56 resultados para Fukuyama
This thesis argues that the end of Soviet Marxism and a bipolar global political imaginary at the dissolution of the short Twentieth Century poses an obstacle for anti-systemic political action. Such a blockage of alternate political imaginaries can be discerned by reading the work of Francis Fukuyama and "Endism" as performative invocations of the closure of political alternatives, and thus as an ideological proclamation which enables and constrains forms of social action. It is contended that the search through dialectical thought for a competing universal to posit against "liberal democracy" is a fruitless one, because it reinscribes the terms of teleological theories of history which work to effect closure. Rather, constructing a phenomenological analytic of the political conjuncture, the thesis suggests that the figure of messianism without a Messiah is central to a deconstructive reframing of the possibilities of political action - a reframing attentive to the rhetorical tone of texts. The project of recovering the political is viewed through a phenomenological lens. An agonistic political distinction must be made so as to memorialise the remainders and ghosts of progress, and thus to gesture towards an indeconstructible justice which would serve as a horizon for the articulation of an empty universal. This project is furthered by a return to a certain phenomenology inspired by Cornelius Castoriadis, Claude Lefort, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Ernesto Laclau. The thesis provides a reading of Jacques Derrida and Walter Benjamin as thinkers of a minor universalism, a non-prescriptive utopia, and places their work in the context of new understandings of religion and the political as quasi-transcendentals which can be utilised to think through the aporias of political time in order to grasp shards of meaning. Derrida and Chantal Mouffe's deconstructive critique and supplement to Carl Schmitt's concept of the political is read as suggestive of a reframing of political thought which would leave the political question open and thus enable the articulation of social imaginary significations able to inscribe meaning in the field of political action. Thus, the thesis gestures towards a form of thought which enables rather than constrains action under the sign of justice.
Belonging to and identifying with a nation has, since the latter half of the 18th century, been a distinctly human quality. To be human is to be part of a nation. Yet, contemporary theorists such as Appadurai and Fukuyama argue this universal human trait is undergoing vast change, threatened, it seems, by irrelevance and obsolescence, a return to tribalism and widened conceptual horizons represented by the likes of transnationalism and cosmopolitanism. These same threats are often attributed to the changing ideas and experience of spatiality and temporality enabled by information and communication technologies such as the Internet, spurred on by the rising intensity of flow amongst and within the human population. This paper argues that in the analysis of changes to the nation—which I suggest is best considered as the nexus of the body politic, the social body and human bodies—it is the notion of lived time and lived space that is most appropriate. The notion of the lived is borrowed and extended from Henri Lefebvre, who theorises that between mentally conceived and physically perceived space, lies its socially lived counterpart, which he defines as “the materialisation of social being”. As such, lived space (and time) draws on both its material and mental aspects. It is the thesis of this paper that against such a background as lived time and lived space the nation becomes much more than a political concept and/or project and is revealed as lived phenomenon, experienced in and through the dynamics of everyday praxis. Inherent to this argument is the understanding that it is the interplay between the possibilities imagined of the nation and; its eventual realisation through social acts and practices that marks it as a profoundly human institution.
The problem of modal choice between rail and air arises as public awareness of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by the transportation sector rises. In this paper, we answer this question quantitatively by performing an efficiency benchmarking analysis that takes into account life-cycle CO2 emission due to transport service provision. The paper employs nonparametric efficiency estimation methods, namely a slacks-based inefficiency measure, as well as a more conventional directional distance function approach. We apply them to a panel data set for three major railway companies and the aviation sector in Japan for the period from 1999 to 2007. Results shows that, contrary to the common argument, air transport can still be more socially efficient than rail transport, even when the environmental load due to CO2 emission is incorporated. This is due to the aviation sector's extremely low user cost, measured in terms of in-vehicle time. In other words, aviation is a necessary transportation mode for those with a very high willingness to pay for their time.
Japan is in the midst of massive law reform. Mired in ongoing recession since the early 1990s, Japan has been implementing a new regulatory blueprint to kickstart a sluggish economy through structural change. A key element to this reform process is a rethink of corporate governance and its stakeholder relations. With a patchwork of legislative initiatives in areas as diverse as corporate law, finance, labour relations, consumer protection, public administration and civil justice, this new model is beginning to take shape. But to what extent does this model represent a break from the past? Some commentators are breathlessly predicting the "Americanisation" of Japanese law. They see the triumph of Western-style capitalism - the "End of History", to borrow the words of Francis Fukuyama - with its emphasis on market-based, arms-length transactions. Others are more cautious, advancing the view that there new reforms are merely "creative twists" on what is a uniquely (although slowly evolving) strand of Japanese capitalism. This paper takes issue with both interpretations. It argues that the new reforms merely follow Japan's long tradition of 'adopting and adapting' foreign models to suit domestic purposes. They are neither the wholesale importation of "Anglo-Saxon" regulatory principles nor a thin veneer over a 'uniquely unique' form of Confucian cultural capitalism. Rather, they represent a specific and largely political solution (conservative reformism) to a current economic problem (recession). The larger themes of this paper are 'change' and 'continuity'. 'Change' suggests evolution to something identifiable; 'continuity' suggests adhering to an existing state of affairs. Although notionally opposites, 'change' and 'continuity' have something in common - they both suggest some form of predictability and coherence in regulatory reform. Our paper, by contrast, submits that Japanese corporate governance reform or, indeed, law reform more generally in Japan, is context-specific, multi-layered (with different dimensions not necessarily pulling all in the same direction for example, in relations with key outside suppliers), and therefore more random or 'chaotic'.
