995 resultados para Fed-batch Cultures
A perennial problem in recombinant protein expression is low yield of the product of interest. A strategy which has been shown to increase the production of baculovirus-expressed proteins is to utilise fed-batch cultures. One disadvantage of this approach is the time-consuming task of optimising the feeding strategy. Previously, a statistical optimisation routine was applied to develop a feeding strategy that increased the yield of beta-Galactosidase (beta-Gal) by 2.4-fold (Biotechnol. Bioeng, 59 (1998) 178). This involves the single addition of nutrient concentrates (amino acids, lipids. glucose and yeastolate ultrafiltrate) into Sf9 cell cultures grown in SF900II medium. In this study, it is demonstrated that this optimised fed-batch strategy developed for a high-yielding intracellular product beta-Gal could be applied successfully to a relatively low-yielding glycosylated and secreted product such as the dengue virus glycoprotein NS1. Optimised batch infections yielded 4 mug/ml of NS1 at a peak cell density of 4.2 x 10(6) cells/ml. In contrast. optimised fed-batch infections exhibited a 3-fold improvement in yield, with 12 mug ml of NS1 produced at a peak cell density of 11.3 x 10(6) cells/ml. No further improvements in yield were recorded when the feed volumes were doubled and the peak cell density was increased to 23 x 10(6) cells/ml, unless the cultures were stimulated by the addition of 4 mug/ml of 20-Hydroxyecdysone (an insect moulting hormone). In this case, the NS1 yield was increased to 20 mug/ml. which was nearly 5-fold higher than optimised batch cultures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The behavior of S. platensis was investigated in this study through fed-batch pulse-feeding cultures performed at different carbon dioxide feeding rates (F = 0.44-1.03 g L-1 d(-1)) and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD = 80-250 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) in a bench-scale helical photobioreactor. To achieve this purpose, an inorganic medium lacking the carbon source was enriched by gaseous carbon dioxide from a cylinder. The maximum cell concentration achieved was 12.8 g L-1 at PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) and F= 0.44 g L-1 d(-1) of CO2. At PPFD = 80 and 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), the carbon utilization efficiency (CUE) reached maximum values of 50 and 69%, respectively, after about 20 days, and then it decreased, thus highlighting a photolimitation effect. At PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), CUE was >= 90% between 20 and 50 days. The photosynthetic efficiency reached its maximum value (9.4%) at PPFD = 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). The photoinhibition threshold appeared to strongly depend on the feeding rate: at high PPFD, an increase in the amount of fed CO2 delayed the inhibitory effect on biomass growth, whereas at low PPFD, excess CO2 addition caused the microalga to stop growing. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fed-batch culture can offer significant improvement in recombinant protein production compared to batch culture in the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS), as shown by Nguyen et al. (1993) and Bedard et al. (1994) among others. However, a thorough analysis of fed-batch culture to determine its limits in improving recombinant protein production over batch culture has yet to be performed. In this work, this issue is addressed by the optimisation of single-addition fed-batch culture. This type of fed-batch culture involves the manual addition of a multi-component nutrient feed to batch culture before infection with the baculovirus. The nutrient feed consists of yeastolate ultrafiltrate, lipids, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, and glucose, which were added to batch cultures of Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells before infection with a recombinant Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Ac-NPV) expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal). The fed-batch production of beta-Gal was optimised using response surface methods (RSM). The optimisation was performed in two stages, starting with a screening procedure to determine the most important variables and ending with a central-composite experiment to obtain a response surface model of volumetric beta-Gal production. The predicted optimum volumetric yield of beta-Gal in fed-batch culture was 2.4-fold that of the best yields in batch culture. This result was confirmed by a statistical analysis of the best fed-batch and batch data (with average beta-Gal yields of 1.2 and 0.5 g/L, respectively) obtained from this laboratory. The response surface model generated can be used to design a more economical fed-batch operation, in which nutrient feed volumes are minimised while maintaining acceptable improvements in beta-Gal yield. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Viable cells immobilized in inert supports are currently studied for a wide range of bioprocesses. The intrinsic advantages of such systems over suspended cultures incite new research, including studies on fundamental aspects as well as on the industrial viability of these non-conventional processes. In aerobic culture of filamentous fungi, scale-up is hindered by oxygen mass transfer limitation through the support material and bioprocess kinetics must be studied together with mass transfer limitation. In this work, experimental and simulated data of cephalosporin C production were compared. Concentrations in the bulk fermentation medium and cellular mass profiles inside the bioparticles are focused. Immobilized cells were used in a tower bioreactor, operated in fed-batch mode. To describe the radial variation of oxygen concentration within the pellet, a dead core model was used. Despite the extremely low sugar concentrations, bioreaction rates in the pellets were limited by the dissolved oxygen concentration. Cell growth occurs only in the outer layers, a result also confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bioenergetic analysis may be applied in order to predict microbial growth yields, based on the Gibbs energy dissipation and mass conservation principles of the overall growth reaction. The bioenergetics of the photoautotrophic growth of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis was investigated in different bioreactor configurations (tubular photobioreactor and open ponds) using different nitrogen sources (nitrate and urea) and under different light intensity conditions to determine the best growing conditions in terms of Gibbs energy dissipation, number of photons to sustain cell growth and phototrophic energy yields distribution in relation to the ATP and NADPH formation, and release of heat. Although an increase in the light intensity increased the Gibbs energy dissipated for cell growth and maintenance with both nitrogen sources, it did not exert any appreciable influence on the moles of photons absorbed by the system to produce one C-mol biomass. On the other hand, both bioenergetic parameters were higher in cultures with nitrate than with urea, likely because of the higher energy requirements needed to reduce the former nitrogen source to ammonia. They appreciably increased also when open ponds were substituted by the tubular photobioreactor, where a more efficient light distribution ensured a remarkably higher cell mass concentration. The estimated percentages of the energy absorbed by the cell showed that, compared with nitrate, the use of urea as nitrogen source allowed the system to address higher energy fractions to ATP production and light fixation by the photosynthetic apparatus, as well as a lower fraction released as heat. The best energy yields values on Gibbs energy necessary for cell growth and maintenance were achieved in up to 4-5 days of cultivation, indicating that it would be the optimum range to maintain cell growth. Thanks to this better bioenergetic situation, urea appears to be a quite promising low-cost, alternative nitrogen source for Arthrospira platensis cultures in photobioreactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of the current study was to assess how closely batch cultures (BC) of rumen microorganisms can mimic the dietary differences in fermentation characteristics found in the rumen, and to analyse changes in bacterial diversity over the in vitro incubation period. Four ruminally and duodenally cannulated sheep were fed four diets having forage : concentrate ratios (FCR) of 70 : 30 or 30 : 70, with either alfalfa hay or grass hay as forage. Rumen fluid from each sheep was used to inoculate BC containing the same diet fed to the donor sheep, and the main rumen fermentation parameters were determined after 24 h of incubation. There were differences between BC and sheep in the magnitude of most measured parameters, but BC detected differences among diets due to forage type similar to those found in sheep. In contrast, BC did not reproduce the dietary differences due to FCR found in sheep for pH, degradability of neutral detergent fibre and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations. There were differences between systems in the magnitude of most determined parameters and BC showed higher pH values and NH3–N concentrations, but lower fibre degradability and VFA and lactate concentrations compared with sheep. There were significant relationships between in vivo and in vitro values for molar proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate, and the acetate : propionate ratio. The automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) of 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid showed that FCR had no effect on bacterial diversity either in the sheep rumen fluid used as inoculum (IN) or in BC samples. In contrast, bacterial diversity was greater with alfalfa hay diets than those with grass hay in the IN, but was unaffected by forage type in the BC. Similarity index between the bacterial communities in the inocula and those in the BC ranged from 67·2 to 74·7%, and was unaffected by diet characteristics. Bacterial diversity was lower in BC than in the inocula with 14 peaks out of a total of 181 detected in the ARISA electropherograms never appearing in BC samples, which suggests that incubation conditions in the BC may have caused a selection of some bacterial strains. However, each BC sample showed the highest similarity index with its corresponding rumen IN, which highlights the importance of using rumen fluid from donors fed a diet similar to that being incubated in BC when conducting in vitro experiments.
