861 resultados para Inventário de Vinculação aos Pais - Inventory of Parent Attachment
Introdução: Uma relação de vinculação segura implica a presença de um modelo representacional das figuras de vinculação como “disponíveis” e capazes de proporcionar protecção e que a qualidade dos cuidados parentais precoce é fundamental a determinar a saúde mental dos indivíduos. Se esta relação assume um enorme relevância para a saúde mental de qualquer ser humano, a institucionalização de crianças/jovens, envolvendo ameaças em termos da disponibilidade das figuras de vinculação constitui uma condição propícia para atrasos de desenvolvimento e aumento da probabilidade do desenvolvimento de sintomatologia psicopatológica. Os objectivos deste estudo passam, então, por analisar as diferenças na vinculação, mas também na auto-estima, de jovens institucionalizados vs nãoinstitucionalizados. Metodologia: A nossa amostra é constituída por 223 jovens nãoinstitucionalizados de duas escolas do Concelho de Coimbra (média de idades M=15.3; desvio-padrão, DP=1.97) e 47 jovens institucionalizados (M=15.5 DP=1.93). Tanto os jovens institucionalizados como não-institucionalizados preencheram um questionário com questões sóciodemográficas, relacionais, escolares, de saúde e bem-estar (com pequenas particularidades em algumas variáveis conforme a sub-amostra), o Inventory of Parent Attachment (IPPA) e a Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). A sub-amostra de jovens institucionalizados respondeu ainda a questões sobre a sua adaptação/vivência ao/no Lar. Resultados: Os rapazes da amostra não institucionalizada apresentam uma pontuação média mais elevada de auto-estima vs. raparigas. Nos jovens institucionalizados não foram encontradas diferenças de género a este nível. Não existem diferenças de género, em ambas as sub-amostras, na pontuação total do IPPA e suas dimensões. Os rapazes nãoinstitucionalizados vs. institucionalizados não divergem na pontuação média total de autoestima. O mesmo sucede com as raparigas. Ambas as sub-amostras não divergem na pontuação média total do IPPA e suas dimensões. Na amostra não-institucionalizada quer nos rapazes, quer nas raparigas não existem diferenças na pontuação total média na RSES, entre os jovens mais novos vs. mais velhos. Na amostra institucionalizada também não se verificam diferenças na pontuação total na RSES por idades. Nos jovens não institucionalizados foram encontradas diferenças na pontuação total média no IPPA (e suas dimensões, à excepção da Alienação), por idade, com os mais novos a apresentarem sempre valores médios mais elevados. Na amostra institucionalizada estas diferenças não se verificaram. Nos rapazes e raparigas da amostra não-institucionalizada verificaram-se associações significativas entre a pontuação na RSES e no IPPA e em todas as suas dimensões. O mesmo se verificou na subamostra institucionalizada. Não existe uma associação significativa entre a pertença a dada sub-amostra e a pertença ao grupo “pouco seguro” vs. “muito seguro”. Apesar de outras associações terem sido encontradas, importa reforçar as associações significativas entre a pontuação na auto-estima e na vinculação total e suas dimensões (quer nos rapazes e raparigas não-institucionalizados, como na amostra institucionalizada) e variáveis como a sintomatologia depressiva, a sintomatologia ansiosa e algumas variáveis relacionais. Discussão/Conclusão: De um modo geral parecem não existir diferenças entre jovens nãoinstitucionalizados vs. institucionalizados em termos de vinculação e de auto-estima. Porém, a uma vinculação insegura e uma menor auto-estima associam-se piores outcomes (e.g. sintomatologia depressiva) em ambas as amostras. Os profissionais trabalhando com adolescentes não-institucionalizados ou institucionalizados devem preocupar-se em avaliar a sua auto-estima e vinculação, procurando, eventualmente, nelas intervir terapeuticamente. / Introduction: It is well kown that a secure attachment relation implies the presence of representational model of the attachment figures as being available and able to provide protection and that the quality of earlier parental care is crucial in determining subjects mental health and there developmental trajectories. If this relation assumes such a big relevance to the mental health of any human being, the institutionalization of children/adolescents, even when truly needed, involving threats in terms of the availability of attachment figures constitutes a condition that might lead to developmental delays and might increase the probability of psychopathological sintomatology developing. The aims of this study are, then, to analyze if there are attachment differences and, also, in self-esteem, between a sub-sample of non-institutionalized and institutionalized adolescents. Methodology: Our sample comprises 223 adolescents non-institutionalized from two schools of Coimbra Council (mean age, M=15.3; standard deviation, SD=1.97) and 47 institutionalized adolescents (M=15.5 SD=1.93). Both sub-samples filled in a questionnaire with sociodemographic, relational, about school, health and well-being questions (with small particularities in some variables, regarding each sub-sample), the Inventory of Parent Attachment (IPPA) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Institutionalized adolescents also answered questions about the adaptation/life to/in the institution. Results: Boys from the non-institutionalized sub-sample present an higher self-esteem mean score vs. girls. We did not find significant gender differences in self-esteem mean score in the subsample of institutionalized adolescents. There are no gender differences, in both sub-samples, in IPPA (and all its dimensions) total score. Non-institutionalized boys vs. institutionalized boys do not differ in their self-esteem mean score. The same is valid for girls. Both subsamples do not differ in their IPPA (and all its dimensions) mean score. In the noninstitutionalized sample, either in boys, either in girls there are no differences regarding