28 resultados para Favorability


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This paper presents the groundwater favorability mapping on a fractured terrain in the eastern portion of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Remote sensing, airborne geophysical data, photogeologic interpretation, geologic and geomorphologic maps and geographic information system (GIS) techniques have been used. The results of cross-tabulation between these maps and well yield data allowed groundwater prospective parameters in a fractured-bedrock aquifer. These prospective parameters are the base for the favorability analysis whose principle is based on the knowledge-driven method. The mutticriteria analysis (weighted linear combination) was carried out to give a groundwater favorabitity map, because the prospective parameters have different weights of importance and different classes of each parameter. The groundwater favorability map was tested by cross-tabulation with new well yield data and spring occurrence. The wells with the highest values of productivity, as well as all the springs occurrence are situated in the excellent and good favorabitity mapped areas. It shows good coherence between the prospective parameters and the well yield and the importance of GIS techniques for definition of target areas for detail study and wells location. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A methodology to define favorable areas in petroleum and mineral exploration is applied, which consists in weighting the exploratory variables, in order to characterize their importance as exploration guides. The exploration data are spatially integrated in the selected area to establish the association between variables and deposits, and the relationships among distribution, topology, and indicator pattern of all variables. Two methods of statistical analysis were compared. The first one is the Weights of Evidence Modeling, a conditional probability approach (Agterberg, 1989a), and the second one is the Principal Components Analysis (Pan, 1993). In the conditional method, the favorability estimation is based on the probability of deposit and variable joint occurrence, with the weights being defined as natural logarithms of likelihood ratios. In the multivariate analysis, the cells which contain deposits are selected as control cells and the weights are determined by eigendecomposition, being represented by the coefficients of the eigenvector related to the system's largest eigenvalue. The two techniques of weighting and complementary procedures were tested on two case studies: 1. Recôncavo Basin, Northeast Brazil (for Petroleum) and 2. Itaiacoca Formation of Ribeira Belt, Southeast Brazil (for Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley Type deposits). The applied methodology proved to be easy to use and of great assistance to predict the favorability in large areas, particularly in the initial phase of exploration programs. © 1998 International Association for Mathematical Geology.


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The Permafrost Favorability Index (PFI) map for the Chilean Semi-Arid Andes (29°S-32°S) indicates where permafrost is likely to occur (resolution 30 m x 30 m). The predicted favorability of permafrost occurrence ranges between 0 and 1, where high PFI values indicate most favorable environmental conditions for permafrost existence and low values indicates that permafrost will be present in exceptional circumstances with favorable local conditions. Conditions highly favorable to permafrost presence (PFI > 0.75) are predicted for 1051 km² of mountain terrain, or 2.7 % of the total area of the watersheds studied. Favorable conditions are expected to occur in 2636 km², or 6.8% of the area. Especially the Elqui and Huasco watersheds in the northern half of the study area where a substantial surface portion (11.8 % each) was considered to be favorable for permafrost presence, while predicted favorable areas in the southern Limarí and Choapa watersheds are mostly limited to specific sub-watersheds.


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The main purpose of this paper is to propose and test a model to assess the degree of conditions favorability in the adoption of agile methods to develop software where traditional methods predominate. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was applied on software developers of a Brazilian public retail bank. Two different statistical techniques were used in order to assess the quantitative data from the closed questions in the survey. The first, exploratory factorial analysis validated the structure of perspectives related to the agile model of the proposed assessment. The second, frequency distribution analysis to categorize the answers. Qualitative data from the survey opened question were analyzed with the technique of qualitative thematic content analysis. As a result, the paper proposes a model to assess the degree of favorability conditions in the adoption of Agile practices within the context of the proposed study.


