4 resultados para Finanssiala


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The main objective of this master’s thesis was to determine, what are the insights, challenges and problems related to differing business logics and principles of income generation and how can they be integrated in a financial group with insurance and banking operations from the perspective of customer profitability. Review of the industrial specific features had a high priority in the study. The study is a qualitative case study with empirical data collected from semi-structured interviews. Qualitative research method was chosen since it produces kind of data required to answer the research questions. Interviewees were chosen from different organizational levels to achieve a comprehensive big picture of the subject. The key result of the study is that the most important factor for the customer profitability on the financial sector is to find and fulfill the customer needs with a comprehensive service package. Also long-term customer relationships were considered significant and customer life cycle assessment essential. In the case-organization the most significant factors in this process were a strong local presence and the tacit knowledge of the customers’ business and activities, although there are major challenges in systematic exploitation of this information. The management of the customer profitability in case-organization faces great challenges because of the history of growth via acquisitions, which has led to so-called “problem of the two balance sheets”, conflict in corporate culture and establishment of the mutual goals and performance measurement.


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Finanssiala on kokonaisuutena suurten muutosten ja vaatimusten kohteena. Toisaalta globalisaatio ja kehittyvä tietotalous antavat toiminnalle suuria mahdollisuuksia, toisaalta finanssikriisin jälkeistä aikaa on leimannut perinteisen korkokatteen supistuminen ja uusien tulonlähteiden etsintä. Entistä tehokkaampi tietojenkäsittely ja asiakastietojen hyväksikäyttö luo edellytyksiä toimia alalla entistä tehokkaammin ja ohjata yrityksen päätöksentekoa tiedolla. Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia tiedon roolia OP-Pohjola-ryhmän strategiaprosessissa ja luoda malli, jolla liiketoimintatietoa pystyttäisi käyttämään tehokkaammin ja tarkoituksenmukaisemmin hyväksi strategiatyössä. Tutkielma toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena ja empiirinen aineisto hankittiin haastattelemalla organisaation strategiaprosessiin osallistuvia tahoja. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan OP-Pohjola-ryhmällä ei ole määrämuotoista tapaa käyttää hyväksi liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan tuottamaa dataa. Strategiaprosessin päätöksenteossa merkittävä rooli on yksilöiden toisaalta omista organisaatioista tuottaman liiketoimintatiedon ja toisaalta yksilöiden hiljaisen tiedon varassa. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena luotiin malli, jolla strategiaprosessiin tuotetaan tietoa määrämuotoisen ja toistettavan prosessin kautta.


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The purpose of this thesis is to focus on credit risk estimation. Different credit risk estimation methods and characteristics of credit risk are discussed. The study is twofold, including an interview of a credit risk specialist and a quantitative section. Quantitative section applies the KMV model to estimate credit risk of 12 sample companies from three different industries: automobile, banking and financial sector and technology. Timeframe of the estimation is one year. On the basis of the KMV model and the interview, implications for analysis of credit risk are discussed. The KMV model yields consistent results with the existing credit ratings. However, banking and financial sector requires calibration of the model due to high leverage of the industry. Credit risk is considerably driven by leverage, value and volatility of assets. Credit risk models produce useful information on credit worthiness of a business. Yet, quantitative models often require qualitative support in the decision-making situation.