991 resultados para ITS in transportation
This work is concerned with the development of techniques for the evaluation of large-scale highway schemes with particular reference to the assessment of their costs and benefits in the context of the current transport planning (T.P.P.) process. It has been carried out in close cooperation with West Midlands County Council, although its application and results are applicable elsewhere. The background to highway evaluation and its development in recent years has been described and the emergence of a number of deficiencies in current planning practise noted. One deficiency in particular stood out, that stemming from inadequate methods of scheme generation and the research has concentrated upon improving this stage of appraisal, to ensure that subsequent stages of design, assessment and implementation are based upon a consistent and responsive foundation. Deficiencies of scheme evaluation were found to stem from inadequate development of appraisal methodologies suffering from difficulties of valuation, measurement and aggregation of the disparate variables that characterise highway evaluation. A failure to respond to local policy priorities was also noted. A 'problem' rather than 'goals' based approach to scheme generation was taken, as it represented the current and foreseeable resource allocation context more realistically. A review of techniques with potential for highway problem based scheme generation, which would work within a series of practical and theoretical constraints were assessed and that of multivariate analysis, and classical factor analysis in particular, was selected, because it offerred considerable application to the difficulties of valuation, measurement and aggregation that existed. Computer programs were written to adapt classical factor analysis to the requirements of T.P.P. highway evaluation, using it to derive a limited number of factors which described the extensive quantity of highway problem data. From this, a series of composite problem scores for 1979 were derived for a case study area of south Birmingham, based upon the factorial solutions, and used to assess highway sites in terms of local policy issues. The methodology was assessed in the light of its ability to describe highway problems in both aggregate and disaggregate terms, to guide scheme design, coordinate with current scheme evaluation methods, and in general to improve upon current appraisal. Analysis of the results was both in subjective, 'common-sense' terms and using statistical methods to assess the changes in problem definition, distribution and priorities that emerged. Overall, the technique was found to improve upon current scheme generation methods in all respects and in particular in overcoming the problems of valuation, measurement and aggregation without recourse to unsubstantiated and questionable assumptions. A number of deficiencies which remained have been outlined and a series of research priorities described which need to be reviewed in the light of current and future evaluation needs.
The best places to locate the Gas Supply Units (GSUs) on a natural gas systems and their optimal allocation to loads are the key factors to organize an efficient upstream gas infrastructure. The number of GSUs and their optimal location in a gas network is a decision problem that can be formulated as a linear programming problem. Our emphasis is on the formulation and use of a suitable location model, reflecting real-world operations and constraints of a natural gas system. This paper presents a heuristic model, based on lagrangean approach, developed for finding the optimal GSUs location on a natural gas network, minimizing expenses and maximizing throughput and security of supply.The location model is applied to the Iberian high pressure natural gas network, a system modelised with 65 demand nodes. These nodes are linked by physical and virtual pipelines – road trucks with gas in liquefied form. The location model result shows the best places to locate, with the optimal demand allocation and the most economical gas transport mode: by pipeline or by road truck.
