37 resultados para FPA
Elaborar un material y metodología adecuados a la enseñanza de la Lengua y Literatura Castellana en el tercer ciclo de FPA. Analizar las conexiones de todo tipo que pueden encontrarse en el estudio de las lenguas castellana y catalana. Potenciar el papel del maestro de adultos como investigador. Colaborar a dar impulso al proceso de Renovación pedagógica de Cataluña. La muestra esta compuesta por los 374 alumnos de pregraduado y graduado de escuelas de adultos (Pegaso, Clot, Ripollet, Can Puigjaner, Can Deu) escogidas éstas por diversas razones. Se han analizado también los programas de Lengua castellana y catalana de las escuelas de adultos y el libro 'Lengua y Literatura'. Búsqueda de información a partir de entrevistas con otros profesionales y de lecturas bibliográficas. Experimentación en las escuelas de las nuevas sugerencias y propuestas didácticas. Elaboración de un modelo nuevo. Contraste con la práctica. Crítica y valoración sobre la eficacia. Para la comparación con modelos de la enseñanza del catalán se ha seguido el mismo modelo añadiendo a la recogida de información la aplicación de la encuesta. Libros de texto. Entrevistas con profesionales. Encuesta 'ad hoc'. Análisis de contenido y descriptivo de libros y encuestas. En lengua castellana hay que: revisar la didáctica de la lengua y ofrecer pautas renovadoras de utilización del libro, seguir en contacto con los maestros, organizar un seminario-grupo de nuevas experiencias y de creación didáctica abierto a todo el mundo, censar y recoger todo el material audiovisual posible relacionado con la literatura. En lengua catalana se propone hacer, entre otras cosas: programaciones de Catalán, confeccionar materiales adecuados y coordinables, seguir la campaña de catalanización de las escuelas.
Un problema comune agli Ingegneri Gestionali è quello legato alla necessità di dover sempre spiegare in cosa consista veramente il proprio campo di studi. Amici, conoscenti e parenti non dimostrano mai, infatti, familiarità con il termine. Chi scrive è costretto addirittura ad ammettere di avere una madre che, a pochi giorni dalla discussione dalla Tesi Magistrale, continui ad affermare di non aver ancora capito quale lavoro andrà poi a fare il figlio. Medicina, Giurisprudenza ed Economia sono concetti facili da comprendere; “studiare con approccio quantitativo l'organizzazione e i processi produttivi delle imprese costruendo e applicando modelli per la soluzione dei loro problemi” in effetti lo è un po’ meno. Accade così che si debbano quindi aggiungere altri termini, spiegando l’ingegneria gestionale come insieme di altre discipline: produzione, logistica, marketing, economia aziendale, risorse umane, gestione, progetti... Si dà il caso che questo insieme di altre discipline coincida in larga parte con una branca ancora più oscura ai più: l’event management. Questo lavoro di Tesi è incentrato proprio sulla gestione di un evento: gli FPA Worlds 2012, i Mondiali di Frisbee Freestyle 2012 tenutisi a Riccione dal 2 al 5 agosto. L’autore, nell’ambito del suo percorso di Tirocinio, ne è stato l’event manager, ovvero il massimo responsabile e organizzatore, andando a far confluire esperienze, conoscenze e passioni personali con la coronazione degli studi universitari. L’intero progetto lo ha coinvolto dal luglio 2010 al settembre 2012, all’interno di un’azienda riminese con cui già collaborava dal 2009. La Tesi, di carattere prettamente sperimentale, va quindi ad esporre i processi gestionali “nascosti” dietro ad un evento che ha riscosso successo di pubblico e mediatico, affiancando in ognuno dei capitoli tematici modelli teorici e risultati pratici. La vastità di conoscenze, competenze e strumenti utilizzati ha reso quest’esperienza altamente stimolante, così come le numerose sfide che si sono succedute nel difficile percorso per organizzare il miglior Mondiale di Frisbee Freestyle di sempre.
Foram estudados os efeitos da adição de plantas medicinais de princípios cicatrizantes (Centelha asiática, Papaína e Confrei) na ração controle de caracóis terrestres, para se avaliar a interferência destas plantas na composição do muco glicoprotéico. Foram utilizados 80 caracóis terrestres Achatina sp, baseados em um peso homogêneo (49 e 40 g e idade média de 10 e 19 meses para Achatina fulica e Achatina monochromatica, respectivamente). Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em oito grupos experimentais: controle Achatina fulica (FC) e Achatina monochromatica (MC), centelha asiática Achatina fulica (FCe) e Achatina monochromatica (MCe), papaína Achatina fulica (FPa) e Achatina monochromatica (MPa) e confrei Achatina fulica (FCo) e Achatina monochromatica (MCo). Água e ração foram fornecidos ad libitum. Ao final de 150 dias de tratamento, os animais foram submetidos à técnica de extração do muco glicoprotéico, por meio do estímulo manual da glândula podal, responsável pela secreção deste muco. Esta metodologia considerou o bem-estar dos animais, uma vez que os mesmos não foram sacrificados e retornaram ao seu sistema de criação. Os mucos foram analisados por meio de testes colorimétricos e espectroscópicos, que constataram alterações semelhantes, porém apresentaram variação significativa em sua composição glicoprotéica.
The lightest supersymmetric particle may decay with branching ratios that correlate with neutrino oscillation parameters. In this case the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has the potential to probe the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle with sensitivity competitive to its low-energy determination by underground experiments. Under realistic detection assumptions, we identify the necessary conditions for the experiments at CERN's LHC to probe the simplest scenario for neutrino masses induced by minimal supergravity with bilinear R parity violation.
Phenolic compounds are found in seaweed species together with other Substances presenting antioxidant activity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the free phenolic acids (FPA) fraction from the seaweed Halimeda monile, and its activity to protect the expression of hepatic enzymes in rats, under experimental CCI(4) injury. The antioxidant activity was measured by the DPPH method. The FPA fraction (80 mg/kg, p.o.) was administered during 20 consecutive days to rats. The peroxidation was performed by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). The SOD and CAT enzymatic expressions were measured by RT/PCR. The histology technique was used to evaluate liver injuries. The expression of both, CAT and SOD genes, was more preserved by FPA. Only partial injury could be observed by histology in the liver of rats receiving FPA as compared with the control group; and CCI(4) administration induced 60% more peroxidation as compared with the rats receiving FPA. These data suggest that FPA could modulate the antioxidant enzymes and oxidative status in the liver through protection against adverse effects induced by chemical agents.
OBJECTIVE- To determine whether obesity increases platelet reactivity and thrombin activity in patients with type 2 diabetes plus stable coronary artery disease. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS- We assessed platelet reactivity and markers of thrombin generation and activity in 193 patients from nine clinical sites of the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D). Blood taken at the time of enrollment was used for assay of the concentration of prothrombin fragment 1.2 (PT1.2, released when prothrombin is activated) and fibrinopeptide A (FPA, released when fibrinogen is cleaved). Platelet activation was identified with the use of flow cytometry in response to 0, 0.2, and 1 mu mol/l adenosine diphosphate (ADP). RESULTS- Concentrations of FPA, PT1.2, and platelet activation in the absence of agonist were low. Greater BMI was associated with higher platelet reactivity in response to 1 mu m ADP as assessed by surface expression of P-selectin (r = 0.29, P < 0.0001) but not reflected by the binding of fibrinogen to activated glycoprotein IIb-IIIa. BMI was not associated with concentrations of FPA or PT1.2. Platelet reactivity correlated negatively with A1C (P < 0.04), was not related to the concentration Of triglycerides in blood, and did not correlate with the concentration of C-reactive peptide. CONCLUSIONS- Among patients enrolled in this substudy of BARI 2D, a greater BMI was associated with higher platelet reactivity at the time of enrollment. Our results suggest that obesity and insulin resistance that accompanies obesity may influence platelet reactivity in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Os ??rg??os da Administra????o P??blica Federal (APF) ter??o maior ??xito no alcance de seus objetivos estrat??gicos, investindo na implanta????o de um modelo de gest??o estrat??gica, adaptado para o ambiente de governo, mantendo o alinhamento estrat??gico com os ??rg??os normativos e de controle. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um modelo de gest??o estrat??gica, adaptado a partir das perspectivas do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) desenvolvido pelos professores da Harvard Business School, Robert Kaplan e David Norton, em 1992, para ser utilizado pelos ??rg??os da APF; tal modelo mant??m um alinhamento estrat??gico organizacional com as recomenda????es do Tribunal de Contas da Uni??o (TCU). O modelo ir?? permitir a gest??o estrat??gica a partir da identifica????o dos objetivos estrat??gicos, metas, indicadores e a????es referentes ??s perspectivas do Balanced Scorecard, o que permitir?? o equil??brio entre os indicadores de efici??ncia no acompanhamento das metas de cada ??rg??o da APF, colaborando para uma gest??o estrat??gica integrada, que venha a modernizar a gest??o p??blica, agilizando as tomadas de decis??es e a troca de informa????es.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Geológica
Age, growth and reproductive biology were investigated for whiting (Merlangius merlangus) captured from the Celtic Sea (ICES division Vllg), for the period January 2001 to January 2002. Females dominated the sex ratio of 1: 2.25. The relative abundance of females exceeded the number of males in all length classes. The relationship between weight (g) and total length (cm) was the same for male and female whiting. A total of 973 fish were aged and the maximum age recorded was 11 years. Results from an intercalibration exercise showed 87% agreement in age readings between the author and an expert in ageing whiting at the Marine Institute. Females were dominated by 2 year olds, while males were dominated by 3 year olds. Lx was estimated as 38cm and a growth rate was calculated K = 0.3769 year'1. Females were fully recruited to the fishery at 3 years of age, while the age at full recruitment (tr) for males was 4 years. Female whiting spawned from late February to June 2001 and matured at a total length of 23 cm in their first year. Female whiting reached L5o at a total length of 28 cm and 2.7 years of age. Male whiting spawned from February to June 2001. They matured at a total length of 21 cm and in their first year. Male whiting reached L50 at a total length of 30.4 cm and 3.6 years of age. The following critical points should be taken into account in the management of the Celtic Sea whiting stock: An Fpa should be established in order to assess the current level of fishing mortality; The maturity ogives need further study; The extent of gutting of large fish before landing by fishers in the fleet should be investigated and the apparent decline in size of 4 - 7 year old fish in the Celtic Sea between 1996 and 2001 needs to be assessed.
