103 resultados para Intraobserver


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Purpose: Revolutionary endovascular treatments are on the verge of being available for management of ascending aortic diseases. Morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have already been done with ECG-gated MDCT to help such therapeutic development. However the reliability of these measurements remains unknown. The objective of this work was to compare the intraobserver and interobserver variability of CAD (computer aided diagnosis) versus manual measurements in the ascending aorta. Methods and materials: Twenty-six consecutive patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography (64-row CT scanner) were evaluated. Measurements of the maximum and minimum ascending aorta diameters at mid-distance between the brachiocephalic artery and the aortic valve were obtained automatically with a commercially available CAD and manually by two observers separately. Both observers repeated the measurements during a different session at least one month after the first measurements. Intraclass coefficients as well the Bland and Altman method were used for comparison between measurements. Two-paired t-test was used to determine the significance of intraobserver and interobserver differences (alpha = 0.05). Results: There is a significant difference between CAD and manual measurements in the maximum diameter (p = 0.004) for the first observer, whereas the difference was significant for minimum diameter between the second observer and the CAD (p <0.001). Interobserver variability showed a weak agreement when measurements were done manually. Intraobserver variability was lower with the CAD compared to the manual measurements (limits of variability: from -0.7 to 0.9 mm for the former and from -1.2 to 1.3 mm for the latter). Conclusion: In order to improve reproductibility of measurements whenever needed, pre- and post-therapeutic management of the ascending aorta may benefit from follow-up done by a unique observer with the help of CAD.


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Purpose: Recently morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have been done with ECG-gated MDCT to help the development of future endovascular therapies (TCT) [1]. However, the variability of these measurements remains unknown. It will be interesting to know the impact of CAD (computer aided diagnosis) with automated segmentation of the vessel and automatic measurements of diameter on the management of ascending aorta aneurysms. Methods and Materials: Thirty patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography (64-row CT scanner) were evaluated. Measurements of the maximum and minimum ascending aorta diameters were obtained automatically with a commercially available CAD and semi-manually by two observers separately. The CAD algorithms segment the iv-enhanced lumen of the ascending aorta into perpendicular planes along the centreline. The CAD then determines the largest and the smallest diameters. Both observers repeated the automatic measurements and the semimanual measurements during a different session at least one month after the first measurements. The Bland and Altman method was used to study the inter/intraobserver variability. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was also used to analyse differences between observers. Results: Interobserver variability for semi-manual measurements between the first and second observers was between 1.2 to 1.0 mm for maximal and minimal diameter, respectively. Intraobserver variability of each observer ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 mm, the lowest variability being produced by the more experienced observer. CAD variability could be as low as 0.3 mm, showing that it can perform better than human observers. However, when used in nonoptimal conditions (streak artefacts from contrast in the superior vena cava or weak lumen enhancement), CAD has a variability that can be as high as 0.9 mm, reaching variability of semi-manual measurements. Furthermore, there were significant differences between both observers for maximal and minimal diameter measurements (p<0.001). There was also a significant difference between the first observer and CAD for maximal diameter measurements with the former underestimating the diameter compared to the latter (p<0.001). As for minimal diameters, they were higher when measured by the second observer than when measured by CAD (p<0.001). Neither the difference of mean minimal diameter between the first observer and CAD nor the difference of mean maximal diameter between the second observer and CAD was significant (p=0.20 and 0.06, respectively). Conclusion: CAD algorithms can lessen the variability of diameter measurements in the follow-up of ascending aorta aneurysms. Nevertheless, in non-optimal conditions, it may be necessary to correct manually the measurements. Improvements of the algorithms will help to avoid such a situation.


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PURPOSE: To assess the inter/intraobserver variability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements in treated hepatic lesions and to compare ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with treated malignant liver lesions were examined on a 3.0T machine. After agreeing on the best ADC image, two readers independently measured the ADC values in the whole lesion and in the MRDA. These measurements were repeated 1 month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman correlation coefficients, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the measurements. RESULTS: Interobserver variability for ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA was 0.17 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.17, +0.17] and 0.43 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.45, +0.41], respectively. Intraobserver limits of agreement could be as low as [-0.10, +0.12] 10(-3) mm(2)/s and [-0.20, +0.33] 10(-3) mm(2)/s for measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA, respectively. CONCLUSION: A limited variability in ADC measurements does exist, and it should be considered when interpreting ADC values of hepatic malignancies. This is especially true for the measurements of the minimal ADC.


