936 resultados para Intervention project
There is significant national evidence the language development of four year-olds is a critical area for later school success (Brooks-Gunn, Fuligni, & Berlin, 2003; Cunningham, & Stanovich, 1998). This study originated as part of Literacy Intervention X (LIX), a larger national study conducted to examine the effectiveness of early literacy curricula implemented in subsidized childcare centers. The professional development of childcare center providers is key to improving the quality of subsidized care. In exploring the mentoring practices of nine LIX literacy coaches, the researcher investigated the perceptions of what best mentoring practices facilitated the implementation of literacy curricula by childcare providers. A qualitative case study was conducted using a combination of participant observer notes, document analysis, and focus group semi-structured interviews. The researcher is a participant observer, one of the nine Literacy Coaches. The best mentoring practices from the perspective of the literacy coaches are related to building relationships including trust, mutual respect, support, empathy, and encouragement with the childcare providers, the center directors, and with fellow literacy coaches. Clear, constant, and consistent communication with the childcare providers was a vital mentoring practice in building a relationship between the literacy coach and childcare provider. Another best mentoring practice in building a relationship with the childcare provider was the perceptions of the literacy coaches as co-learners in the mentoring process. The best mentoring practices highlighted in this study exemplified the kind of effective professional development that builds on the strengths of the childcare providers and does not disrupt the childcare centers or the services provided by the subsidized childcare programs that meet the needs of children and families. The experience of these nine literacy coaches, including their perceptions of effective mentoring practices, along with lesson learned about relationships, mentoring team structures, and general project design sheds light on the challenge of mentoring subsidized childcare providers in future literacy intervention projects.
Introduction: Adolescence is a stage of life cycle marked by various physical, psychological and social changes. During this stage, young people are faced with the feeling of threat of identity, which may trigger aggressive behaviours. Bullying is a form of school violence with high prevalence, that shouldn't be a "normal" occurrence or a event that young people should experience during the transition between childhood and adolescent. In order to reduce the prevalence of bullying in the school community, we elaborated the Educational Intervention Project "R.E.D. BULL(ying)", with the specific objectives: Evaluate the knowledge level about bullyng, before and after the Project, and increase the level of literacy about the subject in the school community (students and teachers). Methodology: Our target population consisted in a total of 203 students from 5th to 9th grade and 13 teachers of school. It's a cross-sectional study of research - action, with the application of a diagnostic questionnaire, before and after, we conducted the educational sessions. Results: After the educational sessions, 93,1% of students identified what to do in a bullying situation, and 62,6% of students responded that in an assault situation, called an adult; 95,1% said they knew what was bullying, 56,8% associated the concept to physical aggression and 92,6 % mentioned to know the types of bullying, and physical bullying (71,9%) and verbal bullying (69,5%) were the most mentioned types. Meanwhile, the teachers: 76,9% considered that the school environment was pleasant, 84,6% characterized the relationship between the students as "adequate" and 77% said they didn't experience any bullying situation. Conclusions: We found an overall improvement to the level of bullying related knowledge after the educational intervention. So, we verified that the integrated intervention in the school health teams, allows greater attention to the detection, signalling and routing situations of violence.
Introduction: Adolescence is a stage of life cycle marked by various physical, psychological and social changes. During this stage, young people are faced with the feeling of threat of identity, which may trigger aggressive behaviours. Bullying is a form of school violence with high prevalence, that shouldn't be a "normal" occurrence or a event that young people should experience during the transition between childhood and adolescent. In order to reduce the prevalence of bullying in the school community, we elaborated the Educational Intervention Project "R.E.D. BULL(ying)", with the specific objectives: Evaluate the knowledge level about bullyng, before and after the Project, and increase the level of literacy about the subject in the school community (students and teachers). Methodology: Our target population consisted in a total of 203 students from 5th to 9th grade and 13 teachers of school. It's a cross-sectional study of research - action, with the application of a diagnostic questionnaire, before and after, we conducted the educational sessions. Results: After the educational sessions, 93,1% of students identified what to do in a bullying situation, and 62,6% of students responded that in an assault situation, called an adult; 95,1% said they knew what was bullying, 56,8% associated the concept to physical aggression and 92,6 % mentioned to know the types of bullying, and physical bullying (71,9%) and verbal bullying (69,5%) were the most mentioned types. Meanwhile, the teachers: 76,9% considered that the school environment was pleasant, 84,6% characterized the relationship between the students as "adequate" and 77% said they didn't experience any bullying situation. Conclusions: We found an overall improvement to the level of bullying related knowledge after the educational intervention. So, we verified that the integrated intervention in the school health teams, allows greater attention to the detection, signalling and routing situations of violence.