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Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides, the fungus that causes ramulosis disease of cotton, is widespread in Brazil and can cause severe yield loss. Because weather conditions greatly affect disease development, the objective of this work was to develop weather-based models to assess disease favorability. Latent period, incidence, and severity of ramulosis symptoms were evaluated in controlled environment experiments using factorial combinations of temperature (15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 degrees C) and leaf wetness duration (0, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 h after inoculation). Severity was modeled as an exponential function of leaf wetness duration and temperature. At the optimum temperature of disease development, 27 degrees C, average latent period was 10 days. Maximum ramulosis severity occurred from 20 to 30 degrees C, with sharp decreases at lower and higher temperatures. Ramulosis severity increased as wetness periods were increased from 4 to 32 h. In field experiments at Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, cotton plots were inoculated (10(5) conidia ml(-1)) and ramulosis severity was evaluated weekly. The model obtained from the controlled environment study was used to generate a disease favorability index for comparison with disease progress rate in the field. Hourly measurements of solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity, leaf wetness duration, rainfall, and wind speed were also evaluated as possible explanatory variables. Both the disease favorability model and a model based on rainfall explained ramulosis growth rate well, with R(2) of 0.89 and 0.91, respectively. They are proposed as models of ramulosis development rate on cotton in Brazil, and weather-disease relationships revealed by this work can form the basis of a warning system for ramulosis development.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential risk of moniliasis occurrence and the impacts of climate change on this disease in the coming decades, should this pathogen be introduced in Brazil. To this end, climate favorability maps were devised for the occurrence of moniliasis, both for the present and future time. The future scenarios (A2 and B2) focused on the decades of 2020, 2050 and 2080. These scenarios were obtained from six global climate models (GCMs) made available by the third assessment report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Currently, there are large areas with favorable climate conditions for moniliasis in Brazil, especially in regions at high risk of introduction of that pathogen. Considering the global warming scenarios provided by the IPCC, the potential risk of moniliasis occurrence in Brazil will be reduced. This decrease is predicted for both future scenarios, but will occur more sharply in scenario A2. However, there will still be areas with favorable climate conditions for the development of the disease, particularly in Brazil's main producing regions. Moreover, pathogen and host alike may undergo alterations due to climate change, which will affect the extent of their impacts on this pathosystem.


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The aim of this study was to determine the minimum conditions of wetness duration and mean temperature required for Fusarium head blight infection in wheat. The weather model developed by Zoldan (2008) was tested in field experiments for two wheat cultivars grown in 2005 (five sowing dates) and 2006 (six sowing dates) in 10 m² plots with three replicates. The disease was assessed according to head incidence (HI), spikelet incidence (SI), and the interaction between these two methods was called head blight severity (HBS). Starting at the beginning of anthesis, air temperature and head wetness duration were daily recorded with an automatic weather station. With the combination of these two factors, a weather favorability table was built for the disease occurrence. Starting on the day of flowering beginning (1 - 5% fully exserted anthers), the sum of daily values for infection favorability (SDVIF) was calculated by means of a computer program, according to Zoldan (2008) table. The initial symptoms of the disease were observed at 3.7% spikelet incidence, corresponding to 2.6 SVDFI. The infection occurs in wheat due to rainfall which results in spike wetting of > 61.4 h duration. Rainfall events forecast can help time fungicide application to control FHB. The name of this alert system is proposed as UPF-scab alert.


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Calidad en salud y Satisfacción en salud son dos fenómenos de naturaleza distinta, sin embargo la literatura reporta que en las mediciones de ambas parecen evaluarse factores similares en la prestación de los servicios de salud. La calidad en salud hace referencia a las ¨creencias que como forma de la percepción forman parte de la cognición mientras que la satisfacción concebida como un juicio de valor positivo o negativo que construye el sujeto que ha recibido el servicio de acuerdo al cumplimiento de sus expectativas, es considerada uno de los principales objetivos de la calidad de atención en salud y un indicador del óptimo funcionamiento de las instituciones hospitalarias, así entonces, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar cuáles son las características asistenciales y administrativas que potencialmente influirían en la valoración de la satisfacción del usuario y funcionario frente a la atención en los servicios de salud del Hospital Municipal del Guamo-Tolima, mediante la identificación, medición y descripción de las mismas .Los resultados del estudio obtenidos a partir de la comparación de medias de cada uno de los ítems evaluados, y de la diferencia significativa de medias, mostraron que existen diferencias significativas entre la importancia asignada por los usuarios frente a la asignada por los funcionarios.


