13 resultados para Hairdressers
Objectives: To evaluate the genotoxic risk to hairdressers exposed daily to chemical substances such as hair dyes, waving and straightening preparations and manicurists` products by the Comet assay test (single-cell gel electrophoresis). Methods: The Comet assay was performed on blood samples from 69 female hairdressers (36.4 +/- 10.7 years old) currently employed in 21 different beauty institutes in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and on 55 female control blood donors (32.6 +/- 10.0 years old) from the Sao Paulo University Clinical Hospital blood bank. All the control subjects had occupations other than hairdresser. Comet assays were performed by evaluating 100 blood lymphocytes per individual and graded by visual score according to comet tail length. Results: The hairdressers showed a higher frequency of DNA damage revealed by Comet Score (159.8 +/- 71) when compared to the control group (125.4 +/- 64.1), and the difference was statistically significant by the Student`s t-test (P = 0.005). Multiple regression analysis showed that in addition to the hairdressers` profession, tobacco use contributed to the higher frequency of cells with comets (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The observed DNA damage could be associated with the hairdressers` occupational environment, where different chemicals are chronically manipulated and inhaled. Considering that this profession in many countries, including Brazil, is not officially regulated, more attention should focus on these professionals not only by legislative bodies but also by multidisciplinary teams able to develop and implement risk prevention and control strategies for chemical, physical and biological agents to which hairdressers are exposed.
Background There are occupational risks inherent to the activities of professional hairdressers, which are not frequently studied, and therefore not considered in the formulation of health policies for this group. Aims To verify the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs) in hairdressers through symptom reports, to characterize the most frequently affected anatomical parts and to identify and analyse risk factors of WRMDs in hairdressing. Methods A cross-sectional epidemiological study of 220 hairdressers from beauty parlours in Sao Paulo (Brazil) was carried out. Each hairdresser completed a self-administered questionnaire which included information on socio-demographic characteristics, working conditions and health-related musculoskeletal system complaints. Ergonomic analyses were also performed in six parlours. Results The prevalence of WRMDs was 71%. Risk factors were associated with psychosocial factors and factors related to discomfort and work fatigue such as lack of acknowledgement of work and uncomfortable posture at work [odds ratio (OR) = 3.54; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.51-8.30], not feeling comfortable with body/neck/shoulders while working (OR = 2.78; 95% CI 1.40-5.54) and having > 15 years of professional activity (OR = 3.04; 95% CI 1.17-7.91). Conclusion Occupational risk factors associated with the development of WRMDs in hairdressers are related to biomechanical, organizational and psychosocial work factors. The high prevalence of WRMDs found highlights the importance of disseminating recommendations for prevention of symptoms with regards to the provision of suitable furniture, equipment and work tools, environmental conditions, size of workplace, work organization and psychosocial work factors.
OBJECTIVE: Occupational leg symptoms are highly prevalent in the general population and impair the psychic state of health. We investigated hairdressers, a cohort exposed to prolonged standing during work, in a randomized crossover trial. We hypothesized that hairdressers wearing low-strength compression hosiery would benefit from less leg volume increase and discomfort. METHODS: One hundred and eight hairdressers were randomized to wear medical compression stockings (MCS; 15-20 mmHg) in a crossover study. The effect of MCS on symptoms and on lower leg volume was compared with no compression treatment. Symptoms were assessed with a comprehensive questionnaire, categorized using factor analysis with varimax rotation and correlated with leg volume changes. RESULTS: Wearing MCS reduced the symptom score for pain and feelings of swelling (range 0-4) by an average of 0.22 (12%, P < 0.001). Sleep disturbance, feeling of unattractive legs and depressiveness improved with MCS compared with no MCS. Subjects initially obliged to refrain from wearing stockings showed a significant decrease of pain and feelings of swelling as well (by 0.10 [6%], P = 0.015). Wearing MCS was associated with a decrease of lower leg volume by an average of 19 mL (P < 0.001), with preference in older hairdressers (P < 0.001). The effects of wearing MCS on symptoms and on leg volume were not correlated with each other. CONCLUSIONS: Individuals working in a standing profession experience leg pain, feelings of swelling, heaviness and various other disturbing feelings. These symptoms can be alleviated by wearing low-strength MCS.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The object of this study was to compare the protective action of a new barrier cream (Excipial Protect, Spirig Pharma AG, Egerkingen, Switzerland) to its vehicle in the context of hand irritation of apprentice hairdressers caused by repeated shampooing and exposure to hair-care products. This was a double-blind cross-over comparing Excipial Protect (containing aluminium chlorohydrate 5% as active ingredient) against its vehicle alone. The efficacy of the creams was evaluated taking into account: (1) clinical scores by researchers, (2) biometric measurements, (3) subjective opinions of the subjects. An analysis of variance was performed considering order of application, degree of atopy, and reported number of shampoos. We observed very little difference in efficacy between the protective cream and its vehicle. The presence, however, of aluminium chlorhydrate in the protective cream was shown to have a positive effect against work-related irritation. The cosmetic qualities of the creams seemed, to the participants, to be as important as their real protective and hydrating properties, an important factor in compliance issues.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin onko mentorointia Sokos Hyvä Olo -kampaamoissa. Kuinka mentorointi näkyy tai ilmenee? Onko mentoroinnista hyötyä Sokos Hyvä Olo -kampaamon työntekijöiden omasta mielestä? Tutkimus tehtiin Sokoksen omassa omistuksessa oleviin Hyvä Olo -kampaamoihin. Näitä kampaamoja on Suomessa yhteensä kuusi kappaletta. Tutkimus toteutettiin postikyselynä. Tutkimuslomakkeita lähetettiin yhteensä 57 kappaletta. Lomakkeet lähetettiin tutkimuksen koko perusjoukolle. Tutkimukseen vastasi 13 henkilöä eli vastausprosentti oli 33 %. Tutkimuksen vastaukset tulivat kahdesta eri toimipisteestä. Analysointi tapahtui toimipisteittäin, ja lopuksi kaikista tutkimuksen vastauksista tehtiin yhteenveto. Tuloksista oli havaittavissa, että mentorointia ei ole Sokos Hyvä Olo -kampaamoissa. Tutkimuksesta kävi myös ilmi, että työntekijät eivät erityisesti myöskään kaipaa mentoria. Viidelle henkilölle vastanneista voisi olla apua mentorointisuhteesta, sillä nämä henkilöt ovat ammatilliselta kokemukseltaan nuoria parturi-kampaajia, jotka kaipaavat enemmän ohjausta työhönsä kuin pidempään ammatissa toimineet henkilöt.
Este artículo pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura vigente acerca del asma ocupacional secundaria a la exposición de los factores de riesgo identificados en peluquería. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed y Cochrane de artículos de revistas indexadas con las palabras claves “Asthma occupational, hairdressers, hairdresser, work related asthma”. Aplicando los criterios de selección descritos, se revisaron 26 artículos en total donde se incluían reportes de casos, estudios de prevalencia, incidencia, corte transversa y revisiones, abarcando principalmente los temas de epidemiologia, fisiopatología, diagnóstico y prevención. Se agruparon según la metodología PRISMA para su respectiva comparación. Se concluyó que a pesar de la importancia de esta patología en el sector de peluquería, existen factores asociados como la informalidad del sector, la falta de estudios de investigación originales de cohorte o el desconocimiento de un protocolo claro de diagnóstico en este tipo de trabajadores, que limitan datos concluyentes acerca de la misma. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los autores concluye la relación entre la patología y la labor de peluquería, así falte esclarecer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos relacionados con los alérgenos identificados.
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), some hair dyes are considered mutagenic and carcinogenic in in vitro assays and exposed human populations. Epidemiological studies indicate that hairdressers occupationally exposed to hair dyes have a higher risk of developing bladder cancer. In Brazil, 26% of the adults use hair dye. In this study, we investigated the toxic effects of two hair dyes, Basic Red 51 (BR51) and Basic Brown 17 (BB17), which are temporary dyes of the azo group (R-N=N-R'), used in the composition of the black hair dye. To this end, MTT and trypan blue assays (cytotoxicity), comet and micronucleus assay (genotoxicity) were applied, with HepG2 cells. For cytotoxic assessment, dyes were tested in serial dilutions, being the highest concentrations those used in the commercial formula for hair dyes. For genotoxic assessment concentrations were selected according to cell viability. Results showed that both dyes induced significant cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in the cells, in concentrations much lower than those used in the commercial formula. Genotoxic effects could be related to the azo structure present in the composition of the dyes, which is known as mutagenic and carcinogenic. These results point to the hazard of the hair dye exposure to human health.
Background Leg edema is a common manifestation of various underlying pathologies. Reliable measurement tools are required to quantify edema and monitor therapeutic interventions. Aim of the present work was to investigate the reproducibility of optoelectronic leg volumetry over 3 weeks' time period and to eliminate daytime related within-individual variability. Methods Optoelectronic leg volumetry was performed in 63 hairdressers (mean age 45 ± 16 years, 85.7% female) in standing position twice within a minute for each leg and repeated after 3 weeks. Both lower leg (legBD) and whole limb (limbBF) volumetry were analysed. Reproducibility was expressed as analytical and within-individual coefficients of variance (CVA, CVW), and as intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Results A total of 492 leg volume measurements were analysed. Both legBD and limbBF volumetry were highly reproducible with CVA of 0.5% and 0.7%, respectively. Within-individual reproducibility of legBD and limbBF volumetry over a three weeks' period was high (CVW 1.3% for both; ICC 0.99 for both). At both visits, the second measurement revealed a significantly higher volume compared to the first measurement with a mean increase of 7.3 ml ± 14.1 (0.33% ± 0.58%) for legBD and 30.1 ml ± 48.5 ml (0.52% ± 0.79%) for limbBF volume. A significant linear correlation between absolute and relative leg volume differences and the difference of exact day time of measurement between the two study visits was found (P < .001). A therefore determined time-correction formula permitted further improvement of CVW. Conclusions Leg volume changes can be reliably assessed by optoelectronic leg volumetry at a single time point and over a 3 weeks' time period. However, volumetry results are biased by orthostatic and daytime-related volume changes. The bias for day-time related volume changes can be minimized by a time-correction formula.
Mode of access: Internet.
This thesis begins with a sociolinguistic correlational study of three phonetic variables - (h), (t) and (ing) - as used by four occupational groups - nurses, chefs, hairdressers and taxi-drivers. The groups were selected to incorporate three independent variables: sex (male-dominated versus female-dominated occupations); training (length and specialisation - nurses and chefs being more specialised than hairdressers and taxi-drivers) and location (the populations were selected from two cities - Liverpool and Birmingham). Although the correlational work demonstrates intra-sex and occupation consistency in speakers' choice of linguistic variants (females (particularly nurses) being significantly closer to the prestige norm), it is essentially non-explanatory and cannot accout for narrative dynamics and style shift. Therefore, an in-depth qualitative examination of the data (which draws mainly on Narrative and Discourse Analysis) forms the major part of the analysis. The study first analyses features common to all the narratives, direct speech, expressive phonology and linguistic ambiguity emerging as characteristic of all humorous storytelling. Secondly, three major sources of inter-personal variation are invetigated: narrator perspective, sex and occuptational role. Perspective is found to vary with topic and personality, greater narrator involvement coinciding with a higher proportion of internal evaluation devices. Sex differences include topic choice and bonding in the storytelling sessions. Sex differences are also evident in style shifting, where the narrator mimics the voice of a character in the narrative (aodpting segmental and/or prosodic tokens to signal a change of persona). The research finds that female narrators rarely employ segmental accommodation downwards on the social scale (whereas men do), but are on the other hand adept at using prosodic effects for mimicry. Taxi-drivers emerge as the group with the most distinctive narrative flair, a fact which is related to their occupation. The conclusion stresses a need for both quantitative and qualitative approaches to data; the importance of occupational role, as opposed to sex role per se in determining narrative conventions; the view of narrative as a negotiable entity, which is the product of relationships among participants; and the importance of considering the totality of the communicative act.
‘¡Porque ni putas, ni peluqueras, ni nada… somos ciudadanas!’. Se pregunta por cómo se puede entender la ciudadanía desde las acciones comunitarias que llevaron a cabo un grupo de mujeres trans en la ciudad de Bogotá . Según informes nacionales y a nivel Latinoamérica son las mujeres trans pertenecientes al sector LGBT las que dijeron sentir, en mayor número, vulnerados sus derechos entorno a trabajo, salud y educación en la capital del país en comparación a la población LGB. La causa de tal vulneración pareció coincidir con su identidad de género, por ejemplo, al no poder encontrar trabajo por las expresiones de género que utilizaban. Por ende era necesario abordar cómo se entiende la ciudadanía desde corporalidades que no han tenido un óptimo acceso a la ciudad teniendo como referencia sus experiencias personales. Siendo el tránsito un proceso que se hace a lo largo del tiempo.