982 resultados para Historical teaching


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Le Renouveau pédagogique, mis en place au Québec en 2005 à l’ordre secondaire, a eu pour effet de forcer plusieurs enseignants à remettre en question leurs pratiques pédagogiques avec l’approche par compétences. Considérant que les recherches sur l’ancien programme d’histoire ont démontré que les enseignants utilisaient la plupart du temps le manuel comme outil unique, que les manuels contenaient peu de sources primaires et que l’usage de sources est maintenant prescrit par le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, nous analysons dans cette recherche l’usage des sources primaires dans les nouveaux manuels d’Histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté du niveau secondaire. L’analyse de nos résultats nous a permis de fournir les outils nécessaires afin de répondre à notre question de recherche. Nous avons constaté la présence majoritaire des sources primaires dans les manuels. Par contre, celles-ci n’étaient pas toujours incluses dans une situation d’apprentissage avec au moins une compétence disciplinaire et, dans encore moins de cas, dans une tâche complexe en lien avec la méthode historique.


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La vertiente polémica fue una modalidad historiográfica recurrente en el Río de la Plata durante el siglo XIX. Su naturaleza controversial permite la contraposición de ideas y posiciones en torno a temas concretos, o, lo que es más importante, a metodologías y concepciones sobre el pretérito. La oposición de pareceres es instancia fermental en la evolución de la disciplina; su análisis, un compromiso ineludible para contextualizar un panorama historiográfico amplio y completo de la misma en el siglo XIX. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar uno de los debates más trascendentes de su época, el sostenido en Uruguay por Francisco Berra y Carlos María Ramírez -contemporáneo al de Vicente Fidel López y Bartolomé Mitre en Argentina- para rescatar su significación discursiva y sus implicancias teórico-metodológicas. Proponemos un estudio de la dimensión dialógica de la construcción nacionalista del pretérito uruguayo: de la exposición de ideas e intereses enfrentados surgen "verdades patrióticas", es decir axiomas históricos o dogmas nacionalistas. Circunscriptos a los mismos se desarrolló la producción y docencia histórica.


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La vertiente polémica fue una modalidad historiográfica recurrente en el Río de la Plata durante el siglo XIX. Su naturaleza controversial permite la contraposición de ideas y posiciones en torno a temas concretos, o, lo que es más importante, a metodologías y concepciones sobre el pretérito. La oposición de pareceres es instancia fermental en la evolución de la disciplina; su análisis, un compromiso ineludible para contextualizar un panorama historiográfico amplio y completo de la misma en el siglo XIX. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar uno de los debates más trascendentes de su época, el sostenido en Uruguay por Francisco Berra y Carlos María Ramírez -contemporáneo al de Vicente Fidel López y Bartolomé Mitre en Argentina- para rescatar su significación discursiva y sus implicancias teórico-metodológicas. Proponemos un estudio de la dimensión dialógica de la construcción nacionalista del pretérito uruguayo: de la exposición de ideas e intereses enfrentados surgen "verdades patrióticas", es decir axiomas históricos o dogmas nacionalistas. Circunscriptos a los mismos se desarrolló la producción y docencia histórica.


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La vertiente polémica fue una modalidad historiográfica recurrente en el Río de la Plata durante el siglo XIX. Su naturaleza controversial permite la contraposición de ideas y posiciones en torno a temas concretos, o, lo que es más importante, a metodologías y concepciones sobre el pretérito. La oposición de pareceres es instancia fermental en la evolución de la disciplina; su análisis, un compromiso ineludible para contextualizar un panorama historiográfico amplio y completo de la misma en el siglo XIX. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar uno de los debates más trascendentes de su época, el sostenido en Uruguay por Francisco Berra y Carlos María Ramírez -contemporáneo al de Vicente Fidel López y Bartolomé Mitre en Argentina- para rescatar su significación discursiva y sus implicancias teórico-metodológicas. Proponemos un estudio de la dimensión dialógica de la construcción nacionalista del pretérito uruguayo: de la exposición de ideas e intereses enfrentados surgen "verdades patrióticas", es decir axiomas históricos o dogmas nacionalistas. Circunscriptos a los mismos se desarrolló la producción y docencia histórica.


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Crucial to enhancing the status and quality of games teaching in schools is a developed understanding of the teaching strategies adopted by practitioners. In this paper, we will demonstrate that contemporary games‟ teaching is a product of individual, task and environmental constraints (Newell, 1986). More specifically, we will show that current pedagogy in the U.K., Australia and the United States is strongly influenced by historical, socio-cultural environmental and political constraints. In summary, we will aim to answer the question „why do teachers teach games the way they do.‟ In answering this question, we conclude that teacher educators, who are trying to influence pedagogical practice, must understand these potential constraints and provide appropriate pre-service experiences to give future physical education teachers the knowledge, confidence and ability to adopt a range of teaching styles when they become fully fledged teachers. Essential to this process is the need to enable future practitioners to base their pedagogical practice on a sound understanding of contemporary learning theories of skill acquisition.


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Historical vignettes are interesting short stories which encapsulate a brief period of scientific history. They can be useful tools for teaching the nature of science, demonstrating the practices of science and making science fun. Historical vignettes illustrate the role of people and social processes in science. In this paper I describe my experience with writing and presenting an historical vignette during a Biology unit. Included is a copy of the vignette and I have identified some possible improvements that might lead to better outcomes. This may be helpful for other teachers who wish to try this strategy for themselves.


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This article shows the influence that journalistic genres had on the first organisation of communication studies in Spain as well as the role they remain to play in the teaching of journalism. A review is done starting from the origins of the didactics of genres, continuing with the role of genres in the beginning of regulated studies of journalism, and finalising with an analysis of their place in present education programmes which reveals that practical and theoretical knowledge of the genres are still a main objective in the training of future journalists in Spain.


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The implantation of new university degrees within the European Higher Education Area implies the need of innovative methodologies in teaching and learning to improve the skills and competencies of students and to answer the growing needs that society continuously demands to heritage management experts. The present work shows an application of the teaching methodology proposed during the international workshop entitled “I International Planning Preservation Workshop. Learning from Al Andalus”, which included the participation of the University of Alicante and Granada, Università Politecnico di Milano and Hunter College City University of New York; where we tried to dissolve traditional boundaries derived of interuniversity cooperation programs. The main objective of the workshop was to discuss and debate the role of urban Historical Centers within the Global Heritage by the integrated work through multidisciplinary teams and the creation of a permanent international working group between these universities to both teach and research. The methodology of this workshop was very participatory and considered the idea of a new learning process generated by "a journey experience." A trip from global to local (from the big city to the small village) but also a trip from the local (historical) part of a big city to the global dimension of contemporary historical villages identified by the students through a system of exhibition panels in affinity groups, specific projects proposed by lecturers and teachers or the generation of publications in various areas (texts, photographs, videos, etc.). So, the participation of the students in this multidisciplinary meeting has enhanced their capacity for self-criticism in several disciplines and has promoted their ability to perform learning and research strategies in an autonomous way. As a result, it has been established a permanent international work structure for the development of projects of the Historical City. This relationship has generated the publication of several books whose contents have reflected the conclusions developed in the workshop and several teaching proposals shared between those institutions. All these aspects have generated a new way of understanding the teaching process through a journey, in order to study the representative role of university in the historical heritage and to make students (from planning, heritage management, architecture, geography, sociology, history or engineering areas) be compromised on searching strategies for sustainable development in the Contemporary City.


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Appendix II: List of the most important treaties since the reformation, with a brief statement of their provisions: p. [423]-501.


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Bibliographical footnotes.