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Actualmente, el concepto de seguridad ha logrado expandirse hacia la inclusión de amenazas no tradicionales. En este contexto, el fenómeno de la migración internacional empieza a hacer parte de la agenda de algunos gobiernos, entendiéndose como un asunto que amenaza la seguridad del Estado. El interés de esta monografía gira en torno a examinar el discurso securitizador del Reino Unido sobre la inmigración rumana entre 2007-2014, con el fin de determinar la incidencia que este ha tenido en la percepción de la migración internacional como un asunto de seguridad en la UE. Al entender el discurso del Reino Unido a la luz de la teoría de securitización e incluir el análisis de la opinión pública europea, se observa que, si bien el discurso ha influido en el contexto doméstico, éste ha tenido una baja incidencia en la percepción de la migración internacional como un asunto de seguridad en la UE.


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Statistical approaches have been applied to examine amino acid pairing preferences within parallel beta-sheets. The main chain hydrogen bonding pattern in parallel beta-sheets means that, for each residue pair, only one of the residues is involved in main chain hydrogen bonding with the strand containing the partner residue. We call this the hydrogen bonded (HB) residue and the partner residue the non-hydrogen bonded (nHB) residue, and differentiate between the favorability of a pair and that of its reverse pair, e.g. Asn(HB)-Thr(nHB)versus Thr(HB)-Asn(nHB). Significantly (p < or = 0.000001) favoured pairings were rationalised using stereochemical arguments. For instance, Asn(HB)-Thr(nHB) and Arg(HB)-Thr(nHB) were favoured pairs, where the residues adopted favoured chi1 rotamer positions that allowed side-chain interactions to occur. In contrast, Thr(HB)-Asn(nHB) and Thr(HB)-Arg(nHB) were not significantly favoured, and could only form side-chain interactions if the residues involved adopted less favourable chi1 conformations. The favourability of hydrophobic pairs e.g. Ile(HB)-Ile(nHB), Val(HB)-Val(nHB) and Leu(HB)-Ile(nHB) was explained by the residues adopting their most preferred chi1 and chi2 conformations, which enabled them to form nested arrangements. Cysteine-cysteine pairs are significantly favoured, although these do not form intrasheet disulphide bridges. Interactions between positively and negatively charged residues were asymmetrically preferred: those with the negatively charged residue at the HB position were more favoured. This trend was accounted for by the presence of general electrostatic interactions, which, based on analysis of distances between charged atoms, were likely to be stronger when the negatively charged residue is the HB partner. The Arg(HB)-Asp(nHB) interaction was an exception to this trend and its favorability was rationalised by the formation of specific side-chain interactions. This research provides rules that could be applied to protein structure prediction, comparative modelling and protein engineering and design. The methods used to analyse the pairing preferences are automated and detailed results are available (http://www.rubic.rdg.ac.uk/betapairprefsparallel/).


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This paper explores the idea that stakeholder proximity, that is, how much/little experience a stakeholder has with a focal organization, impacts the extent to which stakeholders rely on strategic group characteristics as an anchor when judging the reputation of higher education institutions. We synthesize theories from psychology (ie, cognitive categorization theory) and management (ie, strategic group theory) to explore how stakeholder proximity may influence the formation of organizational reputation. Specifically, we examine how the proximity of three key stakeholders (N=1,049; prospective students, parents of students and hiring managers of new graduates) influences the perceived strategic character and generalized favorability of three distinct groups of post-secondary institutions (research-intensive universities, teaching-intensive universities and career colleges). Our results suggest that high proximity stakeholders rely less on strategic group characteristics, while reputation at a strategic group level is suggested to have greater influence on stakeholders who have less direct experience of and low proximity to an organization. Interestingly, our findings reveal some consistent differences between perceptions of prospective students and hiring managers that pose important theoretical questions about the role and impact of direct experiences in the reputation-building process, while also suggesting that higher education institutions may benefit significantly from differentiated marketing strategies according to issues of proximity.


