984 resultados para Gallium arsenide semiconductors


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"Results from a search of the technical report database over a 10-year period ... references cover only unclassified, unlimited document references with abstracts."


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It is well-known that the properties of semiconductor materials including gallium arsenide are controlled by defects and impurities. The characterization of these defects is important not only for better understanding of the solid state phenomena but also for improved reliability and performance of electronic devices. We have been investigating the defects in gallium arsenide for several years using deep level transient spectroscopy, photoconductivity, transient photoconductivity, photoluminescence etc. Results drawn from our recent studies are presented here to illustrate some of the problems concerning transition metal impurities, process-induced defects, occurrence of intracentre transitions and metastability of deep levels in gallium arsenide.


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Low-temperature magneto-photoluminescence is a very powerful technique to characterize high purity GaAs and InP grown by various epitaxial techniques. These III-V compound semiconductor materials are used in a wide variety of electronic, optoelectronic and microwave devices. The large binding energy differences of acceptors in GaAs and InP make possible the identification of those impurities by low-temperature photoluminescence without the use of any magnetic field. However, the sensitivity and resolution provided by this technique rema1ns inadequate to resolve the minute binding energy differences of donors in GaAs and InP. To achieve higher sensitivity and resolution needed for the identification of donors, a magneto-photoluminescence system 1s installed along with a tunable dye laser, which provides resonant excitation. Donors 1n high purity GaAs are identified from the magnetic splittings of "two-electron" satellites of donor bound exciton transitions 1n a high magnetic field and at liquid helium temperature. This technique 1s successfully used to identify donors 1n n-type GaAs as well as 1n p-type GaAs in which donors cannot be identified by any other technique. The technique is also employed to identify donors in high purity InP. The amphoteric incorporation of Si and Ge impurities as donors and acceptors in (100), (311)A and (3ll)B GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy is studied spectroscopically. The hydrogen passivation of C acceptors in high purity GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) 1s investigated using photoluminescence. Si acceptors ~n MBE GaAs are also found to be passivated by hydrogenation. The instabilities in the passivation of acceptor impurities are observed for the exposure of those samples to light. Very high purity MOCVD InP samples with extremely high mobility are characterized by both electrical and optical techniques. It is determined that C is not typically incorporated as a residual acceptor ~n high purity MOCVD InP. Finally, GaAs on Si, single quantum well, and multiple quantum well heterostructures, which are fabricated from III-V semiconductors, are also measured by low-temperature photoluminescence.


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A model of far infrared (FIR) dielectric response of shallow impurity states in a semiconductor has been developed and is presented for the specific case of the shallow donor transitions in high purity epitaxial GaAs. The model is quite general, however, and should be applicable with slight modification, not only to shallow donors in other materials such as InP, but also to shallow acceptors and excitons. The effects of the enormous dielectric response of shallow donors on the FIR optical properties of reflectance, transmittance, and absorptance, and photoconductive response of high purity epitaxial GaAs films are predicted and compared with experimental photothermal ionization spectra. The model accounts for many of the peculiar features that are frequently observed in these spectra, one of which was the cause of erroneous donor identifications in the early doping experiments. The model also corrects some commonly held misconceptions concerning photo-thermal ionization peak widths and amplitudes and their relationships to donor and acceptor concentrations. These corrections are of particular relevance to the proper interpretation of photothermal ionization spectra in the study of impurity incorporation in high purity epitaxial material. The model also suggests that the technique of FIR reflectance, although it has not been widely employed, should be useful in the study of shallow impurities in semiconductors.


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The need for high purity materials for the growth of epitaxial layers of GaAs and the limitations of present source materials are discussed. A for purifying bulk quantitites of GaAs using chemical vapour transport is presented. GaAs is contained in a silica capsule which has a small orifice allow movement of gas between inside and outside. The capsule is contained in a heated tube and hydrogen chloride is used as the transporting agent. Growth rates of 0.1 g/h have been obtained and evidence for the purification is presented along with a discussion of the principles involved. The potentialities of the method for both purification and for the growth of single crystal substrate material are stressed.--AA


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Characterization of silver- and gold-related defects in gallium arsenide is carried out. These impurities were introduced during the thermal diffusion process and the related defects are characterized by deep-level transient spectroscopy and photoluminescence. The silver-related center in GaAs shows a 0.238 eV photoluminescence line corresponding to no-phonon transition, whereas its thermal ionization energy is found to be 0.426 eV. The thermal activation energy of the gold-related center in GaAs is 0.395 eV, but there is no corresponding luminescence signal.


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Low noise field effect transistors and analogue switch integrated circuits (ICs) have been fabricated in semi-insulating gallium arsenide (SI-GaAs) wafers grown in space by direct ion-implantation. The electrical behaviors of the devices and the ICs have surpassed those fabricated in the terrestrially grown SI-GaAs wafers. The highest gain and the lowest noise of the transistors made from space-grown SI-GaAs wafers are 22.8 dB and 0.78 dB, respectively. The threshold back-gating voltage of the ICs made from space-grown SI-GaAs wafers is better than 8.5 V The con-elation between the characterizations of materials and devices is studied systematically. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Semi-insulating gallium arsenide single crystal grown in space has been used in fabricating low noise field effect transistors and analog switch integrated circuits by the direct ion-implantation technique. All key electrical properties of these transistors and integrated circuits have surpassed those made from conventional earth-grown gallium arsenide. This result shows that device-grade space-grown semiconducting single crystal has surpassed the best terrestrial counterparts. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Experimental results have shown the fact that the deep-level centers in semi-insulating GaAs decrease with the improvement in stoichiometry. The electrical resistivity doubles when the concentration of EL2 centers decreases to a half. The microgravity-growth experiments also show that improved crystal stoichiometry results in a decrease of deep-level centers. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(98)04921-4].


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A semi-insulating (SI) GaAs single crystal was recently grown in a retrievable satellite. The average etch pit density (EPD) of dislocations in the crystal revealed by molten KOH is 2.0 x 10(4) cm(-2), and the highest EPD is 3.1 x 10(4) cm(-2) This result indicates a quite good homogenity of the EPD which is much better than the ground-grown crystals. A similar better homogenity of the stoichiometry i.e., the [As]/([As] + [Ga]) ratio has been found in the space-grown SI-GaAs single crystal studied nondestructively using a new mapping method based upon X-ray Bond diffraction. The average stoichiometry in the space-grown crystal is 0.50007 with mean-square deviation of 6x10(-6), while the average stoichiometry in ground-grown SI-GaAs crystal is more than 0.50010. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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HF etching followed by relatively low temperature (almost-equal-to 600-degrees-C) pretreatment is shown to provide a suitable substrate for the heteroepitaxial growth of GaAs on Si(100) by CBE using TEGa and AsH3 as sources. Rutherford backscattering (RBS), photoluminescence (PL), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Raman measurements show the low-defect nature of the GaAs epilayer.


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The influences of microdefects and dislocations on the lattice parameters of undoped semi-insulating GaAs single crystals were analyzed, and a novel nondestructive method for measuring stoichiometry in undoped semi-insulating GaAs was established in this letter. The comparison of this method with coulometric titration indicates that the method of nondestructive measurements is indeed convenient and reliable. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The dislocations and precipitates in SI-GaAs single crystals are revealed by ultrasonic-aided Abrahams-Buiocchi etching (USAB), and the etch pits are observed and measured by metalloscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), respectively. The size of etch pit revealed by USAB etching is about 1 order of magnitude smaller than that revealed by molten KOH. The amount of arsenic atoms in the dislocation-dense zone is about 1% larger than that in an adjacent dislocation-free zone measured by EDS attached to SEM, which indicates that the excess arsenic atoms adjacent to the dislocation-dense zone are attracted to the dislocations and precipitate there due to the deformation energy.


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Low noise field effect transistors and analogue switch integrated circuits (ICs) have been fabricated in semi-insulating gallium arsenide (SI-GaAs) wafers grown in space by direct ion-implantation. The electrical behaviors of the devices and the ICs have surpassed those fabricated in the terrestrially grown SI-GaAs wafers. The highest gain and the lowest noise of the transistors made from space-grown SI-GaAs wafers are 22.8 dB and 0.78 dB, respectively. The threshold back-gating voltage of the ICs made from space-grown SI-GaAs wafers is better than 8.5 V The con-elation between the characterizations of materials and devices is studied systematically. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.