958 resultados para Implementation models


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The problematic gestation of the Directive on temporary agency work shows the presence of several criticalities that there are also in the national transposition in relation to the principle of equal treatment and to the mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments. From a first analysis it can be said that in some EU Member States only the derogations have been implemented and not the general principle of equal treatment. At the same time, the obligation of the Member States, contained in the Directive on temporary agency work, to establish mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments is crucial, especially in the light of the recent case law of the EU Court of Justice in which the Court does not apply to the temporary agency workers the protective rules of the Directive on fixed-term contracts (see C-290/12 , Della Rocca).


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Despite significant investment in school one-to-one device programs, little is known about which aspects of program implementation work and why. Through a comparison of two implementation models, adopter-diffusion and saturation, and using existing data from the One Laptop per Child Australia laptop program, we explored how factors of implementation may affect device diffusion, learning and educational outcomes, and program sustainability in schools. In this article we argue that more focused research into implementation of one-to-one device programs, moving beyond comparisons of “devices versus without devices,” is needed to provide reliable data to inform future program funding and advance this area of research.


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Tese dout., Doctor of Philisophy, Sheffield Hallam University, 2001


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine various policy implementation models, and to determine what use they are to a government. In order to insure that governmental proposals are created and exercised in an effective manner, there roust be some guidelines in place which will assist in resolving difficult situations. All governments face the challenge of responding to public demand, by delivering the type of policy responses that will attempt to answer those demands. The problem for those people in positions of policy-making responsibility is to balance the competitive forces that would influence policy. This thesis examines provincial government policy in two unique cases. The first is the revolutionary recommendations brought forth in the Hall -Dennis Report. The second is the question of extending full -funding to the end of high school in the separate school system. These two cases illustrate how divergent and problematic the policy-making duties of any government may be. In order to respond to these political challenges decision-makers must have a clear understanding of what they are attempting to do. They must also have an assortment of policy-making models that will insure a policy response effectively deals with the issue under examination. A government must make every effort to insure that all policymaking methods are considered, and that the data gathered is inserted into the most appropriate model. Currently, there is considerable debate over the benefits of the progressive individualistic education approach as proposed by the Hall -Dennis Committee. This debate is usually intensified during periods of economic uncertainty. Periodically, the province will also experience brief yet equally intense debate on the question of separate school funding. At one level, this debate centres around the efficiency of maintaining two parallel education systems, but the debate frequently has undertones of the religious animosity common in Ontario's history. As a result of the two policy cases under study we may ask ourselves these questions: a) did the policies in question improve the general quality of life in the province? and b) did the policies unite the province? In the cases of educational instruction and finance the debate is ongoing and unsettling. Currently, there is a widespread belief that provincial students at the elementary and secondary levels of education are not being educated adequately to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. The perceived culprit is individual education which sees students progressing through the system at their own pace and not meeting adequate education standards. The question of the finance of Catholic education occasionally rears its head in a painful fashion within the province. Some public school supporters tend to take extension as a personal religious defeat, rather than an opportunity to demonstrate that educational diversity can be accommodated within Canada's most populated province. This thesis is an attempt to analyze how successful provincial policy-implementation models were in answering public demand. A majority of the public did not demand additional separate school funding, yet it was put into place. The same majority did insist on an examination of educational methods, and the government did put changes in place. It will also demonstrate how policy if wisely created may spread additional benefits to the public at large. Catholic students currently enjoy a much improved financial contribution from the province, yet these additional funds were taken from somewhere. The public system had it funds reduced with what would appear to be minimal impact. This impact indicates that government policy is still sensitive to the strongly held convictions of those people in opposition to a given policy.


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The “Nash program” initiated by Nash (Econometrica 21:128–140, 1953) is a research agenda aiming at representing every axiomatically determined cooperative solution to a game as a Nash outcome of a reasonable noncooperative bargaining game. The L-Nash solution first defined by Forgó (Interactive Decisions. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol 229. Springer, Berlin, pp 1–15, 1983) is obtained as the limiting point of the Nash bargaining solution when the disagreement point goes to negative infinity in a fixed direction. In Forgó and Szidarovszky (Eur J Oper Res 147:108–116, 2003), the L-Nash solution was related to the solution of multiciteria decision making and two different axiomatizations of the L-Nash solution were also given in this context. In this paper, finite bounds are established for the penalty of disagreement in certain special two-person bargaining problems, making it possible to apply all the implementation models designed for Nash bargaining problems with a finite disagreement point to obtain the L-Nash solution as well. For another set of problems where this method does not work, a version of Rubinstein’s alternative offer game (Econometrica 50:97–109, 1982) is shown to asymptotically implement the L-Nash solution. If penalty is internalized as a decision variable of one of the players, then a modification of Howard’s game (J Econ Theory 56:142–159, 1992) also implements the L-Nash solution.


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Recent changes in power systems mainly due to the substantial increase of distributed generation and to the operation in competitive environments has created new challenges to operation and planning. In this context, Virtual Power Players (VPP) can aggregate a diversity of players, namely generators and consumers, and a diversity of energy resources, including electricity generation based on several technologies, storage and demand response. Demand response market implementation has been done in recent years. Several implementation models have been considered. An important characteristic of a demand response program is the trigger criterion. A program for which the event trigger depends on the Locational Marginal Price (LMP) used by the New England Independent System operator (ISO-NE) inspired the present paper. This paper proposes a methodology to support VPP demand response programs management. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated using a 32 bus network with intensive use of distributed generation. Results concerning the evaluation of the impact of using demand response events are also presented.


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Ausgehend von dem von Friedrich Edding geprägten Begriff der Schlüsselfähigkeit entwickelte Dieter Mertens Anfang der 1970er Jahre sein Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen. Damit suchte er Wege, Menschen so zu qualifizieren, dass sie ihnen übertragene berufliche Aufgaben, auch in einem sich rasch verändernden Umfeld, bewältigen können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Rezeption des Begriffs in verschiedenen Bildungsbereichen mit unterschiedlichen Intensitäten und Resultaten verlief. Am folgenreichsten war die Rezeption in der Berufsbildung. Von wenigen skeptischen Stimmen abgesehen, stieß das Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen auf positive Zustimmung und mehrere Umsetzungsversuche wurden unternommen. Diese führten allerdings zu einer Verlängerung der Liste der Schlüsselqualifikationen (die ursprünglich von Mertens als abschließbar angedacht war). Ein Konsens, was in der Berufsbildung als Schlüsselqualifikationen zu gelten hat, ist immer noch nicht in Sicht. In den allgemeinbildenden Schulen hingegen fand das Konzept keine große Beachtung. Zwar wurde hin und wieder auf den Begriff zurückgegriffen, um beispielsweise allgemein verbindliche Standards in der Schule zu thematisieren oder neuen Inhalten eine Legitimation zu verschaffen, dennoch griff die Debatte in der Schulpädagogik nicht nachhaltig. Gründe dafür liegen zum einen in der dem Konzept inhärenten berufsvorbereitenden Funktion, die der Idealvorstellung einer zweckfreien Bildung widerspricht, zum anderen in der relativ straffen und zentralisierten Gestaltung der Lehrpläne. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich auseinander. Eine Untersuchung von ca. 130 deutsch- und englischsprachigen Arbeiten, die Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich zum Thema haben, belegt eine sehr große Heterogenität der zugrunde liegenden Vorstellungen und konkreten Modelle. Es wird gezeigt, dass die zwei wichtigsten Ordnungsschemata, die gelegentlich zur Abgrenzung der Schlüsselqualifikationen gegenüber anderen Bildungskomponenten herangezogen werden (nämlich die Taxonomie der Lernziele von Bloom und das Handlungskompetenzmodell von Roth in der Weiterentwicklung von Reetz) mit keinem kohärenten Rahmenwerk, das der Fülle der Modelle von Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich gerecht wäre, aufwarten können. Eine Alternative bietet eine diskursanalytische Perspektive foucaultscher Prägung. Begriffen als eine diskursive Formation, haben Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen ihre Gemeinsamkeit nicht in dem vermeintlich gemeinsamen Gegenstand. Demnach sind Schlüsselqualifikationen in der heutigen Hochschuldebatte keine Qualifikationen suis generis, die eine eigene Kategorie bilden, sondern eine Antwort auf die Herausforderungen, die die verschiedenartigen Veränderungen in und um Hochschulen mit sich bringen. Es lassen sich drei Kontexte identifizieren, in denen die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen der Herausforderung zu begegnen versuchen: in der Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen, in der vor-universitären Bildung sowie in der Hochschulbildung und in der Berufswelt. In diesen Kontexten artikulieren die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen verschiedene Dimensionen, um Gesellschafts-, Studier und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studierenden zu fördern. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Debatten und Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen in der BRD und in England zeigt, dass diese drei Kontexte in beiden Ländern vorfindbar sind, jedoch deren inhaltliche Vorstellung und konkrete Umsetzung aufgrund der Partikularitäten des jeweiligen Hochschulsystems unterschiedliche Akzentuierungen erfahren. Anders als in der BRD betonen die Modelle der Förderung der Studierfähigkeit in England die Brückenkurse als Hilfestellung bei der Vorbereitung auf das Studium. Das hängt mit den uneinheitlichen Zugangsregelungen zum Hochschulstudium und der hierarchischen Struktur im englischen Hochschulsystem zusammen. Bei der Förderung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit setzen die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen in Deutschland, wo traditionell ein Hochschulstudium als berufsvorbereitend angesehen wird, den Akzent auf Praxisbezug des Studiums und auf Flexibilität. In England hingegen, wo sich das Studium per se nicht als berufsqualifizierend versteht, rücken die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen den Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt und das Karrieremanagement - subsumiert unter dem Konzept der employability - in den Vordergrund.


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No campo de “Estratégia Empresarial”, diversos estudos dos anos 1990 e 2000 tratam de como as estratégias devem ser formuladas para garantir o sucesso das organizações. Porém, nesse mesmo período, apenas alguns deles se debruçaram sobre o tema modelos e obstáculos na implantação das estratégias. Considerando que os gerentes médios são parte fundamental no sucesso da implantação das estratégias organizacionais, essa dissertação tem como objeto identificar o que motiva e influencia a atuação desses profissionais na condução da equipe e assimilação das diretrizes da empresa. Por meio de entrevistas estruturadas com gerentes médios de um grande banco nacional, esse trabalho apresenta uma investigação empírica e identifica os pontos de convergência e divergência dos entrevistados com a literatura de implantação de estratégia. Retomando as pesquisas de Hornsby (2002), Okumus (2001), Noble (1999), Littler (2000) entre outros autores, verificou-se que a visão dos gerentes médios converge e aprofunda os pontos apresentados na literatura como fundamentais na implantação das estratégias tais como: comunicação transacional, frequente, descentralizada; processos de implantação mais abrangentes, com abordagem qualitativa; alta gestão mais participativa na execução das estratégias, ambiente favorável a mudança, possibilidade de se assumir riscos e definição clara dos papéis e dos ganhos de cada membro no projeto


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This thesis pursuits to contextualize the theoretical debate between the implementation of public education policy of the Federal Government focused in a distance learning and legal foundations for its enforcement, in order to raise questions and comments on the topic in question. Its importance is back to provide scientific input and can offer to the academy, particularly in the UFRN, and elements of society to question and rethink the complex relationship between the socio-economic and geographic access to higher education. It consists of a descriptive study on the institutionalization of distance education in UFRN as a mechanism for expanding access to higher education, for both, the research seeks to understand if the distance undergraduate courses offered by the UAB system and implemented at UFRN, promote expanding access to higher education, as it is during implementation that the rules, routines and social processes are converted from intentions to action. The discussion of this study lasted between two opposing views of Implementation models: Top-down and Bottom-up. It is worth noting that the documents PNE, PDE and programs and UAB MEETING reflect positively in improving the educational level of the population of the country It is a qualitative study, using the means Bibliographic, Document and Field Study, where they were performed 04 (four) in 2010 interviews with the management framework SEDIS / UAB in UFRN. The data were analyzed and addressed through techniques: Document Analysis and Content Analysis. The results show that the process of implementation of distance education at UFRN is in progress. According to our results, the research objective is achieved, but there was a need to rethink the conditions of the infrastructure of poles, the structure of the academic calendar, the management of the SEDIS UFRN, regarding the expansion of existing vacancies and the supply of new courses by the need for a redesign as the Secretariat's ability to hold the offerings of undergraduate courses offered by the Federal Government to be implemented in the institution. It was also found that levels of evasion still presents a challenge to the teaching model. Given the context, we concluded that the greatest contribution of UAB and consequently UFRN by distance learning for undergraduate courses (Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Biological Sciences, beyond the bachelor's degrees in Business and Public Administration ) is related to increasing the number of vacancies and accessibility of a population that was previously deprived of access to university


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We present a generalized test case generation method, called the G method. Although inspired by the W method, the G method, in contrast, allows for test case suite generation even in the absence of characterization sets for the specification models. Instead, the G method relies on knowledge about the index of certain equivalences induced at the implementation models. We show that the W method can be derived from the G method as a particular case. Moreover, we discuss some naturally occurring infinite classes of FSM models over which the G method generates test suites that are exponentially more compact than those produced by the W method.


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This paper analyses the effects of the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) with and without farm structural change, and focuses on how income distributional effects and farm restructuring are impacted by the SPS under: alternative entitlement tradability, cross-compliance and CAP 'greening' requirements, different SPS implementation models, the entitlement stock, market imperfections and institutional regulations. The authors find that the SPS implication details are highly significant, since farmers’ benefits can range from 100% of the SPS value to a negative policy incidence, and farm structural change may also be hindered by the SPS.


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This dissertation discussed resource allocation mechanisms in several network topologies including infrastructure wireless network, non-infrastructure wireless network and wire-cum-wireless network. Different networks may have different resource constrains. Based on actual technologies and implementation models, utility function, game theory and a modern control algorithm have been introduced to balance power, bandwidth and customers' satisfaction in the system. ^ In infrastructure wireless networks, utility function was used in the Third Generation (3G) cellular network and the network was trying to maximize the total utility. In this dissertation, revenue maximization was set as an objective. Compared with the previous work on utility maximization, it is more practical to implement revenue maximization by the cellular network operators. The pricing strategies were studied and the algorithms were given to find the optimal price combination of power and rate to maximize the profit without degrading the Quality of Service (QoS) performance. ^ In non-infrastructure wireless networks, power capacity is limited by the small size of the nodes. In such a network, nodes need to transmit traffic not only for themselves but also for their neighbors, so power management become the most important issue for the network overall performance. Our innovative routing algorithm based on utility function, sets up a flexible framework for different users with different concerns in the same network. This algorithm allows users to make trade offs between multiple resource parameters. Its flexibility makes it a suitable solution for the large scale non-infrastructure network. This dissertation also covers non-cooperation problems. Through combining game theory and utility function, equilibrium points could be found among rational users which can enhance the cooperation in the network. ^ Finally, a wire-cum-wireless network architecture was introduced. This network architecture can support multiple services over multiple networks with smart resource allocation methods. Although a SONET-to-WiMAX case was used for the analysis, the mathematic procedure and resource allocation scheme could be universal solutions for all infrastructure, non-infrastructure and combined networks. ^


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This thesis pursuits to contextualize the theoretical debate between the implementation of public education policy of the Federal Government focused in a distance learning and legal foundations for its enforcement, in order to raise questions and comments on the topic in question. Its importance is back to provide scientific input and can offer to the academy, particularly in the UFRN, and elements of society to question and rethink the complex relationship between the socio-economic and geographic access to higher education. It consists of a descriptive study on the institutionalization of distance education in UFRN as a mechanism for expanding access to higher education, for both, the research seeks to understand if the distance undergraduate courses offered by the UAB system and implemented at UFRN, promote expanding access to higher education, as it is during implementation that the rules, routines and social processes are converted from intentions to action. The discussion of this study lasted between two opposing views of Implementation models: Top-down and Bottom-up. It is worth noting that the documents PNE, PDE and programs and UAB MEETING reflect positively in improving the educational level of the population of the country It is a qualitative study, using the means Bibliographic, Document and Field Study, where they were performed 04 (four) in 2010 interviews with the management framework SEDIS / UAB in UFRN. The data were analyzed and addressed through techniques: Document Analysis and Content Analysis. The results show that the process of implementation of distance education at UFRN is in progress. According to our results, the research objective is achieved, but there was a need to rethink the conditions of the infrastructure of poles, the structure of the academic calendar, the management of the SEDIS UFRN, regarding the expansion of existing vacancies and the supply of new courses by the need for a redesign as the Secretariat's ability to hold the offerings of undergraduate courses offered by the Federal Government to be implemented in the institution. It was also found that levels of evasion still presents a challenge to the teaching model. Given the context, we concluded that the greatest contribution of UAB and consequently UFRN by distance learning for undergraduate courses (Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Biological Sciences, beyond the bachelor's degrees in Business and Public Administration ) is related to increasing the number of vacancies and accessibility of a population that was previously deprived of access to university


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This thesis pursuits to contextualize the theoretical debate between the implementation of public education policy of the Federal Government focused in a distance learning and legal foundations for its enforcement, in order to raise questions and comments on the topic in question. Its importance is back to provide scientific input and can offer to the academy, particularly in the UFRN, and elements of society to question and rethink the complex relationship between the socio-economic and geographic access to higher education. It consists of a descriptive study on the institutionalization of distance education in UFRN as a mechanism for expanding access to higher education, for both, the research seeks to understand if the distance undergraduate courses offered by the UAB system and implemented at UFRN, promote expanding access to higher education, as it is during implementation that the rules, routines and social processes are converted from intentions to action. The discussion of this study lasted between two opposing views of Implementation models: Top-down and Bottom-up. It is worth noting that the documents PNE, PDE and programs and UAB MEETING reflect positively in improving the educational level of the population of the country It is a qualitative study, using the means Bibliographic, Document and Field Study, where they were performed 04 (four) in 2010 interviews with the management framework SEDIS / UAB in UFRN. The data were analyzed and addressed through techniques: Document Analysis and Content Analysis. The results show that the process of implementation of distance education at UFRN is in progress. According to our results, the research objective is achieved, but there was a need to rethink the conditions of the infrastructure of poles, the structure of the academic calendar, the management of the SEDIS UFRN, regarding the expansion of existing vacancies and the supply of new courses by the need for a redesign as the Secretariat's ability to hold the offerings of undergraduate courses offered by the Federal Government to be implemented in the institution. It was also found that levels of evasion still presents a challenge to the teaching model. Given the context, we concluded that the greatest contribution of UAB and consequently UFRN by distance learning for undergraduate courses (Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Biological Sciences, beyond the bachelor's degrees in Business and Public Administration ) is related to increasing the number of vacancies and accessibility of a population that was previously deprived of access to university


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This thesis addresses computational challenges arising from Bayesian analysis of complex real-world problems. Many of the models and algorithms designed for such analysis are ‘hybrid’ in nature, in that they are a composition of components for which their individual properties may be easily described but the performance of the model or algorithm as a whole is less well understood. The aim of this research project is to after a better understanding of the performance of hybrid models and algorithms. The goal of this thesis is to analyse the computational aspects of hybrid models and hybrid algorithms in the Bayesian context. The first objective of the research focuses on computational aspects of hybrid models, notably a continuous finite mixture of t-distributions. In the mixture model, an inference of interest is the number of components, as this may relate to both the quality of model fit to data and the computational workload. The analysis of t-mixtures using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is described and the model is compared to the Normal case based on the goodness of fit. Through simulation studies, it is demonstrated that the t-mixture model can be more flexible and more parsimonious in terms of number of components, particularly for skewed and heavytailed data. The study also reveals important computational issues associated with the use of t-mixtures, which have not been adequately considered in the literature. The second objective of the research focuses on computational aspects of hybrid algorithms for Bayesian analysis. Two approaches will be considered: a formal comparison of the performance of a range of hybrid algorithms and a theoretical investigation of the performance of one of these algorithms in high dimensions. For the first approach, the delayed rejection algorithm, the pinball sampler, the Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm, and the hybrid version of the population Monte Carlo (PMC) algorithm are selected as a set of examples of hybrid algorithms. Statistical literature shows how statistical efficiency is often the only criteria for an efficient algorithm. In this thesis the algorithms are also considered and compared from a more practical perspective. This extends to the study of how individual algorithms contribute to the overall efficiency of hybrid algorithms, and highlights weaknesses that may be introduced by the combination process of these components in a single algorithm. The second approach to considering computational aspects of hybrid algorithms involves an investigation of the performance of the PMC in high dimensions. It is well known that as a model becomes more complex, computation may become increasingly difficult in real time. In particular the importance sampling based algorithms, including the PMC, are known to be unstable in high dimensions. This thesis examines the PMC algorithm in a simplified setting, a single step of the general sampling, and explores a fundamental problem that occurs in applying importance sampling to a high-dimensional problem. The precision of the computed estimate from the simplified setting is measured by the asymptotic variance of the estimate under conditions on the importance function. Additionally, the exponential growth of the asymptotic variance with the dimension is demonstrated and we illustrates that the optimal covariance matrix for the importance function can be estimated in a special case.