999 resultados para Germanium (Ge)


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We report a room temperature study of the direct band gap photoluminescence of tensile-strained Ge/Si0.13Ge0.87 multiple quantum wells grown on Si-based germanium virtual substrates by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition. Blueshifts of the luminescence peak energy from the Ge quantum wells in comparison with the Ge virtual substrate are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction when we attribute the luminescence from the quantum well to the c Gamma 1-HH1 direct band transition. The reduction in direct band gap in the tensile strained Ge epilayer and the quantum confinement effect in the Ge/Si0.13Ge0.87 quantum wells are directly demonstrated by room temperature photoluminescence.


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The catalytic role of germanium (Ge) was investigated to improve the electrochemical performance of tin dioxide grown on graphene (SnO(2)/G) nanocomposites as an anode material of lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Germanium dioxide (GeO(20) and SnO(2) nanoparticles (<10 nm) were uniformly anchored on the graphene sheets via a simple single-step hydrothermal method. The synthesized SnO(2)(GeO(2))0.13/G nanocomposites can deliver a capacity of 1200 mA h g(-1) at a current density of 100 mA g(-1), which is much higher than the traditional theoretical specific capacity of such nanocomposites (∼ 702 mA h g(-1)). More importantly, the SnO(2)(GeO(2))0.13/G nanocomposites exhibited an improved rate, large current capability (885 mA h g(-1) at a discharge current of 2000 mA g(-1)) and excellent long cycling stability (almost 100% retention after 600 cycles). The enhanced electrochemical performance was attributed to the catalytic effect of Ge, which enabled the reversible reaction of metals (Sn and Ge) to metals oxide (SnO(2) and GeO(2)) during the charge/discharge processes. Our demonstrated approach towards nanocomposite catalyst engineering opens new avenues for next-generation high-performance rechargeable Li-ion batteries anode materials.


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Paper-like free-standing germanium (Ge) and single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) composite anodes were synthesized by the vacuum filtration of Ge/SWCNT composites, which were prepared by a facile aqueous-based method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Electrochemical measurements demonstrate that the Ge/SWCNT composite paper anode with the weight percentage of 32% Ge delivered a specific discharge capacity of 417 mA h g-1 after 40 cycles at a current density of 25 mA g-1, 117% higher than the pure SWCNT paper anode. The SWCNTs not only function as a flexible mechanical support for strain release, but also provide excellent electrically conducting channels, while the nanosized Ge particles contribute to improving the discharge capacity of the paper anode.


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Germanium nanowires were grown on Au coated Si substrates at 380 degrees C in a high vacuum (5 x 10(-5) Torr) by e-beam evaporation of Germanium (Ge). The morphology observation by a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) shows that the grown nanowires are randomly oriented with an average length and diameter of 600 nm and 120 nm respectively for a deposition time of 60 min. The nanowire growth ratewas measured to be similar to 10 nm/min. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies revealed that the Ge nanowires were single crystalline in nature and further energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDAX) has shown that the tip of the grown nanowires was capped with Au nanoparticles, this shows that the growth of the Ge nanowires occurs by the vapour liquid solid (VLS) mechanism. HRTEM studies on the grown Ge nanowire show that they are single crystalline in nature and the growth direction was identified to be along [110]. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report experimental evidence of a remarkable spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in two-dimensional electron systems formed by atomically confined doping of phosphorus (P) atoms inside bulk crystalline silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge). Weak localization corrections to the conductivity and the universal conductance fluctuations were both found to decrease rapidly with decreasing doping in the Si: P and Ge: P delta layers, suggesting an effect driven by Coulomb interactions. In-plane magnetotransport measurements indicate the presence of intrinsic local spin fluctuations at low doping, providing a microscopic mechanism for spontaneous lifting of the time-reversal symmetry. Our experiments suggest the emergence of a new many-body quantum state when two-dimensional electrons are confined to narrow half-filled impurity bands.


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Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) of thick germanium (Ge) films (similar to 1 mu m) on silicon dioxide (SiO2) at low temperatures is described. A diborane pretreatment on SiO2 films is done to seed the Ge growth, followed by the deposition of thick Ge films using germane (GeH4) and argon (Ar). Further, the effect of hydrogen (H-2) dilution on the deposition rate is also investigated. The film thickness and morphology is characterized using SEM. Use of high RF power and substrate temperature show increased deposition rate. EDS analysis indicates that these films contain 97-98 atomic percentage of Ge. A recipe for anisotropic dry etching of the deposited Ge films with 10nm/ min etch rate is also suggested.


