997 resultados para Food - Labeling


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Reviews and synthesizes evidence to produce evidence-based recommendations on policy actions to improve food labeling for NSW Health


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Issued jointly with U.S. Department of Agriculture, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection.


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This article examines the challenges resulting from the regulation of written discourse on food packages. It uses as a case study Hong Kong’s strict new food-labeling law that requires distributers and retailers to remove certain nutritional claims from packages of imported food before they sell them. This practice of redacting unlawful text on packages requires that distributers and retailers engage in complex processes of discursive reasoning, and it some- times results in packages that are difficult for customers to interpret. The case study highlights important issues in the regulation of commercial texts concerning collaboration, intertextuality, and the conflicts that can arise when the principals, authors, and animators of such texts have different agendas.


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The country-of-origin is the “nationality” of a food when it goes through customs in a foreign country, and is a “brand” when the food is for sale in a foreign market. My research on country-of-origin labeling (COOL) started from a case study on the extra virgin olive oil exported from Italy to China; the result shows that asymmetric and imperfect origin information may lead to market inefficiency, even market failure in emerging countries. Then, I used the Delphi method to conduct qualitative and systematic research on COOL; the panel of experts in food labeling and food policy was composed of 19 members in 13 countries; the most important consensus is that multiple countries of origin marking can provide accurate information about the origin of a food produced by two or more countries, avoiding misinformation for consumers. Moreover, I enhanced the research on COOL by analyzing the rules of origin and drafting a guideline for the standardization of origin marking. Finally, from the perspective of information economics I estimated the potential effect of the multiple countries of origin labeling on the business models of international trade, and analyzed the regulatory options for mandatory or voluntary COOL of main ingredients. This research provides valuable insights for the formulation of COOL policy.


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Tree nut allergies are considered an important health issue in developed countries. To comply with the regulations on food labeling, reliable allergen detection methods are required. In this work we isolated almond-specific recombinant antibody fragments (scFv) from a commercial phage display library bypassing the use of live animals, hence being consistent with the latest policies on animal welfare. To this end an iterative selection procedure employing the Tomlinson I phage display library and a crude almond protein extract was carried out. Two different almond-specific scFv (named PD1F6 and PD2C9) were isolated after two rounds of biopanning, and an indirect phage ELISA was implemented to detect the presence of almond protein in foodstuffs. The isolated scFvs demonstrated to be highly specific and allowed detection of 40 ng mL?1 and 100 ng mL?1 of raw and roasted almond protein, respectively. The practical detection limit of the assay in almond spiked food products was 0.1 mg g?1 (110e120 ppm). The developed indirect phage ELISA was validated by analysis of 92 commercial food products, showing good correlation with the results obtained by a previously developed real-time PCR method for the detection of almond in foodstuffs. The selected phage clones can be affinity maturated to improve their sensitivity and genetically engineered to be employed in different assay formats.


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Lewis Bertly, a top lawyer with leading London law firm LL&B, is retained to defend a case with the potential to change the laws that affect fast-food marketing. Through its Department of Health, the Government of Australia seeks legislation for warning labels on fast-food packaging. To prepare a potential defense against this legal action for McDonald's Bertly is reviewing the history of legal action against the industry in fast-food labeling, nutrition and health. This history is important because the industry's actions through the decades in food nutrition and marketing are likely to be raised as evidence. He also hopes this will help him find a framework to map the way social expectations, a company's innovation, the legal system, and legislation combine to shape an industry. What he learns from this history and especially about the market leader, McDonald's, will inform how the defense approaches this case.


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Increasing consumer demand for seafood, combined with concern over the health of our oceans, has led to many initiatives aimed at tackling destructive fishing practices and promoting the sustainability of fisheries. An important global threat to sustainable fisheries is Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, and there is now an increased emphasis on the use of trade measures to prevent IUU-sourced fish and fish products from entering the international market. Initiatives encompass new legislation in the European Union requiring the inclusion of species names on catch labels throughout the distribution chain. Such certification measures do not, however, guarantee accuracy of species designation. Using two DNA-based methods to compare species descriptions with molecular ID, we examined 386 samples of white fish, or products labelled as primarily containing white fish, from major UK supermarket chains. Species specific real-time PCR probes were used for cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to provide a highly sensitive and species-specific test for the major species of white fish sold in the UK. Additionally, fish-specific primers were used to sequence the forensically validated barcoding gene, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Overall levels of congruence between product label and genetic species identification were high, with 94.34% of samples correctly labelled, though a significant proportion in terms of potential volume, were mislabelled. Substitution was usually for a cheaper alternative and, in one case, extended to a tropical species. To our knowledge, this is the first published study encompassing a large-scale assessment of UK retailers, and if representative, indicates a potentially significant incidence of incorrect product designation.


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This thesis outlined the role and potential impact of a range of policy options for obesity prevention. It provided evidence that population-wide interventions, such as changes to food labelling and taxes on unhealthy foods, are likely to offer excellent 'value for money' for governments from an obesity prevention perspective.


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The aim of this work was to critically assess the Brazilian regulations on fruit juices, with emphasis on ready-to-drink fruit juice. According to the Brazilian regulations, bottled fruit juices must follow specific regulations. They should be in accordance with the definition and designation that identify them, with the quality parameters established, and especially, follow the Brazilian food labeling regulations. The Brazilian regulations on bottled fruit juices have some gaps that promote their misunderstanding and marketing of substandard juices. Frequent changes, divergent labeling regulations and inappropriate use of expressions on the label can also lead to misinterpretation. Food regulations need to be clear and updated frequently if they are to be known and followed. Additionally, their wide dissemination should contribute to informed choices when buying.