Although Al(1-x)Ga(x)N semiconductors are used in lighting, displays and high-power amplifiers, there is no experimental thermodynamic information on nitride solid solutions. Thermodynamic data are useful for assessing the intrinsic stability of the solid solution with respect to phase separation and extrinsic stability in relation to other phases such as metallic contacts. The activity of GaN in Al(1-x)Ga(x)N solid solution is determined at 1100 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell: Ga + Al(1-x)Ga(x)N/Fe, Ca(3)N(2)//CaF(2)//Ca(3)N(2), N(2) (0.1 MPa), Fe. The solid-state cell is based on single crystal CaF(2) as the electrolyte and Ca(3)N(2) as the auxiliary electrode to convert the nitrogen chemical potential established by the equilibrium between Ga and Al(1-x)Ga(x)N solid solution into an equivalent fluorine potential. Excess Gibbs free energy of mixing of the solid solution is computed from the results. Results suggest an unusual mixing behavior: a mild tendency for ordering at three discrete compositions (x = 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75) superimposed on predominantly positive deviation from ideality. The lattice parameters exhibit slight deviation from Vegard's law, with the a-parameter showing positive and the c-parameter negative deviation. Although the solid solution is stable in the full range of compositions at growth temperatures, thermodynamic instability is indicated at temperatures below 410 K in the composition range 0.26 <= x <= 0.5. At 355 K, two biphasic regions appear, with terminal solid solutions stable only for 0 <= x <= 0.26 and 0.66 <= x <= 1. The range of terminal solid solubility reduces with decreasing temperature. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Members of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family are involved in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory diseases. SOCS-3 is predominantly expressed in T-helper type 2 (TH2) cells, but its role in TH2-related allergic diseases remains to be investigated. In this study we provide a strong correlation between SOCS-3 expression and the pathology of asthma and atopic dermatitis, as well as serum IgE levels in allergic human patients. SOCS-3 transgenic mice showed increased TH2 responses and multiple pathological features characteristic of asthma in an airway hypersensitivity model system. In contrast, dominant-negative mutant SOCS-3 transgenic mice, as well as mice with a heterozygous deletion of Socs3, had decreased TH2 development. These data indicate that SOCS-3 has an important role in regulating the onset and maintenance of TH2-mediated allergic immune disease, and suggest that SOCS-3 may be a new therapeutic target for the development of antiallergic drugs.
La iniciativa del Encuenlro "Búsqueda de Espacios para la Vida" surge en el contexto de la vociferada globalización, que no es otra cosa que la homogenización cultural e ideológica, de acuerdo a un único patrón de referencia: el capitalismo neoliberal. Este capitalismo excluyente, idolátrico y salvaje, pretende imponer una forma de vida a su imágen y semejanza, sin tomar en cuenta que Abia Yala es un continente ricamente pluricultural y plurinacional. Francis Fukuyama, anunció el fin de la historia, con la desaparición de las contradicciones ideológicas que caracterizó la guerra fría: socialismo y capitalismo, este y oeste. El pensamiento neoliberal se fortaleció con los postulados de Karl Popper sobre la desaparición de las utoplas, es decir, de los sueños y las esperanzas. En tanto esa sensación caracteriza la neo-modernidad, desde lo profundo de la historia de los pueblos de Abia yala surgen contingentes, multitudes de organizaciones de indígenas y negros haciendo prevalecer sus esperanzas y utopías. En el fragor de los levantamientos de indígenas, de negros y de campesinos del Ecuador se percibe con gran nitidez la certeza de construir el "chaupi tutapi Pacarimun", el"amanecer en la mitad de la noche'. Las luchas de los pueblos de Chiapas y HaitÍ son hermosas lecciones de culturas de esperanza y obstinación por construir nuevas espacios de vida acordes con sus dernandas y propuestas histórico- culturales.
The paper concentrates on trust as a research topic that receives increasing attention from the side of different social disciplines. The author of this thesis attempts to identify the reasons of this phenomenon, as well as the decline in usage of the concepts conveying a congenial idea, such as, solidarity, cooperation, social cohesion, social capital or connectedness. The key hypotheses, such as paradigmatic change within the social sciences, emergence of risk society, proliferation of the postmodem condition, new infonnation and communication technologies and the crisis of democracy are considered through the works of the authors who now mainly responsible for the shaping of the discourse of trust. The concepts of Luhmann, Putnam, Sztompka, Fukuyama and Hardin are analyzed from an epistemological viewpoint in its ontological and political implications. The primary goal of the paper is to overview trust from the methodological viewpoint, illustrating the limitations of the concept as a research strategy as weII as it advantages in the epoch when the social sciences acquire a status of moral disciplines.
