86 resultados para GASTRONOMY


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The large contemporary French migrant population – estimated by the French Consulate at around 300,000–400,000 in the UK, the majority living in London and the South-East – remains ‘absent’ from studies on migration, and, in a study of migrant food history in Britain, is considered not to have left traces as a migrant community. Over the centuries, the presence of various French communities in London has varied significantly as far as numbers are concerned, but what does not change is their simultaneous ‘visibility’ and ‘invisibility’ in accounts of the history of the capital: even when relatively ‘visible’ at certain historical moments, they still often remain hidden in its histories. At times the French in London are described as a ‘sober, well-behaved […] and law-abiding community’; at other times they ‘appeared as a foreign body in the city’. This article reflects on the dynamics at play between a migrant culture associated with high cultural capital (so much so that is often emulated by those who are not French) and the host culture perception of and relationship to it, in order to consider what this may ‘mean’ for the French (and Francophone) migrant experience. French gastronomy and culinary knowledge is taken as an example of material culture and of cultural capital ‘on display’ specifically in the activity of dining out, especially in French restaurants, or in those influenced by French gastronomy. The social activity of dining out is replete with displays of knowledge (linguistic, culinary), of cultural literacy, of modes of behaviour, of public identity, and of rituals strictly codified in both migrant and host cultures. Dining out is also an emotional and politically-charged activity, fraught with feelings of suspicion (what is in the food? what does the chef get up to in the kitchen?) and of anxieties and tensions concerning status, class and gender distinctions. This article considers the ways in which the migrant French citizen of London may be considered as occupying an ambiguous position at different times in history, simultaneously possessing cultural capital and needing to negotiate complex cultural encounters in the connections between identity and the symbolic status of food in food production, food purveying and food consumption.


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Differential pulse stripping voltammetry method(DPSV) was applied to the determination of three herbicides, ametryn, cyanatryn, and dimethametryn. It was found that their voltammograms overlapped strongly, and it is difficult to determine these compounds individually from their mixtures. With the aid of chemometrics, classical least squares(CLS), principal component regression(PCR) and partial least squares(PLS), voltammogram resolution and quantitative analysis of the synthetic mixtures of the three compounds were successfully performed. The proposed method was also applied to the analysis of some real samples with satisfactory results.


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The prime objective of drying is to enhance shelf life of perishable food materials. As the process is very energy intensive in nature, researchers are trying to minimise energy consumption in the drying process. In order to determine the exact amount of energy needed for drying a food product, understanding the physics of moisture distribution and bond strength of water within the food material is essential. In order understand the critical moisture content, moisture distribution and water bond strength in food material, Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) can be properly utilised. This work has been conducted to investigate moisture distribution and water bond strength in selected food materials; apple, banana and potato. It was found that moisture distribution and water bond strength influence moisture migration from the food materials. In addition, proportion of different types of water (bound, free, surface water) has been simply identified using TGA. This study provides a better understanding of water contents and its role in drying rate and energy consumption.


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Tourism Australia’s launch of the ‘Restaurant Australia’ marketing campaign in 2014 is aimed at changing perceptions of the ‘prawn on the barbeque’ image of Australian culinary culture. The campaign is the government's response to global research that reveals that tourists want ‘good’ food and wine experiences (in Australia?). In effect, ‘Restaurant Australia’, and the AUS$10 million supporting it, is promoting? the notion that Australian tourism should provide epicurean food experiences associated with high quality and ‘authentic cultural’ tourism, rather than contrived versions of national identity articulated via stereotypical notions of national cuisine. This paper adopts a cultural tourism approach, especially in relation to theories of authenticity and the relationship of post-tourists, cultural tourists, and tactical tourists to examine two very different areas of wine and food production in Australia in the context of the Restaurant Australia campaign. In particular, it considers issues associated with defining Australian cuisine and the development of a narrative about Australia as a epicurean destination.


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The case of the top chefs relates the two areas that are apparently most distant, nutrition and health technology. It is the element that binds[3] the four, making them into a single whole. The results achieved by our chefs, in terms of their individual and collective success and their international projection of the image of the Basque Country comprise a goal to which other industries in the region should aspire. It is therefore our plan to apply the keys to this successful inter-competitor cooperation to development of the health technology industry. At the same time, we want to fulfil one of the aims that have been established for the food area: to make use of the country’s gastronomy-related assets.