The objective of this work was to study the operational feasibility of nitrification and denitrification processes in a mechanically stirred sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated in batch and fed-batch mode. The reactor was equipped with a draft-tube to improve mass transfer and contained dispersed (aerobic) and granulated (anaerobic) biomass. The following reactor variables were adjusted: aeration time during the nitrification step; dissolved oxygen concentration, feed time defining batch and fed-batch phases, concentration of external carbon source used as electron donor during the denitrification stage and volumetric ammonium nitrogen load in the influent. The reactor (5 L volume) was maintained at 30 +/- 1 degrees C and treated either 1.0 or 1.5 L wastewater in 8-h cycles. Ammonium nitrogen concentrations assessed were: 50 (condition 1) and 100 mgN-NH(4)(+).L(-1) (condition 2), resulting in 29 and 67 mgN-NH(4)(+).L-1-d(-1), respectively. A synthetic medium and ethanol were used as external carbon sources (ECS). Total nitrogen removal efficiencies were 94.4 and 95.9% when the reactor was operated under conditions 1 and 2, respectively. Low nitrite (0.2 and 0.3 mgN-NO(2)(-).L(-1), respectively) and nitrate (0.01 and 0.3 mgN-NO(3)(-).L(-1), respectively) concentrations were detected in the effluent and ammonium nitrogen removal efficiencies were 97.6% and 99.6% under conditions 1 and 2, respectively.
Repeated-batch cultures of Ca-alginate immobilized cells of Streptomyces olindensis ICB20 for retamycin production were carried out in two different bioreactors: a basket-type stirred tank reactor (BSTR) and a bubble column reactor (BCR). Higher average values of retamycin content (R) and productivity (P-R) were achieved in the BSTR cultures (about 1.7 AU and 0.031 AU h(-1), respectively) compared to those obtained in the BCR cultures (about 0.6 AU and 0.012 AU h(-1), respectively). The BCR, on the other hand, presented significantly better operation stability than the BSTR, which makes the former much more promising regarding future industrial applications. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous work demonstrated that a mixture of NH(4)Cl and KNO(3) as nitrogen source was beneficial to fed-batch Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis cultivation, in terms of either lower costs or higher cell concentration. On the basis of those results, this study focused on the use of a cheaper nitrogen source mixture, namely (NH(4))(2)SO(4) plus NaNO(3), varying the ammonium feeding time (T = 7-15 days), either controlling the pH by CO(2) addition or not. A. platensis was cultivated in mini-tanks at 30 degrees C, 156 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), and starting cell concentration of 400 mg L(-1), on a modified Schlosser medium. T = 13 days under pH control were selected as optimum conditions, ensuring the best results in terms of biomass production (maximum cell concentration of 2911 mg L(-1), cell productivity of 179 mg L(-1) d(-1) and specific growth rate of 0.77 d(-1)) and satisfactory protein and lipid contents (around 30% each). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arthrospira platensis was cultivated in tubular photobioreactor using different photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD) and protocols of (NH(4))(2)SO(4) fed-hatch supply. Results were evaluated by variance analysis selecting maximum cell concentration (X(m)), cell productivity (P(x)), nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor (Y(X/N)) and biomass, protein and lipid contents as responses. At PPFD of 120 and 240 mu mol-photons/m(2) s, a parabolic profile of (NH(4))(2)SO(4) addition aiming at producing biomass with 7% nitrogen content ensured X(m) values (14.1 and 12.2 g/L, respectively) comparable to those obtained with NaNO(3). At PPFD of 240 mu mol-photons/m(2) s, P(x) (1.69 g/Ld) was 36% higher, although the photosynthetic efficiency (3.0%) was less than one-half that at PPFD of 120 mu mol-photons/m(2) s. Biomass was shown to be constituted by about 35% proteins and 10% lipids, without any dependence on PPFD or kind of nitrogen source. These results highlight the possible use of (NH(4))(2)SO(4) as alternative, cheap nitrogen source for A. platensis cultivation in tubular photobioreactors. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 26: 1271-1277, 2010
