44 resultados para Heckscher-Ohlin
The fragmentation of production chains across borders is one of the most distinctive feature of the last 30 years of globalization. Nonetheless, our understanding of its implications for trade theory and policy is only in its infancy. We suggest that trade in value added should follow theories of comparative advantage more closely than gross trade, as value-added flows capture where factors of production, e.g. skilled and unskilled labor, are used along the global value chain. We find empirical evidence that Heckscher-Ohlin theory does predict manufacturing trade in value-added, and it does so better than for gross shipment flows. While countries exports across a broad range of sectors, they contribute more value-added in techniques using their abundant factor intensively.
The Import Substitution Process in Latin Amer ica was an attempt to enhance GDP growth and productivity by rising trade barriers upon capital-intensive products. Our main goal is to analyze how an increase in import tariff on a particular type of good affects the production choices and trade pattern of an economy. We develop an extension of the dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model – a combination of a static two goods, two-factor Heckscher-Ohlin model and a two-sector growth model – allowing for import tariff. We then calibrate the closed economy model to the US. The results show that the economy will produce less of both consumption and investment goods under autarky for low and high levels of capital stock per worker. We also find that total GDP may be lower under free trade in comparison to autarky.
Recent changes in comparative advantage in the largest OECD economies differ significantly from the predictions of Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek theory. Japan's rising share of OECD machinery exports and the improvement in the comparative advantage of the USA and Germany in heavy industry were accompanied by growing scarcities of the factors used intensively in the favored sector of each country. Here we examine Acemoglu's (1998, 2002) hypothesis that technical change may be directed toward raising the marginal productivity of abundant factors. Testing this hypothesis with 1970-1992 export data from 14 OECD countries, we find evidence that international comparative advantage was reshaped by innovation biased toward the abundant factors in the largest economies.
Las estrategias tendientes a la diversificación de los mercados de exportación e internacionalización de la economía por parte del gobierno colombiano y sus políticas gubernamentales han incluido la firma de una serie de Tratados de Libre Comercio, entre ellos el TLC de última generación firmado con El Estado de Israel. Estos tratados además de abordar temas tradicionales de comercio, tratan nuevos capítulos en inversiones y servicios. Así mismo se analizan las principales políticas por parte del gobierno de Israel para la competitividad en términos empresariales y sociales. Más adelante se consideran aspectos generales de la economía colombiana y se analiza la relación comercial bilateral entre el Estado de Israel y la República de Colombia para entender su comportamiento histórico y el ambiente actual. Finalmente se hace un énfasis en el sector agrícola de Israel y sus aspectos que lo han dirigido al éxito, una observación corta del sector en Colombia y luego aspectos adicionales para a facilitación del comercio con Israel. El estudio va dirigido a empresarios, compañías o entes públicos a nivel local e internacional que vean en el sector agrícola colombiano una oportunidad de desarrollo, aprovechando los beneficios de comercio y conocimiento, con el objetivo de mejorar la competitividad y productividad del sector en Colombia. Se utilizan metodologías tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas para la investigación y análisis de caso tomando la información correspondiente de fuentes verídicas e independientes para así poder reseñar y describir las oportunidades y retos del sector agrícola.
Based on the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek model, this paper investigates relative factor abundance in Brazil, as revealed by its international trade. We study two different time periods: one characterized by high trade barriers (1980 to 1985) and the trade liberalization period (1990 to 1995). Two alternative methodologies are used: the estimation of factor intensity regressions on net exports and the direct computation of factor content in net exports. In the factor intensity regression, we incorporate technological changes that might have occurred over time, and those turned out to be significant. Both methods yield the same results: the Brazilian international trade reveals relative abundance in capital, land and unskilled labor, and scarcity in skilled labor, with qualitatively equivalent results for the two time periods studied.
We develop and calibrate a model where differences in factor endowments lead countries to trade intermediate goods, and gains from trade reflect in total factor productivity. We perform several output and growth decompositions, to assess the impact that barriers to trade, as well as changes in terms of trade, have on measured TFP. We find that for very poor economies gains from trade are large, in some cases representing a doubling of GDP. Also, that an improvement in the terms of trade - by allowing the use of a better mix of intermediate inputs in the production process - translates into productivity growth.
Rio de Janeiro
This paper argues that trade specialization played an indispensable role in supporting the Industrial Revolution, allowing the economy to shift resources to the manufacture without facing food and raw materials shortage. In our arti cial economy, there are two sectors agriculture and manufacture and the economy is initially closed and under a Malthusian trap. In this economy the industrial revolution entails a transition towards a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin economy. The model reproduces the main stylized facts of the transition to modern growth and globalization. We show that two-sectors closed-economy models cannot explain the fall in the value of land relative to wages observed in the 19th century and that the transition in this case is much longer than that observed allowing for trade.
In spite of Latin America s dismal economic performance between the 1950s and 1980s, the region experienced strong capital deepening. Furthermore, pro- ductivity (measured as TFP) grew at low rates in comparison with the U.S. In this paper, we suggest that all these facts can be explained as a consequence of the restrictive trade regime adopted at that time. Our analytical framework is based on a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model, with scale economies in the capital- intensive sector. We assume an economy that is initially open and specialized in the production of labor-intensive goods. The trade regime is modeled as a move to a closed economy. The model produces results consistent with the Latin American experience. Speci cally, for a su¢ ciently small country, there will be no long-run growth in income per capita, but capital per capita will increase. As a result, measured TFP will fall.
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Neste trabalho será analisado o comércio bilateral Brasil-China com embasamento teórico das vantagens comparativas (modelos ricardianos), do modelo de dotação de fatores “Heckscher-Ohlin” e do Modelo de Comércio Gravitacional. Tais conceitos serão corroborados por testes empíricos, utilizando-se a equação gravitacional simples e dois Indicadores de Comércio (IVCR e IOR), do ano de 1995 até 2005, demonstrando-se que o Brasil apresenta vantagens comparativas no comércio de soja com a China
This paper examines the extent to which electricity supply constraints could affect sectoral specialization. For this purpose, an empirical trade model is estimated from 1990-2008 panel data on 15 OECD countries and 12 manufacturing sectors. We find that along with Ricardian technological differences and Heckscher-Ohlin factor-endowment differences, productivity-adjusted electricity capacity drives sectoral specialization in several sectors. Among them, electrical equipment, transport equipment, machinery, chemicals, and paper products will see lower output shares as a result of decreases in productivity-adjusted electricity capacity. Furthermore, our dynamic panel estimation reveals that the effects of Ricardian technological differences dominate in the short-run, and factor endowment differences and productivity-adjusted electricity capacity tend to have a significant effect in only the long-run.
el punto central de esta investigación será identificar las principales fortalezas y oportunidades de las empresas colombianas frente al Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, con miras al desarrollo de un proceso de exportación no tradicional e internacionalización, en los estados de Virginia y Washington. Para esto debemos primero reconocer las oportunidades que el mercado colombiano ha aprovechado en los estados de Virginia y Washington, segundo revisar si el tratado de libre comercio de Colombia con Estados unidos representa alguna amenaza o por el contrario oportunidades para nuestras empresas colombianas y por ultimo identificar ¿Qué herramientas necesitan nuestras empresas para aprovechar las oportunidades inherentes al TLC?
This paper analyzes the debate between Ohlin and Keynes on the question as to whether Germany was able to make the payments specified in the Dawes Plan. Keynes argued that Germany was able to collect the money but unable to transfer it to the victors because there existed an insurmountable “transfer problem”. Ohlin replied that such a “transfer problem” did not exist and, therefore, that Germany was able to make the payments stipulated by the Dawes Committee. This paper analyzes the positions of the two contenders and argues that the problems are not correctly delimited and that the theoretical bases of the contenders show serious deficiencies. It also brings to light some interesting theoretical and practical paradoxes that neither Keynes nor Ohlin dealt with.
La comprensión de los factores que interviene en la internacionalización de las Pymes en Colombia, conlleva toda una compleja estructura, fundamentación, estrategias, teorías, modelos y metodología organizacional, en el contexto dinámico del mundo comercial y financiero. Por consiguiente, se realizó un análisis de las teorías, modelos de internacionalización y de los factores que allí se reflejan y que interviene en el desarrollo de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, se comparó con las Pymes en Colombia y se apoyó en datos estadísticos de entidades gubernamentales y bases de datos.