995 resultados para INDEX FSFI


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A endometriose é uma doença benigna que causa dor e infertilidade. As disfunções sexuais são frequentes, especialmente a dispareunia de profundidade, interferindo na qualidade de vida e particularmente na vida conjugal dessas pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a satisfação sexual de pacientes com endometriose infiltrativa profunda. Foram analisadas cinquenta e sete pacientes com diagnóstico de endometriose infiltrativa profunda acompanhadas no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) de julho de 2010 a dezembro de 2011. O grupo controle incluiu 38 pacientes saudáveis do ambulatório de planejamento familiar do HUPE. Foi aplicado o Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), questionário validado para avaliação funcional da atividade sexual. Em relação ao resultados não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no escore total do FSFI entre os dois grupos. No domínio dor, as pacientes com endometriose apresentaram escores significativamente menores, ou seja, maior intensidade de dor, do que o grupo controle. O resultado deste estudo sugere que as pacientes com endometriose apresentam um comprometimento do domínio dor, sem prejuízo potencial da função sexual global.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os fatores associados à disfunção sexual em mulheres de meia idade. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo transversal, que compreendeu 370 mulheres, entre 40 a 65 anos, atendidas nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de cada distrito sanitário (Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste) da cidade de Natal, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Para avaliar a função sexual utilizou-se o Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). A sintomatologia climatérica foi avaliada por meio do Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). O Índice de Blatt-Kupperman (IMBK) foi utilizado para avaliação quantitativa global da ocorrência de sintomas/queixas. A atividade física foi avaliada pelo questionário International Physical Activity Questionnaire - IPAQ (versão curta). A avaliação da qualidade de vida geral se deu pelo WHOQOL-Bref. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o programa estatístico MINITAB version16. Além de análises descritivas das variáveis categorizadas, utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado de Person com o intuito de verificar possíveis associações entre as variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentais, clínicas, níveis de atividade física, sintomatologia climatérica, qualidade de vida e a função sexual das mulheres estudadas. Desenvolveu-se a regressão logística para verificar a influência dessas variáveis sobre a disfunção sexual. Considerou-se o nível de significância de 5% para todos os testes. Os resultados mostraram que a média de idade das mulheres estudadas foi de 49,8 (±8,1) anos. Do total dessas mulheres, 67% apresentaram disfunção sexual. Observou-se que 54,5% delas se encontravam na pré-menopausa. Avaliando a influência das variáveis sobre a função sexual; faixa etária (56-65) (p<0,001), estado civil (divorciada/separada) (p < 0,001), escolaridade (baixa) (p=0,017), menopausa (p < 0,001), histerectomia (p = 0,016), nível de atividade física (sedentária) (p=0,002), sintomas do climatério (forte) (p<0,001) e qualidade de vida (baixa) (p<0,001), estiveram associados à disfunção sexual em mulheres de meia idade. Concluiu-se neste estudo que fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos, comportamentais, níveis de atividade física, sintomatologia climatérica e qualidade de vida influenciam significativamente a função sexual na mulher de meia idade