Arthrospira platensis was cultivated in minitanks at 13 klux, using a mixture of KNO(3) and NH(4)Cl as nitrogen source. Fed-batch daily supply of NH(4)Cl at exponentially-increasing feeding rate allowed preventing ammonia toxicity and nitrogen deficiency, providing high maximum cell concentration (X(m)) and high-quality biomass (21.85 mg chlorophyll g cells(-1); 20.5% lipids; 49.8% proteins). A central composite design combined to response surface methodology was utilized to determine the relationships between responses (X(m), cell productivity and nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor) and independent variables (KNO(3) and NH(4)Cl concentrations). Under optimum conditions (15.5 mM KNO3; 14.1 mM NH(4)Cl), X(m) was 4327 mg L(-1), a value almost coincident with that obtained with only 25.4 mM KNO(3), but more than twice that obtained with 21.5 mM NH(4)Cl. A 30%-reduction of culture medium cost can be estimated when compared to KNO(3)-batch runs, thus behaving as a cheap alternative for the commercial production of this cyanobacterium. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study deals with the effects of the initial nitrogen source (NZ Case TT) level and the protocol of glucose addition during the fed-batch production of tetanus toxin by Clostridium tetani. An increase in the initial concentration of NZ Case TT (NZ(0)) accelerated cell growth, increased the consumption of the nitrogen source as well as the final yield of tetanus toxin, which achieved the highest values (50-60 L(f)/mL) for NZ(0) > 50 g/L. The addition of glucose at fixed times (16, 56, and 88 h) ensured a toxin yield (similar to 60 L(f)/mL) about 33% higher than those of fed-batch runs with addition at fixed concentration (similar to 45 L(f)/mL) and about 300% higher than those obtained in reference batch runs nowadays used at industrial,scale. The results of this work promise to substantially improve the present production of tetanus toxin and may be adopted for human vaccine production after detoxification and purification. (C) 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 26: 88-92, 2010
Arthospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont was autotrophically cultivated for biomass production in repeated fed-batch process using urea as nitrogen source, with the aim of making large-scale production easier, increasing cell productivity and then reducing the production costs. It was investigated the influence or the ratio of renewed volume to total volume (R), the Urea feeding time (t(f)) and the number of successive repealed fed-batch cycles on the maximum cell concentration (X(m)), cell productivity (P(x)), nitrogen-to-cell conversion yield (Y(x/n)), maximum specific growth rate (mu(m)) and protein content of, dry biomass. The experimental results demonstrated chat R=0.80 and t(f) = 6d were the best cultivation conditions, being able to simultaneously ensure, throughout the three fed-batch cycles, the highest average values of three of the five responses (X(m) = 2101 +/- 113 mg L(-1), P(x) = 219 +/- 13 mg L(-1) d(-1) and Y(x/n) = 10.3 +/- 0.8,g g(-1)). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fed-batch fermentation is used to prevent or reduce substrate-associated growth inhibition by controlling nutrient supply. Here we review the advances in control of fed-batch fermentations. Simple exponential feeding and inferential methods are examined, as are newer methods based on fuzzy control and neural networks. Considerable interest has developed in these more advanced methods that hold promise for optimizing fed-batch techniques for complex fermentation systems. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.