total RSES mean score, between younger (12-15 years old) and older (16-20 years old) adolescents. In the institutionalized sample there were also no differences regarding this score, by age groups. In the non-institutionalized sub-sample we found differences in IPPA total mean score (an in all its dimensions, with the exception of Alienation), by age, with younger adolescents presenting always higher mean scores. In the institutionalized sample there were no differences. Both in boys and girls from the non-institutionalized sample there were significant associations between RSES score and IPPA (and all its dimensions) score. The same result was found in the total institutionalized sample. Although other significant associations were found, we must reinforce the presence of significant associations between self-esteem score and IPPA total score (and of its dimensions) (either in boys and girls noninstitutionalized, either in the institutionalized sub-sample) and variables such as lifetime and depressive symptomatology in the last two weeks, anxious symptomatology in the last two weeks and some relational variables. Discussion/Conclusion: In general, we did not found significant differences between non-institutionalized vs. institutionalized adolescents in terms of attachment and self-esteem. However, a secure attachment and a lower self-esteem are associated with worst outcomes (e.g. depressive symptomatology) in both samples. Professionals working with adolescents, either or not institutionalized must assess their selfesteem and attachment and might, eventually, intervene on these aspects therapeutically.
A qualidade da vinculação é fundamental para o desenvolvimento das crianças e adolescentes e tem uma enorme importância tanto a nível social como a nível emocional O presente estudo teve como objetivo averiguar a associação entre a qualidade da vinculação e os comportamentos sociais entre adolescentes institucionalizados que constituíram a sua amostra (34 jovens, de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 18 anos). O protocolo de investigação incluiu um questionário sociodemográfico e a versão portuguesa do Inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA, Armsden & Greenberg, 1987). Os resultados dão conta da perceção normativa dos comportamentos sociais, a despeito de se tratar de uma população de adolescentes institucionalizados. Relativamente à qualidade da vinculação, este estudo dá conta que, apesar da aparente instabilidade da retaguarda familiar, uma parte destes adolescentes tem, ainda assim, a perceção de uma vinculação segura aos pais. / The quality of attachment is essential for the healthy development of children and adolescents, both socially and emotionally. The goal of this study was to analyze the eventual association between the quality of attachment and social behaviors among the institutionalized adolescents in study (34 adolescents from both genders aged 11 to 18 years-old). The research protocol included a social-demographic questionnaire and the Portuguese language version of "Inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA, Armsden & Greenberg, 1987). The results show that the perception of social behavior among these adolescents is normative, despite their institutionalization. In what relates to attachment data shows that, regardless of the apparent disorganization of the familial background, these adolescents have the perception of a secure attachment to their parents.
Ser resiliente implica ser capaz de adaptar positivamente a contextos de grande adversidade. Esta capacidade depende de múltiplos fatores (individuais, relacionais e contextuais) cuja mobilização se encontra dificultada entre os adolescentes cujo desenvolvimento ficou comprometido pela experiência de maus-tratos. Quando protegidos pelo acolhimento institucional, é nos pares, nos professores e nos funcionários da instituição que estes adolescentes encontram o cuidado, o suporte e o encorajamento de que necessitam, e que tanto pesa sobre o seu bem-estar. Foi, assim, objetivo deste estudo examinar o papel que a qualidade da vinculação aos pares, professores e funcionários da instituição desempenha na promoção da resiliência em adolescentes institucionalizados. Os dados foram recolhidos junto de 45 adolescentes (18 rapazes e 27 raparigas), com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 20 anos, em regime de acolhimento institucional prolongado. Para o efeito foram utilizados um breve questionário sociodemográfico, o Child and Youth Resilience Measure – 28 – versão para Jovens (Liebenberg, Ungar & Van de Vijver, 2012; versão portuguesa Ferreira & Nobre-Lima, 2013), o Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment Revised (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987; versão portuguesa Figueiredo & Machado, 2008) – versão para Pares e Professores – e o Questionário de Ligação aos Professores e Funcionários (Mota & Matos, 2005). Ainda que tenham sido encontradas correlações significativas entre a resiliência e cada uma das variáveis em estudo, a percepção de vinculação aos pares e aos funcionários da instituição sobressaem como as variáveis que melhor explicam a resiliência nestes adolescentes, em particular nos rapazes. Já nas raparigas, a única variável que parece explicar a resiliência é a percepção de vinculação aos funcionários da instituição. A discussão explora estes resultados em termos do seu significado e implicações práticas. / Being resilient implies the ability to positively adapt to contexts of great adversity. This ability depends on a variety of factors (individual, relational and contextual) that are mostly non operative among the adolescents whose development was compromised by maltreatment. When protected by residential care these adolescents rest on peers, teachers and residential caregivers to find the care, support and encouragement they need to improve their sense of wellbeing. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine how attachment to peers, teachers and residential caregivers can contribute to foster resilience in institutionalized adolescents. Data was collected from a sample of 45 adolescents (18 boys and 27 girls), aged between 10 and 20 years old, under extended placement in an institution. The PI is composed by a brief social-demographic questionnaire, the Child and Youth Resilience Measure – 28 – Youth version (Liebenberg, Ungar & Van de Vijver, 2012, Portuguese version Ferreira & Nobre- Lima, 2013), the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment Revised (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987; Portuguese version Figueiredo & Machado, 2008) – Peers and Teacher’s version – and the Questionnaire of the Affective Relationship with Teachers and Employees (Mota & Matos, 2005). Although findings showed significant correlations between resilience and each one of the variables in study, the perception of attachment to peers and residential caregivers stood out as the most correlated variables to resilience among these adolescents, mainly among the boys. Conversely, the only variable that seems to explain resilience among girls is the perception of attachment to residential caregivers. The discussion explores the possible meaning and practical implications of these findings.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
This short story collection situates itself like possibility of interpretation and understanding of aspects of the Brazilian contemporary literature and the situations of perplexity that originate from it. The improbable relations in an unequal universe compete for the signification of verisimilitude confounds itself with the concept of reality. These short stories perceive the limit of the human conflicts without suggest to them whatever solution.
Several investigators have recently proposed classification schemes for stratospheric dust particles [1-3]. In addition, extraterrestrial materials within stratospheric dust collections may be used as a measure of micrometeorite flux [4]. However, little attention has been given to the problems of the stratospheric collection as a whole. Some of these problems include: (a) determination of accurate particle abundances at a given point in time; (b) the extent of bias in the particle selection process; (c) the variation of particle shape and chemistry with size; (d) the efficacy of proposed classification schemes and (e) an accurate determination of physical parameters associated with the particle collection process (e.g. minimum particle size collected, collection efficiency, variation of particle density with time). We present here preliminary results from SEM, EDS and, where appropriate, XRD analysis of all of the particles from a collection surface which sampled the stratosphere between 18 and 20km in altitude. Determinations of particle densities from this study may then be used to refine models of the behavior of particles in the stratosphere [5].
This paper describes the views of parent educators of their children’s levels and types of physical activity. The study was conducted at two mini-schools in western Queensland. These are occasion where students who undertake formal education through various Schools Distance Education, come together for a week of educational activity. Parents (mostly mothers) were interviewed using a semi-structured approach. The interview data were then analysed for dominant themes using a constant comparison method. The emergent themes related to nutrition and physical activity. Within the physical activity theme, notions of the great outdoors, work and organised sport skill development also emerged.
Student perceptions of teaching have often been used in tertiary education for evaluation purposes. However, there is a paucity of research on the validity, reliability, and applicability of instruments that cover a wide range of student perceptions of pedagogies and practices in high school settings for descriptive purposes. The study attempts to validate an inventory of pedagogy and practice (IPP) that provides researchers and practitioners with a psychometrically sound instrument that covers the most salient factors related to teaching. Using a sample of students (N = 1515) from 39 schools in Singapore, 14 factors about teaching in English lessons from the students’ perspective were tested with confirmatory factor analysis (classroom task goal, structure and clarity, curiosity and interest, positive class climate, feedback, questioning, quality homework, review of students’ work, conventional teaching, exam preparation, behaviour management, maximizing learning time, student-centred pedagogy, and subject domain teaching). Two external criterion factors were used to further test the IPP factor structure. The inventory will enable teachers to understand more about their teaching and researchers to examine how teaching may be related to learning outcomes.
When a household welcomes a new infant a transformation occurs whereby household routines, values and decisions change. This research explores how decision-making is influenced by fluctuating identity subjectivities. We explore longitudinally, using a family identity framework, how the transitioning between self, couple and family self-identities influences the decisions made regarding social issues, in this case infant feeding. Results indicate that decision-making during a period of transformation is not straightforward, relying on a multiplicity of identities that are constantly renegotiated and dependent on other influences. Decisions made conform to the identity-construct-of-the-moment, but are fluid and subject to change, such that pinpointing causal pathways is inappropriate. Implications for influencing the consumption of social behaviors for consumer researchers are one size does not fit all and require an in-depth understanding of the fluidity of decision-making. Consequently, social marketing strategies need to be tailored to constructed identities and flexible across time to remain influential.
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