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Guias para exploração mineral são normalmente baseados em modelos conceituais de depósitos. Esses guias são, normalmente, baseados na experiência dos geólogos, em dados descritivos e em dados genéticos. Modelamentos numéricos, probabilísticos e não probabilísticos, para estimar a ocorrência de depósitos minerais é um novo procedimento que vem a cada dia aumentando sua utilização e aceitação pela comunidade geológica. Essa tese utiliza recentes metodologias para a geração de mapas de favorablidade mineral. A denominada Ilha Cristalina de Rivera, uma janela erosional da Bacia do Paraná, situada na porção norte do Uruguai, foi escolhida como estudo de caso para a aplicação das metodologias. A construção dos mapas de favorabilidade mineral foi feita com base nos seguintes tipos de dados, informações e resultados de prospecção: 1) imagens orbitais; 2) prospecção geoquimica; 3) prospecção aerogeofísica; 4) mapeamento geo-estrutural e 5) altimetria. Essas informacões foram selecionadas e processadas com base em um modelo de depósito mineral (modelo conceitual), desenvolvido com base na Mina de Ouro San Gregorio. O modelo conceitual (modelo San Gregorio), incluiu características descritivas e genéticas da Mina San Gregorio, a qual abrange os elementos característicos significativos das demais ocorrências minerais conhecidas na Ilha Cristalina de Rivera. A geração dos mapas de favorabilidade mineral envolveu a construção de um banco de dados, o processamento dos dados, e a integração dos dados. As etapas de construção e processamento dos dados, compreenderam a coleta, a seleção e o tratamento dos dados de maneira a constituírem os denominados Planos de Informação. Esses Planos de Informação foram gerados e processados organizadamente em agrupamentos, de modo a constituírem os Fatores de Integração para o mapeamento de favorabilidade mineral na Ilha Cristalina de Rivera. Os dados foram integrados por meio da utilização de duas diferentes metodologias: 1) Pesos de Evidência (dirigida pelos dados) e 2) Lógica Difusa (dirigida pelo conhecimento). Os mapas de favorabilidade mineral resultantes da implementação das duas metodologias de integração foram primeiramente analisados e interpretados de maneira individual. Após foi feita uma análise comparativa entre os resultados. As duas metodologias xxiv obtiveram sucesso em identificar, como áreas de alta favorabilidade, as áreas mineralizadas conhecidas, além de outras áreas ainda não trabalhadas. Os mapas de favorabilidade mineral resultantes das duas metodologias mostraram-se coincidentes em relação as áreas de mais alta favorabilidade. A metodologia Pesos de Evidência apresentou o mapa de favorabilidade mineral mais conservador em termos de extensão areal, porém mais otimista em termos de valores de favorabilidade em comparação aos mapas de favorabilidade mineral resultantes da implementação da metodologia Lógica Difusa. Novos alvos para exploração mineral foram identificados e deverão ser objeto de investigação em detalhe.


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A mancha preta dos citros é uma doença causada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa que produz lesões em frutos em variedades de laranja doce comerciais, causando a queda precoce dos frutos, diminuindo a produtividade e levando a sua depreciação para o mercado de fruta fresca. O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver e validar um modelo de favorabilidade climática da mancha preta dos citros relacionado a ocorrência dos sintomas da doença no Estado de São Paulo. Desenvolveu-se um sistema empírico com base em um banco de dados da ocorrência da doença e das condições climáticas, em campo, nos municípios de Barretos/SP e Gavião Peixoto/SP, durante as Safras 2007/2008 e 2008/2009. A variedade de laranjeira doce utilizada nos experimentos foi a 'Valência' enxertada sobre limoeiro 'Cravo', com 10 anos de idade. Para a incidência da mancha preta foi avaliada a porcentagem de frutos com sintomas na planta e para a severidade, a porcentagem de casca lesionada por fruto. Na análise de regressão as variáveis climáticas e os dados de intensidade de doença de Barretos foram selecionados no procedimento 'stepwise'. As melhores equações de regressão foram selecionadas pelo coeficiente de determinação (R²) e pela significância da regressão no teste F (P < 0,05 e P < 0,01) que resultou na equação Y= -502,43 + 9,61 X10 + 4,78 X30 + 0,54 X46 - 7,9 X50 em que Y=Índice de Favorabilidade, X10 é a temperatura média, X30 é a umidade relativa média, X46 é o molhamento foliar e X50 é a temperatura média durante o molhamento foliar, determinados com dados de intervalos de sete dias. Procedeu-se a validação no campo no município de Gavião Peixoto durante a Safra 2008/2009, realizando a correlação entre a incidência e severidade observadas no experimento e os dados previstos que foram os determinados pela equação, sendo que a correlação mostrou-se positiva para a incidência da doença com um R²=0,87.