994 resultados para Hotels -- Mobles, equip, etc


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Disseny constructiu d’una plataforma inclinable per ser automatitzada adaptada al terra de la sala polivalent d’un hotel, de manera que permeti convertir-la en un moment donat, en un saló de congressos tot facilitant la visió i audició als assistents. El projecte respon a la necessitat d’un establiment hoteler de crear una nova línia de negoci no estacional. El projecte queda emmarcat en un hotel que està en funcionament, el qual condiciona el projecte amb unes especificacions de partida molt restrictives i que condicionen el seu disseny i dimensionament pensant amb la posterior posada en obra de la instal•lació


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L???article descriu un projecte d???innovaci?? pedag??gica dirigit a alumnes d???Educaci?? Infantil del CEIP Pere Casasnovas de Ciutadella de Menorca. Es comenta que els nens estan pressionats a cr??ixer i a madurar cada vegada m??s aviat ja que s???anteposen els continguts del curr??culum front a exercicis que desenvolupin l???emotivitat, la relaci?? amb els altres i l???autoestima. La proposta pedag??gica es concreta en la definici?? de quatre espais-ambients diferents en els quals s???agrupen nins de diferents edats. Amb aquestes activitats es pret??n enriquir les relacions entre grups d???alumnes i els seus mestres; desencadenar din??miques de pensament, simbolisme i creaci??; afavorir la motricitat dels nens; adquirir autoconfian??a; fomentar el treball en equip, etc. Els resultats d???aquestes activitats denoten que els nens aprenen a observar, actuar, preveure el resultat de la seva acci??, sentir els l??mits de les seves possibilitats i modificar les accions. Es conclou que, gr??cies a aquest canvi metodol??gic, els nens s???impliquen en el seu paper col??laboratiu; augmenten la concentraci?? en el treball, i sincronitzen l???acci?? motriu i mental. No obstant aix??, es detecta certa aversi?? cap a les propostes m??s obertes i s???evidencien espais que, en un moment determinat, no s??n tan utilitzats com la resta. Aquest fet d??na lloc a una valoraci?? i posterior replantejament de l???activitat.


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The use of electricity in buildings constitutes around 16% of Singapore's energy demand. In view of the fact that Singapore is an urban city with no rural base, which depends heavily on air-conditioning to cool its buildings all year round, the survival as a nation depends on its ability to excel economically. To incorporate energy efficiency measures is one of the key missions to ensure that the economy is sustainable. The recently launched building energy efficiency labelling programme is such an initiative. Buildings whose energy performance are among the nation's top 25% and maintain a healthy and productive indoor environment as well as uphold a minimum performance for different systems can qualify to attain the Energy Smart Office Label. Detailed methodologies of the labelling process as well as the performance standards are elaborated. The main strengths of this system namely a rigorous benchmarking database and an independent audit conducted by a private accredited Energy Service Company (ESCO) are highlighted. A few buildings were awarded the Energy Smart Office Label during the launching of the programme conducted in December 2005. The labeling of other types of buildings like hotels, schools, hospitals, etc. is ongoing.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of Newport, R.I., surveyed by N.W. Eayrs, c.e. ; under the direction of J.P. Cotton, c.e. ; J. Bergner, del. It was published ca. 1892 by Simon Hart. Scale [ca. 1:13,000]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Rhode Island State Plane Coordinate System (Feet) (FIPS 3800). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, city ward boundaries, selected property boundaries, buildings, and names of property owners, and more. Includes inset: Road map of island of Rhode Island and Conanicut Island, surveyed by C.E. Hammett, Jr. Scale [ca. 1:85,000]. Also includes index to points of interest (churches, schools, hotels, libraries, mills, etc.), tables of elevation and distances, and shows radial distances. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of New England from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A map of the city of Providence : from actual survey, by Cushing & Walling. It was published in 1849. Scale [ca. 1:12,500]. Covers Providence, Rhode Island and portions of East Providence. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Rhode Island State Plane Coordinate System (Feet) (FIPS 3800). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, city districts, selected buildings, cemeteries, parks, radial distances, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes two views and index to points of interest (churches, public buildings, hotels, mills, factories, etc.). This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of New England from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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Passat, present i futur de l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona. Una vegada assumida la trajectòria de l'Escola el futur passa per l'EEES, per la mobilitat dels estudiants, l'aplicació de les noves metodologies docents, etc


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Resumen tomado del autor. Se muestran esquemas de funciones y tareas de la figura del entrenador así como ámbitos y formas de actuación


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Contrastar las diferencias, en cuanto a formas de organización material y social e interacción, que se pueden dar entre una situación de trabajo cooperativo dentro de una aula-taller elaborada por el autor y una situación de trabajo en pequeños grupos conducida en base a los criterios didácticos de cada maestro. Observar y describir los problemas y situaciones que se producen en el contexto grupal cuando se adoptan unos parámetros de innovación didáctica. Alumnos elegidos al azar de tres aulas-taller de tres escuelas diferentes: taller A de Geografía de Catalunya: niños de quinto y sexto. Taller B de Dibujo e Impresión: alumnos de tercero y cuarto de Básica. Taller C de Huerto: alumnos de séptimo. Investigación-acción con metodología observacional. Desarrolla una aproximación teórica sobre el tema de los talleres en el currículum de la EGB, analiza los paradigmas en investigación educativa y los aspectos más relevantes del trabajo en equipo y del cooperativo. En la parte empírica se seleccionan tres talleres a los cuales se les aplica una situación de trabajo en equipos y otra de colaboración. El investigador hace un seguimiento de como mínimo el cincuenta por cien de las sesiones de cada taller, recogiendo información conductual, diálogos, etc. del maestro y alumnos, a través de la observación directa y en base a un sistema de categorías, según el sujeto (alumno-maestro) o la situación (grupo clase-grupo pequeño). Contrasta los resultados obtenidos con las hipótesis planteadas mediante estadística descriptiva. Observación directa. Sistema de categorías ad hoc. Categorización, frecuencias directas y porcentajes. La pauta de trabajo cooperativo favorece la descentralización de la clase y del papel del maestro, incrementando la participación de los alumnos. Conductas más frecuentes: cooperación y colaboración sin atender a diferencias de sexo, control mutuo del trabajo y respeto mutuo de las iniciativas. No hay diferencias substanciales en la mejora del aprendizaje entre los diferentes tipos de taller ni en las actividades ni en cuanto a la edad, pero sí mejora el clima afectivo y relacional, el nivel de socialización, los resultados académicos y los procesos cognitivos en el aprendizaje. La incorporación de la pauta de trabajo cooperativo transforma, mejorando de forma cualitativa, el trabajo en grupos pequeños.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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[Excerpt] The hotel business has become a business of brands. Price Waterhouse Coopers estimates that there are over 300 hotel brands today with no one brand dominating the market. Every major brand management issue (brand extensions, global brand expansion, re-branding, un-branding, co-branding, brand portfolio development, brand acquisitions, new brand development, etc.) is being explored. An understanding of the competitive context and intra-and inter-brand dynamics will help owners, operators, asset managers, suppliers and litigators, as well as new entrants into the business make better and more informed brand management decisions.


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The design of a building is a complicated process, having to formulate diverse components through unique tasks involving different personalities and organisations in order to satisfy multi-faceted client requirements. To do this successfully, the project team must encapsulate an integrated design that accommodates various social, economic and legislative factors. Therefore, in this era of increasing global competition integrated design has been increasingly recognised as a solution to deliver value to clients.----- The ‘From 3D to nD modelling’ project at the University of Salford aims to support integrated design; to enable and equip the design and construction industry with a tool that allows users to create, share, contemplate and apply knowledge from multiple perspectives of user requirements (accessibility, maintainability, sustainability, acoustics, crime, energy simulation, scheduling, costing etc.). Thus taking the concept of 3-dimensional computer modelling of the built environment to an almost infinite number of dimensions, to cope with whole-life construction and asset management issues in the design of modern buildings. This paper reports on the development of a vision for how integrated environments that will allow nD-enabled construction and asset management to be undertaken. The project is funded by a four-year platform grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in the UK; thus awarded to a multi-disciplinary research team, to enable flexibility in the research strategy and to produce leading innovation. This paper reports on the development of a business process and IT vision for how integrated environments will allow nD-enabled construction and asset management to be undertaken. It further develops many of the key issues of a future vision arising from previous CIB W78 conferences.


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Online travel reviews are emerging as a powerful source of information affecting tourists' pre-purchase evaluation of a hotel organization. This trend has highlighted the need for a greater understanding of the impact of online reviews on consumer attitudes and behaviors. In view of this need, we investigate the influence of online hotel reviews on consumers' attributions of service quality and firms' ability to control service delivery. An experimental design was used to examine the effects of four independent variables: framing; valence; ratings; and target. The results suggest that in reviews evaluating a hotel, remarks related to core services are more likely to induce positive service quality attributions. Recent reviews affect customers' attributions of controllability for service delivery, with negative reviews exerting an unfavorable influence on consumers' perceptions. The findings highlight the importance of managing the core service and the need for managers to act promptly in addressing customer service problems.