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Technology boosters, such as strain, HKMG and FinFET, have been introduced into semiconductor industry to extend Moore’s law beyond 130 nm technology nodes. New device structures and channel materials are highly demanded to keep performance enhancement when the device scales beyond 22 nm. In this work, the properties and feasibility of the proposed Junctionless transistor (JNT) have been evaluated for both Silicon and Germanium channels. The performance of Silicon JNTs with 22 nm gate length have been characterized at elevated temperature and stressed conditions. Furthermore, steep Subthreshold Slopes (SS) in JNT and IM devices are compared. It is observed that the floating body in JNT is relatively dynamic comparing with that in IM devices and proper design of the device structure may further reduce the VD for a sub- 60 mV/dec subthreshold slope. Diode configuration of the JNT has also been evaluated, which demonstrates the first diode without junctions. In order to extend JNT structure into the high mobility material Germanium (Ge), a full process has been develop for Ge JNT. Germanium-on-Insulator (GeOI) wafers were fabricated using Smart-Cut with low temperature direct wafer bonding method. Regarding the lithography and pattern transfer, a top-down process of sub-50-nm width Ge nanowires is developed in this chapter and Ge nanowires with 35 nm width and 50 nm depth are obtained. The oxidation behaviour of Ge by RTO has been investigated and high-k passivation scheme using thermally grown GeO2 has been developed. With all developed modules, JNT with Ge channels have been fabricated by the CMOScompatible top-down process. The transistors exhibit the lowest subthreshold slope to date for Ge JNT. The devices with a gate length of 3 μm exhibit a SS of 216 mV/dec with an ION/IOFF current ratio of 1.2×103 at VD = -1 V and DIBL of 87 mV/V.


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Silicon (Si) is the base material for electronic technologies and is emerging as a very attractive platform for photonic integrated circuits (PICs). PICs allow optical systems to be made more compact with higher performance than discrete optical components. Applications for PICs are in the area of fibre-optic communication, biomedical devices, photovoltaics and imaging. Germanium (Ge), due to its suitable bandgap for telecommunications and its compatibility with Si technology is preferred over III-V compounds as an integrated on-chip detector at near infrared wavelengths. There are two main approaches for Ge/Si integration: through epitaxial growth and through direct wafer bonding. The lattice mismatch of ~4.2% between Ge and Si is the main problem of the former technique which leads to a high density of dislocations while the bond strength and conductivity of the interface are the main challenges of the latter. Both result in trap states which are expected to play a critical role. Understanding the physics of the interface is a key contribution of this thesis. This thesis investigates Ge/Si diodes using these two methods. The effects of interface traps on the static and dynamic performance of Ge/Si avalanche photodetectors have been modelled for the first time. The thesis outlines the original process development and characterization of mesa diodes which were fabricated by transferring a ~700 nm thick layer of p-type Ge onto n-type Si using direct wafer bonding and layer exfoliation. The effects of low temperature annealing on the device performance and on the conductivity of the interface have been investigated. It is shown that the diode ideality factor and the series resistance of the device are reduced after annealing. The carrier transport mechanism is shown to be dominated by generation–recombination before annealing and by direct tunnelling in forward bias and band-to-band tunnelling in reverse bias after annealing. The thesis presents a novel technique to realise photodetectors where one of the substrates is thinned by chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) after bonding the Si-Ge wafers. Based on this technique, Ge/Si detectors with remarkably high responsivities, in excess of 3.5 A/W at 1.55 μm at −2 V, under surface normal illumination have been measured. By performing electrical and optical measurements at various temperatures, the carrier transport through the hetero-interface is analysed by monitoring the Ge band bending from which a detailed band structure of the Ge/Si interface is proposed for the first time. The above unity responsivity of the detectors was explained by light induced potential barrier lowering at the interface. To our knowledge this is the first report of light-gated responsivity for vertically illuminated Ge/Si photodiodes. The wafer bonding approach followed by layer exfoliation or by CMP is a low temperature wafer scale process. In principle, the technique could be extended to other materials such as Ge on GaAs, or Ge on SOI. The unique results reported here are compatible with surface normal illumination and are capable of being integrated with CMOS electronics and readout units in the form of 2D arrays of detectors. One potential future application is a low-cost Si process-compatible near infrared camera.


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This article describes feasible and improved ways towards enhanced nanowire growth kinetics by reducing the equilibrium solute concentration in the liquid collector phase in a vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) like growth model. Use of bi-metallic alloy seeds (AuxAg1-x) influences the germanium supersaturation for a faster nucleation and growth kinetics. Nanowire growth with ternary eutectic alloys shows Gibbs-Thompson effect with diameter dependent growth rate. In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) annealing experiments directly confirms the role of equilibrium concentration in nanowire growth kinetics and was used to correlate the equilibrium content of metastable alloys with the growth kinetics of Ge nanowires. The shape and geometry of the heterogeneous interfaces between the liquid eutectic and solid Ge nanowires were found to vary as a function of nanowire diameter and eutectic alloy composition.


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Germanium (Ge) does not grow a suitable oxide for MOS devices. The Ge/dielectric interface is of prime importance to the operation of photo-detectors and scaled MOSTs. Therefore there is a requirement for deposited or bonded dielectric materials. MOS capacitors have been formed on germanium substrates with three different dielectric materials. Firstly, a thermally grown and bonded silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer, secondly, SiO2 deposited by atmospheric pressure CVD ‘silox’, and thirdly a hafnium oxide (HfO2) high-k dielectric deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD). Ge wafers used were p-type 1 0 0 2 O cm. C–V measurements have been made on all three types of capacitors to assess the interface quality. ALD HfO2 and silox both display acceptable C–V characteristics. Threshold voltage and maximum and minimum capacitance values closely match expected values found through calculation. However, the bonded SiO2 has non-ideal C–V characteristics, revealing the presence of a high density of interface states. A H2/N2 post metal anneal has a detrimental effect on C–V characteristics of HfO2 and silox dielectrics, causing a shift in the threshold voltage and rise in the minimum capacitance value. In the case of hafnium dioxide, capacitor properties can be improved by performing a plasma nitridation of the Ge surface prior to dielectric deposition.


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The effect of flux angle, substrate temperature and deposition rate on obliquely deposited germanium (Ge) films has been investigated. By carrying out deposition with the vapor flux inclined at 87° to the substrate normal at substrate temperatures of 250°C or 300°C, it may be possible to obtain isolated Ge nanowires. The Ge nanowires are crystalline as shown by Raman Spectroscopy.


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As a result of both culture and sediment core studies, the ratio of germanium (Ge) to silicon (Si) in diatom shells has been proposed as a proxy for monitoring whole-ocean changes in seawater Ge/Si, a ratio affected by changes in continental weathering. However, because of the difficulties of extracting and cleaning diatom frustules from deep-sea sediments, only samples from highly pure diatom oozes in the Antarctic region have been previously analyzed. Here we present data on diatom Ge/Si ratios, (Ge/Si)opal, for the time interval between 3.1 and 1.9 Ma from a mid-latitude, coastal upwelling area where significant terrigenous sediment input complicated the sample processing and analyses. In general, our (Ge/Si)opal values show the same decreasing trend after 2.6 Ma than previously measured in Antarctic sediments (Shemesh et al., 1989. Paleoceanography 4, 221-231), but with a noisier background that may reflect the local imprint of proximal continental input superimposed upon global changes in the ocean reservoir. The time of initiation of large-scale North Hemisphere glaciation at ~2.6 Ma is characterized by a declining pattern of diatom Ge/Si ratios, which could have resulted from a global increase in the input of riverine Si due to enhanced silica weathering and/or equatorward (northward) intrusions of subantarctic waters enriched in silica. High (Ge/Si)opal ratios are associated with high opal contents from the same sediment samples and with warm climate as indicated by depleted benthic foraminiferal d18O values from the North and Equatorial Atlantic. Cold periods signified by enriched benthic d18O values, on the contrary, are associated with lower (Ge/Si)opal ratios. We interpret diatom Ge/Si values to reflect the prevailing weathering state on the continents, with greater chemical weathering during warm and wet periods of the Pliocene and less during cooler and drier intervals.


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Germanium (Ge) nanowires are of current research interest for high speed nanoelectronic devices due to the lower band gap and high carrier mobility compatible with high K-dielectrics and larger excitonic Bohr radius ensuing a more pronounced quantum confinement effect [1-6]. A general way for the growth of Ge nanowires is to use liquid or a solid growth promoters in a bottom-up approach which allow control of the aspect ratio, diameter, and structure of 1D crystals via external parameters, such as precursor feedstock, temperature, operating pressure, precursor flow rate etc [3, 7-11]. The Solid-phase seeding is preferred for more control processing of the nanomaterials and potential suppression of the unintentional incorporation of high dopant concentrations in semiconductor nanowires and unrequired compositional tailing of the seed-nanowire interface [2, 5, 9, 12]. There are therefore distinct features of the solid phase seeding mechanism that potentially offer opportunities for the controlled processing of nanomaterials with new physical properties. A superior control over the growth kinetics of nanowires could be achieved by controlling the inherent growth constraints instead of external parameters which always account for instrumental inaccuracy. The high dopant concentrations in semiconductor nanowires can result from unintentional incorporation of atoms from the metal seed material, as described for the Al catalyzed VLS growth of Si nanowires [13] which can in turn be depressed by solid-phase seeding. In addition, the creation of very sharp interfaces between group IV semiconductor segments has been achieved by solid seeds [14], whereas the traditionally used liquid Au particles often leads to compositional tailing of the interface [15] . Korgel et al. also described the superior size retention of metal seeds in a SFSS nanowire growth process, when compared to a SFLS process using Au colloids [12]. Here in this work we have used silver and alloy seed particle with different compositions to manipulate the growth of nanowires in sub-eutectic regime. The solid seeding approach also gives an opportunity to influence the crystallinity of the nanowires independent of the substrate. Taking advantage of the readily formation of stacking faults in metal nanoparticles, lamellar twins in nanowires could be formed.


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Germanium was of great interest in the 1950’s when it was used for the first transistor device. However, due to the water soluble and unstable oxide it was surpassed by silicon. Today, as device dimensions are shrinking the silicon oxide is no longer suitable due to gate leakage and other low-κ dielectrics such as Al2O3 and HfO2 are being used. Germanium (Ge) is a promising material to replace or integrate with silicon (Si) to continue the trend of Moore’s law. Germanium has better intrinsic mobilities than silicon and is also silicon fab compatible so it would be an ideal material choice to integrate into silicon-based technologies. The progression towards nanoelectronics requires a lot of in depth studies. Dynamic TEM studies allow observations of reactions to allow a better understanding of mechanisms and how an external stimulus may affect a material/structure. This thesis details in situ TEM experiments to investigate some essential processes for germanium nanowire (NW) integration into nanoelectronic devices; i.e. doping and Ohmic contact formation. Chapter 1 reviews recent advances in dynamic TEM studies on semiconductor (namely silicon and germanium) nanostructures. The areas included are nanowire/crystal growth, germanide/silicide formation, irradiation, electrical biasing, batteries and strain. Chapter 2 details the study of ion irradiation and the damage incurred in germanium nanowires. An experimental set-up is described to allow for concurrent observation in the TEM of a nanowire following sequential ion implantation steps. Grown nanowires were deposited on a FIB labelled SiN membrane grid which facilitated HRTEM imaging and facile navigation to a specific nanowire. Cross sections of irradiated nanowires were also performed to evaluate the damage across the nanowire diameter. Experiments were conducted at 30 kV and 5 kV ion energies to study the effect of beam energy on nanowires of varied diameters. The results on nanowires were also compared to the damage profile in bulk germanium with both 30 kV and 5 kV ion beam energies. Chapter 3 extends the work from chapter 2 whereby nanowires are annealed post ion irradiation. In situ thermal annealing experiments were conducted to observe the recrystallization of the nanowires. A method to promote solid phase epitaxial growth is investigated by irradiating only small areas of a nanowire to maintain a seed from which the epitaxial growth can initiate. It was also found that strain in the nanowire greatly effects defect formation and random nucleation and growth. To obtain full recovery of the crystal structure of a nanowire, a stable support which reduces strain in the nanowire is essential as well as containing a seed from which solid phase epitaxial growth can initiate. Chapter 4 details the study of nickel germanide formation in germanium nanostructures. Rows of EBL (electron beam lithography) defined Ni-capped germanium nanopillars were extracted in FIB cross sections and annealed in situ to observe the germanide formation. Chapter 5 summarizes the key conclusions of each chapter and discusses an outlook on the future of germanium nanowire studies to facilitate their future incorporation into nanodevices.