945 resultados para Hidrologia florestal
A ocupação das margens do Ribeirão dos Pinheirinhos gerou fragmentação da mata ciliar, afetando a dinâmica ambiental do município de Brotas, São Paulo. Neste sentido, os diagnósticos ambientais podem atuar como subsídio indispensável para ações de minimização dos impactos ao meio a médio e longo prazo. O objetivo do trabalho foi diagnosticar as áreas de preservação permanente associadas aos recursos hídricos da bacia do Ribeirão dos Pinheirinhos, visando à determinação de áreas prioritárias à restauração florestal e manutenção hidrológica. Foi utilizado um banco de dados cartográfico digital e o SIG IDRISI Andes para análise espacial e processamento de imagens de satélite LandSat. Foram gerados mapas de: (i) uso e cobertura do solo, pela aplicação do algoritmo de classificação supervisionada de máxima verossimilhança; (ii) uso e cobertura do solo nas áreas de preservação permanente associadas a os recursos hídricos; (iii) distância às nascentes; e (iv) áreas prioritárias à restauração florestal. Houve predomínio dos cultivos agrícolas e solo exposto (73,70%), restando apenas 23,14% de remanescentes florestais. Foi observado que 32,09% das áreas de preservação permanente estão ocupadas inadequadamente, indicando a necessidade de investimento para conservação dos remanescentes florestais, melhor planejamento quanto ao uso do solo e adequação à legislação por parte dos órgãos públicos responsáveis, uma vez que 68,45% da área total foi classificada com prioridade alta a muito alta à restauração, percentual que tende a aumentar com o avanço das fronteiras agrícolas.
Strong and sometimes extreme responses in runoff and soil erosion following wildfires have been reported worldwide. However, in the case of North-Central Portugal, little research had been carried out regarding the hydrologic and erosive impacts of several land management activities in recently burnt areas (such as ground preparation, post-fire logging or post-fire mitigation treatments). This study aims to assess post-fire runoff and soil erosion response on Eucalypt and Maritime pine plantations during the first, second and third years following wildfires. The effect of several pre-fire ground preparation operations (ploughed down-slope, contour ploughed and inclined terraces), post-fire logging activities (on both the eucalypt and pine plantations), as well as the application of hydromulch (a post-fire emergency treatment) on overland flow and soil erosion were compared to burnt but undisturbed and untreated areas. The intensive monitoring of runoff, soil erosion and selected soil properties served to determine the main factors involved in post-fire runoff and soil erosion and their spatial and temporal variation. Soil water repellency deserved special attention, due to its supposed important role for overland flow generation. Repeated rainfall simulation experiments (RSE’s), micro-scale runoff plots and bounded sediment fences were carried out and/or installed immediately after the wildfire on seven burnt slopes. Micro-scale runoff plots results under natural rainfall conditions were also compared to the RSE’s results, which was useful for assessing the representativeness of the data obtained with artificial rainfall. The results showed comparable runoff coefficient (20-60%) but lower sediment losses (125-1000 g m-2) than prior studies in Portugal, but especially outside Portugal. Lower sediment losses were related with the historic intensive land use in the area. In evaluating these losses, however, the shallowness and stoniness of the soils, as well as the high organic matter fraction of the eroded sediments (50%) must not be overlooked. Sediment limited erosion was measured in all the ploughed sites, probably due to the time since ploughing (several years). The disturbance of the soil surface cover due to post-fire logging and wood extraction substantially increased sediment losses at both the pine and eucalypt sites. Hydromulch effectiveness in reducing the runoff (70%) and sediment losses (83%) was attributed to the protective high coverage provided by hydromulch. The hydromulch significantly affected the soil cover and other soil properties and these changes also reduced the soil erosion risk. The rainfall amount was the main factor explaining the variance in runoff. However, a shift from rainfall amount to rainfall intensity was detected when either the surface cover or the infiltration capacity (hydrophilic conditions) increased. Sediment losses were controlled by rainfall intensity and surface cover. The role of soil water repellency on runoff generation was not consistent; the overall repellency levels alone were not enough to assess its hydrological impact. Soil water repellency explained runoff generation in the specific-sites model better than in the overall model. Additionally, soil moisture content was a better predictor for soil water repellency than antecedent rainfall. The natural rainfall results confirmed that RSE’s were able to capture the specific sediment losses and its organic matter content as well as the differences between the ploughed and unploughed sites. Repeated RSE’s also captured the seasonal variations in runoff and sediment losses attributed to soil water repellency. These results have implications for post-fire soil erosion modelling and soil conservation practices in the region, or areas with the same land use, climate and soil characteristics. The measured sediment loss, as well as the increasing frequency of ploughing in recently burnt and unburnt eucalypt stands, suggests ploughing is not an effective as a soil conservation measure. Logging activities with less impact are recommended in order to maintain the forest litter protecting the soil surface. Due to its high effectiveness in reducing runoff and soil erosion, hydromulch is recommended for highly sensitive and vulnerable areas.
Forest fires implications in overland flow and soil erosion have been researched for several years. Therefore, is widely known that fires enhance hydrological and geomorphological activity worldwide as also in Mediterranean areas. Soil burn severity has been widely used to describe the impacts of fire on soils, and has being recognized as a decisive factor controlling post-fire erosion rates. However, there is no unique definition of the term and the relationship between soil burn severity and post-fire hydrological and erosion response has not yet been fully established. Few studies have assessed post-fire erosion over multiple years, and the authors are aware of none which assess runoff. Small amount of studies concerning pre-fire management practices were also found. In the case of soil erosion models, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and the revised Morgan–Morgan–Finney (MMF) are well-known models, but not much information is available as regards their suitability in predicting post-fire soil erosion in forest soils. The lack of information is even more pronounced as regards post-fire rehabilitation treatments. The aim of the thesis was to perform an extensive research under the post fire hydrologic and erosive response subject. By understanding the effect of burn severity in ecosystems and its implications regarding post fire hydrological and erosive responses worldwide. Test the effect of different pre-fire land management practices (unplowed, downslope plowed and contour plowed) and time-since-fire, in the post fire hydrological and erosive response, between the two most common land uses in Portugal (pine and eucalypt). Assess the performance of two widely-known erosion models (RUSLE and Revised MMF), to predict soil erosion rates during first year following two wildfires of distinctive burn severity. Furthermore, to apply these two models considering different post-fire rehabilitation treatments in an area severely affected by fire. Improve model estimations of post-fire runoff and erosion rates in two different land uses (pine and eucalypt) using the revised MMF. To assess these improvements by comparing estimations and measurements of runoff and erosion, in two recently burned sites, as also with their post fire rehabilitation treatments. Model modifications involved: (1) focusing on intra-annual changes in parameters to incorporate seasonal differences in runoff and erosion; and (2) inclusion of soil water repellency in runoff predictions. Additionally, validate these improvements with the application of the model to other pine and eucalypt sites in Central Portugal. The review and meta-analysis showed that fire occurrence had a significant effect on the hydrological and erosive response. However, this effect was only significantly higher with increasing soil burn severity for inter-rill erosion, and not for runoff. This study furthermore highlighted the incoherencies between existing burn severity classifications, and proposed an unambiguous classification. In the case of the erosion plots with natural rainfall, land use factor affected annual runoff while land management affected both annual runoff and erosion amounts significantly. Time-since-fire had an important effect in erosion amounts among unplowed sites, while for eucalypt sites time affected both annual runoff and erosion amounts. At all studied sites runoff coefficients increase over the four years of monitoring. In the other hand, sediment concentration in the runoff, recorded a decrease during the same period. Reasons for divergence from the classic post-fire recovery model were also explored. Short fire recurrence intervals and forest management practices are viewed as the main reasons for the observed severe and continuing soil degradation. The revised MMF model presented reasonable accuracy in the predictions while the RUSLE clearly overestimated the observed erosion rates. After improvements: the revised model was able to predict first-year post-fire plot-scale runoff and erosion rates for both forest types, these predictions were improved both by the seasonal changes in the model parameters; and by considering the effect of soil water repellency on the runoff, individual seasonal predictions were considered accurate, and the inclusion of the soil water repellency in the model also improved the model at this base. The revised MMF model proved capable of providing a simple set of criteria for management decisions about runoff and erosion mitigation measures in burned areas. The erosion predictions at the validation sites attested both to the robustness of the model and of the calibration parameters, suggesting a potential wider application.
São apresentados os resultados de pesquisa que quantificaram a precipitação efetiva e a interceptação das chuvas pelo dossel da floresta secundária de Mata Atlântica na microbacia experimental B, do Laboratório de Hidrologia Florestal Walter Emmerich, em Cunha-SP. No período de um ano foram medidos a precipitação no aberto, a precipitação interna e o escoamento pelo tronco das árvores, totalizando 54 coletas. Um pluviômetro em área aberta e 16 no interior da floresta foram utilizados para quantificação dos dois primeiros processos, respectivamente. Para determinação do escoamento pelo tronco foram instalados dispositivos de espuma de poliuretano em 38 árvores. A água interceptada foi estimada pela diferença entre a precipitação no aberto e a precipitação efetiva. Concluiu-se que, em média, 18,6% da precipitação foi interceptada pela floresta, retornando à atmosfera na forma de vapor. Um montante de 81,2% alcançou o piso como precipitação interna e apenas 0,2% como escoamento pelo tronco. Os fluxos de precipitação interna e escoamento pelo tronco foram maiores no período caracterizado como chuvoso. Os porcentuais de interceptação foram superiores no período pouco chuvoso.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial e Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área VI - Direito Agrário e Política Fundiária.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área IV - Finanças Públicas.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Ordenamento Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Este trabalho tem por finalidade analisar como se deu o processo de discussão e votação, no âmbito da Câmara dos Deputados - CD, como casa iniciadora, do PL nº 1.876, de 1999, e seus apensos, que alterou a Lei nº 4771 de 1965. Com esse objetivo, foi desenvolvida análise quantitativa das notas taquigráficas produzidas a partir de Audiências Públicas, realizadas pela Comissão Especial do Código Florestal, e das notas taquigráficas da Sessão da CD do dia 25 de maio de 2011, que aprovou o referido Projeto de Lei. No primeiro capítulo, serão abordados os pressupostos metodológicos desse trabalho. O segundo capítulo será reservado ao estudo sobre a conservação da biodiversidade e, no terceiro capítulo, será feito uma breve análise sobre a evolução dos institutos da Reserva Legal e da Área de Preservação Permanente na legislação florestal brasileira. As conclusões que se pretende extrair desse estudo são que não foi assegurada, nas Audiências Públicas realizadas pela Comissão Especial do Código Florestal, a equidade na participação da sociedade; que, a partir dos dados coletados, os participantes eram a favor de se modificar as regras relativas às APP(s) e à Reserva Legal; e que argumentos importantes, apresentados durante as discussões, não foram contemplados na Redação Final aprovada pela CD.