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Purpose: To evaluate inter- and intraobserver variability of indices crucial for detection of keratoconus progression derived from the Pentacam HR® (high-resolution) tomographer (OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) in patients with mild to moderate keratoconus. Methods: Three repeated corneal topography measurements in the 25-picture mode by two independent observers were performed. The extent of variability across a large range of measurement parameters was analyzed including anterior and posterior corneal surface measurements, pachymetry values, corneal volume, anterior chamber volume and depth, and iridocorneal angle. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between and within each investigator was calculated to assess reproducibility and repeatability, respectively. Results: 31 eyes of 20 patients (mean age 31.6, SD ± 8.6) were included. Overall, the repeatability and reproducibility were excellent. The range of variability was reported by calculating the standard deviation of measurements. The detailed results are shown in Table 1. Conclusions: This study shows that the Pentacam HR® tomographer provides reliable measurements in patients with mild to moderate keratoconus. However, all parameters showed a certain range of variability. This should be taken into account when assessing keratoconus progression in order to distinguish true progression from variability in measurements. In addition, the excellent reproducibility suggests that the measurements can be reliably performed by different individuals from one visit to another.


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Purpose: The increase of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in treated hepatic malignancies compared to pre-therapeutic values has been interpreted as treatment success; however, the variability of ADC measurements remains unknown. Furthermore, ADC has been usually measured in the whole lesion, while measurements should be probably centered on the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA) as it represents potential tumoral residue. Our objective was to compare the inter/intraobserver variability of ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in MRDA. Material and methods: Forty patients previously treated with chemoembolization or radiofrequency were evaluated (20 on 1.5T and 20 on 3.0T). After consensual agreement on the best ADC image, two readers measured the ADC values using separate regions of interest that included the whole lesion and the whole MRDA without exceeding their borders. The same measurements were repeated two weeks later. Spearman test and the Bland-Altman method were used. Results: Interobserver correlation in ADC measurements in the whole lesion and MRDA was as follows: 0.962 and 0.884. Intraobserver correlation was, respectively, 0.992 and 0.979. Interobserver limits of variability (mm2/sec*10-3) were between -0.25/+0.28 in the whole lesion and between -0.51/+0.46 in MRDA. Intraobserver limits of variability were, respectively: -0.25/+0.24 and -0.43/+0.47. Conclusion: We observed a good inter/intraobserver correlation in ADC measurements. Nevertheless, a limited variability does exist, and it should be considered when interpreting ADC values of hepatic malignancies.


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Objective To evaluate intra- and interobserver agreement in the identification of incidental enchondromas at knee magnetic resonance imaging, and to assess the prevalence of imaging findings. Materials and Methods Retrospective study reviewing 326 knee magnetic resonance images acquired in the period between November 2009 and September 2010. The images were independently and blindly analyzed by two specialists in musculoskeletal radiology, with the objective of identifying incidental enchondromas, presence of foci with signal similar to bone marrow and foci of signal absence suggestive of calcifications within the enchondromas. Inter- and intraobserver agreements were analyzed. Results Eleven lesions compatible with enchondromas (3.3%) were identified. The interobserver agreement for the presence of enchondroma was high. Prevalence of foci of bone marrow signal inside the enchondromas was of 54.55%, and foci suggestive of calcification corresponded to 36.36%. The intraobserver agreement for foci of bone marrow signal in enchondromas was perfect, and interobserver agreement was high. Conclusion The prevalence of incidental enchondromas in the current study was compatible with data in the literature. Excellent agreement was observed in the identification of enchondromas and in the assessment of imaging findings. A higher prevalence of fat signal foci was observed as compared with signal absence suggestive of calcifications.


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In epidemiological studies, when the data is collected by interview, it is of importance to analyse the reliability of the information. This study was carried out with the purpose of examining the self-agreement of mothers in answering questions about variables of interest in oral cleft researches on two different occasions. A sample of 91 mothers of oral cleft babies were interviewed on two different occasions. The capacity of giving the same answer to questions related to heredity, type of clefts, period of gestation of the mother and birthweight were studied. The statistics type kappa (k) and intraclass correlation coefficient (r) by point and by 95% of confidence interval were applied. The intra-observer agreement for the variables history of oral clefts in the family, type of cleft, period of gestation of the mother and birthweight of the newborn was, respectively, k=0.9492, k=1.0000, k=0.9281 and r=0.9996. We concluded that the background on oral cleft in the family history of patients with this anomaly is a variable with an excellent degree of reliability. Also, the information given by the mothers related to the period of gestation, type of the baby’s cleft and birthweight are reliable.