The relationship between autoimmunity and malaria is not well understood. To determine whether autoimmune responses have a protective role during malaria, we studied the pattern of reactivity to plasmodial antigens of sera from 93 patients with 14 different autoimmune diseases (AID) who were not previously exposed to malaria. Sera from patients with 13 different AID reacted against Plasmodium falciparum by indirect fluorescent antibody test with frequencies varying from 33-100%. In addition, sera from 37 AID patients were tested for reactivity against Plasmodium yoelii 17XNL and the asexual blood stage forms of three different P. falciparum strains. In general, the frequency of reactive sera was higher against young trophozoites than schizonts (p < 0.05 for 2 strains), indicating that the antigenic determinants targeted by the tested AID sera might be more highly expressed by the former stage. The ability of monoclonal auto-antibodies (auto-Ab) to inhibit P. falciparum growth in vitro was also tested. Thirteen of the 18 monoclonal auto-Ab tested (72%), but none of the control monoclonal antibodies, inhibited parasite growth, in some cases by greater than 40%. We conclude that autoimmune responses mediated by auto-Ab may present anti-plasmodial activity.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka sähköisiä palveluita tarjoamalla voidaan tuottaa asiakkaalle lisäarvoa yritysten välisessä kaupankäynnissä. Tarkastelunäkökulmana oli kuljetuspalveluita tarjoava yritys. Teoreettinen tutkimus pohjautui palveluiden markkinointiin, erityisesti palvelun laatuun, asiakkaan kokeman arvon lisäämiseen, asiakkaan odotuksiin, sekä Internetin välityksellä käytävään sähköiseen kauppaan. Kyselytutkimuksella selvitettiin lähinnä asiakkaiden odotuksia, koska sähköisiä palveluita ei vielä ole laajalti käytössä. Tutkimuksen mukaan asiakkaat kokivat useimmat ehdotetuista palveluista, kuten ajantasaisen reitti- ja aikataulupalvelun, tarkan lähtö- ja tuloinformaation, sekä konttien seurantapalvelun, lisäarvoa tuoviksi. Toisaalta yrityksen tarjoama uutispalvelu, tavaroiden tullaus ja keskustelufoorumi sähköisessä muodossa eivät tuntuneet luovan asiakkaille lisäarvoa.
PPPS: Problem: Public-private-partnerships in transport infrastructure characteristically increase user-fees. Purpose: We aim to identify the network effects of the use of PPPs and increased user tolls in road infrastructure. Methods: We study the increases in user tolls on motorways due to the use of PPPs in the US. Results and conclusions: Among other things, the monetization of motorways is associated with an increase in toll levels that has consequences for their users, and also for the rest of the sections of the network.
The present paper describes the effect of metals ions on the in vitro availability of enoxacin (a second generation quinolone antibiotic) owing to drug-metal interaction. These interaction studies were performed at 37 °C in different pH environments simulating human body compartments and were studied by UV spectroscopic technique. In order to determine the probability of these reactions different kinetic parameters (dissolution constants (K) and free energy change (ΔG)) for these reactions were also calculated. It is proposed that the structure of enoxacin contains various electron donating sites which facilitate its binding with metallic cations forming chelates. Hence taking food products, nutritional supplements or multivitamins containing multivalent cations at the same time as enoxacin, could reduce the absorption of the drug into the circulation and thus would decrease the effectiveness of the drug. In addition, the MIC of enoxacin for various microorganisms before and after interaction with metal ions was calculated which in most cases was increased which possibly could impair the clinical efficacy of the drug.
Development of risk management practices became significant part of transportation companies’ strategy. Evolution from insurance management into enterprise risk management (ERM) led to development of risk management tools and methods. The purpose of this thesis is to design technique for evaluation of risk management practices of national transportation companies. The empirical research is made on the example of Russian and Finnish transportation companies. The required data was conducted with a help of survey. The result of the thesis is designed technique for risk management practices evaluation that allows to compare practices of different countries and organizations with different characteristics. The Master thesis has novelty in theoretical and practical contribution. It was designed new technique based on realization of the method of APIS. Moreover, it has practical implication as managers can utilize this method for comparison of practices between different countries, different organization and even different units within particular organization.