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A disfunção sexual corresponde a alterações em uma ou mais fases da resposta sexual humana e apresenta maior prevalência na população feminina. Ademais, a participação de alguns fatores como obesidade e níveis dos hormônios esteroidais na disfunção sexual feminina (DSF) permanece incerta. O presente estudo deteve-se na análise da ocorrência de DSF numa população de mulheres portadoras de obesidade, cadastradas no Ambulatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, no município de Natal, RN. O estudo foi realizado em uma amostra composta por trinta e uma mulheres, com idade entre 20 e 50 anos, com índice de massa corpórea (IMC) > 30 Kg/m2. A todas as pacientes foi aplicado um questionário composto por uma seção com dados socio-econômicos, e outra abordando a saúde sexual feminina, sendo esta última correspondente ao Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), para diagnóstico de DSF. A partir dessa caracterização, as pacientes foram reunidas nos grupos CD (pacientes com disfunção, n= 9) e SD (sem disfunção, n= 22). Para a análise do efeito da obesidade na DSF, as pacientes foram reunidas nos grupos 1 (6 pacientes com IMC grau I e II: entre 30 e 40 Kg/m2) e 2 (25 com IMC grau III: acima de 40). Para o estudo da participação dos hormônios esteroidais foram determinadas as concentrações séricas de cortisol, estradiol e dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) pelo método de quimiluminescência. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada usando os testes ANOVA, MANOVA (Pillai), além de análise de Cluster. Para identificar as diferenças entre os domínios do FSFI, foi usado o teste T de Student. A significância considerada para todos os testes foi para p< 0,01. Das pacientes estudadas, 25,8% apresentaram DSF de acordo com o escore total do FSFI. A análise estatística posterior evidenciou que as diferenças ocorreram para os domínios desejo, excitação e orgasmo. Não foi encontrada relação da presença de DSF com os diferentes graus de obesidade ou com os níveis hormonais dos esteróides cortisol, estradiol ou DHEA. Contudo, foi encontrado aumento significativo nos níveis séricos de estradiol para o grupo 1, que corresponde ao de menor índice de IMC. Estes resultados mostram que a prevalência de DSF não diferiu entre os graus I,II e III de obesidade das pacientes deste estudo mas, quando presente, a disfunção ocorre nos domínios desejo, excitação e orgasmo. A maior concentração de estradiol encontrada nas pacientes de menor índice de IMC sugere uma possível relação entre as duas variáveis que precisa ser investigada em estudos futuros.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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This is a qualitative-quantitative study based on hospital records of female patients of reproductive age, presenting sexual dysfunction, and treated with 250 mg Tribulus terrestris extract (1 tablet thrice daily for 90 days). Safety monitoring included vital signs, physical examination, laboratory tests, and occurrence of adverse events. Efficacy analysis included results of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels together with total and free testosterone, and the patient and physician assessments. There was a statistically significant improvement in total FSFI scores (P < 0.0001) post-treatment, with improvement among 106 (88.33%) subjects. There was a statistically significant (P < 0.0001) increase in the level of DHEA, while the levels of both serum testosterone (P = 0.284) and free testosterone decreased (P < 0.0001). Most adverse events recorded were related to the gastrointestinal tract. Physical examination showed no significant changes post-treatment. Based on the results, it is concluded that the T. terrestris extract is safe and effective in the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Introduction. The number of women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is growing worldwide in parallel with the obesity epidemic. The diagnosis of GDM leads to substantial modifications in the daily routine of these women, and these adjustments could potentially affect their sexual function. There are no previous studies on the sexual function of patients with GDM. Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the sexual function of patients with GDM in comparison with healthy pregnant women at the same gestational age. Methods. Brazilian women in the third trimester of pregnancy with and without GDM were invited to participate in this cross-sectional study while waiting for their antenatal care visits at a single public tertiary teaching institution between March and December 2010. The Brazilian version of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire was used to assess sexual function. Main Outcome Measures. Desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain during and after coitus in the last 4 weeks, measured according to a standardized and validated questionnaire. Results. A total of 87 participants were enrolled (43 healthy women and 44 with GDM). There were no significant differences in the sociodemographic characteristics of both groups. The total FSFI scores of GDM patients was 21.0 +/- 9.59 compared with 22.3 +/- 9.17 for healthy women (P = 0.523). Difficulty in desire was the most common sexual dysfunction symptom in both groups, being reported by 42% and 50% of GDM and healthy women, respectively (P = 0.585). Conclusion. The sexual function of Brazilian patients with GDM does not differ significantly from that of healthy pregnant women at the same gestational age. Ribeiro MC, Nakamura MU, Scanavino Mde T, Torloni MR, and Mattar R. Female sexual function and gestational diabetes. J Sex Med 2012; 9: 786-792.


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BACKGROUND: The main indication for sacrospinous ligament suspension is to correct either total procidentia, a posthysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse with an associated weak cardinal uterosacral ligament complex, or a posthysterectomy enterocele. This study aimed to evaluate sexual function and anatomic outcome for patients after sacrospinous ligament suspension. METHODS: For this study, 52 patients who had undergone sacrospinous ligament fixation during the preceding 5 years were asked to complete the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. The patients were vaginally examined using the ICS POP score, and the results were compared with their preoperative status. For statistical analysis, GraphPad for Windows, version 4.0, was used. RESULTS: The 52 patients were examined during a follow-up period of 38 months. No major intraoperative complications were noted. Recurrence of symptomatic apical descent was noted in 6% of the patients and de novo prolapse in 13.5%. Only one patient was symptomatic. Three patients experienced de novo dyspareunia, which resolved in two cases after stitch removal. Sexual function was good, rating higher than three points for each of the domains including satisfaction, lubrication, desire, orgasm, and pain. CONCLUSION: Sacrospinous ligament fixation still is a valuable option for the treatment of vaginal vault prolapse. Sexual function is satisfactory, with few cases of de novo dyspareunia.


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BACKGROUND: Suburethral slings are commonly used for the surgical treatment of female stress incontinence; occasionally they can cause erosion and dyspareunia. OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of this study is to determine the outcome after reclosure of the vaginal epithelium for suburethral sling erosion. Sexual function was assessed before and after intervention using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a prospective case-controlled study in which, between December 2005 and December 2007, we included patients who were referred to the Department of Urogynaecology because of vaginal erosion after suburethral sling insertion for urinary stress incontinence. For evaluation of sexual function, all patients filled in an FSFI questionnaire before intervention and at follow-up. All patients underwent gynaecological examination including colposcopy, and the site and size of the defect were noted. INTERVENTION: The edge of the vaginal epithelium was trimmed, mobilized, and closed with interrupted vertical Vicryl mattress sutures in a single layer. MEASUREMENTS: FSFI questionnaire and clinical findings. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: Twenty-one patients were included in the study. Eighteen patients with larger defects were operated on, and three defects healed after topical application of estrogen cream. In 16 patients, the defect had healed at follow-up; two patients with persisting defects were brought back to surgery and the procedure was repeated, paying particular attention to tension-free adaptation of vaginal tissue. In one patient, partial sling removal was performed after the second failed intervention. The domains of desire (p<0.0001), arousal (p<0.0003), lubrication (p<0.0001), satisfaction (p<0.0130), and pain (p<0.0001) improved significantly. Orgasm remained unchanged (p=0.4130; all two-tailed t-test). CONCLUSION: Suburethral erosion can be treated effectively by resuturing. Sexual function is improved in regard to desire, arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, and pain, but not orgasm. In septic patients and patients with a history of radiation, grossly infected tissue, or severe pain, excision of the mesh needs to be considered.


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INTRODUCTION: Few data are available referring to male and female sexual function after prolapse repair of symptomatic pelvic organ. AIM: Primary aim of this study is to determine the male and female sexual function before and after surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We used the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire for female patients and for their male partners the Brief Male Sexual Inventory (BMSI) as measurement of sexual function. METHODS: We included sexually active heterosexual couples that were referred to the Department of Urogynaecology because of symptomatic cystocele, rectocele or vault descent. For cystoceles, anterior repair was performed, for rectoceles posterior repair, and for vault descent sacrospinous ligament fixation. FSFI and BMSI questionnaires were distributed before and after pelvic organ surgery and 4 months after. Female clinical examination assessing the degree of prolapse was performed before and 6 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: A full data set of 70 female questionnaires and 64 male questionnaires could be evaluated. Two cases of female de novo dyspareunia occurred. In women, FSFI scores improved significantly in the domains desire, arousal, lubrication, overall satisfaction, and particularly pain. Orgasm remained unchanged. In men, interest, sexual drive, and overall satisfaction improved significantly. Erection, ejaculatory function, and orgasm remained unchanged. Despite remaining unchanged, erection, strength of erection, ejaculation, and orgasm were not considered problems anymore compared to preoperative BMSI scores. CONCLUSION: Surgery for pelvic organ prolapse improves male and female sexual function in some domains but not in all.


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INTRODUCTION: Human sexuality is recognized as one of the pillars of quality of life. In women, sexual function is influenced throughout life by many factors that can lead to the appearance of changes in the cycle of sexual response, and hence the quality of life (QOL). Pregnancy is a period of change, leaving them physically and mentally vulnerable, which may affect sexual function and quality of life during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between sexual function, presence of depressive symptoms and quality of life in pregnant women. METHODS: The study included 207 pregnant women attending prenatal examination of the Maternity Divine Love, Parnamirim / RN and the participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN (central campus). Initially it was applied, a questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographic, gynecological and obstetric data, as well as body and sexual self-knowledge. Sexual function was assessed using the Sexual Function Index Female (Female Sexual Function Index - FSFI). To assess the quality of life, we used the Quality Index Ferrans Life & Powers mom. The presence of depressive symptoms was verified by applying the Beck Depression Inventory. The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality was carried variables, Mann-Whitney test for carrying out the comparisons and the Wilcoxon test for comparing the monthly sexual frequency before and during pregnancy. Multiple linear regression was used to verify the relationship between sexual function, depressive symptoms and quality of life. We used the Spearman correlation to check correlation between the variables. Ap value <0.05 was adopted. RESULTS: Sexual function and depressive symptoms were related quality of life (R2 = 0.30, p <0.001). Depression had a moderate negative correlation with quality of life (0.53; p <0.001), whereas sexual function showed a positive correlation with low quality of life (0.22; p = 0.001). The planning of pregnancy, education and income shown to influence depression scores. With respect to sexual function, it was seen that during pregnancy, a reduction in the monthly frequency of sexual partner (Z = -10.56; p <0.001). Among the sexual domain, just the pain, showed a statistically significant difference compared between the second and third quarter (Z = -1.91, p <0.05). The score of the quality of life of women with sexual dysfunction was xvii significantly lower than that pregnant women without dysfunction (Z = -2.87, p = 0.004). Conclusion: Sexual function and the presence of depressive symptoms are related to the quality of life of pregnant women.


