981 resultados para Grades de distorção


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo parte das observações e análises realizadas em classes de aceleração do Projeto Acelerar para Vencer (PAV- 2009/2012), desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Educação de Minas Gerais, tendo a discussão sobre o fracasso escolar e a distorção idade-série como centrais dentro das políticas adotadas. A pesquisa busca ampliar nosso entendimento quanto à relação entre escola e expectativas individuais, levando-nos a refletir para além do direito à educação. Dentre as reflexões, destacamos: desigualdade de oportunidades, relações de poder dentro de um sistema que, de forma hegemônica, se mantém estável, mas desestabiliza vidas ao negar às camadas desprivilegiadas direitos básicos: acesso à alfabetização na idade certa, à leitura, ao conhecimento escolar e a uma educação atraente e de qualidade que atenda às necessidades dos sujeitos de acordo com as realidades em que estão inseridos. Certos de que tais problemas perpassam questões políticas, econômicas e sociais, pretendemos ater-nos às diferenças existentes dentro do espaço escolar, o que nos leva a tentar desvendar, - no sentido de não apenas repetir, mas também compreender -, as causas que levam à distorção idade-série e à sua inserção, ou disfarce, no processo de universalização do ensino, chegando à forma como a escola e seus agentes percebem as diferenças e lidam com ela. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, recorremos à pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, buscando subsídios em autores que discutem fracasso escolar, distorção idade-série, teoria curricular, mecanismos de exclusão social e respeito às diferenças culturais. Nesse sentido, concluímos que compreender as funcionalidades sociais da escola implica arregimentar, ou fazer coexistir, em um mesmo viés de observação, elementos interdependentes: política, escola, demandas sociais e cultura. Reconhecemos que tais elementos são imprescindíveis para pensarmos os sujeitos e suas distinções, a cultura e suas representações, o poder e as hegemonias presentes em todas as instâncias da vida escolar, transitando por uma via de mão dupla que envolve a enunciação das diferenças e seus atores: Secretaria de Educação, instituição pesquisada, gestão escolar, professores, alunos e responsáveis


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Considerações básicas: A amostragem; A confecção de grades; O produto. Esquema do processo do modelo numérico de terreno do Spring.


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Background: To date, there is limited research examining sleep patterns in elementary school children. Previous researchers focused on parental responses rather than student responses to determine factors that affect sleep. The presented study surveyed sleep patterns and examined external factors affecting total sleep time among elementary school children and adolescents. Methods: Students in grades 2-5 (n=885) and grade 10 (n=190) enrolled in a public school system in the Northeast, completed a district administered survey that included questions on sleep duration and hygiene. Results. Average reported sleep duration decreased with increasing grade level. Children in grades 2-5 woke up earlier (31.7-72.4%) and on their own in comparison to adolescents in grade 10 (6.8%). Significantly shorter sleep durations were associated with having a television (grades 2, 4, 5, p< 0.01) or a cell phone in the room (grades 3, 4; p < 0.05), playing on the computer or video games (grades 3, 4, p<.001) before going to bed. In contrast, students in grade 2, 3, & 4 who reported reading a book before going to bed slept on average 21 minutes more per night (p=.029, .007, .009, respectively). For tenth graders, only consumption of energy drinks led to significant reduction in sleep duration (p<.0001). Conclusion. Sleep is a fundamental aspect in maintaining a healthy and adequate life style. Understanding sleep patterns will assist parents, health care providers, and educators in promoting quality sleep hygiene in school-aged children.


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Math-Towers (www.math-towers.ca) is an online resource for students in grades 6 to 10 that supports collaborative problem-solving and investigations. This paper presents the philosophical position motivating the development of Math-Towers and describes how the site presents and motivates the mathematical challenges and supports participants' exploration and collaboration.


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In this paper we analyze the partial grades – of continuous assessment activities including the final exam – and the final grades – computed as a weighted average of partial grades – for nine subjects taught in the third year of Business Administration Degree. On one hand, results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the grades of continuous assessment activities (excluded the final exam) and final exam in seven subjects. On the other hand, overall we find that students’ grades in continuous assessment activities (excluded the final exam) help in the improvement of their final grades (i.e., students’ final grades exceed the grades that they would obtain by only taking into account their final exam grades). The results are consistent when the analysis is carried out over each subject area as well as over the grades of the students who registered for the nine subjects.


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This study examined the previously unexplored occupational grade-specific relationships of domestic responsibilities, the age of children, and work-family spillover, with registered sickness absence (>3 days' sick leave episodes, a mean follow-up of 17 months; n = 18,366 municipal employees; 76% women). The results showed that negative spillover from work into family life predicted a heightened rate of sickness absence spells among both women and men in all occupational categories (except upper white-collar men), but especially among blue-collar and lower white-collar employees. Furthermore, among all white-collar employees (except upper white-collar men), having young children (


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A novel online resource has been developed to aid OSCE examiner training comprising a series of videos of OSCE performances that allow inter-examiner comparison of global grade decisions.

To evaluate this training resource in terms of usefulness and ability to improve examiner confidence in awarding global grades in OSCEs.

Data collected from the first 200 users included global grades awarded, willingness to change grades following peer comparison and confidence in awarding grades before and after training.

Most (86.5%) agreed that the resource was useful in developing global grade scoring ability in OSCEs, with a significant improvement in confidence in awarding grades after using the training package (p<0.001).

This is a useful and effective online training package. As an adjunct to traditional training it offers a practical solution to the problem of availability of examiners.


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Many concerns have been expressed that students’ basic mathematical skills have deteriorated during the 1990s and there has been disquiet that current A-level grading does not distinguish adequately between the more able students. This study reports the author’s experiences of teaching maths to large classes of first-year engineering students and aims to enhance understanding of levels of mathematical competence in more recent years. Over the last four years, the classes have consisted of a very large proportion of highly qualified students – about 91% of them had at least grade B in A-level Mathematics. With a small group of students having followed a non-traditional route to university (no A-level maths) and another group having benefitted through taking A-level Further Mathematics at school, the classes have contained a very wide range of mathematical backgrounds. Despite the introductory maths course at university involving mainly repetition of A-level material, students’ marks were spread over a very wide range – for example, A-level Mathematics grade B students have scored across the range 16 – 97%. Analytical integration is the topic which produced the largest variation in performance across the class but, in contrast, the A-level students generally performed well in differentiation. Initial analysis suggests some stability in recent years in the mathematical proficiency of students with a particular A-level Mathematics grade. Allowing choice of applied maths modules as part of the A-level maths qualification increases the variety of students’ mathematical backgrounds and their selection from mechanics, statistics or decision maths is not clear from the final qualification.