The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of quercetin and two of its "in vivo" metabolites, 3'-O-methyl quercetin and 4'-O-methyl quercetin, to protect H9c2 cardiomyoblasts against H2O2-induced oxidative stress. As limited data are available regarding the potential uptake and cellular effects of quercetin and its metabolites in cardiac cells, we have evaluated the cellular association/uptake of the three compounds and their involvement in the modulation of two pro-survival signalling pathways: ERK1/2 signalling cascade and PI3K/Akt pathway. The three flavonols associated with cells to differing extents. Quercetin and its two O-methylated metabolites were able to reduce intracellular ROS production but only quercetin was able to counteract H2O2 cell damage, as measured by MTT reduction assay, caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation assays. Furthermore, only quercetin was observed to modulate pro-survival signalling through ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt pathway. In conclusion we have demonstrated that quercetin, but not its O-methylated metabolites, exerts protective effects against H2O2 cardiotoxicity and that the mechanism of its action involves the modulation of PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 signalling pathways. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Much recent interest has focused on the potential of flavonoids to interact with intracellular signaling pathways such as with the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. We have investigated whether the observed strong neurotoxic potential of quercetin in primary cortical neurons may occur via specific and sensitive interactions within neuronal mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) signaling cascades, both implicated in neuronal apoptosis. Quercetin induced potent inhibition of both Akt/PKB and ERK phosphorylation, resulting in reduced phosphorylation of BAD and a strong activation of caspase-3. High quercetin concentrations (30 microM) led to sustained loss of Akt phosphorylation and subsequent Akt cleavage by caspase-3, whereas at lower concentrations (<10 microM) the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation was transient and eventually returned to basal levels. Lower levels of quercetin also induced strong activation of the pro-survival transcription factor cAMP-responsive element-binding protein, although this did not prevent neuronal damage. O-Methylated quercetin metabolites inhibited Akt/PKB to lesser extent and did not induce such strong activation of caspase-3, which was reflected in the lower amount of damage they inflicted on neurons. In contrast, neither quercetin nor its O-methylated metabolites had any measurable effect on c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation. The glucuronide of quercetin was not toxic and did not evoke any alterations in neuronal signaling, probably reflecting its inability to enter neurons. Together these data suggest that quercetin and to a lesser extent its O-methylated metabolites may induce neuronal death via a mechanism involving an inhibition of neuronal survival signaling through the inhibition of both Akt/PKB and ERK rather than by an activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase-mediated death pathway.
Understanding the cellular effects of flavonoid metabolites is important for predicting which dietary flavonoids might be most beneficial in vivo. Here we investigate the bioactivity in dermal fibroblasts of the major reported in vivo metabolites of quercetin, i.e. 3'-O-methyl quercetin, 4'-O-methyl quercetin and quercetin 7-O-beta-D-glucuronide, relative to that of quercetin, in terms of their further metabolism and their resulting cytotoxic and/or cytoprotective effects in the absence and presence of oxidative stress. Uptake experiments indicate that exposure to quercetin led to the generation of two novel cellular metabolites, one characterized as a 2'-glutathionyl quercetin conjugate and another product with similar spectral characteristics but 1 mass unit lower, putatively a quinone/quinone methide. A similar product was identified in cells exposed to 3'-O-methyl quercetin, but not in the lysates of those exposed to its 4'-O-methyl counterpart, suggesting that its formation is related to oxidative metabolism. There was no uptake or metabolism of quercetin 7-O-beta-D-glucuronide by fibroblasts. Formation of oxidative metabolites may explain the observed concentration-dependent toxicity of quercetin and 3'-O-methyl quercetin, whereas the formation of a 2'-glutathionyl quercetin conjugate is interpreted as a detoxification step. Both O -methylated metabolites conferred less protection than quercetin against peroxide-induced damage, and quercetin glucuronide was ineffective. The ability to modulate cellular toxicity paralleled the ability of the compounds to decrease the level of peroxide-induced caspase-3 activation. Our data suggest that the actions of quercetin and its metabolites in vivo are mediated by intracellular metabolites.
We show that RsAFP2, a plant defensin that interacts with fungal glucosylceramides, is active against Candida albicans, inhibits to a lesser extent other Candida species, and is nontoxic to mammalian cells. Moreover, glucosylceramide levels in Candida species correlate with RsAFP2 sensitivity. We found RsAFP2 prophylactically effective against murine candidiasis.
Multidimensional scaling is applied in order to visualize an analogue of the small-world effect implied by edges having different displacement velocities in transportation networks. Our findings are illustrated for two real-world systems, namely the London urban network (streets and underground) and the US highway network enhanced by some of the main US airlines routes. We also show that the travel time in these two networks is drastically changed by attacks targeting the edges with large displacement velocities. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
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