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The present research was undertaken to explore the influence of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on the functional and thermal properties of sour cassava starch and the quality characteristics of gluten-free (GF) cheese bread. Fructooligosaccharides were used to replace sour cassava starch at substitution level of 9% (SF1), 17% (SF2), and 29% (SF3). The functional and thermal properties of the starch-FOS mixtures were determined by the water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), pasting profile analysis, thermal transition temperatures and enthalpy of gelatinization. Moreover, the GF cheese breads with starch-FOS mixtures were analyzed for height, diameter, weight, specific volume and dough moisture content. The sample with the highest FOS content (SF3) presented the lowest WAI (1.44), peak (62.4 rapid visco units (RVU), breakdown (53.4 RVU), final (13.8 RVU), and setback (4.9 RVU) viscosities, dough moisture content (31.7%), and enthalpy of gelatinization (9.5 J/g) and the highest WSI (29.4%) and pasting temperature (69.1 degrees C). The height, diameter and specific volume of GF cheese bread samples made from sour cassava starch were 3.14 cm, 6.35 cm, and 1.49 cm(3)/g, respectively. The SF1 mixture samples resulted in a 3.01 cm height, 6.34 cm diameter, and 1.55 cm(3)/g specific volume. According to Brazilian food labeling regulations, the latter product cannot be categorized as a good source of fiber because the minimum level of fiber per portion was not reached.


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Objective. To describe individual attitudes, knowledge, and behavior regarding salt intake, its dietary sources, and current food-labeling practices related to salt and sodium in five sentinel countries of the Americas. Methods. A convenience sample of 1 992 adults (>= 18 years old) from Argentina, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, and Ecuador (approximately 400 from each country) was obtained between September 2010 and February 2011. Data collection was conducted in shopping malls or major commercial areas using a questionnaire containing 33 questions. Descriptive estimates are presented for the total sample and stratified by country and sociodemographic characteristics of the studied population. Results. Almost 90% of participants associated excess intake of salt with the occurrence of adverse health conditions, more than 60% indicated they were trying to reduce their current intake of salt, and more than 30% believed reducing dietary salt to be of high importance. Only 26% of participants claimed to know the existence of a recommended maximum value of salt or sodium intake and 47% of them stated they knew the content of salt in food items. More than 80% of participants said that they would like food labeling to indicate high, medium, and low levels of salt or sodium and would like to see a clear warning label on packages of foods high in salt. Conclusions. Additional effort is required to increase consumers' knowledge about the existence of a maximum limit for intake and to improve their capacity to accurately monitor and reduce their personal salt consumption.


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Existe preocupación por la influencia de los determinantes sociales relacionados con la publicidad, la comunicación y la información sobre la selección de productos alimenticios para conseguir una alimentación saludable y segura. Desde este punto de vista, la legislación española normaliza este aspecto, a través del Reglamento Europeo 1924/2006 (RE1924/2006). El objetivo es asegurar y favorecer el acceso a alimentos inocuos que beneficien la salud y, evitar que la información recibida por los consumidores sea inexacta, ambigua o engañosa. El Reglamento pretende impedir que se atribuyan propiedades nutritivas y declaraciones de propiedades saludables a los alimentos sin razón o sin que exista suficiente evidencia científica. En este sentido, un grupo de profesionales de la Universidad de Alicante en diciembre de 2012 llevó a cabo la Primera Jornada de Alimentación y Nutrición, organizada por el Gabinete ALINU de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Alicante, relacionada con actualizaciones sobre declaraciones nutricionales y de propiedades saludables y sus implicaciones en la salud pública. Por el interés y la importancia del tema, se presenta un resumen de las ponencias desde la postura de los diferentes agentes implicados: consumidores, Administración, industria alimentaria, dietistas-nutricionistas, la Academia y la Salud Pública.


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OBJETIVO: Analizar la opinión que los usuarios tienen sobre alimentos genéticamente modificados y su información en el etiquetado. MÉTODOS: Realizada revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre los alimentos transgénicos y el etiquetado a partir de la consulta de las bases de datos bibliográficas: Medline (vía PubMed), EMBASE, ISIWeb of Knowledge, Cochrane Library Plus, FSTA, LILACS, CINAHL y AGRICOLA. Los descriptores seleccionados fueron: «organisms, genetically modified» y «food labeling». La búsqueda se realizó desde la primera fecha disponible hasta junio de 2012, seleccionando los artículos pertinentes escritos en inglés, portugués y castellano. RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron 40 artículos. En todos ellos, se debía haber realizado una intervención poblacional enfocada al conocimiento de los consumidores sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados y su necesidad, o no, de incluir información en el etiquetado. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado, y apunta que está dispuesto a pagar algo más por él, pero, en definitiva compra el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías. En 18 artículos la población se mostraba favorable a su etiquetado obligatorio y seis al etiquetado voluntario; siete trabajos demostraban el poco conocimiento de la población sobre los transgénicos y, en tres, la población subestimó la cantidad que consumía. En todo caso, se observó la influencia del precio del producto genéticamente modificado. CONCLUSIONES: La etiqueta debe ser homogénea y aclarar el grado de tolerancia en humanos de alimentos genéticamente modificados en comparación con los no modificados. Asimismo, debe dejar claro su composición, o no, de alimento genéticamente modificado y la forma de producción de estos artículos de consumo. La etiqueta también debe ir acompañada de un sello de certificación de una agencia del estado y datos para contacto. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado pero señaló que acaba comprando el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías.