938 resultados para Intangible asset
We review and extend the core literature on international transfer price manipulation to avoid or evade taxes. Under negotiated transfer pricing with a viable bargaining structure, including performance evaluation disconnected from the transfer price, divisions voluntarily exchange accurate information to obtain firm-wide optimality, a result not dependent on restraint from exercising internal market power. For intangible licenses, a larger optimal profit shift for a given tax rate change strengthens incentives for transfer pricing abuse. In practice, an intangible's arm's length range is viewed as a guideline, a context where incentives for abuse materialize. Transfer pricing for intangibles obliges greater tax authority scrutiny.
Debate about the appropriate treatment of intangible assets can benefit from knowledge about the relevance of their financial statement capitalisation to valuation of firms. With rules permitting or requiring intangible asset capitalisation, Australia provides an ideal setting to obtain this evidence. This paper reports findings that indicate that capitalisation of intangibles is value-relevant for Australia's largest firms. Results indicate that investors place greater value on capitalised goodwill than on other categories of capitalised balance sheet items. Similarly, capitalisation of identifiable intangible assets adds value to large firms. However, research and development capitalisation does not affect the value of firms in our study.
The goal of this paper is to determine and to quantify how subjective brand valuation is. To do so, we review the different valuation methods and apply the Hirose model to a sample of 20 US companies from the technology sector. Even if the results vary in function of the rankings we choose as a comparison, we may identify the trend that brands are usually overvalued in those rankings. It explains why internally generated goodwill (which includes brand names) is not recognized as an intangible asset in the financial statements.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Doutor José Manuel da Veiga Pereira
Mestrado em Contabilidade Internacional
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Os ativos intangíveis são cada vez mais uma preocupação das organizações, e atualmente são reconhecidos como os principais ativos das empresas. O Capital Humano como dimensão do Capital Intelectual é um fator preponderante no desenvolvimento e crescimento das organizações, uma vez que proporciona criação de valor e vantagem competitiva para as empresas. A criação, a partilha e a transferência de Conhecimento são, também, fatores influentes que geram Capital Humano. Na atualidade, este tema tem despertado o interesse tanto de economistas, gestores e contabilistas, como de meros investidores. O Capital Intelectual é tradicionalmente concetualizado como sendo composto por três grandes dimensões: Capital Humano, Capital Relacional e Capital Estrutural. Por sua vez, daquilo que é o nosso conhecimento, consideramos que existe uma lacuna na literatura sobre Capital Humano no que diz respeito à sua taxonomia. Efetivamente grande parte das investigações sobre Capital Humano, como dimensão do Capital Intelectual, focam-se essencialmente nos itens necessários para a sua mensuração do CH. Desta forma, o objetivo principal deste estudo consiste em explorar a dimensão do CH ao nível das suas componentes. Ou seja, procuramos encontrar as componentes do Capital Humano e propomo-nos a determinar quais as que têm maior importância no CH para o desenvolvimento e crescimento das organizações. Para esta realização efetuámos um estudo de carácter exploratório, num contexto específico do mercado português – o Setor Segurador. Os resultados obtidos tanto a nível qualitativo como quantitativo vão de encontro às questões de investigação previamente definidas. Portanto, as componentes mais importantes do CH são: a formação e o bem-estar, o conhecimento e o profissionalismo e as características pessoais e técnicas dos colaboradores que constituem os Recursos Humanos da organização. Estas são aquelas que mais valorizam e proporcionam crescimento nas organizações. Este estudo poderia ser tão mais completo, se pudéssemos apresentar uma comparação entre duas empresas seguradoras e, consequentemente analisar o comportamento das duas face ao Capital Humano. Outro aspeto interessante seria efetuar uma análise sobre qual o impacto do Capital Humano na performance financeira das organizações seguradoras. Estas são limitações que podem ser vistas como sugestões para estudos de investigação futuros nesta mesma área. Este estudo contribui para o enriquecimento das investigações na área do Capital Humano, uma vez que conhecendo melhor as componentes que constituem o CH mais facilmente as organizações definem as suas estratégicas de crescimento e desenvolvimento. Desta forma, este estudo pode apoiar alguns gestores na definição de políticas de valorização deste ativo intangível em organizações do mercado segurador.
Na Europa e nas últimas décadas do Século XX, a emergência da Sociedade de Informação veio impor às organizações a necessidade de que, para além das inovações tecnológicas, haja uma preocupação relativamente aos bens intangíveis como a informação, as novas metodologias de trabalho e o know how (Batista, 2002). Paralelamente a estas inovações, as Instituições de Ensino Superior têm contribuído para a evolução do Capital Humano, como ativo intangível intrínseco ao Homem. Em Portugal e no contexto do Ensino/Formação a Distância parecem continuar a existir, ainda, em algumas instituições, problemas de identificação, e de descriminação das vantagens no que concerne à estrutura aberta e flexível, com o estudante/formando a ter algumas dificuldades em adaptar o seu perfil e interesses profissionais ao tipo de aprendizagem que mais se lhe adequa. O e-learning surge como um método de Ensino/Formação a Distância, só possível com a especificidade dos processos pedagógicos e em complementaridade com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), uma vez que são estas que lhe dão o suporte necessário à sua concretização. O e-learning ao proporcionar novas formas de comunicação, de interação e de confronto de ideias, permite uma aprendizagem baseada na partilha de saberes, tendo em consideração as experiências e os objetivos profissionais dos formandos. Dentro destes pressupostos, achámos importante fazer uma investigação a partir de Instituições de Ensino Superior Portuguesas, de modo a percebermos qual o papel e a influência que o e-learning desempenha nos objetivos das organizações académicas em geral e no Capital Humano dos seus Estudantes/Formandos em particular. A partir da questão da investigação foram definidos os objetivos e hipóteses de investigação de modo a que ao ser enunciada uma metodologia esta englobe fatores que foquem os elementos necessários à confirmação, ou não, dos pressupostos enunciados. Foi analisada documentação diversa, criado um questionário e conduzidas entrevistas, de modo a obter e potenciar a informação necessária e suficiente para o efeito. A recolha de dados para posterior análise e os resultados depois de interpretados, permitirão responder aos propósitos expressos desde o início da investigação.
There is an increasing amount of product-harm crisis in the past few years; and the impact of a product-harm crisis becomes more and more influential due to the high increasing speed of globalization. And it is believed that the negative damages to a firm leading to a loss of the intangible assets is bigger than other costs such as the cost of the product recall. Brand equity is a very important and valuable intangible asset for a firm; and it is particularly vulnerable during the crisis. And CSP (CSP) is a hot concept associated with product-harm crisis and brand equity. The aim of this study is to understand how product-harm crisis influences by simultaneously involving CSP as a moderator in a consumer-based level. An experimental study was conducted through an online questionnaire among 198 students in Finland. The questionnaire mainly assessed the consumers’ attitudes towards CSP and brand before/after a fictional product-harm crisis. The results shows that the brand equity was negatively related to the product-harm crisis. And the extent level of crisis’s severity was positively related to the loss of the brand equity; whereas, acknowledged blame was more useful to compensate the loss of brand equity in the low-severity crisis. CSP acted as a moderator role which could compensate the loss of brand equity caused by the product-harm crisis. Managerial implications are also offered for crisis managers, brand managers, and CSR managers.
The implications of modernity and globalization stimulated the establishment of a new type of organization. Resilient organizations, as they will be called, representing the twenty-first century and are aligned with the social, political and economic context for their adaptability and flexibility. The study of the case will be the communication of the NGO Periferia Legal, also linked to the plane of the creative economy because of the intangible asset it produces. The study will be focused on the ways which public relations can help in the development of the NGO by analyzing their media. Thus, the three fronts of communication from the NGO (external, internal and institutional) will be analyzed through observations and interviews and their channels are categorized into: inefficient, low efficiency , average efficiency and efficient. The media will be key to understanding the phenomenon and the degree of efficiency will be marked as it achieves the proposed and designed objectives by the project itself - through the mission and vision of the NGO - using communication. In this way, the study seeks to understand the characteristics of resilient organizations from the standpoint of public relations
El presente artículo abordará aproximaciones para la gestión de la imagen corporativa; pensada como un activo intangible que proyecta la institución. Además, se consideran diversos modelos y conceptos de capital intelectual que identifican factores relevantes hacia la toma decisión por parte de stakeholders. La percepción de imagen es un tema que ha suscitado interés por parte de instituciones, pues ésta se encuentra estrechamente vinculada a la formación integral de una idea que influye en el desarrollo de una actitud favorable o no hacia la reputación corporativa. De esta manera, los clientes, consumidores, proveedores, colaboradores, entre otros; reciben a través de distintas formas elementos que le ayudan a conformar una idea sobre la institución mediante sus percepciones; por lo que, orientar los esfuerzos y acciones en torno a este intangible, dará como resultado una rentabilidad no sólo monetaria sino una fidelidad y confianza por parte de sus stakeholders. Es así, que se ha visto la necesidad de proponer un modelo para el análisis de la imagen corporativa de instituciones, el mismo que consta de cinco categorías las cuales poseen parámetros de puntuación, construidos a partir de los aportes de diferentes autores.
Purpose – The objective of the present research is to examine the relationship between consumers' satisfaction with a retailer and the equity they associate with the retail brand. Design/methodology/approach – Retail brand equity is conceptualized as a four-dimensional construct comprising: retailer awareness, retailer associations, retailer perceived quality, and retailer loyalty. Then the associative network memory model is applied from cognitive psychology to the specific context of the relationships between customer satisfaction and consumer-based retailer equity. A survey was undertaken using a convenience sample of shopping mall consumers in an Australian state capital city. The questionnaire used to collect data included an experimental design such that two categories of retailers were included in the study: department stores and specialty stores, with three retailers representing each category. The relationship between consumer-based retailer equity and customer satisfaction was examined using multivariate analysis of variance. Findings – Results indicate that retail brand equity varies with customer satisfaction. For department stores, each consumer-based retailer equity dimension varied according to customer satisfaction with the retailer. However, for specialty stores, only three of the consumer-based retailer equity dimensions, namely retailer awareness, retailer associations and retailer perceived quality, varied according to customer satisfaction level with the retailer. Originality/value – The principal contribution of the present research is that it demonstrates empirically a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and an intangible asset such as retailer equity.
Anyone who looks at the title of this special issue will agree that the intent behind the preparation of this volume was ambitious: to predict and discuss “The Future of Manufacturing”. Will manufacturing be important in the future? Even though some sceptics might say not, and put on the table some old familiar arguments, we would strongly disagree. To bring subsidies for the argument we issued the call-for-papers for this special issue of Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, fully aware of the size of the challenge in our hands. But we strongly believed that the enterprise would be worthwhile. The point of departure is the ongoing debate concerning the meaning and content of manufacturing. The easily visualised internal activity of using tangible resources to make physical products in factories is no longer a viable way to characterise manufacturing. It is now a more loosely defined concept concerning the organisation and management of open, interdependent, systems for delivering goods and services, tangible and intangible, to diverse types of markets. Interestingly, Wickham Skinner is the most cited author in this special issue of JMTM. He provides the departure point of several articles because his vision and insights have guided and inspired researchers in production and operations management from the late 1960s until today. However, the picture that we draw after looking at the contributions in this special issue is intrinsically distinct, much more dynamic, and complex. Seven articles address the following research themes: 1.new patterns of organisation, where the boundaries of firms become blurred and the role of the firm in the production system as well as that of manufacturing within the firm become contingent; 2.new approaches to strategic decision-making in markets characterised by turbulence and weak signals at the customer interface; 3.new challenges in strategic and operational decisions due to changes in the profile of the workforce; 4.new global players, especially China, modifying the manufacturing landscape; and 5.new techniques, methods and tools that are being