage qui répond aux attentes des Européens et qui correspond à l’image que l’Occident chrétien se faisait du monde musulman. Cette version a servi de texte de départ aux nombreuses traductions qui ont suivi. La première traduction française, datant de 1556, est réalisée par Jean Temporal, éditeur et imprimeur lyonnais. La deuxième, parue en 1956 et rééditée en 1980, est l’œuvre d’Alexis Épaulard; elle s’appuie partiellement sur le manuscrit original, mais aussi sur la version imprimée de Ramusio. Notre travail consiste à confronter les deux traductions françaises à l’édition de Ramusio. Nous tenterons de démontrer que les deux traducteurs français sont lourdement intervenus dans le texte traduit, et ce afin de servir des desseins expansionnistes et colonialistes. Notre recherche met en évidence la prise de position des traducteurs et les idéologies qui affectent l’appréciation du livre. Pour ce faire, nous procédons à l’analyse des traductions au niveau textuel et au niveau paratextuel tout en mettant en évidence le contexte historique et politico-idéologique entourant la parution de ces deux traductions françaises. Nous consacrons une attention toute particulière au choix des mots, aux allusions et aux stratégies utilisées par les traducteurs et les éditeurs. Les travaux de Maria Tymoczko sur la traduction et l’engagement politique fournissent le cadre de référence théorique de cette recherche, tout autant que les textes d’Edward Said sur l’orientalisme et le postcolonialisme. Il ressort de cette recherche que ces traductions françaises sont empreintes d’une idéologie eurocentrée visant à conforter les ambitions hégémoniques en terre africaine.


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La capacidad de gestión del personal se ha convertido en un imperativo para las organizaciones modernas. Por tanto se vienen introduciendo temas como la administración en valores y el engagement de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, la relación entre estos dos aún no ha sido estudiada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto que tiene el grado de articulación y reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales y personales y organizacionales sobre los niveles de engagement de los empleados. Para esta investigación se utilizó una muestra constituida por 54 trabajadores de una organización del sector salud de la ciudad de Bogotá a quienes les fueron aplicadas dos escalas: el Inventario para Medir la Articulación entre la Persona y la Organización (Inventario APO) y Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES). Como principal resultado se obtuvo que de las tres dimensiones consideradas predictoras del engagement, solamente el reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo.