961 resultados para GesPública Program


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Este estudo busca elaborar um sistema de avaliação do Programa Netuno de gestão da Marinha do Brasil, com base na literatura existente sobre o assunto. A pesquisa bibliográfica tem início com as origens da Administração Pública Brasileira, passa pelas teorias influentes e analisa os instrumentos da administração gerencial que podem ser utilizados. Em seguida são apresentados os Programas GesPública do Governo Federal e Netuno da Marinha do Brasil e características da cultura organizacional militar que podem representar resistências ao processo de modernização da gestão. Também são descritos aspectos da avaliação de programas públicos e da teoria institucional que podem ser utilizados em processos de implementação de programas de gestão. Posteriormente, foram realizadas pesquisas em seis organizações que foram premiadas pelo Prêmio Qualidade do Governo Federal ao implementar o Programa GesPública. Com os dados levantados, foi elaborado um sistema de avaliação do Programa Netuno. Este, ao ser aplicado, identifica as resistências culturais existentes, verifica o cumprimento dos objetivos e identifica medidas para o aprimoramento da gestão nas organizações.


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Este estudo busca identificar os fatores que contribuem para a motivação dos indivíduos nas organizações da Marinha do Brasil e quais fatores gerenciais podem contribuir para os métodos utilizados pelo Programa Netuno nas Organizações Militares da Marinha do Brasil. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada com base na literatura existente sobre o assunto e seguiu, primeiramente, uma linha histórica da procura por um Estado mais eficiente até o momento da criação dos Programas GesPública do Governo Federal e Programa Netuno da Marinha do Brasil. Foi estudado como a Motivação e a Liderança são tratadas dentro destes programas de gestão, seguindo-se uma análise de algumas das principais teorias motivacionais de processo e conteúdo: Teoria Motivacional de Abraham H. Maslow; Teoria X e Y de Douglas McGregor; Teoria de Herzberg de Dois Fatores; Teoria das Necessidades Adquiridas de McClelland; Teoria ERG de Alderfer; Teoria da Equidade de Stacy Adams; Teoria da Modificação do Comportamento Organizacional (ModCO) de Luthans e Kreitner; e Teoria da Expectância de Vroom. Além destas, foram analisadas teorias da motivação no setor público, em especial a de James Perry. Também são descritos aspectos que contextualizam as Forças Armadas no cenário mundial e o seu desdobramento na motivação do pessoal, a fim de analisar os diversos fatores que influenciam a motivação no pessoal da Marinha do Brasil, desenvolvendo-se um quadro de correlação destes fatores com os reflexos do desempenho.


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Este trabalho lida com a transposição do Programa de Excelência Gerencial GesPública para o ambiente militar na Marinha do Brasil. O GesPública é direcionado à Administração Pública Brasileira e Programa Netuno foi o nome adotado pela Marinha do Brasil para operacionalizar os fundamentos do GesPública. O Programa Netuno foi planejado para ser aplicado em todas as esferas de trabalho da Marinha do Brasil. De fato, os seus fundamentos são os mesmos do GesPública e esperam ser úteis em uma extensa área de aplicação, desde procedimentos burocráticos simples até operações militares, as quais são baseadas necessariamente na doutrina militar. Dessa forma, o Programa Netuno, com conceitos baseados no ambiente civil que fomentam uma horizontalização nas estruturas organizacionais, encontra-se com o meio militar, onde hierarquia e disciplina são princípios básicos. A partir daí, o estudo objetiva avaliar as contribuições que o Programa Netuno pode oferecer para a Marinha do Brasil. A literatura e documentos sobre a Marinha,doutrina militar, programas de Gestão da Qualidade Total e outros assuntos correlatos constituem o material de pesquisa. Será utilizada a metodologia de análise de conteúdo, com vistas a formar categorias de análise associadas à Marinha do Brasil e ao Programa Netuno. Essas categorias serão cotejadas a fim de que os objetivos da pesquisa sejam alcançados.


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The new management models have led to the reorganization of institutions today. Much is made in improving the delivery of public services entities, and they have sought to adopt these new initiatives in order to improve the quality of the product or service offered to users. The modernization of the management model at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) strengthened by the accession of the institution to GesPública Program, which focuses on the management modernization leading institutions to seek ways to fit to meet the demands proposed the Program. Therefore, the Department of Personnel Administration (DAP) has structured its processes and procedures using the mapping tool processes. This research starts from the question: what were the results obtained with the implementation of the management and process mapping of PAD? It is proposed as a general objective to analyze the management and the mapping of that Board processes, identifying the possible benefits in improving the quality of the services provided to users. The specific objectives to achieve results, are pointed out: describe how you carried out the implementation of the management and process mapping in DAP and how it is working at the moment; examine the line in the relationship between the actions developed by the DAP and modern theories of this theme; identify the evolution of the sector with the measures adopted and the results obtained with the implementation of the mapping tool. In the theoretical framework, it was approached a brief history of the evolution of public administration in Brazil, GesPública program and its importance for process management in public institutions as well as the Management and Process Mapping. The context of the study was the DAP, and participants were managers of the institution in the survey. Data collection was done through the study of the institution's documents, bibliography analysis available on the topic, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with professionals of the institution involved with the object of study, since its inception until July 2015, when it was finished the search. As a result, were listed: the motivation, importance, benefits and innovations that management and the mapping of processes brought to the institution, point out what has been improved in the service users and the tools used. We also analyze the main problems identified during the implementation of the mapping. As a suggestion, it was analyzed how these procedures can, if possible, be extended to other sectors of UFRN.


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The new management models have led to the reorganization of institutions today. Much is made in improving the delivery of public services entities, and they have sought to adopt these new initiatives in order to improve the quality of the product or service offered to users. The modernization of the management model at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) strengthened by the accession of the institution to GesPública Program, which focuses on the management modernization leading institutions to seek ways to fit to meet the demands proposed the Program. Therefore, the Department of Personnel Administration (DAP) has structured its processes and procedures using the mapping tool processes. This research starts from the question: what were the results obtained with the implementation of the management and process mapping of PAD? It is proposed as a general objective to analyze the management and the mapping of that Board processes, identifying the possible benefits in improving the quality of the services provided to users. The specific objectives to achieve results, are pointed out: describe how you carried out the implementation of the management and process mapping in DAP and how it is working at the moment; examine the line in the relationship between the actions developed by the DAP and modern theories of this theme; identify the evolution of the sector with the measures adopted and the results obtained with the implementation of the mapping tool. In the theoretical framework, it was approached a brief history of the evolution of public administration in Brazil, GesPública program and its importance for process management in public institutions as well as the Management and Process Mapping. The context of the study was the DAP, and participants were managers of the institution in the survey. Data collection was done through the study of the institution's documents, bibliography analysis available on the topic, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with professionals of the institution involved with the object of study, since its inception until July 2015, when it was finished the search. As a result, were listed: the motivation, importance, benefits and innovations that management and the mapping of processes brought to the institution, point out what has been improved in the service users and the tools used. We also analyze the main problems identified during the implementation of the mapping. As a suggestion, it was analyzed how these procedures can, if possible, be extended to other sectors of UFRN.


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This paper reports on the design, implementation and outcomes of a mentoring program involving 18 employees in the IT Division of WorkCover Queensland. The paper provides some background information to the development of the program and the design and implementation phases including recruitment and matching of participants, orientation and training, and the mentoring process including transition and/or termination. The paper also outlines the quantitative and qualitative evaluation processes that occurred and the outcomes of that evaluation. Results indicated a wealth of positive individual, mentoring, and organisational outcomes. The organisation and semi-structured processes provided in the program are considered as major contributing factors to the successful outcomes of the program. These outcomes are likely to have long-term benefits for the individuals involved, the IT Division, and the broader organisation