73 resultados para FPA
The ability of millimetre wave and terahertz systems to penetrate clothing is well known. The fact that the transmission of clothing and the reflectivity of the body vary as a function of frequency is less so. Several instruments have now been developed to exploit this capability. The choice of operating frequency, however, has often been associated with the maturity and the cost of the enabling technology rather than a sound systems engineering approach. Top level user and systems requirements have been derived to inform the development of design concepts. Emerging micro and nano technology concepts have been reviewed and we have demonstrated how these can be evaluated against these requirements by simulation using OpenFx. Openfx is an open source suite of 3D tools for modeling, animation and visualization which has been modified for use at millimeter waves. © 2012 SPIE.
Elaborar un material y metodología adecuados a la enseñanza de la Lengua y Literatura Castellana en el tercer ciclo de FPA. Analizar las conexiones de todo tipo que pueden encontrarse en el estudio de las lenguas castellana y catalana. Potenciar el papel del maestro de adultos como investigador. Colaborar a dar impulso al proceso de Renovación pedagógica de Cataluña. La muestra esta compuesta por los 374 alumnos de pregraduado y graduado de escuelas de adultos (Pegaso, Clot, Ripollet, Can Puigjaner, Can Deu) escogidas éstas por diversas razones. Se han analizado también los programas de Lengua castellana y catalana de las escuelas de adultos y el libro 'Lengua y Literatura'. Búsqueda de información a partir de entrevistas con otros profesionales y de lecturas bibliográficas. Experimentación en las escuelas de las nuevas sugerencias y propuestas didácticas. Elaboración de un modelo nuevo. Contraste con la práctica. Crítica y valoración sobre la eficacia. Para la comparación con modelos de la enseñanza del catalán se ha seguido el mismo modelo añadiendo a la recogida de información la aplicación de la encuesta. Libros de texto. Entrevistas con profesionales. Encuesta 'ad hoc'. Análisis de contenido y descriptivo de libros y encuestas. En lengua castellana hay que: revisar la didáctica de la lengua y ofrecer pautas renovadoras de utilización del libro, seguir en contacto con los maestros, organizar un seminario-grupo de nuevas experiencias y de creación didáctica abierto a todo el mundo, censar y recoger todo el material audiovisual posible relacionado con la literatura. En lengua catalana se propone hacer, entre otras cosas: programaciones de Catalán, confeccionar materiales adecuados y coordinables, seguir la campaña de catalanización de las escuelas.
Un problema comune agli Ingegneri Gestionali è quello legato alla necessità di dover sempre spiegare in cosa consista veramente il proprio campo di studi. Amici, conoscenti e parenti non dimostrano mai, infatti, familiarità con il termine. Chi scrive è costretto addirittura ad ammettere di avere una madre che, a pochi giorni dalla discussione dalla Tesi Magistrale, continui ad affermare di non aver ancora capito quale lavoro andrà poi a fare il figlio. Medicina, Giurisprudenza ed Economia sono concetti facili da comprendere; “studiare con approccio quantitativo l'organizzazione e i processi produttivi delle imprese costruendo e applicando modelli per la soluzione dei loro problemi” in effetti lo è un po’ meno. Accade così che si debbano quindi aggiungere altri termini, spiegando l’ingegneria gestionale come insieme di altre discipline: produzione, logistica, marketing, economia aziendale, risorse umane, gestione, progetti... Si dà il caso che questo insieme di altre discipline coincida in larga parte con una branca ancora più oscura ai più: l’event management. Questo lavoro di Tesi è incentrato proprio sulla gestione di un evento: gli FPA Worlds 2012, i Mondiali di Frisbee Freestyle 2012 tenutisi a Riccione dal 2 al 5 agosto. L’autore, nell’ambito del suo percorso di Tirocinio, ne è stato l’event manager, ovvero il massimo responsabile e organizzatore, andando a far confluire esperienze, conoscenze e passioni personali con la coronazione degli studi universitari. L’intero progetto lo ha coinvolto dal luglio 2010 al settembre 2012, all’interno di un’azienda riminese con cui già collaborava dal 2009. La Tesi, di carattere prettamente sperimentale, va quindi ad esporre i processi gestionali “nascosti” dietro ad un evento che ha riscosso successo di pubblico e mediatico, affiancando in ognuno dei capitoli tematici modelli teorici e risultati pratici. La vastità di conoscenze, competenze e strumenti utilizzati ha reso quest’esperienza altamente stimolante, così come le numerose sfide che si sono succedute nel difficile percorso per organizzare il miglior Mondiale di Frisbee Freestyle di sempre.
This paper reports findings from an ongoing collaborative research project with the Financial Services Council (FSC), which contributed funding and facilitated the survey of financial planners’ clients through FSC member organisations. The article draws on the report to the FSC that was prepared by the QUT researchers, reporting findings on the initial exploratory stage of the project.1 The lyric in the title of this paper has become a catchcry for consumers dissatisfied with a range of financial services and products, and, as recent Federal Government inquiries have revealed, there is some truth to the claim. But as financial planning undergoes a series of reforms, including increased professionalism (FPA 2009) and improved quality of advice (Australian Government 2011), there are good reasons to explore the conditions under which clients report satisfaction with their financial planners; not least because the provision of effective financial planning and advice, delivered in accordance with, or transcending, the rules and norms of industry best-practice has the potential to benefit clients, not just financially, but across a number of life domains. In this paper, we report findings from an exploratory study investigating whether financial planning and advice contribute to client well-being, beyond effects on financial well-being. While anecdotal evidence supports psychological benefits such as a sense of security, little research has explored these links in any systematic or theoretically driven way. However, theory and research from cognate disciplines, such as psychology, indicate clear links between planning, goal setting and well-being that are likely to arise in the financial planning domain. Surveyed clients were asked to indicate their satisfaction with their financial advisers, the planning process and the advice they received. Clients responded to items designed to reflect key areas for financial planners in the shift towards increased professionalism, improved disclosure and greater client focus (e.g. FPA 2009). Clients also reflected on their financial situations before and after seeing their advisers, and considered the impact of their financial situations on a number of life areas including family relationships, mental health and well-being, and overall life satisfaction.
This report was submitted to the Financial Planning Association and is confined to the proposals in relation to compliance with the Best Interests duty (Part B) and the provision of Scaled Advice (Part C) in the FPA Consultation Paper, Modifications to the FPA Code of Professional Practice to incorporate FoFA, released in October 2012.
This thesis concerns Swedish and Finland-Swedish brochures to families with children, presenting family allowances from the social insurance institutions in the two countries. The aim of the study is to analyse what meanings are conveyed with reference to the conceivable reader and the institution in the brochures. The material consists of information brochures in Swedish from Kela, the social insurance institution of Finland, and Försäkringskassan, the Swedish social insurance agency, issued during 2003–2006. The general theoretical framework is systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) as presented by Halliday & Matthiessen (2004) and Holmberg & Karlsson (2006). The study consists of a quantitative study of the lexical choices of the social insurance brochures. Furthermore, a qualitative process and participant analysis is annotated with the UAM Corpus tool and the results are quantified. Speech functions and modal auxiliaries are analysed qualitatively. The analysis shows that material and relational processes are most common. The relational and verbal processes are used more in the Sweden-Swedish brochures, while the material processes are more common in the Finland-Swedish brochures. The participants in the brochures are the institution, mentioned by its name, and the conceivable reader, directly addressed with “you” (du). In addition, the referent “child” is often mentioned. The participants assigned for the reader are Actor, Receiver, Carrier and Speaker. In the Finland-Swedish texts, the reader is often an Actor, while the reader in the Sweden-Swedish texts is a Carrier. Thus, the conceivable reader is an active participant who takes care of his or her own matters using the internet, communicates actively to the institution and has legal rights and obligations. The institution is visible in the texts but does not have an active role as the name of the institution is mostly used in circumstances. The institution is not often a participant, but when it is, it is Actor, Receiver, Listener and Carrier, expecting the clients to address it. Speech functions are performed in different ways. For instance, questions structure the reading process and commands are realised by modal auxiliaries, not by imperatives. The most common modal auxiliary is kan (can, may), and another common auxiliary is ska (shall, must). Statements are surrounded by subordinate clauses and adverbs that describe situations and criteria. The results of the study suggest that the brochures in the two countries are similar, in particular when produced in similar ways, that is, when the Finland-Swedish texts are not translated. Existing differences reflect the differences in the institutions, the social insurance systems and the cultural contexts. KEYWORDS: Finland-Swedish, Swedish, comparative analysis, SFL, discourse analysis, administrative language, institutional discourse, institutional communication
To find out whether food-producing animals (FPAs) are a source of extraintestinal expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli (ESCR-EC) infections in humans, Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were systematically reviewed. Thirty-four original, peer-reviewed publications were identified for inclusion. Six molecular epidemiology studies supported the transfer of resistance via whole bacterium transmission (WBT), which was best characterized among poultry in the Netherlands. Thirteen molecular epidemiology studies supported transmission of resistance via mobile genetic elements, which demonstrated greater diversity of geography and host FPA. Seventeen molecular epidemiology studies did not support WBT and two did not support mobile genetic element-mediated transmission. Four observational epidemiology studies were consistent with zoonotic transmission. Overall, there is evidence that a proportion of human extraintestinal ESCR-EC infections originate from FPAs. Poultry, in particular, is probably a source, but the quantitative and geographical extent of the problem is unclear and requires further investigation.
Kansaneläkeindeksi 1 508, elinkustannusindeksi 1 749 (pistelukujen keskiarvo heinäsyyskuulta 2010) Vuoden 2011 alusta kansaneläkkeisiin, perhe-eläkkeisiin, lapsikorotuksiin, rintamalisiin, vammaisetuuksiin (pl. ruokavaliokorvaukset) ja maahanmuuttajan erityistukiin tehtiin 0,4 prosentin indeksitarkistus. Eläke-etuusmenot kasvoivat 9,7 milj. euroa (0,4 %), vammaisetuusmenot 1,9 milj. euroa (0,4 %) ja maahanmuuttajan erityistukimenot 0,1 milj. euroa (0,3 %). Laskelmat perustuvat joulukuun 2010 etuuskantaan.
Kelan opintoetuustilasto 2009/10 -julkaisu sisältää keskeiset tiedot Kelan maksamista opintotuista ja koulumatkatuista sekä Kelan myöntämästä aikuiskoulutustukeen liittyvästä opintolainan valtiontakauksesta. Julkaisu tarjoaa tilastoja näiden etuuksien saajista ja maksetuista euromääristä. Opintotuesta esitetään myös opintolainoja, korkeakouluopiskelijoiden ateriatukea ja opintolainavähennystä koskevia tietoja.
Kela maksoi asumistukia 1 214,5 milj. euroa vuoden 2010 aikana. Kasvua edelliseen vuoteen oli 7 %. Taloustilanteen aiheuttaman työllisyyden huononemisen seurauksena asumistukien maksatus on kahtena peräkkäisenä vuotena kasvanut reilusti. Asumistukea saaneita perheitä tai ruokakuntia oli vuoden lopussa 498 000.
Työnhakijoille maksettuja työttömyysturvaetuuksia maksettiin vuonna 2010 yhteensä 3,3 miljardia euroa. Työttömyyskassojen osuus tästä oli 2,3 miljardia euroa ja Kelan 1,0 miljardia euroa.
Kela maksoi viime vuonna lapsiperheille etuuksia yhteensä 2 917,5 mil joonaa euroa. Noin puolet summasta kohdistui lapsilisiin, joita maksettiin 1 433,1 miljoonaa euroa. Vanhempainpäivärahoja maksettiin 957,5 miljoonaa euroa, lakisääteisiä lastenhoidon tukia 352,6 miljoonaa euroa, äitiysavustusta ja adoptiotukea 11,1 miljoonaa euroa ja elatustukea 163,3 miljoonaa euroa.
Sivumäärä 69