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Presentado en las Jornadas sobre "El humor (y los humores) en el mundo antiguo", organizado por el Departamento de Estudios Clásicos y el Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad de la UPV y celebrado en Vitoria-Gasteiz los días 16 y 17 de octubre de 2007.


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Sarreran, gastrostomia-zundaren jatorria eta historia azaltzen da, hau da, noiz erabili zen lehenengo aldiz, zeinek asmatu zuen eta zein aldaketa jasan dituen besteak beste. Halaber, zunda erabiltzen duten gaixoak zein kondiziotan egon behar duten eta zein gaixotasun motatan ipintzen den ere aipatzen da. Lan honen helburua, gastrostomia-zundari buruz eta zunda hau daramaten pertsonei buruz ezaguera handitzea da. Horretarako aztertu dira, gastrostomia-zunda zer den, zein kasutan erabiltzen den, zein konplikazio dituen, zundaren erabileraren aldeko ebidentzia eta gastrostomia-zunda duten pertsonetan erizainaren rola. Lanaren metodologiari dagokionez, hitz gakoak erabiliz gaiari buruzko errebisio narratiboa egin da hainbat datu-base fidagarrietan. Horrez gain, NANDA, NIC eta NOC liburuak ere erabili dira. Bilaketaren irizpide nagusiena, dokumentuak gaiarekin erlazionatutako errebisio bibliografiko, saiakera kliniko, ikerketak eta artikuluak izatea da. Lanaren garapenean, gastrostomia-zundaren definizio eta erabilera azaldu dira. Gastrostomia-zunda urdaila eta abdomena komunikatzen dituen zunda da eta irensketa gutxitua edo galdua geratzen den eta digestio-aparatuak funtzionala izaten jarraitzen duen pertsonetan gomendatzen da erabilera. Bestetik, zundak sor ditzakeen konplikazio posibleak azaldu dira, hauek gehienetan ez dira larriak izaten eta erraz konpon daitezke. Horrez gain, erizainaren rola zundarekiko eta zunda hau daramaten pertsonekiko zein den azaldu da hala nola, zaintzailea eta hezitzailea. Azkenik, gastrostomia-zundaren erabileraren aldeko aurkitu den ebidentzia azaldu da. Eztabaidan, helburuetan aipatutako puntu guztiak aztertu dira eta aurkitutako urritasunetatik proposamenak egin dira. Gainera, zunda honekiko eta zunda hau daramaten pertsonekiko esperientzia propioa ere azaldu da. Ondorio gisa ikusi da, dituen onuren arren, gastrostomia-zundaren erabilerari buruzko ebidentzia garbirik ez dagoela. Gainera, nahiz eta 4-6 astez gutxienez elikadura enterala behar duten eta bizi esperantza 2 hilabetetik gorakoa duten gaixoetan erabiltzen den, ondorioztatu da asaldura neuromuskularrak, endekapeneko gaixotasun neurologikoa eta buru/lepoko minbizian gehien erabiltzen dela. Bestalde, zundak eragiten dituen konplikazio gehienak garrantzi handikoak ez direla eta erraz konpontzen direla ikusi da. Horrez gain, erizainak rol ezberdinak dituela ikusi da, hezitzailearena eta zaintzailera.


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El trabajo que se presenta a continuación es un plan de marketing para la empresa Gastronomía Vasca, concretamente, para el desarrollo de uno de sus servicios, Menú 2.0, el cual se creó en 2012 y para el que se pretende establecer el camino de crecimiento para el periodo 2015/2016. Para la determinación del modo en el que desarrollar este crecimiento, en primer lugar, se va a analizar la situación en la que se encuentra actualmente tanto a nivel interno como respecto del entorno. Esto nos permitirá detectar las fortalezas y las debilidades que presenta la empresa, así como las amenazas y las oportunidades que le ofrece el entorno, y a partir de las cuales se definirán los objetivos que deben establecerse para Menú 2.0. Por último, tras la definición de los objetivos, se establecerán las estrategias y las acciones que se han de realizar para el cumplimiento de éstos. Además, se establecerán métodos de control para que la empresa pueda medir durante el desarrollo del plan, el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados.