808 resultados para Gender-Studien
In January 2011 some fifty scholars from different parts of Europe met in Groningen, the Netherlands for an expert meeting entitled Gender in theology and religion: a success story?! to analyze the factors that contribute to the successful mainstreaming of gender in a theological discipline and to reflect on the future of gender studies in theology and religious studies. Different speakers highlighted the many successes of gender studies in theology and religious studies: its power to 'trouble' the disciplines and their heuristic categories; its contribution to the development of other disciplines such as queer studies and postcolonial studies; the many PhD studies produced; the number of significant publications that had appeared over the last years. All indicate that gender studies in theology and religious studies have matured. But the participants also pointed towards the ambiguity of the success of gender studies in the academy: the indeterminacy of the institutional position and positions of gender studies in the theological disciplines in seminaries, departments faculties and universities; the lack of male scholars’ engagement in gender studies, which is expressed by their absence in these studies and/or the low reception of gender studies publications in their disciplines. Both ambiguities represent a danger for the future of gender studies, according to the participants in the meeting. In order to further the success of gender in theology and religion they formulated the following recommendations: to analyze the position of these studies in their institutions from the perspective of the implied audience (church, academy, ordinary theologians); engage men in gender studies; embrace the cultural turn in religious studies; develop interdisciplinary cooperations with gender studies in the humanities; engage creatively with the changing role of religion in contemporary society; analyze whose perspective one follows and authorizes in the perception of theology, religious studies and gender studies themselves; record the history of women’s and gender studies in theology and religion, and honor and celebrate the successes.
The subject of this thesis is to examine gender roles in the novels Gilgi – eine von uns and Das kunstseidende Mädchen by Irmgard Keun. She was a successful female writer before the Nazi Party took control of Germany in 1933. The findings of this study indicate that Keun novels show a realistic picture of Germany’s men-dominated society in the early 1930s.
Utvecklingspartnerskapet Gender School har varit uppdelat i två huvuddelar. Den ena har utgjorts av en kartläggning och analys av s.k. Brytprojekt. Syftet var att ta tillvara erfarenheter, till exempel i fråga om använda metoder och vilka resultat som hade uppnåtts inom dessa projekt, för att sedan på bred front sprida resultaten. Den andra delen av Gender School har utgjorts av sex olika delprojekt som i olika avseenden har rört att utveckla metoder för ökad jämställdhet och minskad diskriminering i arbetslivet. Studien syftar till att beskriva och tolka de processer, resultat och erfarenheter som verksamheten inom partnerskapet Gender School har gett upphov till. Ambitionen är i första hand att resultatet skall vara kunskapsgenererande i betydelsen att erfarenheterna kan bidra till att öka kunskaperna och medvetenheten om de processer som bidrar till att skapa ojämställda och diskriminerande förhållanden i arbetslivet, d.v.s. att resultatet av de olika delprojekten kan blottlägga några av de mekanismer som bidrar till en segregerad arbetsmarknad. En annan ambition är att undersöka hur ett partnerskap arbetar och fungerar, d.v.s. vilka för- respektive nackdelar som är möjliga att utkristallisera från detta partnerskap.
Objective: Suicide attempts are important predictors of completed suicide. Adolescents admitted to the emergency room of a large university hospital in Bern after a suicide attempt during the years 2004-2010 were prospectively assessed for methods of suicide attempt. Method: Adolescents (N = 257; 66.5% female; age 14-21 years), presenting after a suicide attempt, were assessed with the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Parasuicide assessment tool. Results: Males more often used jumping from a high place (14% vs. 4.6% in females, p < .05) and less often intoxication (36% vs. 71.3%, p < .01). At least one previous suicide attempt was reported in 100 patients (44.4%; more females than males: Cramer-V = 0.21; p = .002). Of these, 35 adolescents did not present to this hospital or not at all for a previous suicide attempt. Conclusions: The present study is the first to examine methods of suicide attempts according to the ICD-10 X codes in this age group. Gender differences were observed. Because a relevant number of patients did not present to the same hospital or not at all for a previous suicide attempt, studies on pathways to care of adolescents after their first suicide attempt are important for early detection and intervention strategies.
Die Reihe „Figurationen des Anderen“ stellt bisher marginalisierte Themen aus dem Bereich der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft ins Zentrum. Sie dient der Erforschung neuer Gegenstände und der Entwicklung übergeordneter Fragestellungen, die von den eingeführten Disziplinen allein nicht be-ansprucht werden können. Zu diesen Gegenständen zählen Konstruktionen politischer, kultureller und poetischer Alterität, aber auch sich derzeit konsolidierende Ansätze wie beispielsweise die Forschungen zum literarischen Antisemitismus. In Abgrenzung zu soziologischen und historischen Schriftenreihen orientiert sich Figurationen des Anderen an der Frage, wie sich Repräsentations-weisen von Migration, Gender, kultureller Differenz, Postkolonialismus oder Xenophobie mit ästhetischen Verfahren verschränken.
Rezension von: Leonie Herwartz-Emden / Verena Schurt / Wiebke Waburg (Hrsg.): Mädchen in der Schule, Empirische Studien zu Heterogenität in monoedukativen und koedukativen Kontexten, Opladen: Barbara Budrich 2010 (289 S.; ISBN 978-3-8664-9139-7)
Knowing when to compete and when to cooperate to maximize opportunities for equal access to activities and materials in groups is critical to children's social and cognitive development. The present study examined the individual (gender, social competence) and contextual factors (gender context) that may determine why some children are more successful than others. One hundred and fifty-six children (M age=6.5 years) were divided into 39 groups of four and videotaped while engaged in a task that required them to cooperate in order to view cartoons. Children within all groups were unfamiliar to one another. Groups varied in gender composition (all girls, all boys, or mixed-sex) and social competence (high vs. low). Group composition by gender interaction effects were found. Girls were most successful at gaining viewing time in same-sex groups, and least successful in mixed-sex groups. Conversely, boys were least successful in same-sex groups and most successful in mixed-sex groups. Similar results were also found at the group level of analysis; however, the way in which the resources were distributed differed as a function of group type. Same-sex girl groups were inequitable but efficient whereas same-sex boy groups were more equitable than mixed groups but inefficient compared to same-sex girl groups. Social competence did not influence children's behavior. The findings from the present study highlight the effect of gender context on cooperation and competition and the relevance of adopting an unfamiliar peer paradigm when investigating children's social behavior.