Essai critique prsent la Facult des tudes suprieures en vue de lobtention du grade de matrise en Service Social
Evidence supporting the efficacy of physical activity promotion in primary care settings has evaluated patient-level changes in physical activity, with little focus on the issue of general practitioner (GP) uptake. The 'GP Strategy' of 10,000 Steps Rockhampton provided an opportunity to explore this issue in the context of a multi-strategy, community-based physical activity intervention project. The 'GP Strategy' was developed in partnership with the Capricornia Division of General Practice. It aimed to: 1) increase GP awareness of the 10,000 Steps project, 2) upskill GPs in brief physical activity counselling techniques, and 3) provide GPs with evidencebased physical activity counselling materials and pedometers. The evaluation, which was guided by the RE-AIM evaluation framework, used a pre-post design, including a GP mailed survey, and collection of process data. Survey response rates were 67% (n=44/66; baseline) and 70% (n=37/53; 14-month follow-up). GP awareness of 10,000 Steps Rockhampton increased from 46% to 97%. 21/23 practices were visited by 10,000 Steps staff and accepted 10,000 Steps posters, brochures, and pedometers. At follow-up, 78% had displayed the poster, 81% were using the brochures, and 70% had loaned pedometers to patients. Despite the very high rate of uptake and use of 10,000 Steps materials, there was no change in the percentage of patients counselled, and relatively few pedometers had been loaned to patients. The results of this trial indicate that it will take more effort to change GP physical activity counselling behaviour, and provide only modest support for use of pedometers in the busy general practice setting. Acknowledgement:This project is supported by a grant from Health Promotion Queensland.
Este Projecto de Interveno, Aprender com os outros - uma estratgia para a incluso de um aluno com autismo, fundamentado nos pressupostos e nos procedimentos da investigao-aco, centrou-se nas aces em reas de maior e menor sucesso do aluno, de nome fictcio Francisco, no mbito da lngua portuguesa e da socializao, numa perspectiva inclusiva. Este aluno considerado com necessidades educativas especiais (NEE) apresentava perturbaes do espectro do autismo (PEA), o que, partida, se repercutia no seu dfice de ateno, na autonomia para a realizao das tarefas escolares, na rea da linguagem e da comunicao e na interaco social. Como as interaces na turma e com a turma so essenciais para a aprendizagem, propusemo-nos implementar actividades especficas para o desenvolvimento das competncias sociais e cognitivas, com abordagem comportamentalista, numa turma do 3 ano de escolaridade, onde estava includo um aluno diagnosticado com PEA. Tambm procurmos desenvolver as suas competncias acadmicas, atravs do trabalho realizado no grupo e com o grupo-turma, criando as condies que favorecessem a socializao do aluno e a sua autonomia. Para atingirmos aqueles objectivos, inicimos um trabalho a pares e depois em pequenos grupos, para desta forma incluir o Francisco na dinmica das aulas, para que participasse nas actividades propostas, obtendo o respeito dos colegas na valorizao das suas intervenes e do seu ritmo de trabalho. Os objectivos definidos, bem como as actividades realizadas e avaliadas, implicando todos os intervenientes no processo, permitiram que o Francisco fizesse aprendizagens significativas nas reas, acadmica, social, da autonomia e da comunicao. Segundo Silva (2009), a incluso dos alunos considerados com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular implica mudanas ao nvel das atitudes e das prticas pedaggicas de todos os intervenientes no processo ensino e aprendizagem, da organizao e da gesto na sala de aula e na prpria escola enquanto instituio. Acreditamos que s desta forma se pode proporcionar aos alunos marcados pela diferena, que um valor em si mesma (Rodrigues, 2006; Leito, 2006; Sanches & Teodoro, 2006; Silva, 2009), as mesmas experincias, aprendizagens e vivncias que so proporcionadas aos restantes colegas.
A incluso de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais nas escolas tem feito um caminho ascendente, de melhoria. Passmos por momentos de segregao e total alheamento a uma educao inclusiva, onde todos os alunos tm um lugar na escola do ensino regular, onde se procura aceitar a diferena e identificar respostas educativas eficazes s suas necessidades de educao especficas. Para que esta incluso se faa de forma til e benfica, tm de existir mudanas quer na escola, quer na sala de aula, optando-se por mudanas metodolgicas e organizacionais. a escola que se adapta aos alunos e no o contrrio. Nesse mesmo sentido, o trabalho com alunos com Perturbaes do Espectro do Autismo (PEA), no se projecta sempre da mesma forma. Muito embora os traos comuns caractersticos a esta problemtica cada um apresenta as suas especificidades e s observando e entendendo a forma como cada criana aprende, se relaciona e interage, ser possvel realizar um trabalho eficaz e de sucesso. neste contexto que se insere o projecto de investigao que se apresenta. Este projecto tem como objectivo apresentar um estudo de caso de um aluno portador de uma Perturbao do Espectro do Autismo. Aps a caracterizao scio-educativa, identificam-se os objectivos de interveno, princpios orientadores da prtica educativa, o plano de aco e os pressupostos de avaliao. Os dados de avaliao permitem considerar que toda a interveno, desde que devidamente planeada e avaliada, se constitui uma mais valia no desenvolvimento de competncias sociais e cognitivas dos alunos com PEA. Neste estudo a interveno procurou ir ao encontro das potencialidades e fragilidades do aluno, numa dinmica de investigao-aco, onde o ciclo planificao-aco-reflexo permitiu um trabalho mais rigoroso e prximo das reais necessidades do aluno, beneficiando a sua evoluo, sobretudo na aquisio de competncias sociais.
