931 resultados para Immigrant pupils
When newly immigrated children and young people begin school in Sweden, certain challengesarise. These may result from weak Swedish-language skills and different schooling backgrounds,as well as organizational and pedagogical limitations in the schools. This generates demands onschool leaders to lead and develop the organization and teachers competences to meet these pupils’needs. This situation was behind the initiation of the project “New Immigrants and Learning—Competence Development for Teachers and School Principals.” The project ran in schools infour Swedish municipalities, its aim was to develop leadership, organizational and pedagogicalskills that would facilitate the schooling and integration of newly arrived pupils. This article aimsto describe and discuss a Participant Action Research (PAR) based on a think tank and researchcircles, drawing special attention to the role of the school leaders. It will also examine whether theresearch circles and the project overall served to develop educational and intercultural leadership,organizational conditions, collegial learning, pedagogical methods and competence in terms ofschooling for this pupil group.
Goals. Immigrant pupils are over-represented in special education. Linguistic difficulties are the most pivotal reasons for social exclusion of immigrant pupils during their school career. Addedly reading, writing, and language development disorders are the most common reasons for both part-time and extensive special education. I studied class teachers' perceptions of the typical linguistic difficulties of pupils who speak Finnish as their second language and of those who have dyslexia, because I suspect that telling the difference between linguistic competency in progress and the symptoms of dyslexia isn't easy. I look for overlappings in the perceptions of linguistic difficulties, their causes and their support measures, which would reveal the challenges in recognizing linguistic difficulties, which in turn might partly explain why immigrant pupils are over-represented in special education. Methods. This study was carried out as structured individual interviews with nine class teachers from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. To increase reliability, complementary information was gathered about the same phenomenon with a questionnaire that each interviewee filled out at the end of the interview. It was required that the interviewees have experience of teaching both dyslexic pupils and pupils who speak Finnish as a second language. The material analysis was mainly deductive, but the material that wasn't in line with the theoretical frame of reference was analyzed inductively. Results and conclusions. There were overlappings in the class teachers' perceptions of the linguistic difficulties, support measures fitting them and, based on the questionnaire results, also of the causes of these difficulties. Additionally all the interviewees said it to be difficult to recognize dyslexia in a pupil who speaks Finnish as a second language. I came to the conclusion that distinguishing different linguistic difficulties from one another is a challenge to which class teachers don't always feel competent to rise, which is why they consider the assistance of special teachers and other professionals beneficial.
The ways of incorporating newcoming students into schools and colleges have been at the center of debate in most OECD countries in recent years. In Spain, the set of measures developed for the reception of immigrant pupils in different Autonomous Communities has also been the subject of specific research, pointing out the similarities and contradictions between pedagogic discourses and school practices. This article takes into account these considerations and presents the reflections from the results of research on the Educational Welcome Facilities (and specifically the EBE) conducted during the school years 2008-2010. This device was created in Catalonia to attend newcomers before enrolling them in the school. It was a pilot project which took place in Vic and Reus for two consecutive years. The research of the EBE has enabled us to explain the relationship between educational assessment that schools made about this facility and reception processes that schools were implementing. The conclusions that emerge from this analysis allowed us to establish relationships between educational host practices of the seven centers analyzed with three different conceptual and educational frameworks of reception.
Partindo do objeto de estudo: a gestão do currículo para a diversidade cultural é nossa intenção compreender a forma como o discurso do multiculturalismo se encontra presente nos principais documentos definidores de uma política de escola e na postura desta e dos professores, através das decisões e práticas adotadas perante uma realidade diversificada, na presença de culturas de imigrantes. A construção do saber e a análise que fazemos da forma como o currículo é gerido, seguiram um percurso assente num quadro teórico nos campos curricular e da educação intercultural, bem como nas opções metodológicas em que o estudo assenta, e às quais recorremos para a realização da componente empírica. Nesta, analisamos a forma como as escolas-alvo de estudo e os professores respondem à presença dos alunos imigrantes através das representações dos próprios alunos, seus professores e responsáveis pelas escolas; ou seja, analisamos a forma como é gerido o currículo para a diversidade cultural. /ABSTRACT - Taking the subject under study: curricular management for cultural diversity, as our starting point, our aim is to gain an understanding of the nature of multiculturalism as portrayed in the main documents that define school policy as well as in the position taken both by the school and the teachers, in the light of the decisions and practices adopted in the presence of a culturally diverse reality, immigrant cultures. The construction of a body of knowledge and the assessment we make of how the curriculum is managed, has been based on a theoretical framework in the areas of intercultural curricula and education, as well as on the choice of methodology for the study used in carrying out the empirical component In the latter, We have analysed the way in which the schools and the teachers under study responded to the presence of immigrant pupils, seen in the descriptions given by the pupils themselves, their teachers and those responsible for the schools, that is to say, we have analysed the way in which the curriculum for cultural diversity has been managed.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
La tesi presenta els resultats de coneixement de català i castellà de 515 alumnes estrangers escolaritzats a Catalunya al finalitzar sisè de primària durant el curs 2006/07. En concret, analitza la incidència d'algunes variables en el seu coneixement lingüístic (el temps d'estada, la llengua inicial, l'escolaritat prèvia, el nivell educatiu familiar, el context sociolingüístic del centre, la concentració d'alumnat estranger per aula, els usos de les diferents llengües a l'entorn social, escolar i familiar, entre altres) i també estudia les relacions d'interdependència lingüística (Cummins, 1979) que es produeixen entre les llengües que aquest alumnat aprèn des de l'escola. Les proves utilitzades avaluen diferents habilitats relacionades amb el coneixement de llengua oral i escrita de català i castellà. El tractament que es fa de les dades és estadístic. Les conclusions apunten alguns dels elements que cal considerar pel tractament educatiu i lingüístic de la infància i l'adolescència estrangera escolaritzada a Catalunya.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar
Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar
This paper reads Ray Lawrence's film Jindabyne (2006) in order to consider how "Australian" connotes as "immigrant" or "Indigenous" in contemporary Australia. Although the film is an adaptation of an American short story, it exploits an existing grammar of place in Australian cultural production in order to interrogate this very culture. If questions of race, gender, and class have haunted post-settlement Australia, Lawrence's film simultaneously stages these spectres and gestures towards the necessary failure of any attempt to exorcise them in a place where indigeneity is invisible. Thus, the location of Jindabyne, the town drowned in the name of progress, offers an exemplary visual metaphor for the failed project of identity formation in a place where forgetting is a survival tool.