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Introduction: Menopause is characterized by the depletion of ovarian follicles and the gradual decline in estradiol levels, which ends with the definitive cessation of menstrual periods (menopause). As a result of hypoestrogenism, characteristic symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, insomnia, mood swings and depression can be observed. There is also the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles (MAP) as a result of progressive muscle-aponeurotic and connective atrophy with consequent decreased sexual function. Objective: To evaluate the strength of MAP, sexual function and quality of life of menopausal women. Methodology: This is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 55 women (35 postmenopausal and 20 perimenopausal), aged between 40 and 65, who were assessed by muscle strength and perineometry test. For the assessment of sexual function and quality of life, used the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and Utian Quality of Life (UQOL), respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation and multivariate analysis. Results: The mean age was 52.78 (± 6.47 years). Sexual dysfunction presented, 61.8% of participants (43.62% of postmenopausal and perimenopausal 18.17%). Muscle strength test and the maximum perineometry had a median of 3.00 (Q25: 2 e Q75: 4) and 33,50 cmH20 (Q25: 33,5 e Q75: 46,6), respectively. No correlation was found between sexual function and muscle strength (r = 0.035; p = 0.802) and between sexual function and perineometry (r = 0.126; p = 0.358). The mean total score of UQOL was 74.45 (± 12.23). Weak positive correlation was found between sexual function and quality of life (r = +0.422 p = 0.001). Multivariate analysis identified associations between sexual function and variables: quality of life, climacteric symptoms, physical activity and education level. Conclusions: These results suggest that the climacteric symptoms, quality of life, physical activity and level of education are associated with sexual function in menopausal women. However, the muscular component of sexual function needs to be further investigated in this context.


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Het doel van dit onderzoek is na te gaan in welke mate de online cognitieve gedragstherapie bij vrouwen met seksuele disfuncties effectief is voor wat betreft seksueel functioneren, seksuele lijdensdruk en de houding die de vrouwen hebben ten aanzien van seks. Drie vrouwen (gemiddelde leeftijd 39,6 jaar) met minstens één diagnose van een opwindingsgerelateerde seksuele disfunctie (seksuele interesse/opwindingsstoornis, orgasmestoornis) volgens de criteria van de DSM-5, hebben deelgenomen aan het onderzoek. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van een single case A-B-fase design: zowel in de controlefase (Fase A) wanneer de proefpersoon nog geen internettherapie krijgt, als in de behandelfase (Fase B) worden verschillende metingen verricht. Hierbij wordt het effect van wel of geen internettherapie binnen één persoon onderzocht door de metingen in de controlefase (Fase A) te vergelijken met de metingen in de behandelfase (Fase B). Elke meting betreft een in te vullen zelfrapportage-vragenlijst (24 items) waarin de drie variabelen worden gemeten. Seksueel functioneren werd gemeten met drie items uit de Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) (Rosen et al., 2000; ter Kuile et al., 2009); seksuele lijdensdruk met de Female Sexual Distress Scale Revised (FSDS-R) (Derogatis et al., 2008; ter Kuile et al., 2009); en de attitude ten aanzien van seks met een zestal items van de Sexual Opion Survey (SOS) (Fisher, Byrne, White, & Kelley, 1988). Middels de randomisatietoets is nagegaan wat het therapie-effect per proefpersoon en het algehele therapie-effect is. Uit de resultaten met betrekking tot het therapie-effect per proefpersoon blijkt dat de behandeling enkel voor de eerste proefpersoon een positief effect lijkt te hebben op het seksueel functioneren. Wat betreft de variabele seksuele lijdensdruk lijkt de behandeling enkel voor proefpersoon 2 een positief effect te hebben. Wat betreft de variabele attitude ten aanzien van seks lijkt er voor alle drie de proefpersonen geen effect van de behandeling aanwezig te zijn. Voor proefpersoon 1 lijkt de attitude ten aanzien van seks tijdens de behandelfase juist te verslechteren in plaats van te verbeteren. Uit de resultaten met betrekking tot het algehele therapie-effect is enkel voor de variabele seksueel functioneren een kleine kans aanwezig dat de behandeling een positief effect heeft.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014