Mestrado em Interveno Scio-Organizacional na Sade - rea de especializao: Polticas de Gesto e Administrao dos Servios de Sade.
Os alunos com necessidades educativas especiais, mais concretamente os alunos que apresentam deficincia mental, com limitaes acentuadas no comportamento adaptativo, necessitam um ensino mais individualizado, com uma vertente mais funcional. Os currculos funcionais, planeados de acordo com os contextos de vida atuais e futuros em que cada aluno se insere e se ir inserir, permitem desenvolver competncias com significado e teis para a formao pessoal, social e laboral, possibilitando uma vida adulta com mais qualidade e com mais autonomia. Este estudo incide no desenvolvimento de atividades funcionais para a promoo da autonomia e da comunicao oral e escrita em duas crianas, com 11 anos de idade, com dfice cognitivo. Delinearam-se trs objetivos para o estudo: i) caraterizar o nvel de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem de duas alunas com dfice cognitivo, nomeadamente no que respeita autonomia e ao desenvolvimento da linguagem; ii) desenvolver contedos, estratgias e atividades funcionais que facilitem o progressivo aumento da participao das alunas em contextos reais de atividades de vida diria; iii) contribuir para o desenvolvimento de competncias de autonomia e comunicao oral e escrita de duas alunas com dfice cognitivo. Organizou-se um projeto de interveno, desenvolvido na lgica da investigao ao. De modo a se elaborar o plano de interveno, avaliaram-se as competncias das alunas ao nvel da comunicao oral e escrita, autonomia e funcionalidade, recorrendo anlise documental, a entrevistas s encarregadas de educao e docente de Educao Especial, observao direta e elaborao de dirios de aula. O plano de interveno foi planeado no quadro dos currculos funcionais e centrou-se em atividades de vida diria, selecionadas a partir da anlise das necessidades atuais e futuras das alunas. Aps a implementao da interveno, concluiu-se que a aplicao de atividades de um currculo funcional melhorou as competncias de autonomia e de comunicao oral e escrita das alunas.- Abstract: Students with special educational needs, more specifically students who have mental disabilities, with significant behavior limits to adapt, need a more individual and functional education. The functional curriculum, planned according to the current and future life contexts in which every student is and will be, allow the development of meaningful skills, useful to their personal education, social life and labour, enabling them with an adulthood life with more quality and more autonomy. This study focuses on the development of functional activities for the promotion of autonomy and of oral and written communication in two children with 11 years old with mental disability. Three goals were outlined for the study: i) to characterize the level of development and learning of two students with cognitive dysfunction, regarding particularly the autonomy and the language development, ii) to develop contents, strategies and functional activities that increase the participation of the students in real daily life activities, iii) to contribute to the development of autonomy and oral and written communication of two students with mental disability. We organized an intervention project, developed in the logic of action research. In order to develop the intervention plan, we evaluated the level of oral and written communication, autonomy and functionality, through document analysis, interviews to the guardians and to the Special Educational teacher, as well as through direct observation and preparation of diaries of lessons. The intervention plan was outlined within the framework of functional curriculum and focused on activities of daily living, selected trough the analysis of current and future needs of the students. After the implementation of the intervention plan, we observed that the application of the activities of a functional curriculum improved the skills of autonomy and oral and written communication of the students
A obesidade apontada como o distrbio nutricional mais frequente em crianas e adolescentes nos pases desenvolvidos e a sua prevalncia tem vindo a aumentar a nvel mundial a um ritmo alarmante. Neste artigo, so apresentados trs estudos que se coordenam entre si. No primeiro estudo, avalia-se a prevalncia de pr-obesidade (22,6%) e de obesidade (7,8%) infantojuvenil em Portugal, apresentando valores superiores nos rapazes e nos adolescentes mais jovens. Em relao aos hbitos alimentares, verifica-se que o consumo de alimentos de caractersticas nutricionais de baixa qualidade superior no grupo normoponderal. Em relao atividade fsica, quanto maior o ndice de atividade fsica menor o percentil de I.M.C. No estudo sobre determinantes parentais, salienta-se que a grande maioria dos pais das crianas com excesso de peso tendem a sub-avaliar o peso da criana. Outro aspeto relevante a confirmao de que o conhecimento nutricional dos pais influencia claramente os hbitos alimentares das crianas. Por fim, apresentado um projeto de interveno que, intervindo nos determinantes parentais, visa a mudana das suas crenas e comportamentos, de modo a promoverem mudanas alimentares nos seus filhos.
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Educao Artstica, na Especializao de Artes Plsticas na Educao
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Educao Artstica, na especializao de Teatro na Educao
Relatrio de Estgio apresentado Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1. e 2. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico
Relatrio de Estgio apresentado Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1 e 2 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Educao Artstica, na Especializao de Artes Plsticas na Educao