made feasible through progress in new technological domains. Of course, many other important dimensions could be studied, but these themes are representative of current changes and future challenges. Three articles look at the first theme: organisational evolution of production and operations in firms and networks. Karlsson's and Skold's article represent one further step in their efforts to characterise “the extraprise”. In the article, they advance the construction of a new framework, based on “the network perspective” by defining the formal elements which compose it and exploring the meaning of different types of relationships. The way in which “actors, resources and activities” are conceptualised extends the existing boundaries of analytical thinking in operations management and open new avenues for research, teaching and practice. The higher level of abstraction, an intrinsic feature of the framework, is associated to the increasing degree of complexity that characterises decisions related to strategy and implementation in the manufacturing and operations area, a feature that is expected to become more and more pervasive as time proceeds. Riis, Johansen, Englyst and Sorensen have also based their article on their previous work, which in this case is on “the interactive firm”. They advance new propositions on strategic roles of manufacturing and discuss why the configuration of strategic manufacturing roles, at the level of the network, will become a key issue and how the indirect strategic roles of manufacturing will become increasingly important. Additionally, by considering that value chains will become value webs, they predict that shifts in strategic manufacturing roles will look like a sequence of moves similar to a game of chess. Then, lastly under the first theme, Fleury and Fleury develop a conceptual framework for the study of production systems in general derived from field research in the telecommunications industry, here considered a prototype of the coming information society and knowledge economy. They propose a new typology of firms which, on certain dimensions, complements the propositions found in the other two articles. Their telecoms-based framework (TbF) comprises six types of companies characterised by distinct profiles of organisational competences, which interact according to specific patterns of relationships, thus creating distinct configurations of production networks. The second theme is addressed by Kyläheiko and SandstroÍm in their article “Strategic options based framework for management of dynamic capabilities in manufacturing firms”. They propose a new approach to strategic decision-making in markets characterised by turbulence and weak signals at the customer interface. Their framework for a manufacturing firm in the digital age leads to active asset selection (strategic investments in both tangible and intangible assets) and efficient orchestrating of the global value net in “thin” intangible asset markets. The framework consists of five steps based on Porter's five-forces model, the resources-based view, complemented by means of the concepts of strategic options and related flexibility issues. Thun, GroÍssler and Miczka's contribution to the third theme brings the human dimension to the debate regarding the future of manufacturing. Their article focuses on the challenges brought to management by the ageing of workers in Germany but, in the arguments that are raised, the future challenges associated to workers and work organisation in every production system become visible and relevant. An interesting point in the approach adopted by the authors is that not only the factual problems and solutions are taken into account but the perception of the managers is brought into the picture. China cannot be absent in the discussion of the future of manufacturing. Therefore, within the fourth theme, Vaidya, Bennett and Liu provide the evidence of the gradual improvement of Chinese companies in the medium and high-tech sectors, by using the revealed comparative advantage (RCA) analysis. The Chinese evolution is shown to be based on capabilities developed through combining international technology transfer and indigenous learning. The main implication for the Western companies is the need to take account of the accelerated rhythm of capability development in China. For other developing countries China's case provides lessons of great importance. Finally, under the fifth theme, Kuehnle's article: “Post mass production paradigm (PMPP) trajectories” provides a futuristic scenario of what is already around us and might become prevalent in the future. It takes a very intensive look at a whole set of dimensions that are affecting manufacturing now, and will influence manufacturing in the future, ranging from the application of ICT to the need for social transparency. In summary, this special issue of JMTM presents a brief, but undisputable, demonstration of the possible richness of manufacturing in the future. Indeed, we could even say that manufacturing has no future if we only stick to the past perspectives. Embracing the new is not easy. The new configurations of production systems, the distributed and complementary roles to be performed by distinct types of companies in diversified networked structures, leveraged by the new emergent technologies and associated the new challenges for managing people, are all themes that are carriers of the future. The Guest Editors of this special issue on the future of manufacturing are strongly convinced that their undertaking has been worthwhile.
Companies need to measure brand equity to make the best tactical and strategic decisions related to this intangible asset. Therefore, this paper develops a measure of brand equity using a formative approach. Unlike previous research, this study proposes a second-order formative model and empirically validates this in two countries, Spain and the United Kingdom. With this aim, in addition to carrying out an individual analysis for each country, the measurement invariance is assessed following the recent procedure suggested by Diamantopoulos and Papadopoulos (2010). Results show that brand equity construct is characterised by some variations in its composition in the countries analysed.