908 resultados para Hotel employees


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Earlier studies suggest age is positively associated with job satisfaction, while others use length of service, or tenure, as a predictor of job satisfaction levels. This article examines whether age and tenure are individual determinants of satisfaction, or whether there is an interaction between the two. The results indicate that employee age is not significantly associated with overall job satisfaction level, but that tenure is. There is also significant relationship between tenure and facets of satisfaction (job, pay and fringe benefits), but the effect of tenure on satisfaction is significantly modified by age.


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The electrical outage in the summer of 2003 that interrupted power to thousands of hotels wrought a variety of facilities failures and service-process problems. Fortunately, strong service-recovery efforts from hotel employees mitigated the worst of the blackout’s effects. Using survey data from hotel managers who experienced the blackout, this study highlights those employee actions that most contributed to immediate service recovery; however, the study also reveals limited organizational learning or efforts to failsafe hospitality service from the eventuality of future power failures.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Poco se ha estudiado en qué medida la inseguridad laboral provocada por la actual crisis económica está afectando al comportamiento y rendimiento de los empleados del sector turístico. Este trabajo examina el posible impacto que la inseguridad laboral puede ejercer sobre la ansiedad y la depresión de los empleados de hoteles, y si estos estados de ánimo, a su vez, afectan su comportamiento cívico (OCB) y al rendimiento de sus tareas. Los datos fueron extraídos de 188 empleados de siete hoteles de entre tres y cinco estrellas de la isla de La Palma (Islas Canarias, España). Los resultados respaldan efectos significativos de la inseguridad laboral sobre la ansiedad y la depresión. A su vez, conforme a lo esperado, la depresión afectó negativamente a la conducta del empleado, pero sólo a su comportamiento cívico (OCB) dirigido hacia la organización (OCB-O). Sin embargo, la ansiedad no se relacionó conforme a lo esperado, aumentando el OCB-O del empleado y el rendimiento de sus tareas, lo que pudiera tener como objetivo un intento de protección de su puesto de trabajo. Los hallazgos nos permiten afirmar que la actual situación de crisis está afectando significativamente al empleado de hotel, perjudicando su estado de ánimo y, a través de la depresión, su conducta OCB-O.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate supervisory support as a moderator of the effects of role conflict and role ambiguity on emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction. This study also examines the moderating role of supervisory support on the relationship between emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction. Data were collected from a sample of frontline hotel employees in Northern Cyprus. The aforementioned relationships were tested based on hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results demonstrate that supervisory support mitigates the impact of role conflict on emotional exhaustion and further reveal that supervisory support reduces the effect of emotional exhaustion on job satisfaction. There is no empirical support for the rest of the hypothesized relationships. Implications of the empirical results are discussed, and future research directions are offered.


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In his discussion - Challenge To Managers: Changing Hotel Work from a Secondary Choice to Career Development - by Leonidas Chitiris, Lecturer in Management, Piraeus Graduate School of Industrial Studies, Athens, Greece, Chitiris marginally alludes at the outset: “Surveys and interviews with hotel employees in Greece with regard to why individuals work for hotels and to what extent their rationale to join the hotel industry affects hotel productivity revealed that the choice to work in hotels is a secondary preference and reflects the opportunity structure in the economy at any given time and the greater the number of those who work in hotels when there are no other employment opportunities, the less likely the chances for overall improved performance. Given the increase in the proportion of unskilled, unmotivated workers, the level of hotel productivity consequently decreases! The author interprets the findings in terms of the economic and employment conditions in the Greek hotel industry. To enhance the rationale of his thesis statement, Chitiris offers with citation: “Research on initial entry into the labor force has shown that new employees reflect idealized expectations and are frequently not very satisfied with their jobs and roles in the work settings.” Chitiris advances the thought even further by saying: “Research on job satisfaction, motivation, and production purports that management can initiate policies that develop job satisfaction and may improve productivity.” The author outlines components within the general category of the hotel industry to label and quantify exactly why there may be a lag between employee expectations and the delivery of a superior level of service. Please keep in mind that the information for this essay is underpinned by the hotel industry in Greece, exclusively. Demographic information is provided. One example of the many factors parsed in this hotel service discussion is the employee/guest relationship. “The quality of service in hotels is affected to a great extent by the number of guests a hotel employee has to serve,” Chitiris offers. Additionally, Chitiris’ characterization of the typical hotel employee in Greece is not flattering, but it is an informed and representative view of that lodging labor pool. The description in and of itself begs to explain at least some of why the hotel industry in Greece suffers a consequently diminished capacity of superior service. Ill equipped, under-educated, over-worked, and under-paid are how Chitiris describes most employees in the Hellenist hospitality field. Survey based studies, and formulaic indices are used to measure variables related to productivity; the results may be inconclusive industry wide, but are interesting nonetheless. Also, an appealing table gauges the reasons why hotel workers actually employ themselves in the lodging industry. Chirtiris finds that salary expectations do not rate all that high on the motivational chart and are only marginal when related to productivity. In closing, Chirtiris presents a 5-phase development plan hotels should look to in improving performance and productivity at their respective properties.


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This study examined if organizational identification can account for the mechanisms by which two-change management practices (communication and participation) influence employees’ intentions to support change. The context was a sample of 82 hotel employees in the early stages of a re-brand. Identification with the new hotel fully mediated the relationship between communication and adaptive and proactive intentions to support change, as well as between participation and proactive intentions.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the biometrics technologies adopted by hotels and the perception of hotel managers toward biometric technology applications. A descriptive, cross sectional survey was developed based on extensive review of literature and expert opinions. The population for this survey was property level executive managers in the U.S. hotels. Members of American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) were selected as the target population for this study. The most frequent use of biometric technology is by hotel employees in the form of fingerprint scanning. Cost still seems to be one of the major barriers to adoption of biometric technology applications. The findings of this study showed that there definitely is a future in using biometric technology applications in hotels in the future, however, according to hoteliers; neither guests nor hoteliers are ready for it fully.


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This study investigates the role of positive affectivity as a buffer against the detrimental effects of interrole conflicts on frontline hotel employees’ job performance and turnover intentions. Data collected from a sample of frontline hotel employees in Turkey serve as the study setting. Results and their implications are discussed, and directions for future research are offered.


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This article introduces the concept of error recovery performance, followed by the development and validation of an instrument to measure it. The first objective of this article is to broaden the current concept of service recovery to be relevant to the back-of-house operations. The second objective is to examine the influence of leader behavioral integrity (BI) on error recovery performance. Moreover, the study examines the mediating effect of job satisfaction between BI and error recovery performance. Finally, the study links error management performance with work-unit effectiveness. Data for Study 1 were collected from 369 hotel employees in Turkey. The same relationships were tested again in Study 2 to validate the findings of Study 1 with a different sample. Data for Study 2 were collected from 33 departmental managers from the same hotels. Linear regression analysis was used to test the direct effects. The mediating effects were tested using the mediation test suggested by Preacher and Hayes. In addition, in Study 2, general managers of the hotels were asked to rate the effectiveness of each manager and their respective department. Results from Study 1 indicate that BI drives error recovery performance, and this impact is mediated by employee job satisfaction. Results of Study 2 confirm this model and finds further that managers’ self-rated error recovery performance was associated with their general managers’ assessment of their deliverables and of their department’s overall performance.


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All Australian businesses are governed by legislation aiming to prevent workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and sexual identity and serious penalties apply to companies found contravening legislation. While other Australian studies have examined these issues, Queensland has either not been included or relevant data is not easily identified. This paper presents the results of an exploratory study using a quantitative survey to determine the consequences of disclosure of a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity to colleagues in workplaces in Queensland. Results suggest GLBTI workers are disclosing their sexuality more and are experiencing more discrimination in the workplace, despite anti-discrimination policies. This suggests the need to further investigate companies’ compliance with workplace legislation.


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A liderança e a motivação são aspetos essenciais no alcance do sucesso das organizações. Os líderes alcançaram um papel de destaque nas organizações, quer através da tomada de decisões estratégicas, quer na motivação dos colaboradores. Os conceitos e o entendimento da liderança têm vindo a mudar no decurso do tempo. E sugere que, provavelmente, a liderança adquirirá novos significados e será alvo de novas abordagens no futuro. Porque as sociedades, as organizações e as pessoas mudam, é presumível que novas janelas de compreensão venham a ser abertas. Atendendo a que vivemos numa era de globalização, em que a tecnologia, as estratégias e a estrutura das organizações são quase uniformes, a verdadeira vantagem competitiva só poderá surgir das competências dos recursos humanos. Os líderes também alcançaram um papel de destaque nas organizações, quer através da tomada de decisões estratégicas, quer na motivação dos colaboradores, motivação esta que é o motor que potencia capacidade para que os colaboradores sejam persistentes visando alcançar os seus objetivos. Na indústria hoteleira, objeto de estudo da presente investigação, um dos desafios permanentes é proporcionar níveis consistentes de qualidade de serviço. Esse segmento é profundamente afetado pelo comportamento dos seus líderes e das suas características pessoais e especialmente pela maneira como influenciam os seus colaboradores a alcançarem um resultado. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral conhecer, identificar e analisar os estilos e comportamentos de liderança praticados pelos líderes dos vários departamentos de uma unidade hoteleira do Grande Porto. Para isso, recorremos ao estudo de caso, que inclui as metodologias quantitativa e qualitativa, por forma a identificar o(s) estilo(s) de liderança presente(s) no hotel. As conclusões que resultaram da aplicação das entrevistas e do inquérito por questionário mostram que o líder atual da unidade hoteleira em estudo é o líder democrático.