The latest series of sexual health factsheets, produced by Sexual Health Information, a partnership between FPA in Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency, provide updated information and statistics on a wide range of sexual health matters. Each factsheet presents key facts, relevant data, and user-friendly examples to support the advice given. Where appropriate, the factsheets also include details of recommended additional resources.
The latest series of sexual health factsheets, produced by Sexual Health Information, a partnership between FPA in Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency, provide updated information and statistics on a wide range of sexual health matters. Each factsheet presents key facts, relevant data, and user-friendly examples to support the advice given. Where appropriate, the factsheets also include details of recommended additional resources.
Software engineering is criticized as not being engineering or 'well-developed' science at all. Software engineers seem not to know exactly how long their projects will last, what they will cost, and will the software work properly after release. Measurements have to be taken in software projects to improve this situation. It is of limited use to only collect metrics afterwards. The values of the relevant metrics have to be predicted, too. The predictions (i.e. estimates) form the basis for proper project management. One of the most painful problems in software projects is effort estimation. It has a clear and central effect on other project attributes like cost and schedule, and to product attributes like size and quality. Effort estimation can be used for several purposes. In this thesis only the effort estimation in software projects for project management purposes is discussed. There is a short introduction to the measurement issues, and some metrics relevantin estimation context are presented. Effort estimation methods are covered quite broadly. The main new contribution in this thesis is the new estimation model that has been created. It takes use of the basic concepts of Function Point Analysis, but avoids the problems and pitfalls found in the method. It is relativelyeasy to use and learn. Effort estimation accuracy has significantly improved after taking this model into use. A major innovation related to the new estimationmodel is the identified need for hierarchical software size measurement. The author of this thesis has developed a three level solution for the estimation model. All currently used size metrics are static in nature, but this new proposed metric is dynamic. It takes use of the increased understanding of the nature of the work as specification and design work proceeds. It thus 'grows up' along with software projects. The effort estimation model development is not possible without gathering and analyzing history data. However, there are many problems with data in software engineering. A major roadblock is the amount and quality of data available. This thesis shows some useful techniques that have been successful in gathering and analyzing the data needed. An estimation process is needed to ensure that methods are used in a proper way, estimates are stored, reported and analyzed properly, and they are used for project management activities. A higher mechanism called measurement framework is also introduced shortly. The purpose of the framework is to define and maintain a measurement or estimationprocess. Without a proper framework, the estimation capability of an organization declines. It requires effort even to maintain an achieved level of estimationaccuracy. Estimation results in several successive releases are analyzed. It isclearly seen that the new estimation model works and the estimation improvementactions have been successful. The calibration of the hierarchical model is a critical activity. An example is shown to shed more light on the calibration and the model itself. There are also remarks about the sensitivity of the model. Finally, an example of usage is shown.
O estudo morfoanatômico de plântulas é importante para a identificação das espécies e para a compreensão do ciclo de vida das Angiospermae. Entretanto, trabalhos sobre o tema são raros. O objetivo dessa investigação é analisar a estrutura morfoanatômica de plântulas e tirodendros de Rollinia sylvatica (A. St.-Hil.) Mart, espécie nativa da região sul do Brasil.As sementes foram coletadas no Município de Antonina-PR e germinadas em casa de vegetação. As plântulas e tirodendros foram coletados com 2, 4, 8, 18, 40 e 55 dias após a germinação e fixados em FPA 50. As plântulas são fanerocotiledonares e epígeas. A raiz é pivotante e diarca. O hipocótilo tem estrutura de transição entre raiz e caule, com separação e afastamento das células do xilema primário, que passam a se dispor ao redor da medula parenquimática; o floema permanece indiviso. No início do epicótilo formam-se dois feixes vasculares tipicamente caulinares. No tirodendro de 55 dias o crescimento secundário é evidente na região basal da raiz, hipocótilo e epicótilo. Os cotilédones, eofilos e metafilos apresentam epiderme unisseriada em ambas as faces. Os cotilédones são anfi-hipoestomáticos e os eofilos e metafilos são hipoestomáticos, todos com mesofilo dorsiventral. A nervura central é não proeminente com um feixe no cotilédone e proeminente com cinco feixes colaterais no eofilo e sete no metafilo. O pecíolo tem formato diferente nas três folhas, com colênquima subepidérmico e dois feixes vasculares colaterais no cotilédone e dez no eofilo e metafilo.