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Objective To evaluate and compare the intraobserver and interobserver reliability and agreement for the biparietal diameter (BPD), abdominal circumference (AC), femur length (FL) and estimated fetal weight (EFW) obtained by two-dimensional ultrasound (2D-US) and three-dimensional ultrasound (3D-US). Methods Singleton pregnant women between 24 and 40 weeks were invited to participate in this study. They were examined using 2D-US in a blinded manner, twice by one observer, intercalated by a scan by a second observer, to determine BPD, AC and FL. In each of the three examinations, three 3D-US datasets (head, abdomen and thigh) were acquired for measurements of the same parameters. We determined EFW using Hadlock's formula. Systematic errors between 3D-US and 2D-US were examined using the paired t-test. Reliability and agreement were assessed by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), limits of agreement (LoA), SD of differences and proportion of differences below arbitrary points. Results We evaluated 102 singleton pregnancies. No significant systematic error between 2D-US and 3D-US was observed. The ICC values were higher for 3D-US in both intra- and interobserver evaluations; however, only for FL was there no overlap in the 95% CI. The LoA values were wider for 2D-US, suggesting that random errors were smaller when using 3D-US. Additionally, we observed that the SD values determined from 3D-US differences were smaller than those obtained for 2D-US. Higher proportions of differences were below the arbitrarily defined cut-off points when using 3D-US. Conclusion 3D-US improved the reliability and agreement of fetal measurements and EFW compared with 2D-US.


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End-stage ankle arthritis should have an appropriate classification to assist surgeons in the management of end-stage ankle arthritis. Outcomes research also requires a classification system to stratify patients appropriately.


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High-resolution ultrasound is becoming increasingly important in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Most studies define cut-off values of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve in different locations. The individual range of nerve swelling, the size of the nerve, and its CSA are not addressed. The aim of the study is to define the intra- and interobserver reliability of diagnostic ultrasound using two different cross-sectional areas of the median nerve at the carpal tunnel in predefined locations.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine interobserver and intraobserver agreement for results of low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in dogs with and without disk-associated wobbler syndrome (DAWS). DESIGN: Validation study. ANIMALS: 21 dogs with and 23 dogs without clinical signs of DAWS. PROCEDURES: For each dog, MRI of the cervical vertebral column was performed. The MRI studies were presented in a randomized sequence to 4 board-certified radiologists blinded to clinical status. Observers assessed degree of disk degeneration, disk-associated and dorsal compression, alterations in intraspinal signal intensity (ISI), vertebral body abnormalities, and new bone formation and categorized each study as originating from a clinically affected or clinically normal dog. Interobserver agreement was calculated for 44 initial measurements for each observer. Intraobserver agreement was calculated for 11 replicate measurements for each observer. RESULTS: There was good interobserver agreement for ratings of disk degeneration and vertebral body abnormalities and moderate interobserver agreement for ratings of disk-associated compression, dorsal compression, alterations in ISI, new bone formation, and suspected clinical status. There was very good intraobserver agreement for ratings of disk degeneration, disk-associated compression, alterations in ISI, vertebral body abnormalities, and suspected clinical status. There was good intraobserver agreement for ratings of dorsal compression and new bone formation. Two of 21 clinically affected dogs were erroneously categorized as clinically normal, and 4 of 23 clinically normal dogs were erroneously categorized as clinically affected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that variability exists among observers with regard to results of MRI in dogs with DAWS and that MRI could lead to false-positive and false-negative assessments.


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End-stage ankle arthritis is operatively treated with numerous designs of total ankle replacement and different techniques for ankle fusion. For superior comparison of these procedures, outcome research requires a classification system to stratify patients appropriately. A postoperative 4-type classification system was designed by 6 fellowship-trained foot and ankle surgeons. Four surgeons reviewed blinded patient profiles and radiographs on 2 occasions to determine the interobserver and intraobserver reliability of the classification. Excellent interobserver reliability (κ = .89) and intraobserver reproducibility (κ = .87) were demonstrated for the postoperative classification system. In conclusion, the postoperative Canadian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (COFAS) end-stage ankle arthritis classification system appears to be a valid tool to evaluate the outcome of patients operated for end-stage ankle arthritis.