Deux décennies après la chute de l'URSS (1991), ce mémoire propose une réévaluation de la thèse de Francis Fukuyama sur la Fin de l'Histoire, élaborée en 1989, qui postule qu'avec la chute de l'URSS aucune idéologie ne peut rivaliser avec la démocratie libérale capitaliste; et de la thèse de Samuel P. Huntington sur le Choc des civilisations, élaborée en 1993, qui pose l'existence d'un nombre fini de civilisations homogènes et antagonistes. Pourtant, lorsque confrontées à une étude approfondie des séquences historiques, ces deux théories apparaissent pour le moins relatives. Deux questions ont été traitées: l'interaction entre Idéologie et Conditions historiques, et la thèse de l'homogénéité intracivilisationnelle et de l'hétérogénéité antagoniste intercivilisationnelle. Sans les invalider complètement, cette recherche conclut toutefois que ces deux théories doivent être nuancées; elles se situent aux deux extrémités du spectre des relations internationales. La recherche effectuée a montré que les idéologies et leur poids relatif sont tributaires d'un contexte, contrairement à Fukuyama qui les pose dans l'absolu. De plus, l'étude de la Chine maoïste et particulièrement de la pensée de Mao Zedong montre que les traditions politiques locales sont plus hétérogènes qu'il n'y paraît au premier abord, ce qui relativise la thèse de Huntington. En conclusion, les rapports entre États sont plus dynamiques que ne le laissent penser les thèses de Fukuyama et de Huntington.
Avec The Liberalism of Fear, Judith N. Shklar s’inscrit en marge des postulats classiques du libéralisme politique. La croyance propre au libéralisme traditionnel, selon Shklar, doit faire place à une conscience historique de la cruauté. La charge institutionnelle du politique est dès lors appelée à se déplacer, et c’est cette « peur » même de l’avenir qu’il s’agit d’institutionnaliser en s’appuyant, de manière paradoxale, sur la peur de l’institution elle-même. Conscience historique d’un cycle à freiner, ce retournement du politique contre lui-même prône la cessation des modes d’exercice traditionnels du pouvoir. Si la nouvelle formulation d’un libéralisme minimal rejoint plusieurs de nos intuitions morales, l’impératif d’une politique immobiliste – sinon régressive – en appelle à beaucoup plus de prudence. Ce court essai entend examiner les conséquences d’un plaidoyer politique en faveur de la peur. Le libéralisme de Shklar est-il un appel à la passivité ? Doit-on y lire le désaveu de l’Histoire – et, le cas échéant, quelles en sont les parentés avec les penseurs de la fin de l’histoire (Fukuyama, 1989) et de la privatisation de l’existence (Rorty, 1989) ?
Since dwarf napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.) must be propagated vegetatively due to lack of viable seeds, root splitting and stem cuttings are generally used to obtain true-to-type plant populations. These ordinary methods are laborious and costly, and are the greatest barriers for expanding the cultivation area of this crop. The objectives of this research were to develop nursery production of dwarf napiergrass in cell trays and to compare the efficiency of mechanical versus manual methods for cell-tray propagation and field transplanting. After defoliation of herbage either by a sickle (manually) or hand-mowing machine, every potential aerial tiller bud was cut to a single one for transplanting into cell trays as stem cuttings and placed in a glasshouse over winter. The following June, nursery plants were trimmed to a 25–cm length and transplanted in an experimental field (sandy soil) with 20,000 plants ha^(−1) either by shovel (manually) or Welsh onion planter. Labour time was recorded for each process. The manual defoliation of plants required 44% more labour time for preparing the stem cuttings (0.73 person-min. stemcutting^(−1)) compared to using hand-mowing machinery (0.51 person-min. stem-cutting^(−1)). In contrast, labour time for transplanting required an extra 0.30 person-min. m^(−2) (14%) using the machinery compared to manual transplanting, possibly due to the limited plot size for machinery operation. The transplanting method had no significant effect on plant establishment or plant growth, except for herbage yield 110 days after planting. Defoliation of herbage by machinery, production using a cell-tray nursery and mechanical transplanting reduced the labour intensity of dwarf napiergrass propagation.
Este ensayo versa sobre el deporte como una de las instituciones más poderosas e influyentes en la sociedad actual. En él la exigencia por el máximo rendimiento aunada a la enorme importancia dada al ganar y al espectáculo es aceptada y celebrada. Estos factores confluyen para que la mejora de las capacidades humanas sea objeto de continua búsqueda y para tal fin el inobjetable papel de la tecnología ha sido admitido sin mayores resistencias. La evolución ya no desempeña de forma exclusiva esa tarea y la tecnología ha pasado a compartir el proceso, acelerando de forma dramática el rediseño de la especie ofreciendo un prometedor escenario. Naturalmente en el mismo deporte es posible encontrar excepciones a este arrollador influjo.